Volpe Center
This collection contains more than 5,000 publications from the USDOT's Volpe Center Technical Reference Center, the knowledge repository of all Volpe Center staff-authored reports, journal articles, conference papers, and presentations. Housing more than 50 years of transportation research, Volpe Center’s Technical Reference Center actively engages in information support and research for transportation researchers both within and outside of the Volpe Center. More information on Volpe Center’s Technical Reference Center is available at https://www.volpe.dot.gov/library/about-library. Bookmark this page: https://rosap.ntl.bts.gov/collection_pa_dmp or https://doi.org/10.21949/1530858.
- 2025 4
- 2024 25
- 2023 26
- 2022 34
- 2021 49
- 2020 77
- 2019 98
- 2018 93
- 2017 110
- 2016 113
- 2015 117
- 2014 121
- 2013 94
- 2012 108
- 2011 140
- 2010 100
- 2009 100
- 2008 75
- 2007 82
- 2006 77
- 2005 72
- 2004 93
- 2003 100
- 2002 75
- 2001 79
- 2000 89
- 1999 85
- 1998 59
- 1997 78
- 1996 82
- 1995 96
- 1994 80
- 1993 93
- 1992 54
- 1991 39
- 1990 36
- 1989 38
- 1988 52
- 1987 51
- 1986 44
- 1985 78
- 1984 85
- 1983 103
- 1982 119
- 1981 178
- 1980 178
- 1979 191
- 1978 218
- 1977 189
- 1976 157
- 1975 159
- 1974 150
- 1973 119
- 1972 79
- 1971 108
- 1970 3
- Bibliography 10
- Booklet/Pamphlet 18
- Brief 22
- Dataset 4
- In Book 3
- In Proceedings 26
- Journal 20
- Journal Article 18
- Manual 75
- Manuscript 1
- Map 1
- Memorandum 9
- Organization Info 6
- Other 19
- Policy Statement 3
- Presentations 80
- Press Release 4
- Proceedings 404
- Research Paper 397
- Statistical Report 95
- Tech Report 3934
- Thesis 3
- Abernethy, C. N. 6
- Abernethy, Charles N., III 7
- Abramson, P. 8
- Aftandilian, Eric 5
- Ahearn, Meghan 5
- Anderson, David L. 5
- Anderson, R. L. 9
- Andrew, James 10
- Arthur, David 8
- Attioui, Fouad 5
- Augustine, Stephen 6
- Azeredo, Philip 7
- Baas, Jessica 13
- Badgley, Jonathan 5
- Baker, Gary 16
- Balasubramanian, Sathya N. 8
- Barami, Bahar 11
- Baron, William 7
- Baron, William R. 6
- Barrington, Alfred E. 5
- Barrows, Timothy M. 6
- Bartak, Jaimye 5
- Bartinique, Ingrid 7
- Barzach, Michael 5
- Beattie, Kristy R. 6
- Becker, Christopher 14
- Bell, Ellen 10
- Bellantoni, Juan F. 18
- Bellman, Miles 5
- Benjamin, Peter 9
- Berg, Ian 8
- Bernal, Jose 5
- Berthaume, Andrew 8
- Berthaume, Angela 6
- Biernbaum, Lee 12
- Bing, Alan J. 6
- Bisch, Alison 5
- Bishop, G. 6
- Biton, Anna 17
- Blanchard, Roger 5
- Bland, R. G. 5
- Bland, Tyrone L. 6
- Bobo, Stephen N. 10
- Boeker, Eric 19
- Boeker, Eric R. 15
- Borener, Sherry 5
- Bradley, Kathleen 10
- Bransfield, Stephen 5
- Brashears, M. R. 14
- Brecher, Aviva 19
- Breck, Andrew 19
- Brewer, John 19
- Broderick, Anthony J. 5
- Brodesky, Robert 12
- Broek, D. 6
- Brown, W. E. 7
- Bryan, Jeffrey R. 10
- Bucci, Gregory 12
- Buck, Richard E. 8
- Burger, Charlotte 7
- Burki-Cohen, Judith S. 32
- Burkman, Eric 9
- Burnham, D. C. 21
- Burnham, David C. 25
- Burstein, Joseph 5
- Byron, George 5
- Calley, Chris 6
- Cardellichio, Peter A. 5
- Cardon, S. Z. 6
- Cardosi, K. M. 13
- Cardosi, Kim 20
- Cardosi, Kim M 6
- Carolan, Michael 25
- Carolan, Michael E. 22
- Carroll, Anya A. 12
- Casey, Robert F. 26
- Casey, William 5
- Chachich, Alan 5
- Chajka-Cadin, Lora 11
- Chamberlain, T. W. 8
- Chandra, Divya 14
- Chandra, Divya C 31
- Chase, Stephanie 12
- Chase, Stephanie G. 11
- Chernicoff, William P. 6
- Chiarenza, Jonah 7
- Chin, G. 9
- Chupp, William 7
- Clark, Kevin L. 6
- Clark, Michael 9
- Clark, S. K. 6
- Clarke, Randy 5
- Cohen, J. W. 8
- Coltman, Michael 12
- Colton, Paige 11
- Condell, Helen M. 5
- Cooper, Coralie 6
- Coplen, Michael 10
- Coplen, Michael K. 12
- Costa, Stephen 5
- Cotton, Ben 7
- Cotton, Benjamin 12
- Crayton, Travis 9
- Cregger, Joshua 12
- Culley, C. 5
- Cumper, Jordan 5
- Curtiss, H. C., Jr. 5
- Cutler, Chris 5
- Cutler, Christopher J. 5
- Daddio, David 20
- Daley, David M. 5
- daSilva, Marco 11
- daSilva, Marco P 7
- da Silva, Marco P. 14
- daSilva, Marco P. 8
- Daskalakis, Anastasios 7
- Deaderick, Lauren 15
- DeBlasio, Allan J. 34
- Devoe, Donald B. 13
- Deysher, Elizabeth 6
- Dietrich, Fred M. 5
- Dinges, Eric 11
- Disario, Robert 13
- Dorer, Robert 6
- Downey, Paul J. 7
- Downs, Robert S. 7
- Drain, Mary Claire 6
- Draper, Julie A. 6
- Duffy, Catherine 8
- Duncombe, Christopher B. 6
- Dyer, Michael 18
- Eberle, W. R. 6
- Eilbert, Andrew 18
- Englisher, Larry S. 6
- Epstein, Alexander K. 10
- Erwin, R. L. 6
- Eshraghi, Shaun 13
- Farr, Edwin H. 7
- Fichter, Katherine S. 8
- Fijalkowski, Jared 16
- Filosa, Gina 23
- Fine, Alisa 16
- Fisher, Frances 9
- Fisher, Frances B. 6
- Fleishman, Daniel 8
- Fleming, G. G. 6
- Fleming, Gregg 10
- Fleming, Gregg G. 81
- Flores, Arthur L. 8
- Flusberg, M. 8
- Forrest, L. 9
- France, Megan 9
- Frazier, Jonathan 12
- Freedman, H. T. 6
- Futcher, Emily 6
- Gabree, Scott 13
- Gabree, Scott H. 12
- Galer, W. H. 6
- Garay-Vega, Lisandra 10
- Gay, Kevin 7
- Gay, William F. 12
- Gelb, Pat M. 8
- Geyer, Michael 9
- Gilbo, Eugene 12
- Gillham, Olivia 13
- Glaze, Mark 6
- Glynn, Russell 6
- Go, Tiauw H. 12
- Gordon, J E 12
- Gordon, Jeff 17
- Gott, Philip G. 8
- Grace, Nathan 12
- Green, Kevin 13
- Green, Michael 7
- Greif, Robert 7
- Gross, Marilyn 7
- Hall, Clifford 7
- Hallock, J. N. 19
- Hallock, James N. 19
- Hansen, Andrew 11
- Harrington, Ryan 6
- Hartnell, D. 6
- Hassol, Joshua 9
- Hastings, Aaron 17
- Hastings, Aaron L. 17
- Hathaway, W. T. 6
- Hathaway, William T. 26
- Heaton, Carla 11
- Hellman, Adrian 7
- Hilborn, Edwin H. 9
- Hiltunen, Danielle 10
- Hinton, M. G. 9
- Hitz, John 6
- Hitz, John S. 10
- Holmstrom, F. Ross 11
- Hopkins, John B. 18
- Horton, Suzanne 8
- Hosmer, Thomas P. 6
- Hoxie, Paul 9
- Huntley, M. Stephen, Jr. 31
- Hurter, Donald A. 13
- Hwang, Sunje 12
- Hyde, David 7
- Iberall, A. S. 6
- Ingrao, Hector C. 11
- Jackson, David 7
- Jackson, David W. 7
- Jackson, Lauren 6
- Jacobs, Leo 6
- Jacobs, William L. 6
- Jacobsen, Karina 32
- Jamison, Earl E. 12
- Jenney, L. 9
- Jeong, D.Y. 12
- Jeong, David Y. 50
- Jo, Young Jin 8
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.) 24
- Johnson, Milton R. 6
- Jordan, L. 9
- Kahn, D. 11
- Kahn, David 8
- Kalafus, Rudolph M. 12
- Kay, Michael 15
- Kendra, Andrew 15
- Ketola, H. Norman 6
- Kim, Brian 25
- King, G. F. 8
- Kish, Andrew 16
- Kittredge, Danielle 8
- Kodis, Ralph D. 10
- Koehler, Don E. 23
- Koffman, David 6
- Koopmann, Jonathan 24
- Koziol, J. S. 10
- Koziol, Joseph S., Jr. 6
- Lam, Andy 9
- Lapedes, D. E. 6
- Lappin, Jane 9
- Lappin, Jane E. 17
- Lau, Michael C 10
- Laube, Melissa M. 9
- Lave, Roy E. 8
- Lee, Cynthia 30
- Lee, Cynthia S. Y. 22
- Lee, Douglass B. 14
- Lennertz, Tracy 20
- Lewis, Kristin 13
- Lian, F. Scott 9
- Lian, Scott 8
- Linthicum, Alex 20
- Litant, Irving 8
- Llana, Patricia 26
- Locke, Maryalice 6
- Longridge, Thomas 8
- Loxley, Colin J. 7
- Lucivero, Anthony 9
- Luna, Joseph 6
- Lyons, William 28
- Lyons, William M. 7
- MacDonald, John 27
- Macfarlane, Kate 6
- Machek, Elizabeth 19
- Machek, Elizabeth C. 8
- Mackenzie, Franklin D. 7
- Mackey, Stephen 6
- Magro, W. R. 7
- Maio, Domenic J. 6
- Majeed, Mohammed 6
- Malwitz, Andrew 10
- Mannheim, Daniel 6
- Markiewicz, Alexandra 10
- Markos, Stephanie H. 13
- Marquis, Brian 9
- Marquis, Brian P. 7
- Marshall, W. F. 39
- Martinez, Eloy 14
- Mateyka, J. A. 7
- Mauri, Ronald 7
- Mayville, Ronald 7
- Mayville, Ronald A. 9
- McBrien, Rachel Strauss 6
- McCabe, Lawrence J. 6
- McCoy, Kevin 23
- McDonough, Thomas F. 6
- McGovern, Seamus M. 7
- McKeighan, Peter C 7
- McNally, Alexandra 12
- Mejias, Luis 11
- Melnik, Gina 8
- Meltzer, Neil R. 8
- Mengert, Peter 36
- Menhard, H. R. 8
- Mergel, Joseph 10
- Merrefield, Clark 15
- Mertes, F. 11
- Mickela, Barry 6
- Middleton, Scott 6
- Minnice, Paul 7
- Misner, J. 6
- Mittelman, Anjuliee 7
- Morin, S 6
- Morin, S. 10
- Morse, Lindsey 14
- Morton, Tom 6
- Muhlanger, Michelle 9
- Multer, J 10
- Multer, Jordan 39
- Nadler, Eric 16
- Najm, Wassim 20
- Najm, Wassim G 14
- Najm, Wassim G. 14
- Nash, Logan 14
- Nasser, Ahmad 7
- Neat, George W. 14
- Newman, J. Steven 11
- Ngamdung, Tashi 17
- Nodine, Emily 8
- Noel, George 26
- Noel, George J. 15
- Oberg, Alexander 7
- Omoth, M. J. 6
- Oren, Raymond 8
- Orringer, O. 8
- Orringer, Oscar 6
- Pace, David 10
- Page, Juliet A. 14
- Pantano, P. 6
- Parent, Daniel 8
- Patel, Rahi 6
- Pearlson, Matthew N. 8
- Peckett, Haley 17
- Peirce, Sean 30
- Perlman, A. B. 11
- Perlman, A.B. 7
- Perlman, A. Benjamin 36
- Perlman, Benjamin 30
- Perlman, David 9
- Petrella, Margaret 24
- Phillips, Robert O. 6
- Pickrell, Don 12
- Pickrell, Don H. 6
- Plosky, Eric 22
- Plovnick, Amy 6
- Poe, Carson 31
- Pollard, John K. 23
- Prause, Robert H. 7
- Prerau, David S. 9
- Priante, Michelle 6
- Puckett, Sean 8
- Quinn, R W 6
- Quinton, Drew 8
- Radin, Sari 13
- Rainville, Lydia 10
- Raj, Phani K. 7
- Rakoczy, Przemyslaw 8
- Rakoff, Hannah 8
- Rancatore, Robert 10
- Rancatore, Robert J. 6
- Ranney, Joyce 6
- Ranney, Joyce M. 7
- Raposa, Frank L. 6
- Rapoza, Amanda 14
- Rapoza, Amanda S. 21
- Raslear, Thomas 7
- Rasmussen, Ben 21
- Rasmussen, Benjamin 29
- Read, David R. 11
- Regan, Terrance J. 7
- Regan, Terry 9
- Reherman, Clay N 15
- Remington, Paul J. 6
- Rempfer, P. 6
- Reovan, Andrew 7
- Reymond, Robert D. 6
- Ricci, Robert 7
- Richardson, Heather 17
- Rickel, Denise 7
- Rickley, E. J. 9
- Rickley, Edward J. 25
- Rickley, E J 13
- Ritter, Gary 15
- Ritter, Gary T. 14
- Rochat, Judith L 21
- Roof, C. J. 10
- Roof, Christopher 9
- Roof, Christopher J. 29
- Rosenhand, Hadar 6
- Rossetti, Michael A. 8
- Roth, Emilie 9
- Roth, Emilie M. 9
- Royal, J. W. 7
- Rubinger, Bruce 7
- Rudich, Robert 7
- Rutyna, Eve 9
- Saccoccio, Marjorie 10
- Safar, Hadar 8
- Salvatore, S 7
- Samavedam, Gopal 13
- Samiljan, Robert 10
- Saurenman, Hugh J. 6
- Scarpone, Chris 6
- Schaeffer, K. H. 8
- schomer 6
- Schuessler, Robert W. 6
- Schulz, Noah 15
- Schwarzer, Julianne 8
- Schweiger, Carol L. 6
- Schwenk, Judith C 11
- Schwenk, Judith C. 20
- Segev, Eran 10
- Senzig, David A. 40
- Severson, Kristine 22
- Severson, Kristine J. 13
- Shanahan, Felicity 6
- Shaulov, Mark 6
- Shaw, Jingsi 8
- Sheridan, T. 10
- Sheridan, Thomas 9
- Shrider, K. R. 6
- Shumway, Meghan Ahearn 16
- Simkowitz, Howard J. 6
- Simmons, Erica 13
- Skinner, David 10
- Slavin, Howard 6
- Smichenko, Susan 30
- Smith, John D. 6
- Smith, Scott 36
- Smith, Scott B. 11
- Soares, Melanie 6
- Sobel, K. 6
