The US Committee on the Marine Transportation System (CMTS) serves as a Federal interagency maritime policy coordinating committee for the purpose of assessing the adequacy of the marine transportation system (MTS), promoting the integration of the MTS with other modes and other uses of the marine environment, and coordinating the Federal MTS-related agencies with regard to policies that impact the MTS. The CMTS was established by the President’s Ocean Action Plan of 2004, chartered in July 2005, and authorized in statute in December 2012. [Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Act (2012), (PL 112-213), (46 U.S.C.A. § 55501)]. For more information, visit the CMTS website: Bookmark this collection: or
- Letter 1
- Manual 3
- Memorandum 2
- Organization Info 3
- Other 21
- Policy Statement 5
- Proceedings 5
- Research Paper 6
- Tech Report 33
- Azzara, Alyson J. 1
- Brown, Manson K 1
- Buzby, Mark H 1
- Chambers, Matthew 1
- Dijoseph, Patricia 1
- Gallaudet, Tim 2
- Graham, MG William “Butch” 1
- Horst, Ronald 1
- Hsieh, Jonathan 1
- Kress, Marin 1
- LeBoeuf, Nicole 1
- Lessley, Lucinda 1
- Lillycrop, Jeff 1
- Mitchell, Kenneth Ned 1
- Obama, Barack 1
- Rainey, J. Scott 1
- Rutherford, Daniel 1
- Spellmon, Scott A 1
- Timme, Richard 1
- Touzinsky, Katherine 1
- Wang, Haifeng 1
- EnviCom Task Group 3 1
- Inforum. University of Maryland 1
- International Council on Clean Transportation 1
- Maritime Transportation System National Advisory Council 1
- National Research Council (U.S.). Transportation Research Board 2
- Ocean Science and Technology Subcommittee and Ocean Policy Committee 1
- The Lone Star Harbor Safety Committee 1
- The South Texas Waterways Advisory Committee 1
- U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center 1
- United States. Army Corps of Engineers 1
- United States. Army Corps of Engineers. Coordinating Board Chair 2
- United States. Committee on the Marine Transportation System (CMTS) 39
- United States. Committee on the Marine Transportation System (CMTS). Arctic Marine Transportation Integrated Action Team 4
- United States. Committee on the Marine Transportation System (CMTS). Coordinating Board 2
- United States. Committee on the Marine Transportation System (CMTS). Resilience Integrated Action Team (RIAT) 3
- United States. Committee on the Marine Transportation System (CMTS). Supply Chain and Infrastructure Integrated Action Team 4
- United States. Committee on the Maritime Transportation System 2
- United States. Department of Transportation. Bureau of Transportation Statistics 1
- United States. Department of Transportation. Committee on the Marine Transportation System 9
- United States. Department of Transportation. Maritime Administration 2
- United States. Executive Office of the President 1
- United States. Federal Maritime Commission 1
- United States. Government Accountability Office 2
- United States. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 2
- United States. Office of Management and Budget 1
- United States. White House 2
- United States. White House Council on Environmental Quality 1
- United States. White House Council on Environmental Quality. The Committee on Ocean Policy 1
- United States Committee on the Marine Transportation System. Infrastructure Investment Integrated Action Team 1
- World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure (PIANC) 1
- Council on Environmental Quality (U.S.) 2
- International Council on Clean Transportation 1
- National Research Council (U.S.). Transportation Research Board 2
- Ocean Science and Technology Subcommittee and Ocean Policy Committee 1
- PIANC General Secretariat 1
- United States. Army Corps of Engineers 2
- United States. Committee on the Marine Transportation System (CMTS) 59
- United States. Department of Transportation 4
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Committee on the Marine Transportation System 4
- United States. Executive Office of the President 1
- United States. Government Accountability Office 2
- United States. Office of Management and Budget 1