- Solman, Gina Barberio 13
- Sparko, Andrea L. 21
- Spenny, C. H. 6
- Spiller, David 21
- Spiller, David J 8
- Stamper, K. R. 28
- Stearns, M. D. 13
- Stearns, Mary (Mary D.) 6
- Stearns, Mary D. 10
- Stevens, Scott 7
- Stevenson, Lloyd E. 8
- Stickler, John J. 10
- Storment, J. O. 7
- Strauss, Rachel 7
- Stringfellow, Richard 17
- Stringfellow, Richard G. 13
- Sturm, Joseph C. 7
- Sudderth, Erika A. 6
- Sussman, E. D. 11
- Sussman, E. Donald 24
- Swanson, Elizabeth D. 8
- Talamini, Brandon 7
- Tang, Y.H. 8
- Tang, Yim H. 10
- Taylor, Catherine 8
- Thompson, Alison 9
- Thompson, Floyd 6
- Thompson, William I. 10
- Thrasher, Ted 8
- Timmel, Christopher 7
- Toma, Samuel 6
- Tong, Pin 6
- Transportation Systems Center (U.S.) 15
- Turner, J. W. 6
- Tyrell, David 52
- Tyrell, David C. 25
- United State Dept of Defense 7
- Van Dyke, Karen 13
- Van Eikema Hommes, Qi 6
- Vilcans, Janis 6
- Vinella-Brusher, Emma 6
- Walker, J. 6
- Walter, Robert 7
- Walter, Robert A. 14
- Wang, Frank 7
- Wang, Frank Y. 15
- Wassaf, Hadi 9
- Wayson, Roger 7
- Wayson, Roger L. 21
- Weinstock, Herbert 8
- Wichansky, Anna M. 8
- Wilkinson, M. R. 8
- Wisleder, Robert W. 7
- Wlodyka, Raymond A. 6
- Wong, P. J. 10
- Wormley, D. N. 7
- Yanagisawa, Mikio 10
- Yang, C. Y. David 6
- Yaworski, Michael 6
- Yee, D. J. 6
- Yeh, Michelle 39
- Yoh, P. 7
- Yowell, Ryan 6
- Yu, Hailing 15
- Zalay, A. D. 6
- Zirker, Margaret E. 12
- Zub, Russell W. 8
- Zubrow, Alexis 15
- Zuschlag, M. 9
- Zuschlag, Michael 13
- A.M. Birk Engineering 1
- Abt Associates, Inc. 2
- ACA Associates 1
- Acentech Incorporated 1
- Acoustical Analysis Associates, Inc. 3
- Acumenics Research and Technology, Inc. 1
- Advanced Technology, Inc. 1
- AECOM Consult, Inc. 1
- Aeronautical Research Associates of Princeton, Inc. 1
- Aerospace Corporation 22
- Aero Vironment, Inc. 1
- Aging Aircraft Nondestructive Inspection Validation Center 1
- Airesearch Manufacturing Company of California 7
- Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center 1
- Alta Planning + Design 1
- Aluminum Company of America 1
- American Public Works Association 1
- American Railway Engineering Association 1
- Ames Research Center 3
- Amtrak 4
- Analytical Mechanics Associates, Inc. 1
- Analytic Sciences Corporation 3
- Andrew S. Harris, Inc. 1
- Applied Physical Sciences Corp., Groton, CT 2
- Applied Research Associates 1
- Applied Research Associates, Inc. 3
- Argonne National Laboratory 1
- Argonne National Laboratory. Energy Systems Division 1
- Argos Associates, Inc. 1
- ARINC Incorporated 2
- ARINC Research Corporation 3
- Arizona. Dept. of Transportation 1
- Arizona State University 3
- Armor Holdings Aerospace and Defense Group 1
- Arthur D. Little, Inc. 30
- Arup 1
- Arvin/Calspan Corporation. Advanced Technology Center. Accident Research Group 1
- ASL Engineering, Inc. 1
- Association of American Railroads 1
- ATAC, Inc. 2
- ATAC Corporation 6
- Australia. Civil Aviation Safety Authority 1
- Automated Sciences Group, Inc. 1
- Automated Services, Inc. 1
- Automobile Club of Southern California. Engineering Dept. 1
- Aviation Turbulence Research, Burlington, MA 1
- Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corporation 1
- Baltimore (Md.). Dept. of Transportation 1
- Battelle 1
- Battelle Human Factors Transportation Center 1
- Battelle Memorial Institute 5
- Battelle Memorial Institute. Columbus Laboratories 32
- Battelle Memorial Institute. Pacific Northwest Division 2
- Bay Area Air Quality Management District 1
- Bechtel Group 8
- Benet Laboratories 1
- Beverly Scott and Associates 1
- Biomedical Statistical Consultng 1
- Bionetics Corporation. Ketron Division 2
- Biotechnology, Inc. 1
- Blue Ridge Research and Consulting, LLC 1
- Boeing Aerospace Company 1
- Boeing Commercial Airplane Company 2
- Boeing Company 23
- Boeing Company. Automated Transportation Systems 1
- Boeing Company. Commercial Airplane Division for 1992- 5
- Boeing Vertol Company 14
- Bolt, Beranek, and Newman, inc. 13
- Booz-Allen and Hamilton, Inc. 4
- Booz Allen Hamilton 10
- Booz Allen Hamilton for 2001- 1
- Boyd, Maier & Associates 2
- Budd Company 1
- Burlington Northern Inc. 1
- CACI, Inc. - Federal 9
- California. Metropolitan Transportation Commission 1
- California Institute of Technology, Jet Propulsion Laboratory. 1
- Calspan Corporation 10
- Camber Corporation 2
- Cambridge Systematics 22
- Cambridge Systematics, Inc. 4
- CAMX Power LLC 1
- Canadian Institute of Guided Ground Transport 1
- Capitol Region Council of Governments (Conn.) 1
- Carnegie-Mellon University 1
- Carnegie-Mellon University. Driving Research Center 3
- Carol R. Johnson Associates 1
- Case, LLC 2
- Catseye Services 1
- Center for the Environment & Man 3
- Central New York Regional Transportation Authority 1
- Central Technology, Inc. 1
- CH2M Hill, inc. 1
- Charles River Associates 12
- Charles River Associates, Inc. 6
- Charles River Association, Inc. 2
- Charles Stark Draper Laboratory 3
- Chenega Advanced Solutions and Engineering 2
- Cherokee, CRC 4
- Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning 1
- Childs Engineering Corporation 2
- Chilton Company 5
- Chilton Research Services 2
- Cincinnati Electronics Corp. 1
- Civil Aerospace Medical Institute 4
- Clemson University 4
- Colorado. Dept. of Transportation 1
- Colorado. School of Mines 1
- Colorado School of Mines 2
- Computer Sciences Corporation 11
- Comsis Corporation 15
- ConRail 1
- Consolidated Rail Corporation 1
- Control Analysis Corporation 1
- Cornell University 1
- Counterterrorism and Security Technology 1
- Crain & Associates 26
- Crew Systems Ergonomics/Human Systems Technology Information Analysis Center 1
- Cross-Spectrum Acoustics 1
- CSSI, Inc. 6
- CTA Incorporated 1
- Daniel, Mann, Johnson & Mendenhall 1
- Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission 1
- De Leuw, Cather & Company 15
- DeLeuw Cather & Co. 1
- De Lorean Corporation 1
- Dunlap and Associates, inc. 8
- Dunlap and Associates, Inc. 5
- Dynamic Research, Inc. 3
- Dynamic Science, Inc. 5
- Dynamics Research Corporation 6
- Dynatrend, Inc. 1
- Dynatrend Incorporated 2
- Eagle Aeronautics, Inc., Newport News, VA 2
- Eclectech Associates Division of Ship Analytics, Inc. 1
- Ecoplan International 1
- Ecosometrics, Inc. 1
- Ecosystem Management, Inc. 3
- EG & G Dynatrend 11
- EG&G Dynatrend Inc. 2
- EG&G Services 1
- EG & G Services (Firm) 4
- EG&G Technical Services 10
- EG & G Technical Services, Inc. 2
- Electric Research and Management, Inc. 12
- Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 2
- Engility Corporation 1
- ENSCO 12
- Environmental Acoustics, Inc. 1
- Environmental Law Institute 1
- EWI 2
- Factory Mutual Research Corporation 4
- Federal Aviation Administration 5
- Federal Aviation Administration Technical Center (U.S.) 3
- Federal Highway Administration (U.S.) 1
- Flight Safety Foundation 1
- Flight Transportation Associates, Inc. 2
- Florida Atlantic University. Dept. of Ocean Engineering 1
- Foster-Miller, Inc. 9
- Foster-Miller Associates 11
- France. Ministere des Transports. Institut de Recherche des Transports 1
- Frederic R. Harris, Inc. 1
- Futurepast 1
- Gallagher, Susan 4
- Gaugler Consulting 3
- General Electric Company 1
- General Motors Corporation 12
- General Motors Research and Development Center 3
- George Mason University 2
- George Washington University 2
- Georgia Institute of Technology 2
- GIS/Trans. Ltd. 1
- Glenn Research Center 1
- Global Positioning Systems Wing/GPC 1
- Goldberg-Zoino & Associates 4
- Goodell-Grivas, Inc. 1
- Gould Information Identification, Inc. 2
- Governors Highway Safety Association 1
- Great Britain. Civil Aviation Authority. Air Traffic Control Evaluation Unit 1
- Guggenheim Center for Aerospace Health and Safety 1
- Gulfstream Aerospace Corp., Savannah, GA 2
- Haley & Aldrich 4
- Harbridge House, inc. 1
- Harris, Miller, Miller & Hanson Inc. 4
- Harvard School of Public Health 1
- Harvard University 3
- Health Effects Institute 1
- Hernandez Engineering, Inc. 1
- HH Aerospace Design Company 3
- Honeywell Inc. 2
- Honeywell International, Inc. 2
- Honeywell Systems and Research Center 1
- Human-Machine Systems Laboratory 3
- Hyperdyne 1
- ICF International (Firm) 2
- Idaho Traffic Safety Commission 2
- IIT Research Institute 13
- Illinois Institute of Technology 1
- IMG Rebel Advisory, Inc. 3
- IMR Systems Corporation 1
- Indiana. Dept. of Transportation 1
- Industrial Acoustics Company, Incorporated 1
- Information Ventures 1
- Innovative Solutions International 1
- Input Output Computer Services, Inc. 3
- Input Output Computer Services Incorporated 8
- Institute for Telecommunication Sciences 1
- Institute of Noise Control Engineering of the USA (INCE/USA) 1
- Intelligent Optical Systems, Inc. 1
- Interactive Elements, Inc. 1
- International Institute of Noise Control Engineering 1
- Iowa State University 1
- Jet Propulsion Laboratory (U.S.) 8
- JIL Information Systems 1
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center 16
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.) 3385
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.). Acoustics Facility 37
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.). Economic and Industry Analysis Division 21
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.). Office of Strategic Planning and Analysis 5
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.). Office of System and Economic Assessment 1
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.). Operations Assessment Division 3
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.). Operator Performance and Safety Analysis Division 1
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.). Planning and Policy Analysis Division 8
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.). Policy, Planning and Environment 1
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.). Safety Management Systems Technical Center 5
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.). Safety Measurement and Analysis Division 5
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.). System Measurement and Analysis Division 4
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.). Systems Safety and Engineering Division 1
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.). Transportation Policy, Planning and Organizational Excellence Division 2
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, (U.S.) 482
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center. Department of Transportation. Office of Strategic Initiatives for Research and Innovation. 4
- K.T. Analytics, Inc. 1
- Kaman AviDyne 2
- Kansas State University 2
- KBR Inc 1
- KBRWyle Aerospace Group, Arlington, VA 2
- Kearney (AT) and Company, Incorporated 5
- Ketron, Inc. 3
- Kinetic Research 3
- L3 Communications, Billerica, Mass 1
- Laboratory of Physiology and Biomechanics 1
- Langley Research Center 12
- Lehigh University 1
- Leidos 1
- Life Cycle Associates, LLC 1
- Lincoln Laboratory 5
- Lockheed Martin 11
- Lockheed Missiles & Space Company, Inc. 4
- Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, La.) 1
- Louisiana Transportation Research Center 2
- M.J. Bradley & Associates 1
- MacroSys Research and Technology (Firm) 14
- MAGLEV, Inc. 2
- Maine. Dept. of Transportation 2
- Management Analysts 1
- Massachusetts. Executive Office of Transportation and Construction 1
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology 64
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Center for Transportation Studies 1
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics 6
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Civil Engineering 1
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Flight Transportation Laboratory 1
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Man-Vehicle Laboratory 3
- Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. 1
- Mathtech, inc. 3
- McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Company 2
- Metron Aviation 7
- Metropolitan Planning Organization (Mass.). Central Transportation Planning Staff 1
- MGA Research Corporation 2
- Minnesota. Department of Transportation 1
- Mitre Corporation 8
- Mitre Corporation. Center for Advanced Aviation System Development 3
- Mitretek Systems. Center for Telecommunications and Advanced Technology 1
- Mobility Systems and Equipment Company 2
- Montana. Dept. of Transportation 1
- Monterey Technologies, Inc. 2
- Multisystems, Inc. 30
- MxV (formerly TTCI) 1
- MxV Rail 1
- N. D. Lea & Associates, Inc. 1
- National Air Traffic Services (Great Britain) 1
- National Center for Statistics and Analysis (U.S.). Mathematical Analysis Division 3
- National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) 2
- National Highway Institute (U.S.) 1
- National Institute of Aerospace 1
- National Institute of Standards and Technology (U.S.) 5
- National Parks Conservation Association 1
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) (U.S.) 1
- National Research Council (U.S.). Building Research Advisory Board (BRAB) 2
- National Research Council (U.S.). Transportation Research Board 1
- National Science and Technology Council (U.S.) 4
- National Science and Technology Council (U.S.). Committee on Transportation Research and Development 1
- National Scientific Laboratories, Inc. 12
- National Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing 13
- Naval Research Laboratory (John C. Stennis Space Center) 1
- Naval Surface Weapons Center 1
- ND LEA Engineering & Planners Inc. 1
- Netherlands. Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat 1
- New York City Department of Environmental Protection 1
- New York University. Dept of Aeronautics & Astronautics 1
- Nobil Petroleum Testing, Inc. 1
- Noblis, Inc. 2
- Norris and Norris Associates 3
- North Carolina University. Highway Safety Research Center 1
- North Central Texas Council of Governments 1
- Northern Virginia Transportation Commission 2
- Northrop Grumman Information Technology (Firm) 2
- Northwestern University (Evanston, Ill.). Dept. of Civil Engineering 1
- NorthWest Research Associates, Inc., Bellvue, WA 4
- OAO Corporation 1
- Ohio University 1
- Ohio University. Avionics Engineering Center 1
- Operations Research Incorporated 6
- Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology 1
- Otak, Inc. 1
- Otis Elevator Company. Transportation Technology Division 1
- Overlook Systems Technologies, Inc. 1
- Pacific Consulting Group 3
- Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation 1
- Parsons, Brinckerhoff, Quade & Douglas 14
- Parsons Brinckerhoff 2
- Partnership for Air Transportation Noise and Emissions Reduction 1
- Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. 9
- Pennsylvania. Dept. of Transportation 1
- Pennsylvania State University 5
- Policy and Management Associates 1
- Polytechnic University (Brooklyn, New York, N.Y.) 1
- Port Authority of Allegheny County 1
- Port Authority of New York and New Jersey 1
- Portland Cement Association 3
- PRC, Inc. 3
- Princeton University 6
- Princeton University, Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 1
- Princeton University. Dept. of Civil Engineering and Operations Research 1
- Pullman Standard Company 1
- Purdue University 1
- Railroad Research Foundation 1
- Rails-to-Trails Conservancy 1
- Raytheon Company 4
- Raytheon Company. Advanced Development Laboratory 1
- Regulus Group 2
- Ricardo Consulting Engineers, Ltd. 1
- RLS and Associates 2
- Rockwell International. Autonetics Electronics Systems Division 1
- Roth Cognitive Engineering 2
- Rouse Company 1
- SAE International 1
- Sam Schwartz Consulting, LLC 1
- San Jose State University. College of Business. Mineta Transportation Institute 1
- Schomer and Associates 1
- Science Applications International Corporation 12
- Scientific and Engineering Solutions, Inc. 12
- Scientific Computing Associates LLC 1
- Senzig Engineering 1
- SG Associates 1
- Sharma & Associates, Inc. 3
- Simula Technologies, Inc. 4
- Skidmore, Owings & Merrill 1
- SNV Studiengesellschaft Naverkehr mbH 2
- Social Engineering Technology 1
- Society of Automotive Engineers 1
- Solomon Associates 1
- Sonotech Incorporated 1
- Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority 1
- Southern California Research Institute 1
- Southwest Research Institute 24
- Space and Missile Systems Center (U.S.) 1
- SRI International 12
- Stanford Research Institute 2
- Stanford University 4
- Stanford University. Department of Civil Engineering 1
- State University of New York at Buffalo. Dept. of Civil Engineering 2
- State University of New York at Stony Brook. Experimental Mechanics Research Laboratory 1
- Stinger Ghaffarian Technologies, Inc. 5
- Storch Engineers 1
- Systan Inc. 14
- System Resources Corporation 4
- Systems Technology, Inc. 1
- T & B Systems 1
- TASC, Incorporated 6
- Technology & Management Systems, Inc. 3
- Technology Research and Analysis Corp. 1
- Technology Research and Analysis Corporation 2
- Teska Associates 1
- Texas A & M Transportation Institute 2
- Texas Transportation Institute 1
- Thomas K. Dyer, Inc. 1
- Titan SRC 2
- Titan Systems Corporation 1
- TMNcorp 1
- Tracor Jitco, Inc. 1
- Transit Development Corporation 1
- Transit Operations Assistance Division 1
- Transportation & Economics Research Associates Inc. 1
- Transportation Management Systems, Inc. 1
- Transportation Pooled Fund Program 1
- Transportation Systems Center 38
- Transportation Systems Center (U.S.) 2
- Transportation Technology Center, Inc. 17
- Transport Research Laboratory (Great Britain) 4
- Transtec Group, Inc. 1
- Transtech International Inc. 1
- TranSystems Corporation 1
- Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon 1
- TRW Defense and Space Systems Group 4
- TRW Inc. 2
- Tufts University 25
- Tufts University. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 1
- U.S. Department of Transportation. Research and Special Programs Administration. Transportation Systems Center 11
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 3
- Ultrasystems, Inc. 2
- Unisys Corporation 4
- United State Dept of Defense 2
- United States. Bureau of Land Management 3
- United States. Coast Guard 6
- United States. Coast Guard. Office of Navigation Safety and Waterway Services 4
- United States. Congress 2
- United States. Department of Commerce 3
- United States. Department of Defense 12
- United States. Department of Energy 8
- United States. Department of Homeland Security 4
- United States. Department of Transportation 18
- United States. Department of Transportation. Bureau of Transportation Statistics 36
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Aviation Administration 66
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Aviation Administration. Human Factors Division 4
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Aviation Administration. Office of Environment and Energy 29
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration. Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center 3
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration 2
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration 55
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Railroad Policy and Development 2
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Research, Development, and Technology 2
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Research, Development and Technology 7
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Research and Development 18
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Transit Administration 12
- United States. Department of Transportation. Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office 2
- United States. Department of Transportation. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 18
- United States. Department of Transportation. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology 13
- United States. Department of Transportation. Project Delivery Center of Excellence 3
- United States. Department of Transportation. Research and Innovative Technology Administration 12
- United States. Department of Transportation. Research and Special Programs Administration 12
- United States. Department of Transportation. Research and Special Programs Administration. John A. Volpe National Transportation System Center 5
- United States. Department of Transportation. Research and Special Programs Administration. Transportation Systems Center 23
- United States. Department of Transportation. Transportation Systems Center 10
- United States. Dept. of Energy 18
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Research and Special Programs 3
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Research and Innovative Technology Administration 17
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Transportation Systems Center 5
- United States. Environmental Protection Agency 5