- United States. White House 2
- Administration 1
- Administration and Management 1
- Advisory groups 1
- Annual reports 12
- Approach 1
- Arctic sea ice 8
- Artic transportation 19
- Assessments 1
- Automation 1
- Autonomous system 1
- Autonomous vehicles 1
- Best practices 3
- Channels (Waterways) 1
- Climate change 9
- CMTS 36
- Coastal engineering 2
- Coastal zone management 2
- Coasts 2
- Committees 1
- Communities 2
- Computer security 1
- Conferences 4
- Congressional hearings 1
- Cooperation 2
- Coordination 1
- Costs 1
- COVID-19 2
- Data analysis 2
- Data collection 2
- Data models 1
- Decision making 2
- Decision support systems 3
- Development 1
- Directories 3
- Disaster preparedness 1
- Disaster resilience 5
- Economic analysis 1
- Economic growth 1
- Economic policy 1
- Electronic navigation 2
- Emergencies 1
- Emergency management 1
- Environment 1
- environment 1
- Environmental impacts 2
- Environmental justice 1
- Environmental monitoring 1
- Environmental policy 1
- Environmental protection 2
- Environmental quality 1
- Equity (Justice) 3
- Evaluation and assessment 6
- Explosives 1
- Federal aid 3
- Federal government agencies 6
- Finance 1
- Financing 2
- Forecasting 2
- Framework (Planning) 1
- Freight and passenger traffic 3
- Freight traffic 1
- Freight transportation 2
- Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) 1
- Government funding 7
- Governments 1
- Handbooks 5
- Harbors 1
- harbors 1
- Hazards 1
- Health 2
- Highways 2
- Hurricane Delta 1
- Hurricane Laura 1
- Hurricanes 4
- Hurricane Sally 1
- Impacts 1
- Implementation 1
- Improvements 1
- Infrastructure 10
- Inland water transportation 2
- Inland waterways 2
- Inland waterways traffic 1
- Innovation 1
- Intermodal facilities 1
- intermodalism 1
- Intermodal transportation 2
- Internet 1
- Inventory 1
- Labor force 1
- Lessons learned 2
- Management 4
- Mapping 2
- Marine safety 5
- Marine terminals 1
- Marine transit 23
- Marine transportation 22
- Marine Transportation 2
- Marine transportation system 1
- marine transportation system 1
- Maritime industry 9
- Maritime safety 1
- Mental disorders 1
- Merchant fleet operation 1
- Merchant marine 2
- Merchant seamen 1
- Military personnel 1
- Military vessels 1
- MTS 1
- Multimodal transportation 2
- Native Americans 1
- Navigation 5
- Navigational aids 1
- Navigation systems 1
- NSAR 8
- Occupational safety 1
- Ocean development 2
- Oceans 5
- Offshore structures 1
- Operations 1
- Operations research 1
- Optimization 1
- Performance 2
- Performance measurement 15
- Plan implementation 5
- Planning 4
- Policy 8
- Pollution 1
- Port capacity 1
- Port operations 1
- Ports 6
- ports 1
- Port traffic 1
- Project management 1
- Public administration 1
- Public private partnerships 1
- Public service 1
- Rail (Railroads) 2
- Recommendations 10
- Recruiting 1
- Regulations 1
- Reports 2
- Representation 1
- Research 2
- Risk assessment 1
- Risk management 1
- S-100 Universal Hydrographic Data Model 1
- Safety 2
- safety 1
- Safety factors 1
- Satellite navigation systems 1
- Sea ice 8
- Seas 1
- Security 3
- Security and Emergencies 1
- Ship navigational aids 1
- Ship pilotage 1
- Shipping 4
- Ships 16
- Social diversity 2
- Social inclusion 2
- Stakeholders 1
- Standards 1
- State departments of transportation 1
- State government agencies 1
- Strategic planning 18
- Supply chain management 3
- Sustainable development 3
- Sustainable transportation 1
- Systems analysis 1
- Tables (Data) 1
- Technological innovations 1
- The Arctic 8
- Trade 3
- Traffic flow 2
- Training 1
- Transportation 3
- Transportation, hydraulic and utility facilities 1
- Transportation infrastructure 1
- Transportation planning 2
- Transportation policy 1
- Transportation safety 2
- U.S. National Strategy for the Artic Region 8
- Vessel operations 16
- Vessel traffic control 1
- Waterfronts 1
- Water pollution 1
- Water quality management 1
- Water traffic 1
- Water transportation 57
- Waterways 6
- waterways 1
- Weapons 1
- Weather conditions 1