- United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Air and Radiation 2
- United States. Federal Aviation Administration 8
- United States. Federal Aviation Administration. Human Factors Research and Engineering Division 2
- United States. Federal Aviation Administration. Office of Environment and Energy 11
- United States. Federal Communications Commission 6
- United States. Federal Highway Administration 22
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Eastern Federal Lands Highway Division 2
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Planning 2
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Project Development and Environmental Review 2
- United States. Federal Lands Highway Program 7
- United States. Federal Railroad Administration 32
- United States. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Railroad Policy and Development 2
- United States. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Research, Development, and Technology 7
- United States. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Research and Development 6
- United States. Federal Transit Administration 16
- United States. Fish and Wildlife Service 2
- United States. Forest Service 9
- United States. Joint Program Office for Intelligent Transportation Systems 8
- United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration 13
- United States. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 4
- United States. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 3
- United States. National Park Service 2
- United States. National Park Service. Denver Service Center 2
- United States. Office of Pipeline Safety 3
- United States. Urban Mass Transportation Administration 7
- United States. Urban Mass Transportation Administration. Office of Technology Development and Deployment 3
- United States. White House 5
- University of Arizona. Dept. of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics 2
- University of Central Florida 4
- University of Central Florida. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 2
- University of Hawaii (Honolulu) 2
- University of Houston 2
- University of Iowa 2
- University of Massachusetts at Amherst 2
- University of Massachusetts at Lowell 3
- University of Michigan 10
- University of Michigan. Highway Safety Research Institute 2
- University of Michigan. Transportation Research Institute 4
- University of Missouri--Rolla 2
- Virginia. Dept. of Transportation 3
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Transportation Institute 2
- VisiCom Laboratories Inc. 3
- Vought Corporation 3
- Wayne State University 2
- Westinghouse Electric Corporation 2
- West Virginia University 5
- Wharton Econometrics Forecasting Associates 6
- William J. Hughes Technical Center (U.S.) 2
- Wilson, Ihrig & Associates 5
- Woodward Communications, Inc. 5
- Wyle Laboratories, Inc. 5
- 2008 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 4
- Acoustical Society of America 1
- Aerospace Corporation 8
- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 35
- American Meteorological Society 5
- American Society of Civil Engineers 17
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers 123
- Ames Research Center 1
- Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board 1
- Argonne National Laboratory 1
- ASME (The American Society of Mechanical Engineers) 2
- Association of American Railroads 1
- Aviation Safety Reporting System 2
- Battelle 1
- Battelle Memorial Institute 2
- Canada. Transport Canada 1
- Central Federal Lands Highway Division 1
- Clemson University 2
- CTA, Incorporated 1
- Digital Avionics Systems Conference 9
- District of Columbia. Dept. of Transportation 2
- Dynamics Research Corporation 3
- Dynatrend Incorporated 1
- Ecosystem Management, Incorporated 2
- Elsevier 2
- Federal Aviation Administration Technical Center (U.S.) 5
- Federal Highway Administration (U.S.) 19
- Federal Republic of Germany. Bundesministerium fur Forschung und Technologie (Federal Ministry of Research and Technology) 1
- Flight Transportation Associates, Inc. 1
- Florida Atlantic University 1
- France. Ministere des Transports 1
- Georgia Institute of Technology 1
- Great Britain. Civil Aviation Authority 1
- Great Britain. Ministry of Defence 1
- Harris, Miller, Miller & Hanson Inc. 2
- Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 12
- ICAS 2002 Congress 1
- ICF International 1
- Information Science Reference 1
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 48
- Institute of Noise Control Engineering (INCE) 5
- Intelligent Optical Systems, Inc. 1
- Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office 1
- International Civil Aviation Organization 1
- International Congress of Aeronautical Sciences 1
- International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management 1
- International Union of Railways 2
- ITS America 4
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.) 754
- Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 1
- Lincoln Laboratory 4
- Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space (Firm) 2
- Louisiana Transportation Research Center 2
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology 4
- Metropolitan Council (Twin Cities Area) 4
- Minnesota. Dept. of Transportation 4
- Mitretek Systems 1
- Montana. Department of Transportation 1
- Montana. Dept. of Transportation. Research Programs 1
- National Academy Press 1
- National Air Traffic Controllers Association 1
- National Bureau of Economic Research 1
- National Center for Statistics and Analysis (U.S.) 3
- National Highway Safety Program 1
- National Research Council (U.S.). Transportation Research Board 1
- National Runway Safety Program 1
- National Science and Technology Council (U.S.) 5
- North Carolina Department of Transportation. Research and Development Unit 1
- North Carolina State University 1
- Ohio University 1
- Oregon. Department of Transportation 1
- Pacific Southwest Region 9 UTC, University of Southern California 3
- Partnership for Air Transportation Noise and Emissions Reduction 1
- Princeton University 2
- Royal Aeronautical Society 2
- Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation 6
- San Jose State University. College of Business. Mineta Transportation Institute 1
- Society of Automotive Engineers 6
- Southern Plains Transportation Center 1
- Southwest Research Institute 1
- SRI International 2
- Stanford University 1
- TASC, Incorporated 1
- Taylor & Francis 2
- Technology Sharing Program (U.S.) 2
- Tenth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology 1
- Texas A&M Transportation Institute 2
- Transportation Systems Center 27
- Tufts University 2
- U.S. Coast Guard Research & Development Center 2
- U.S. Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration 1
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 6
- United States. Air Force. Office of Scientific Research 1
- United States. Air Force Systems Command 10
- United States. Air Force Systems Command. Electronic Systems Division 3
- United States. Army Forces Command 1
- United States. Bureau of Land Management 3
- United States. Bureau of Transportation Statistics 1
- United States. Coast Guard 121
- United States. Department of Commerce 9
- United States. Department of Defense 1
- United States. Department of the Interior. Bureau of Land Management 1
- United States. Department of Transportation 22
- United States. Department of Transportation. Bureau of Transportation Statistics 52
- United States. Department of Transportation. Center for Climate Change and Environmental Forecasting 1
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Aviation Administration 430
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Aviation Administration. William J. Hughes Technical Center 1
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration 13
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Freight Management and Operations 1
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Safety 1
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration 24
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. Office of Analysis, Research, and Technology 4
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration 322
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Research, Development, and Technology 21
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Research and Development 3
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration. Offices of Safety and Research and Development 1
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Transit Administration 69
- United States. Department of Transportation. Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office 22
- United States. Department of Transportation. Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office (ITS JPO) 2
- United States. Department of Transportation. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 220
- United States. Department of Transportation. Office of Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT) & Spectrum Management 2
- United States. Department of Transportation. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology 1
- United States. Department of Transportation. Office of the Secretary 2
- United States. Department of Transportation. Office of the Secretary of Transportation 1
- United States. Department of Transportation. Research and Special Program Administration 2
- United States. Department of Transportation. Research and Special Programs Administration. John A. Volpe National Transportation System Center 5
- United States. Department of Transportation. Urban Mass Transportation Administration 111
- United States. Department of Transportation. Urban Mass Transportation Administration. Office of Technology Development and Deployment 1
- United States. Dept. of Agriculture. 1
- United States. Dept. of Defense 17
- United States. Dept. of Energy 3
- United States. Dept. of Homeland Security 2
- United States. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development 2
- United States. Dept. of State 1
- United States. Dept. of the Army 1
- United States. Dept. of Transportation 11
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. ITS Joint Program Office 1
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Research and Special Programs 2
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Systems Engineering 2
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy 2
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Office of the Secretary 364
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Research and Innovative Technology Administration 21
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Research and Special Programs Administration 156
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Research and Special Programs Directorate 10
- United States. Dept. of Transportion 1
- United States. Environmental Protection Agency 5
- United States. Federal Aviation Administration 111
- United States. Federal Aviation Administration. Human Factors Research and Engineering Division 3
- United States. Federal Aviation Administration. Human Factors Research and Engineering Group 3
- United States. Federal Aviation Administration. Navigation and Landing Product Team 1
- United States. Federal Aviation Administration. Office of Aviation Research 5
- United States. Federal Aviation Administration. Office of Environment and Energy 42
- United States. Federal Communications Commission 2
- United States. Federal Highway Administration 184
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. 1
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Corporate Research, Technology, and Innovation 12
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Corporate Research, Technology, and Innovation Management 3
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Environment and Planning 5
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Freight Management and Operations 2
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Highway Information Management 1
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Natural Environment 4
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Operations Research and Development 1
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Planning 35
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Planning, Environment, and Realty 3
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Research, Development, and Technology 1
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Safety 27
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Safety Research and Development 1
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Offices of Research and Development 1
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Western Federal Lands Highway Division 1
- United States. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration 7
- United States. Federal Railroad Administration 152
- United States. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Railroad Policy and Development 23
- United States. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Research, Development & Technology 7
- United States. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Research, Development, & Demonstrations 1
- United States. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Research, Development, and Technology 11
- United States. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Research and Development 132
- United States. Federal Transit Administration 68
- United States. Federal Transit Administration. Office of Mobility Innovation 3
- United States. Federal Transit Administration. Office of Planning and Environment 4
- United States. Federal Transit Administration. Office of Research, Demonstration, and Innovation 18
- United States. Federal Transit Administration. Office of Safety and Security 8
- United States. Federal Transit Administration. Office of Technology 1
- United States. Fish and Wildlife Service 3
- United States. Forest Service 5
- United States. General Accounting Office 1
- United States. Government Printing Office 9
- United States. Joint Program Office for Intelligent Transportation Systems 66
- United States. Maritime Administration 2
- United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration 42
- United States. National Highway Safety Board 1
- United States. National Highway Safety Bureau 2
- United States. National Highway Traffic Administration 4
- United States. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 149
- United States. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Electronic System Safety Research Division 2
- United States. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Office of Driver and Pedestrian Programs 1
- United States. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Office of Driver Performance Research 2
- United States. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Research Institute 4
- United States. National Park Service 137
- United States. National Park Service. Northeast Region 12
- United States. National Science Foundation 1
- United States. Office of Aerospace Medicine 3
- United States. Office of Commercial Space Transportation 1
- United States. Office of Naval Research 1
- United States. Office of Pipeline Safety 4
- United States. Office of the Secretary 6
- United States. Postal Service 4
- United States. Urban Mass Transportation Administration 511
- United States. Urban Mass Transportation Administration. Office of Bus and Paratransit Systems 1
- United States. Urban Mass Transportation Administration. Office of Service and Methods Demonstration 1
- United States. Urban Mass Transportation Administration. Office of Technical Assistance 1
- University of Michigan. Transportation Research Institute 3
- University of South Florida. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering 1
- William J. Hughes Technical Center (U.S.) 2
- Wyle Laboratories, Inc. 1
- Yellowstone National Park (Agency : U.S.) 1
- Acceleration (Mechanics) 30
- Accessibility 37
- Accidents 39
- Accuracy 42
- Acoustic emission 27
- Acoustic measuring instruments 108
- Acoustics 72
- Advanced automation system (Air traffic control) 55
- Advanced public transportation systems 33
- Advanced traveler information systems 51
- Aeronautical charts 28
- Aged 59
- Aircraft 123
- Aircraft exhaust gases 49
- Aircraft noise 185
- Aircraft operations 27
- Aircraft pilotage 34
- Aircraft separation 40
- Airline pilots 26
- Air pilots 88
- Airplanes 23
- Air pollution 103
- Airport capacity 26
- Airport noise 55
- Airport operations 22
- Airport runways 65
- Airports 100
- Airport surface traffic control 40
- Air quality 59
- Air quality management 58
- Airspace (Aeronautics) 27
- Air traffic 25
- Air traffic control 274
- Air traffic controllers 63
- Air traffic control radar beacon system 24
- Air transportation 65
- Alcohol tests 26
- Algorithms 67
- Alternate fuels 54
- Alternatives analysis 130
- Alternative transportation 29
- Ambient noise 53
- Analysis 85
- Annual reports 30
- Antennas 27
- Arrivals and departures 27
- Asset management 22
- Automated guideway transit 70
- Automated vehicle control 31
- Automatic control 30
- Automatic fare collection 25
- Automation 88
- Automobile industry 58
- Automobiles 215
- Aviation 31
- Aviation Environmental Design Tool 34
- Aviation safety 54
- Avionics 38
- Ballast (Railroads) 24
- Behavior 40
- Benefit cost analysis 89
- Benefits 33
- Best practices 69
- Bibliographies 44
- Bicycles 25
- Buckling 24
- Buses 131
- Bus transit 55
- Bus transportation 37
- Cabs (Vehicle compartments) 40
- Carbon monoxide 43
- Car wheels (Railroads) 39
- Case studies 107
- Certification 52
- City planning 39
- Civil aviation 24
- Climate change 59
- Collisions 142
- Commercial vehicles 26
- Communications 25
- Communication systems 66
- Communities 40
- Commuter cars 45
- Competition 28
- Compliance 24
- Computer models 46
- Computer program documentation 39
- Computer programming 48
- Computer programs 109
- Computers 36
- Construction 47
- Control systems 25
- Coordination 37
- Cost allocation 28
- Cost analysis 24
- Cost effectiveness 54
- Cost estimating 44
- Costs 230
- Countermeasures 44
- Couplers 26
- Cracking 44
- Crash analysis 27
- Crash avoidance systems 56
- Crash energy management 49
- Crashes 33
- Crash injury research 87
- Crash investigation 24
- Crash tests 55
- Crash victim simulation 35
- Crashworthiness 166
- Data 30
- Data analysis 45
- Databases 60
- Data collection 247
- Data communications 29
- Data processing 43
- Data quality 24
- Decision making 89
- Defects 49
- Demand 59
- Demand responsive transportation 29
- Demonstration projects 100
- Deployment 46
- Derailments 41
- Design 116
- Detectors 43
- Development 64
- Diesel engine exhaust gases 25
- Diesel engines 74
- Digital displays 25
- Disasters and emergency operations 36
- Drag 25
- Drivers 30
- Dummies 33
- Dynamic loads 25
- Dynamics 28
- Dynamic structural analysis 33
- Dynamic tests 46
- Economic analysis 66
- Economic factors 35
- Economic impacts 25
- Economics 38
- Education and training 25
- Electric vehicles 41
- Electromagnetic fields 22
- Employment 23
- Energy 46
- Energy conservation 38
- Energy consumption 63
- Engineering 35
- Engines 34
- Environmental impact analysis 47
- Environmental impacts 153
- Environmental monitoring 22
- Environmental policy 36
- Environmental protection 36
- Environmental quality 26
- Environmental risk assessment 35
- Equipment 44
- Equipment tests 23
- Estimates 40
- Evaluation 134
- Evaluation/program assessment 23
- Evaluation and assessment 89
- Excavation and tunneling 30
- Exhaust gases 189
- Failure 42
- Failure analysis 25
- Fares 31
- Fatalities 120
- Fatigue (Mechanics) 32
- Feasibility analysis 34
- Federal government 40
- Ferry service 23
- Field tests 88
- Financing 54
- Finite element method 123
- Fires 42
- Fixed routes 30
- Fleet management 26
- Flight crews 30
- Flight decks 26
- Flight paths 27
- Flight simulators 43
- Flight tests 27
- Flight training 24
- Flow 37
- Flow control (Air traffic control) 44
- Forecasting 110
- Fracture mechanics 36
- Fracture tests 22
- Freight cars 29
- Freight traffic 41
- Freight trains 26
- Freight transportation 86
- Fuel conservation 39
- Fuel consumption 261
- Fuels 29
- Geographic information systems 87
- Global Positioning System 126
- Government funding 22
- Grade crossing protection systems 41
- Greenhouse gases 39
- Guidelines 43
- Guideways 25
- Handbooks 43
- Hazard analysis 28
- Hazardous materials 66
- Hazards 37
- Helicopters 55
- High speed ground transportation 73
- High speed rail 71
- Highways 62
- Highway safety 84
- Highway traffic control 30
- Highway transportation 78
- Human factors 296
- Human factors engineering 55
- Human factors in crashes 23
- Hybrid vehicles 25
- Hydrocarbons 24
- Impacts 30