- Zoning 2
- 64699 1
- ERDC/CHL TR-16-8 1
- GAO-14-299 1
- GAO-20-460 1
- Azzara, Alyson J. (1)
- Brown, Manson K (1)
- Buzby, Mark H (1)
- Chambers, Matthew (1)
- Dijoseph, Patricia (1)
- Gallaudet, Tim (2)
- Graham, MG William “Butch” (1)
- Horst, Ronald (1)
- Hsieh, Jonathan (1)
- Kress, Marin (1)
- LeBoeuf, Nicole (1)
- Lessley, Lucinda (1)
- Lillycrop, Jeff (1)
- Mitchell, Kenneth Ned (1)
- Obama, Barack (1)
- Rainey, J. Scott (1)
- Rutherford, Daniel (1)
- Spellmon, Scott A (1)
- Timme, Richard (1)
- Touzinsky, Katherine (1)
- Wang, Haifeng (1)
- EnviCom Task Group 3 (1)
- Inforum. University of Maryland (1)
- International Council on Clean Transportation (1)
- Maritime Transportation System National Advisory Council (1)
- National Research Council (U.S.). Transportation Research Board (2)
- Ocean Science and Technology Subcommittee and Ocean Policy Committee (1)
- The Lone Star Harbor Safety Committee (1)
- The South Texas Waterways Advisory Committee (1)
- U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (1)
- United States. Army Corps of Engineers (1)
- United States. Army Corps of Engineers. Coordinating Board Chair (2)
- United States. Committee on the Marine Transportation System (CMTS) (39)
- United States. Committee on the Marine Transportation System (CMTS). Arctic Marine Transportation Integrated Action Team (4)
- United States. Committee on the Marine Transportation System (CMTS). Coordinating Board (2)
- United States. Committee on the Marine Transportation System (CMTS). Resilience Integrated Action Team (RIAT) (3)
- United States. Committee on the Marine Transportation System (CMTS). Supply Chain and Infrastructure Integrated Action Team (4)
- United States. Committee on the Maritime Transportation System (2)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Bureau of Transportation Statistics (1)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Committee on the Marine Transportation System (9)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Maritime Administration (2)
- United States. Executive Office of the President (1)
- United States. Federal Maritime Commission (1)
- United States. Government Accountability Office (2)
- United States. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (2)
- United States. Office of Management and Budget (1)
- United States. White House (2)
- United States. White House Council on Environmental Quality (1)
- United States. White House Council on Environmental Quality. The Committee on Ocean Policy (1)
- United States Committee on the Marine Transportation System. Infrastructure Investment Integrated Action Team (1)
- World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure (PIANC) (1)
- Council on Environmental Quality (U.S.) (2)
- International Council on Clean Transportation (1)
- National Research Council (U.S.). Transportation Research Board (2)
- Ocean Science and Technology Subcommittee and Ocean Policy Committee (1)
- PIANC General Secretariat (1)
- United States. Army Corps of Engineers (2)
- United States. Committee on the Marine Transportation System (CMTS) (59)
- United States. Department of Transportation (4)
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Committee on the Marine Transportation System (4)
- United States. Executive Office of the President (1)
- United States. Government Accountability Office (2)
- United States. Office of Management and Budget (1)
- United States. White House (2)
- Administration (1)
- Administration and Management (1)
- Advisory groups (1)
- Annual reports (12)
- Approach (1)
- Arctic sea ice (8)
- Artic transportation (19)
- Assessments (1)
- Automation (1)
- Autonomous system (1)
- Autonomous vehicles (1)
- Best practices (3)
- Channels (Waterways) (1)
- Climate change (9)
- CMTS (36)
- Coastal engineering (2)
- Coastal zone management (2)
- Coasts (2)
- Committees (1)
- Communities (2)
- Computer security (1)
- Conferences (4)
- Congressional hearings (1)
- Cooperation (2)
- Coordination (1)
- Costs (1)
- COVID-19 (2)
- Data analysis (2)
- Data collection (2)