- Impact studies 26
- Impact tests 91
- Implementation 29
- Industries 48
- Information display systems 41
- Information dissemination 26
- Information processing 58
- Information systems 46
- Infrastructure 60
- Injuries 63
- Innovation 63
- Inspection 61
- Instrumentation 40
- Instrument landing systems 43
- Integrated Noise Model 31
- Intelligent transportation systems 161
- Intelligent transportation systems programs 25
- Intelligent vehicles 48
- Intermodal transportation 24
- Internal combustion engines 54
- International trade 25
- Intersections 25
- Interviewing 25
- Inventory 41
- Investments 27
- ITS program technologies 30
- Laboratory tests 22
- Landing 28
- Land use 27
- Land use planning 30
- Lessons learned 26
- Level of service 55
- Life cycle analysis 22
- Life cycle costing 23
- Light rail vehicles 24
- Light trucks 26
- Light vehicles 23
- Local government 24
- Locomotive engineers 26
- Locomotives 91
- Logistics 27
- Long range planning 38
- Magnetic levitation 28
- Magnetic levitation vehicles 40
- Maintenance 69
- Maintenance management 36
- Management 34
- Manuals 56
- Manufacturing 23
- Marketing 52
- Market research 24
- Mathematical analysis 22
- Mathematical models 236
- Mathematical prediction 64
- Measurement 142
- Measurement of specific phenomena 30
- Measures of effectiveness 22
- Methodology 41
- Metropolitan planning organizations 71
- Mobility 52
- Models 22
- Modems 22
- Monitoring 33
- Motor carriers 36
- Motor vehicle industry 37
- Motor vehicles 67
- Multimodal transportation 30
- Multipath transmission 25
- National parks 214
- Navigation 38
- Navigational aids 33
- Navigation systems 32
- Needs assessment 39
- Network analysis (Planning) 38
- Nitric oxide 34
- Nitrogen oxides 37
- Noise 214
- Noise barriers 27
- Noise control 92
- Noise sources 41
- Nondestructive tests 33
- Nonmotorized transportation 23
- NTS 84
- Occupant protection devices 34
- Oil spills 25
- Operating costs 79
- Operations 47
- Optimization 27
- Outdoor recreation 23
- Paratransit services 91
- Parking 42
- Partnerships 24
- Passenger cars 100
- Passenger comfort 22
- Passengers 54
- Passenger trains 61
- Passenger transportation 39
- Pedestrians 63
- Pedestrian safety 22
- Peer groups 62
- Performance 88
- Performance evaluations 113
- Performance measurement 78
- Performance tests 43
- Personal rapid transit 44
- Persons with disabilities 64
- Phased arrays 28
- Pipelines 48
- Pipeline transportation 31
- Planning 114
- Policy 67
- Policy, legislation and regulation 34
- Pollutants 60
- Position fixing 35
- Prevention 61
- Prices 25
- Private enterprise 30
- Production 30
- Productivity 31
- Project management 24
- Propulsion 30
- Prototype tests 22
- Public land 73
- Public private partnerships 42
- Public transit 278
- Radar 28
- Radio navigation 42
- Rail (Railroads) 117
- Railroad accidents 37
- Railroad cars 118
- Railroad commuter service 23
- Railroad crashes 38
- Railroad facilities 27
- Railroad grade crossings 129
- Railroads 129
- Railroad safety 246
- Railroad stations 30
- Railroad ties 28
- Railroad tracks 162
- Railroad trains 55
- Railroad transportation 137
- Rail transit 46
- Rail transit stations 24
- Rapid transit 189
- Rapid transit cars 57
- Real time information 30
- Recommendations 31
- Regional planning 43
- Regional transportation 30
- Regulation 43
- Regulations 80
- Reliability 69
- Research 144
- Research Hub 22
- Research projects 24
- Residual stress 25
- Revenues 30
- Ride quality 43
- Ridership 77
- Ridesharing 42
- Right of way (Land) 26
- Risk analysis 35
- Risk assessment 100
- Rolling contact 38
- Routes 28
- Routing 23
- Safety 267
- Safety and Human Factors 22
- Safety engineering 61
- Safety management 31
- Safety programs 56
- Satellite communication 37
- Satellite navigation systems 80
- Scheduling 50
- Security 58
- Sensors 38
- Ships 38
- Shuttle buses 49
- Shuttle service 70
- Simulation 207
- Socioeconomic factors 33
- Software 68
- Sound level 158
- Sound transmission 31
- Spark ignition engines 22
- Specifications 105
- Stability (Mechanics) 24
- Stakeholders 55
- Standards 130
- State departments of transportation 75
- State of the art studies 40
- Statistical analysis 74
- Statistics 155
- Steel 23
- Strategic planning 81
- Stresses 30
- Structural analysis 66
- Structural design 69
- Subways 50
- Supply 31
- Surveillance 51
- Surveys 96
- Systems analysis 50
- Systems engineering 26
- Tables (Data) 41
- Takeoff 33
- Tank cars 56
- Taxicabs 30
- Technical assistance 30
- Technological innovations 105
- Technology 96
- Technology assessment 84
- Temperature 26
- Testing 92
- Test procedures 32
- Tests 46
- Thermal stresses 24
- Tire/pavement noise 23
- Tires 41
- Tourists 61
- Traffic congestion 79
- Traffic control 30
- Traffic crashes 38
- Traffic flow 38
- Traffic noise 63
- Traffic safety 72
- Trails 36
- Train crews 27
- Training 63
- Train track dynamics 45
- Transit safety 30
- Transmissions 23
- Transportation 185
- Transportation departments 26
- Transportation modes 38
- Transportation operations 59
- Transportation planning 373
- Transportation policy 44
- Transportation safety 90
- Travel 24
- Travel behavior 23
- Travel demand 69
- Travel patterns 37
- Travel time 28
- Trend (Statistics) 37
- Trespassers 36
- Trucking 23
- Trucks 82
- Tunneling 48
- Tunnels 48
- Turbulence 57
- Urban areas 78
- Urban transportation 225
- Validation 41
- Vehicle design 138
- Vehicle miles of travel 23
- Vehicle power plants 74
- Vehicles 52
- Vehicle safety 29
- Vehicle to vehicle communications 24
- Velocity 25
- Vessel traffic control 29
- Vibration 33
- Visibility 37
- Voice communication 24
- Vortices 112
- Wakes 117
- Wake vortices 29
- Warning devices 29
- Warning systems 59
- Water transportation 82
- Wear 25
- Weather 33
- Weight 35
- Wheels 79
- Wildlife 24
- Wind 37
- Workshops 75
- 03-26-E 1
- 03-36-E 1
- 21-15105(01) 1
- 77-TR-8 1
- 78SRC114 1
- 79-TR-48 1
- 84-WA/RT-1 1
- 85-U-1985 1
- 94-S1-O-16 1
- 99CH36340 1
- 116-236 1
- 117/126562 1
- 135/133526 1
- 139/128344 1
- 184/122750 1
- 186/112423 1
- 325/121602 1
- 330/134910 1
- 337/168003 1
- 366/127815 1
- 373/106557 1
- 373/106558 1
- 386/142693 1
- 413/116329 1
- 421 1
- 446/140181 1
- 460/108481 1
- 460/119380 1
- 607/128437 1
- 607/128438/March 2015 1
- 609/106257 1
- 609/107186 1
- 622/116330 1
- 626/132643 1
- 632/175034 1
- 633/126768 1
- 644/121661 1
- 646/121735 1
- 842/128539 1
- 850/168714 1
- 962/147358 1
- 962/147396 1
- 999/120624 1
- 999/121475 1
- 999/123978 1
- 999/125522 1
- 999/126547 1
- 999/127390 1
- 999/129683 1
- 999/131409 1
- 999/136171 1
- 999/146604 1
- 999/148832 1
- 999/165288 1
- 999/165423 1
- 2004-01-0171 1
- 2011-A-717-AWMA 1
- 6039 1
- 6827.001 1
- 54943GTH 1
- 290600.1 1
- 851225 1
- 1174898 1
- A.R.A.P Rept. 245 1
- AAF-220-78-01-1 1
- AAF-220-78-01-2 1
- AAF-220-78-01-3 1
- AAI-76-27;DOT-TSC-UMTA-76-12;UMTA-MA-06-0025-76-5 1
- AAI 77-18 1
- AD-733 762 1
- AD-744 873 1
- AD-744 876 1
- AD-770 251 1
- AD-A016 171 1
- AD-A019 783 1
- AD-A019 964 1
- AD-A023 415 1
- AD-A031 824 1
- AD-A044 318 1
- AD-A053 676 1
- AD-A057 311 1
- AD-A060 503 1
- AD-A062 754 1
- AD-A093 774 1
- AD-A093 776 1
- AD-A116 468 1
- AD-A116 469 1
- AD-A116 471 1
- AD-A117 599 1
- AD-A117 863 1
- AD-A129 753 1
- AD-A137 673 1
- AD-A138 743 1
- AD-A141 665 1
- AD-A144 199 1
- AD-A145 273 1
- AD-A146 414 1
- AD-A168 582 1
- AD-A176 320 1
- AD-A179 731 1
- AD-A228 934 1
- AD-A229 086 1
- AD-A241 735;DoD-VB021-90-1 1
- AD-A242 305 1
- AD-A265 325 1
- AD/A001 874 1
- AD/A005 653 1
- AD A014 095 1
- ADA055518 1
- ADA068974 1
- ADA070815 1
- ADA222634 1
- ADA233839 1
- ADA236284 1
- ADA241659 1
- ADA241824 1
- ADA241825 1
- ADA241873 1
- ADA242037 1
- ADA242659 1
- ADA265284 1
- ADA265285 1
- ADA265326 1
- ADA265327 1
- ADA265328 1
- AD A307407 1
- Addendum to Letter Report V324-FB48B3-LR2 1
- ADL-78542-06-1-Vol-1 1
- ADL-78542-06-1-Vol-2 1
- ADL-80589-11 1
- AEDC-TR-74-117 1
- AIAA-2000-4296 1
- AIAA-2001-4425 1
- AIAA-2003-5678 1
- AIAA-2005-6109 1
- AIAA-2006-6114 1
- AIAA-2012-1229 1
- AIAA2004-5154 1
- AIAA 2004-6395 1
- AIAA 2005-260 1
- AIAA 2005-4849 1
- AIAA 2006-2536 1
- AIAA 2006-2537 1
- AIAA 2006-2538 1
- AIAA 2006-2539 1
- AIAA 2007-288 1
- AIAA 2007-1057 1
- AIAA 2007-6450 1
- AIAA 2007-6564 1
- AIAA 2008-6871 1
- AIAA 2009-6194 1
- AIAA 2011-6320 1
- AIAA 2012-4986 1
- AIAA 2013-0365 1
- AIAA 2015-3172 1
- AIAA 2016-3434 1
- ANL/ESD/12-8 1
- ASGI-TR-75-09 1
- ATBCB-2011-0004-0002 1
- ATC-23 1
- ATC-26 Volume III 1
- ATR-2004(5081)-1 1
- ATR-2006(5200)-1;DOT-VNTSC-FAA-05-11 1
- ATR-2007(5309)-1 1
- ATR-2009(5390)-1 1
- ATR-2009(5427)-1 1
- ATR-2010(5387)-1 1
- ATR-2010(5569)-1 1
- ATR-2011(5585)-1 1
- AV FR 439 1
- BATT-G-6266-0100 1
- BATT-G-6266-0101 1
- BBN-4167 1
- BBN Report No. 4413 1
- BERC/OP-76/15 1
- BERC/OP-76/16 1
- BERC/OP-76/32 Intrm Rpt. 1
- BERC/OP-77/5 1
- BERC/OP-77/29 1
- BERC/OP-77/41 1
- BERC/OP-77/44 1
- BERC/OP-77/47- 1
- BERC/OP-77/48 1
- BERC/OP-77/53 1
- BERC/OP-77/58 1
- BERC/OP-77/61 1
- BERC/OP-77/62 1
- BERC/OP-78/20 1
- BERC/OP077/52 1
- BETC/OP-78/21 1
- BETC/OP-78/22 1
- BETC/OP-78/30 1
- BETC/OP-78/34 1
- BETC/OP-78/56 1
- BETC/OP-79/2 2
- BTS02-06 1
- BTS02-08 1
- BTS98-A-02 1
- CA 10-0146 1
- CD-D-78-76 1
- CE-252 1
- CEM-4191-548 1
- CEM Report No. 4230-617 1
- CG-D-02-79 1
- CG-D-02-87 1
- CG-D-04-83 1
- CG-D-08-84 1
- CG-D-09-92 1
- CG- D- 1 0 - 9 5 1
- CG-D-11-78 1
- CG-D-12-78 1
- CG-D-13-78 1
- CG-D-14-78 1
- CG-D-14-79 1
- CG-D-17-79 1
- CG-D-17-83 1
- CG-D-18-85 1
- CG-D-21-74 1
- CG-D-22-97,1 1
- CG-D-22-97,2 1
- CG-D-25-78 1
- CG-D-25-84 1
- CG-D-25-96 1
- CG-D-26-78 1
- CG-D-26-80 1
- CG-D-27-75 1
- CG-D-27-96, 1 1
- CG-D-28-78 1
- CG-D-29-78 1
- CG-D-29-85,I 1
- CG-D-29-85.2 1
- CG-D-29-85.3 1
- CG-D-37-75.III 1
- CG-D-37.75.II 1
- CG-D-38-82-1 1
- CG-D-38-82-2 1
- CG-D-40-74 1
- CG-D-41-74 1
- CG-D-42-74 1
- CG-D-50-75 1
- CG-D-50-79 1
- CG-D-52-80.1 1
- CG-D-52-80.2 1
- CG-D-54-80 1
- CG-D-55-78 2
- CG-D-60-79 1
- CG-D-63-78, I 1
- CG-D-64-75 1
- CG-D-68-81 1
- CG-D-69-76 1
- CG-D-78-74 1
- CG-D-80-75 1
- CG-D-82-78 1
- CG-D-84-76 1
- CG-D-86-75 1
- CG-D-122-75 1
- CG-D-123-75 1
- CG-D-131-76 1
- CG-D-134-75 1
- CG-N-03-86 1
- CG-N-1-84 1
- CG-N-1-88 1
- CG-N-2-82 2
- CG-W-001-82 1
- CG98-PM42-6 1
- CG98-PM42-7 1
- CH37356-TBR 2
- CONS/1043-1 1
- CPR 2012 1
- CRA-322 1
- CRA-347-VOL-2 1
- CRA project no. 852-03 1
- CSDL-R-2491 1
- D0T-HS-803 655 1
- D0T-TSC-FAA-86-2 1
- D0T-VNTSC-FAA-91-11 1
- D0T-VNTSC-FAA-93-18 1
- D0T-VNTSC-FAA-93-21 1
- D0T-VNTSC-FAA-95-9 1
- D0T-VNTSC-FAA-96.18 1
- D0T-VNTSC-FRA-93-18 1
- D0T-VNTSC-FRA-93-19 1
- D0T-VNTSC-FRA-93-20 1
- D0T/FAA/NA-92/2 1
- D0T/FRA/0RD-94/24 1
- D339-10022-1 1
- D339-10049-1 1
- DA 11-133 1
- DASC 080516 1
- DDTD.060183.000.801 1
- DE-AR0000504 1
- DETC2011-47452 1
- DFRA.010350 1
- DOD-4650.4 4
- DOD-4650.4-P, 1 1
- DOD-4650.4-P, II 1
- DOD-4650.4-P, III 1
- DOD-4650.4-P-1 1
- DOD-4650.4-P-II 1
- DOD-4650.4-P-III 1
- DOD-4650.4-P-IV 1
- DOD-4650.5 3
- DOD-4650.5/DOT-VNTSC-RSPA-98-1 1
- DOD-4650.5;DOT-VNTSC-RSPA-97-2 1
- DOD-VA736-87-28 1
- DOD-VA846-88-1 1
- DOE/DOT/1043-02 1
- DOT-CG-D-04-88 1
- DOT-CG-D-04-90 1
- DOT-CG-N-01-90 1
- DOT-CG-N-01-91-1.2 1
- DOT-CG-N-01-91-1.3 - Pt. 1 1
- DOT-CG-N-01-91-1.3 - Pt. 2 1
- DOT-CG-N-01-91-1.4 1
- DOT-CG-N-01-92-1.2 1
- DOT-CG-N-01-92-1.3 1
- DOT-CG-N-01-92-1.4 1
- DOT-CG-N-01-93 1
- DOT-CG-N-01-94 1
- DOT-FAA-CT-86-1 2
- DOT-FAA-CT-94-90 2
- DOT-FRA-ORD-93-04-VOL-2 2
- DOT-FTA-MA-26-5019-03-01 2
- DOT-FTA-MA-90-5006-02-01 2
- DOT-HS-803-376-2 2
- DOT- HS-805 830 1
- DOT- HS-806 394 1
- DOT-HS-808-969 2
- DOT-RSPA-DPB-20-80-2.1 2
- DOT-TSC-FAA-77-06 2
- DOT-TSC-FAA-86-02 2
- DOT-TSC-FAA-91-4 3
- DOT-TSC-FRA-72-13 2
- DOT-TSC-FRA-83-3 2
- DOT-TSC-NHTSA-80-24 2
- DOT-TSC-NHTSA-85-5 2
- DOT-TSC-OST-71-17 2
- DOT-TSC-OST-72-2 2
- DOT-TSC-OST-72-20 2
- DOT-TSC-OST-74-10 2
- DOT-TSC-OST-75-31 2
- DOT-TSC-OST-77-6 2
- DOT-TSC-OST-77-33 2
- DOT-TSC-OST-77-68 2
- DOT-TSC-OST-79-1 2
- DOT-TSC-OST-82-03 2
- DOT-TSC-RSPA-79-1 2
- DOT-TSC-UMTA-78-31 2
- DOT-TSC-UMTA-81-11 2
- DOT-TSC-UMTA-82-8 2
- DOT-VNTSC-FAA-15-03 2
- DOT-VNTSC-FAA-17-13 2
- DOT-VNTSC-FAA-19-07 2
- DOT-VNTSC-FAA-95-12 2
- DOT-VNTSC-FAA-98-6 2
- DOT-VNTSC-FHWA-19-07 2
- DOT-VNTSC-FHWA-19-13 3
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-00-04 2
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-02-03 2
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-04-02 2
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-04-03 2
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-08-05 2
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-09-05 3
- DOT- VNTS C- FRA- 9 5 - 1 5 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-16-07 2
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-91-1 2
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-93-09.03 2
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-93-8-VOL-2 2
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-94-4 2
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-97-7 2
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-98-3 5
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-99-10 2
- DOT-VNTSC-FTA-00-01 2
- DOT-VNTSC-FTA-02-01 2
- DOT-VNTSC-FTA-03-01 2
- DOT-VNTSC-NPS-05-06 2
- DOT-VNTSC-NPS-10-01 2
- DOT-VNTSC-NPS-20-02 3
- DOT-VNTSC-RSPA-90-01 2
- DOT/FAA/AEE/202-02 2
- DOT/FAA/AEE/2012-07 2
- DOT/FAA/RD-95/3 2
- DOT/FRA/ORD-01/02 3
- DOT/FRA/ORD-01/21.II 2
- DOT/FRA/ORD-04/13.1 2
- DOT/FRA/ORD-04/13.II 2
- DOT/FRA/ORD-09/02 2
- DOT/FRA/ORD-09/09 2
- DOT/FRA/ORD-09/16 3
- DOT/FRA/ORD-10/01 2
- DOT/FRA/ORD-10/02 2
- DOT/FRA/ORD-17/20 2
- DOT/FRA/ORD-19/31 2
- DOT/FRA/ORD-90/14 2
- DOT/FRA/ORD-92/02 2
- DOT HS-84 151 1
- DOT HS- 800 567 1
- DOT HS-800 888 1
- DOT HS-805 276 1
- DOT HS-807-370 1
- DOT HS-810 863 1
- DOT HS-811 733 1
- DOT HS-S06 509 1
- DOT HS 805 712 1
- DOT HS 806 710 1
- DOT HS 806 711 1
- DOT HS 807 285 1
- DOT HS 807 291 1
- DOT HS 807 292 1
- DOT HS 808 189 1
- DOT HS 808 282 1
- DOT HS 808 570 1
- DOT HS 808 679 1
- DOT HS 809 057 1
- DOT HS 810 569 1
- DOT HS 810 580 1
- DOT HS 810 767 1
- DOT HS 810 833 1
- DOT HS 810 854 1
- DOT HS 811 015 1
- DOT HS 811 020 1
- DOT HS 811 021 1
- DOT HS 811 099 1
- DOT HS 811 304 1
- DOT HS 811 381 1
- DOT HS 811 435 1
- DOT HS 811 464 1
- DOT HS 811 496 1
- DOT HS 811 497 1
- DOT HS 811 498 1
- DOT HS 811 499 1
- DOT HS 811 516 1
- DOT HS 811 670 1
- DOT HS811 732 1
- DOT HS 812 023 1
- DOT HS 812 073 1
- DOT HS 812 074 1
- DOT HS 812 075 1
- DOT HS 812 159 1
- DOT HS 812 222 1
- DOT HS 812 223 1
- DOT HS 812 285 1
- DOT HS 812 312 1
- DOT HS 812 400 1
- DOT HS 812 429 1
- DOT HS 812 430 1
- DOT HS 812 556 1
- DOT HS 812 557, DOT-VNTSC-NHTSA-15-06 1
- DOT HS 812 572 1
- DOT HS 812 573 1
- DOT HS 812 574 1
- DOT HS 812 575 1
- DOT HS 812 576 1
- DOT HS 812 585 1
- DOT HS 812 611 1
- DOT HS 812 656 1
- DOT HS 812 657 1
- DOT HS 812 673 1
- DOT HS 812 745 1
- DOT HS 812 879 1
- DOT HS 812 902 1
- DOT HS 812 914 1
- DOT HS 813 066 1
- DOT HS 813 440 1
- DOT HS 813 499 1
- DOT TSC-FAA-71-2 1
- DOT TSC-OST-76-58 1
- DOT VNTSC-FRA-03-07.I 1
- DOT VNTSC-FRA-07-03 1
- DOT VNTSC-NPS-11-21 1
- DOT VNTSC FWS-10-01 1
- DOT VNTSC FWS-10-03 1
- FAA-AEE-98-01 2
- FAA-EE-91-02 3
- FAA-EM-79-10 2
- FAA-RD-76-20 2
- Final Report 5
- FRA/ORD-83/16 2
- FTA-MA-26-0006-94-1 2
- FTA Report No. 0097 2
- HS-805 458 2
- HS-805 540 2
- HS-805 565 2
- IMECE2008-66430 2
- KR-TR-108 3
- NPS RA No. F0001030001 4
- NPS TIC No. D-97 2
- PMIS 63642 2
- PMIS No. 109630 2
- RR 21-08 2
- RS006-PM-79-31 2
- SRI Project 7275 2
- VNTSC-OST-22-01, VNTSC-OST-22-02 2
- VNTSC-OST-22-03 2
- VNTSC-OST-22-04 2
- (RA)76-2 411-0021 1
- 0P469/R4814 1
- 0S514/R5523 1
- 09-IA-11030510-009 1
- 10-IA-11138100-016 Mod 2 1
- 15IA113245379 1
- 43A0140 1
- 044-326-500 1
- 51FA0IB700 1
- 51FA16CA 1
- 51FB15B100 NLL47 1
- 51FB15B100/NLL47 3
- 51FB21A420 TK525/UK525 1
- 51FB21Z220 TK527/UK527 1
- 51FB70 1
- 51FB86A1 1
- 51HS6CA100 4
- 51HS6CA200 1
- 51HS7BA100 4
- 51HS7BA200 1
- 51HW2LA400 1
- 51HW2LA400 RTH28 1
- 51HW2LA400/ PA307, PA309 1
- 51HW2LA400;PA307;PA 309 1
- 51HW2LA400;PA307;PA309 1
- 51HW2LA400;PA309 1
- 51HW2LA500 1
- 51HW2LA500 - SH443, TH443 1
- 51HW9EA400 1
- 51HW9EA500 1
- 51HW58F119/WH708 1
- 51HW72A/RE881 1
- 51NP84A100/RD153 1
- 51NP91A100 1
- 51OS58A100 2
- 51OS96A119 1
- 51RR04A900/NTF50 1
- 51RR24A200/PA676 1
- 51RR97A5/MLA49 1
- 51RR97A7/MVA67 1
- 51VHF3A100 NJ1V8 1
- 51VHF3A100/NJ1V8 3
- 51VM010000/NJ1A9 1
- 51VQ160000 1
- 51VT60A300 RA259 1
- 51VU02/NLM98 1
- 51VU16A100 1
- 51VXG70000 1
- 51VXJ60000 1
- 51VXN10000 1
- 51VXS4A200 1
- 51YW105000/G228A00000 1
- 52HW2LA400/PA308;QA308 1
- 061A-11100500-120 1
- 69A3551747109 2
- 71-CG03 1
- 151A11132425-380 1
- 693JJ3-18-N-300015 1
- 693JJ318N- 300043 1
- 693JJ318N300013, HW05A1 1
- 693JJ318N300035 1
- 693JJ318N300055 1
- 693JJ318N3000035 1
- 693JJ319N300053 1
- 693JJ319N300064 1
- 693JJ320N300046 1
- 693JJ418N000045 5
- 693JJ620N000049 1
- 693JJ621N000043 2
- 693JK421NT800008 2
- 693JK423NT800028 1
- 693KA8-19-N-00018 1
- 693KA8-21-N-00010 1
- 693KA9-18-N-00022 2
- 693KA900022 1
- 1409-18B 1
- 1409-20 1
- 3101-176;P.O. 8-4-0124 1
- 4204.2/3 1
- 4204.5 1
- 4330.3/6 1
- 6913G618F500083 2
- 6913G620P800065 1
- 8222-001 1
- 0022238 1
- 99700-7613-119 1
- 110076. 2
- 754305.3/4 1
- 69319521N200016 2
- 4505041114 1
- A0825/FA0E2 1
- A095/AOF090 1
- A112/FA1L1 1
- A1070/FA1EZ 2
- A1236/FA195 1
- A2025/FA2E1 1
- A2035/FA2L3 1
- A2070/FA227 2
- A3156/FA3M5 1
- A3720/FA3E2 1
- A4007/FA4E2 1
- A5007/FA5E2 2
- A5044/FA5H2 1
- A5284/FA50Y 1
- A6313/FA61K 1
- A7123/FA7E2 1
- A8123/FA8E2 1
- AB078/FAE2 1
- AL411 1
- B-9077 1
- B4039 1
- BB049/RR93 1
- BB101/RR04 1
- BL411 1
- BM177 1
- C11547 (2104) -1931 1
- CB035/RR28 2
- CG-02/99-712104 1
- CG-321/R-3015 1
- Cg-494/B-4005 1
- CG-D-80-75 1
- CG01 1
- CG074/B0024 1
- CG1A1/B1039 4
- CG2 7 4 / B2 0 6 7 1
- CG179/D1008 1
- CG269/B2006 3
- CG335/R3022 1
- CG369/B3022 2
- CG401-R4005 2
- CG407-R-4001 2
- CG409/R4002 1
- CG409/R4510 1
- CG486 1
- CG509/R5003 1
- CG524/R5011 1
- CG592/BS071 1
- CG607/R6001 2
- CG609/R6009 1
- CG633/B6025 1
- CG809 1
- CG816/R8007 2
- CG824/B8095 1
- DB034/RR28 3
- DD304/FA6Y 1
- DDTS.060183.00.801 1
- DOD-VA056-90-4 1
- DOT-71-HS-0 1
- DOT-1104 1
- DOT-1409-15 1
- DOT-CG-40,672-A 1
- DOT-CG-835285-A 1
- DOT-FH-11-8183 1
- DOT-FR-94-01 1
- DOT-FR-307 1
- DOT-FR-8084 1
- DOT-FR-9082 1
- DOT-FR-20064 1
- DOT-FR-30002 1
- DOT-FR-30038 1
- DOT-FR-74261 1
- DOT-HS-7-01706 1
- DOT-HS-7-01715 1
- DOT- HS-7-01737 1
- DOT-HS-190-2-300 1
- DOT-HS-302 1
- DOT-HS-303 1
- DOT-HS-399 1
- DOT-HS-820-202 1
- DOT-MA-06-0048 1
- DOT-OS-207 1
- DOT-OS-20088 1
- DOT-OS-50113 1
- DOT-OS-80013 2
- DOT-OST-77-031 2
- DOT-RA-N-02-612-0397 1
- DOT-RR-205 1
- DOT-TS-11201 1
- DOT-TS-13632 1
- DOT-TS-13729 1
- DOT-TS-15364-2 1
- DOT-TSC-10 53 1
- DOT-TSC-108 1
- DOT-TSC-251 3
- DOT-TSC-367 2
- DOT-TSC-375 5
- DOT-TSC-512 10
- DOT-TSC-532 2
- DOT-TSC-538 3
- DOT-TSC-580 2
- DOT-TSC-593 3
- DOT-TSC-598 2
- DOT-TSC-601 2
- DOT-TSC-627 2
- DOT-TSC-628 3
- DOT-TSC-643 2
- DOT-TSC-644 3
- DOT-TSC-661 2
- DOT-TSC-678 4
- DOT-TSC-681 2
- DOT-TSC-682 3
- DOT-TSC-717 2
- DOT-TSC-727 4
- DOT-TSC-836 2
- DOT-TSC-849 2
- DOT-TSC-850 2
- DOT-TSC-917 2
- DOT-TSC-920 5
- DOT-TSC-936 3
- DOT-TSC-1000 1
- DOT-TSC-1002-1 1
- DOT-TSC-1008 1
- DOT-TSC-1011 1
- DOT-TSC-1018 1
- DOT-TSC-1023 1
- DOT-TSC-1024 2
- DOT-TSC-1029 2
- DOT-TSC-1031 1
- DOT-TSC-1035 1
- DOT-TSC-1038 2
- DOT-TSC-1040 2
- DOT-TSC-1043-1 1
- DOT-TSC-1043-2 1
- DOT-TSC-1044 2
- DOT-TSC-1044-1 1
- DOT-TSC-1045 1
- DOT-TSC-1046 3
- DOT-TSC-1047-1 1
- DOT-TSC-1047-2 1
- DOT-TSC-1048-3 1
- DOT-TSC-1051 2
- DOT-TSC-1052-1 1
- DOT-TSC-1052-2;MA-06-0025;UM904/R0734 1
- DOT-TSC-1052-4 1
- DOT-TSC-1053 1
- DOT-TSC-1056 1
- DOT-TSC-1058 1
- DOT-TSC-1059 1
- DOT-TSC-1060-1 1
- DOT-TSC-1062 4
- DOT-TSC-1069 1
- DOT-TSC-1072 2
- DOT-TSC-1076-1 1
- DOT-TSC-1076-2 1
- DOT-TSC-1076-3 1
- DOT-TSC-1078 1
- DOT-TSC-1079 1
- DOT-TSC-1081 5
- DOT-TSC-1082 4
- DOT-TSC-1082-6 1
- DOT-TSC-1083 3
- DOT-TSC-1087-1 2
- DOT-TSC-1089 1
- DOT-TSC-1090-1 1
- DOT-TSC-1090-2 1
- DOT-TSC-1090-3 1
- DOT-TSC-1091 1
- DOT-TSC-1098 2
- DOT-TSC-1098-1 1
- DOT-TSC-1105 1
- DOT-TSC-1106 1
- DOT-TSC-1107 1
- DOT-TSC-1107-1 1
- DOT-TSC-1107-2 1
- DOT-TSC-1114 1
- DOT-TSC-1115 5
- DOT-TSC-1119 1
- DOT-TSC-1121 1
- DOT-TSC-1128 1
- DOT-TSC-1144 1
- DOT-TSC-1145 2
- DOT-TSC-1149 2
- DOT-TSC-1159 1
- DOT-TSC-1180 2
- DOT-TSC-1193 3
- DOT-TSC-1220 5
- DOT-TSC-1221 2
- DOT-TSC-1237 5
- DOT-TSC-1241 4
- DOT-TSC-1242 2
- DOT-TSC-1283 2
- DOT-TSC-1314 3
- DOT-TSC-1314-1 2
- DOT-TSC-1316 2
- DOT-TSC-1334 6
- DOT-TSC-1337 4
- DOT-TSC-1349 2
- DOT-TSC-1355 3
- DOT-TSC-1383 3
- DOT-TSC-1397-1 2
- DOT-TSC-1405 3
- DOT-TSC-1406 2
- DOT-TSC-1408 5
- DOT-TSC-1409 5
- DOT-TSC-1412 2
- DOT-TSC-1416 3
- DOT-TSC-1435 3
- DOT-TSC-1442 2
- DOT-TSC-1489 4
- DOT-TSC-1527 2
- DOT-TSC-1531 2
- DOT-TSC-1533 2