- Data models (1)
- Decision making (2)
- Decision support systems (3)
- Development (1)
- Directories (3)
- Disaster preparedness (1)
- Disaster resilience (5)
- Economic analysis (1)
- Economic growth (1)
- Economic policy (1)
- Electronic navigation (2)
- Emergencies (1)
- Emergency management (1)
- Environment (1)
- environment (1)
- Environmental impacts (2)
- Environmental justice (1)
- Environmental monitoring (1)
- Environmental policy (1)
- Environmental protection (2)
- Environmental quality (1)
- Equity (Justice) (3)
- Evaluation and assessment (6)
- Explosives (1)
- Federal aid (3)
- Federal government agencies (6)
- Finance (1)
- Financing (2)
- Forecasting (2)
- Framework (Planning) (1)
- Freight and passenger traffic (3)
- Freight traffic (1)
- Freight transportation (2)
- Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) (1)
- Government funding (7)
- Governments (1)
- Handbooks (5)
- Harbors (1)
- harbors (1)
- Hazards (1)
- Health (2)
- Highways (2)
- Hurricane Delta (1)
- Hurricane Laura (1)
- Hurricanes (4)
- Hurricane Sally (1)
- Impacts (1)
- Implementation (1)
- Improvements (1)
- Infrastructure (10)
- Inland water transportation (2)
- Inland waterways (2)
- Inland waterways traffic (1)
- Innovation (1)
- Intermodal facilities (1)
- intermodalism (1)
- Intermodal transportation (2)
- Internet (1)
- Inventory (1)
- Labor force (1)
- Lessons learned (2)
- Management (4)
- Mapping (2)
- Marine safety (5)
- Marine terminals (1)
- Marine transit (23)
- Marine transportation (22)
- Marine Transportation (2)
- Marine transportation system (1)
- marine transportation system (1)
- Maritime industry (9)
- Maritime safety (1)
- Mental disorders (1)
- Merchant fleet operation (1)
- Merchant marine (2)
- Merchant seamen (1)
- Military personnel (1)
- Military vessels (1)
- MTS (1)
- Multimodal transportation (2)
- Native Americans (1)
- Navigation (5)
- Navigational aids (1)
- Navigation systems (1)
- NSAR (8)
- Occupational safety (1)
- Ocean development (2)
- Oceans (5)
- Offshore structures (1)
- Operations (1)
- Operations research (1)
- Optimization (1)
- Performance (2)
- Performance measurement (15)
- Plan implementation (5)
- Planning (4)
- Policy (8)
- Pollution (1)
- Port capacity (1)
- Port operations (1)
- Ports (6)
- ports (1)
- Port traffic (1)
- Project management (1)
- Public administration (1)
- Public private partnerships (1)
- Public service (1)
- Rail (Railroads) (2)
- Recommendations (10)
- Recruiting (1)
- Regulations (1)
- Reports (2)
- Representation (1)
- Research (2)
- Risk assessment (1)
- Risk management (1)
- S-100 Universal Hydrographic Data Model (1)
- Safety (2)
- safety (1)
- Safety factors (1)
- Satellite navigation systems (1)
- Sea ice (8)
- Seas (1)
- Security (3)
- Security and Emergencies (1)
- Ship navigational aids (1)
- Ship pilotage (1)
- Shipping (4)
- Ships (16)
- Social diversity (2)
- Social inclusion (2)
- Stakeholders (1)
- Standards (1)
- State departments of transportation (1)
- State government agencies (1)
- Strategic planning (18)
- Supply chain management (3)
- Sustainable development (3)
- Sustainable transportation (1)
- Systems analysis (1)
- Tables (Data) (1)
- Technological innovations (1)
- The Arctic (8)
- Trade (3)
- Traffic flow (2)
- Training (1)
- Transportation (3)
- Transportation, hydraulic and utility facilities (1)
- Transportation infrastructure (1)
- Transportation planning (2)
- Transportation policy (1)
- Transportation safety (2)
- U.S. National Strategy for the Artic Region (8)
- Vessel operations (16)
- Vessel traffic control (1)
- Waterfronts (1)
- Water pollution (1)
- Water quality management (1)
- Water traffic (1)
- Water transportation (57)
- Waterways (6)
- waterways (1)
- Weapons (1)
- Weather conditions (1)
- Zoning (2)
- :United States. Department of Transportation. Committee on the Marine Transportation System2025-03-11Abstract:The U.S. Committee on the Marine Transportation System (CMTS) is a Federal maritime policy coordinating committee. The purpose of the CMTS is to creat...
- :United States. Committee on the Marine Transportation System (CMTS). Resilience Integrated Action Team (RIAT)2025-03-01Abstract:This summary report outlines a Request for Information (RFI) in the Federal Register, submitted by the CMTS, seeking information from public and priva...
- :United States. Department of Transportation. Committee on the Marine Transportation System2024-10-22Abstract:The CMTS Supply Chain and Infrastructure Integrated Action Team hosted a supply chain disruption tabletop in October 2024. The purpose of this exercis...
- :United States. Committee on the Marine Transportation System (CMTS). Supply Chain and Infrastructure Integrated Action Team2024-03-01Abstract:The Sixth Edition of the Handbook provides a compilation of 95 current and 20 archived federal funding programs related to MTS infrastructure. These p...
- :United States. Committee on the Marine Transportation System (CMTS)2023-12-01Abstract:The U.S. Committee on the Marine Transportation System (CMTS) in partnership with the Transportation Research Board (TRB) held the Seventh Biennial Co...
- :United States. Committee on the Marine Transportation System (CMTS). Supply Chain and Infrastructure Integrated Action Team2023-09-20Abstract:The CMTS Supply Chain and Infrastructure Integrated Action Team hosted a policy tabletop in September 2023. The purpose of this policy tabletop exerci...
- :United States. Committee on the Marine Transportation System (CMTS)2023-03-01Abstract:The 2023-2028 National Strategy for the Marine Transportation System: Cultivating a Resilient and Sustainable Blue Economy (2023 Strategy) was develop...
- :United States. Department of Transportation. Committee on the Marine Transportation System2022-11-01Abstract:The CMTS has updated the directory of MTS-related Federal Advisory Committees. Advisory committees are a way of ensuring public and expert involvement...
- :United States. Department of Transportation. Committee on the Marine Transportation System2022-03-28Abstract:The MTS Assessment report was a requirement in the CMTS 2012 authorizing legislation and replaces the multiagency report issued through the U.S. Depar...
- :United States. Committee on the Marine Transportation System (CMTS). Coordinating Board2022-03-23Abstract:The following environmental justice (EJ) policy statement was adopted by the CMTS Coordinating Board at their March 23, 2022 meeting. The statement wa...
- :United States. Committee on the Marine Transportation System (CMTS). Coordinating Board2022-03-22Abstract:This amended resolution reiterates CMTS support of the International Hydrographic Organization's S-100 Universal Hydrographic Data Model as its prefer...
- :United States. Committee on the Marine Transportation System (CMTS). Arctic Marine Transportation Integrated Action Team2022-03-01Abstract:The U.S. Arctic Marine Transportation System Infrastructure Risk Resource Compendium is a list of literature related to the identification, analysis a...
- :United States. Committee on the Marine Transportation System (CMTS). Supply Chain and Infrastructure Integrated Action Team2022-03-01Abstract:The 2022 MTS Federal Funding Handbook provides a compilation of 77 current and 22 previous federal funding programs related to MTS infrastructure. The...
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