- DOT-TSC-1559 3
- DOT-TSC-1570 2
- DOT-TSC-1609 5
- DOT-TSC-1636 2
- DOT-TSC-1726 4
- DOT-TSC-1750 2
- DOT-TSC-1752 3
- DOT-TSC-1753 5
- DOT-TSC-1755 7
- DOT-TSC-1756 7
- DOT-TSC-1757 10
- DOT-TSC-1758 4
- DOT-TSC-1771 2
- DOT-TSC-1783 2
- DOT/TSC-RA-3-8 Task 1 2
- DOT/TSC-RA-75-10 2
- DOT/TSC DTRS-57-90-C-0024 3
- DOT HS-6-01319 1
- DTFH61-13-V-00008;HW9XA1/PLL45 2
- DTFH61-14-V-00025 4
- DTFH61-14-V-00025;DTFH61-15-A-00001 3
- DTFH61-80-C-00047 3
- DTFH6114V00029 2
- DTFH6116D00039L 2
- DTFR53-11-D-00008 4
- DTFR5316X00022 3
- DTFR5317X00026 2
- DTNH22-08-V-00017 3
- DTNH22-12-V-00080 3
- DTNH22-12-V-00085 3
- DTNH22-14-V-00136 4
- DTNH22-80-C-07530 3
- DTNH22-84-C-07106 2
- DTRS-57-80-C-00007 4
- DTRS-57-80-C-0081 3
- DTRS-57-81-00054 3
- DTRS-57-81-C-00034 2
- DTRS-57-93-D-00070 3
- DTRS57-95-G-00065 2
- DTRT57-10-D-30023 4
- EB101/RR04 3
- F4505087777 10
- FA-42R 2
- FA0VZ1/PL360 2
- FA01B1 2
- FA07C2 2
- FA1E2/A1070 3
- FA2E2/A2155 4
- FA2R/DL411 4
- FA3E2/A3093 2
- FA4E2/A4007 3
- FA4SC3 (KJ200) 2
- FA4SCL/PA727 3
- FA4TA3 2
- FA5 E2 / A5 0 0 7 2
- FA5E2/A5007 4
- FA5JA1/NTG11 2
- FA5JC6/PJ1C1 2
- FA5N/BS043 2
- FA6L1/A6112 3
- FA6Y/DD305 2
- FA6Y/ED305 2
- FA6Y BD305 2
- FA6YC1 HD5RG 2
- FA6YC8 LJ225 2
- FA9H2/A9246 2
- FA9L1/A9112 2
- FA16 2
- FA16C9 2
- FA165/A1126 3
- FA207 2
- FA211 2
- FA705/R7126 2
- FA727/A7072 4
- FA865/A8012 2
- FA905/R0132 2
- FA5007/FA5E2 3
- FAA/AJI-33 2
- FAE2 BB079 2
- FAN2C4 3
- FB48B3 5
- FB48CE 2
- FB48CS 2
- FB48CS/SG291 3
- FB48CT19 2
- FP-01/JD8AC 2
- FP01 (JD7RC) 2
- FP01/KD7RA 2
- HS-51A1 3
- HS7A 3
- HS60A1 3
- HS319/S3059 4
- HW-1M/AS197 5
- HW-66/CS036 2
- HW1MA1 2
- HW4VA100 2
- HW5NA2/SD284 3
- HW12A1;DTFH6115V00019 2
- HW17A100 SH040 3
- HW58F119 UJ930 2
- HW58P123 AAR496 2
- HW552/H5003 3
- HW765/H7039 2
- HW866/H8008 2
- IAA 693JJ319N300031 3
- IAA 693JJ320N300058 3
- Intra-Agency Agreement DTNH22-13-V-00114 2
- MA-06-0049 2
- MA-06-0120 2
- MA-26-7200 2
- NA23/DM345 4
- OS-207/R-2519 2
- P12PG70503 3
- P13PG00424 2
- P14PG00431 2
- P18PG00110 2
- P8001/RS830 2
- PMIS No. 99923 2
- PPA # HS-19 2
- PPA# HS-22 2
- PPA-RR-193 2
- R-9002/RR-928 2
- R2103/RR204 8
- R3010/RR393 4
- R3026/RR328 3
- R3537 2
- R4021/RR493 2
- R9032/RR993 4
- RA-77-07 3
- Reimbursable Agreement (RA)-VH99 2
- RR028/R0122 2
- RR033/R0301 2
- RR04AA SA154 3
- RR06D3 3
- RR19A2 2
- RR28A3/NLL72 2
- RR97A2/FG347 2
- RR97A2/HG347 2
- RR97A3/JMC48 2
- RR97A4/KT333 2
- RR194/R1130 2
- RR219/R2309 2
- RR293/R2015 2
- RR294/R2130 2
- RR305/R3306 2
- RR328/R3067 2
- RR393/R3015 3
- RR393/R4021 3
- RR493/R4021 2
- RR495/R4215 2
- RR505/R5316 2
- RR593/R5019 2
- RR593/R5021 3
- RR602/R7323 2
- RR622/R6301T 3
- RR628/R6317 2
- RR628/R7323 3
- RR628T/R7341 3
- RR993/R9021 2
- RS830/P8001 2
- SA-1J/AB136 2
- SG494 2
- Task Order 008 3
- TG902 2
- TM366/U3069 2
- TT50/U2196 2
- TTD CH 5218 2
- UM03-1 2
- UM248/R2650 2
- UM564/R5633 2
- UM627/R6706 2
- UMTA-MA-06-0153 2
- VHD2 2
- VM02/NLK63 2
- VPK9A1 3
- VR188/N1195 2
- VX-55/AS041 5
- VX-82 / JT022 3
- VX-82 / JT342 2
- VX-82/JM008 2
- VX-82/JM518 2
- VX-82/JT022 5
- VX-H2 / KL639 2
- VX-H2 / KL640 3
- VX-H2/KL640 5
- VX-K6/LLE72 2
- VX-K6/MLE72 5
- VX82/JT311 4
- VX82/JT312 4
- VXAGA1 2
- VXJ6 2
- VXJ6/MTD50 4
- VXJ6/NTD50 2
- VXK6/MLB48 2
- VXM7 2
- VXP8 2
- VXS4A1 2
- 2025 (4)
- 2024 (25)
- 2023 (26)
- 2022 (34)
- 2021 (49)
- 2020 (77)
- 2019 (98)
- 2018 (93)
- 2017 (110)
- 2016 (113)
- 2015 (117)
- 2014 (121)
- 2013 (94)
- 2012 (108)
- 2011 (140)
- 2010 (100)
- 2009 (100)
- 2008 (75)
- 2007 (82)
- 2006 (77)
- 2005 (72)
- 2004 (93)
- 2003 (100)
- 2002 (75)
- 2001 (79)
- 2000 (89)
- 1999 (85)
- 1998 (59)
- 1997 (78)
- 1996 (82)
- 1995 (96)
- 1994 (80)
- 1993 (93)
- 1992 (54)
- 1991 (39)
- 1990 (36)
- 1989 (38)
- 1988 (52)
- 1987 (51)
- 1986 (44)
- 1985 (78)
- 1984 (85)
- 1983 (103)
- 1982 (119)
- 1981 (178)
- 1980 (178)
- 1979 (191)
- 1978 (218)
- 1977 (189)
- 1976 (157)
- 1975 (159)
- 1974 (150)
- 1973 (119)
- 1972 (79)
- 1971 (108)
- 1970 (3)
- Bibliography (10)
- Booklet/Pamphlet (18)
- Brief (22)
- Dataset (4)
- In Book (3)
- In Proceedings (26)
- Journal (20)
- Journal Article (18)
- Manual (75)
- Manuscript (1)
- Map (1)
- Memorandum (9)
- Organization Info (6)
- Other (19)
- Policy Statement (3)
- Presentations (80)
- Press Release (4)
- Proceedings (404)
- Research Paper (397)
- Statistical Report (95)
- Tech Report (3934)
- Thesis (3)
- Abernethy, C. N. (6)
- Abernethy, Charles N., III (7)
- Abramson, P. (8)
- Aftandilian, Eric (5)
- Ahearn, Meghan (5)
- Anderson, David L. (5)
- Anderson, R. L. (9)
- Andrew, James (10)
- Arthur, David (8)
- Attioui, Fouad (5)
- Augustine, Stephen (6)
- Azeredo, Philip (7)
- Baas, Jessica (13)
- Badgley, Jonathan (5)
- Baker, Gary (16)
- Balasubramanian, Sathya N. (8)
- Barami, Bahar (11)
- Baron, William (7)
- Baron, William R. (6)
- Barrington, Alfred E. (5)
- Barrows, Timothy M. (6)
- Bartak, Jaimye (5)
- Bartinique, Ingrid (7)
- Barzach, Michael (5)
- Beattie, Kristy R. (6)
- Becker, Christopher (14)
- Bell, Ellen (10)
- Bellantoni, Juan F. (18)
- Bellman, Miles (5)
- Benjamin, Peter (9)
- Berg, Ian (8)
- Bernal, Jose (5)
- Berthaume, Andrew (8)
- Berthaume, Angela (6)
- Biernbaum, Lee (12)
- Bing, Alan J. (6)
- Bisch, Alison (5)
- Bishop, G. (6)
- Biton, Anna (17)
- Blanchard, Roger (5)
- Bland, R. G. (5)
- Bland, Tyrone L. (6)
- Bobo, Stephen N. (10)
- Boeker, Eric (19)
- Boeker, Eric R. (15)
- Borener, Sherry (5)
- Bradley, Kathleen (10)
- Bransfield, Stephen (5)
- Brashears, M. R. (14)
- Brecher, Aviva (19)
- Breck, Andrew (19)
- Brewer, John (19)
- Broderick, Anthony J. (5)
- Brodesky, Robert (12)
- Broek, D. (6)
- Brown, W. E. (7)
- Bryan, Jeffrey R. (10)
- Bucci, Gregory (12)
- Buck, Richard E. (8)
- Burger, Charlotte (7)
- Burki-Cohen, Judith S. (32)
- Burkman, Eric (9)
- Burnham, D. C. (21)
- Burnham, David C. (25)
- Burstein, Joseph (5)
- Byron, George (5)
- Calley, Chris (6)
- Cardellichio, Peter A. (5)
- Cardon, S. Z. (6)
- Cardosi, K. M. (13)
- Cardosi, Kim (20)
- Cardosi, Kim M (6)
- Carolan, Michael (25)
- Carolan, Michael E. (22)
- Carroll, Anya A. (12)
- Casey, Robert F. (26)
- Casey, William (5)
- Chachich, Alan (5)
- Chajka-Cadin, Lora (11)
- Chamberlain, T. W. (8)
- Chandra, Divya (14)
- Chandra, Divya C (31)
- Chase, Stephanie (12)
- Chase, Stephanie G. (11)
- Chernicoff, William P. (6)
- Chiarenza, Jonah (7)
- Chin, G. (9)
- Chupp, William (7)
- Clark, Kevin L. (6)
- Clark, Michael (9)
- Clark, S. K. (6)
- Clarke, Randy (5)
- Cohen, J. W. (8)
- Coltman, Michael (12)
- Colton, Paige (11)
- Condell, Helen M. (5)
- Cooper, Coralie (6)
- Coplen, Michael (10)
- Coplen, Michael K. (12)
- Costa, Stephen (5)
- Cotton, Ben (7)
- Cotton, Benjamin (12)
- Crayton, Travis (9)
- Cregger, Joshua (12)
- Culley, C. (5)
- Cumper, Jordan (5)
- Curtiss, H. C., Jr. (5)
- Cutler, Chris (5)
- Cutler, Christopher J. (5)
- Daddio, David (20)
- Daley, David M. (5)
- daSilva, Marco (11)
- daSilva, Marco P (7)
- da Silva, Marco P. (14)
- daSilva, Marco P. (8)
- Daskalakis, Anastasios (7)
- Deaderick, Lauren (15)
- DeBlasio, Allan J. (34)
- Devoe, Donald B. (13)
- Deysher, Elizabeth (6)
- Dietrich, Fred M. (5)
- Dinges, Eric (11)
- Disario, Robert (13)
- Dorer, Robert (6)
- Downey, Paul J. (7)
- Downs, Robert S. (7)
- Drain, Mary Claire (6)
- Draper, Julie A. (6)
- Duffy, Catherine (8)
- Duncombe, Christopher B. (6)
- Dyer, Michael (18)
- Eberle, W. R. (6)
- Eilbert, Andrew (18)
- Englisher, Larry S. (6)
- Epstein, Alexander K. (10)
- Erwin, R. L. (6)
- Eshraghi, Shaun (13)
- Farr, Edwin H. (7)
- Fichter, Katherine S. (8)
- Fijalkowski, Jared (16)
- Filosa, Gina (23)
- Fine, Alisa (16)
- Fisher, Frances (9)
- Fisher, Frances B. (6)
- Fleishman, Daniel (8)
- Fleming, G. G. (6)
- Fleming, Gregg (10)
- Fleming, Gregg G. (81)
- Flores, Arthur L. (8)
- Flusberg, M. (8)
- Forrest, L. (9)
- France, Megan (9)
- Frazier, Jonathan (12)
- Freedman, H. T. (6)
- Futcher, Emily (6)
- Gabree, Scott (13)
- Gabree, Scott H. (12)
- Galer, W. H. (6)
- Garay-Vega, Lisandra (10)
- Gay, Kevin (7)
- Gay, William F. (12)
- Gelb, Pat M. (8)
- Geyer, Michael (9)
- Gilbo, Eugene (12)
- Gillham, Olivia (13)
- Glaze, Mark (6)
- Glynn, Russell (6)
- Go, Tiauw H. (12)
- Gordon, J E (12)
- Gordon, Jeff (17)
- Gott, Philip G. (8)
- Grace, Nathan (12)
- Green, Kevin (13)
- Green, Michael (7)
- Greif, Robert (7)
- Gross, Marilyn (7)
- Hall, Clifford (7)
- Hallock, J. N. (19)
- Hallock, James N. (19)
- Hansen, Andrew (11)
- Harrington, Ryan (6)
- Hartnell, D. (6)
- Hassol, Joshua (9)
- Hastings, Aaron (17)
- Hastings, Aaron L. (17)
- Hathaway, W. T. (6)
- Hathaway, William T. (26)
- Heaton, Carla (11)
- Hellman, Adrian (7)
- Hilborn, Edwin H. (9)
- Hiltunen, Danielle (10)
- Hinton, M. G. (9)
- Hitz, John (6)
- Hitz, John S. (10)
- Holmstrom, F. Ross (11)
- Hopkins, John B. (18)
- Horton, Suzanne (8)
- Hosmer, Thomas P. (6)
- Hoxie, Paul (9)
- Huntley, M. Stephen, Jr. (31)
- Hurter, Donald A. (13)
- Hwang, Sunje (12)
- Hyde, David (7)
- Iberall, A. S. (6)
- Ingrao, Hector C. (11)
- Jackson, David (7)
- Jackson, David W. (7)
- Jackson, Lauren (6)
- Jacobs, Leo (6)
- Jacobs, William L. (6)
- Jacobsen, Karina (32)
- Jamison, Earl E. (12)
- Jenney, L. (9)
- Jeong, D.Y. (12)
- Jeong, David Y. (50)
- Jo, Young Jin (8)
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.) (24)
- Johnson, Milton R. (6)
- Jordan, L. (9)
- Kahn, D. (11)
- Kahn, David (8)
- Kalafus, Rudolph M. (12)
- Kay, Michael (15)
- Kendra, Andrew (15)
- Ketola, H. Norman (6)
- Kim, Brian (25)
- King, G. F. (8)
- Kish, Andrew (16)
- Kittredge, Danielle (8)
- Kodis, Ralph D. (10)
- Koehler, Don E. (23)
- Koffman, David (6)
- Koopmann, Jonathan (24)
- Koziol, J. S. (10)
- Koziol, Joseph S., Jr. (6)
- Lam, Andy (9)
- Lapedes, D. E. (6)
- Lappin, Jane (9)
- Lappin, Jane E. (17)
- Lau, Michael C (10)
- Laube, Melissa M. (9)
- Lave, Roy E. (8)
- Lee, Cynthia (30)
- Lee, Cynthia S. Y. (22)
- Lee, Douglass B. (14)
- Lennertz, Tracy (20)
- Lewis, Kristin (13)
- Lian, F. Scott (9)
- Lian, Scott (8)
- Linthicum, Alex (20)
- Litant, Irving (8)
- Llana, Patricia (26)
- Locke, Maryalice (6)
- Longridge, Thomas (8)
- Loxley, Colin J. (7)
- Lucivero, Anthony (9)
- Luna, Joseph (6)
- Lyons, William (28)
- Lyons, William M. (7)
- MacDonald, John (27)
- Macfarlane, Kate (6)
- Machek, Elizabeth (19)
- Machek, Elizabeth C. (8)
- Mackenzie, Franklin D. (7)
- Mackey, Stephen (6)
- Magro, W. R. (7)
- Maio, Domenic J. (6)
- Majeed, Mohammed (6)
- Malwitz, Andrew (10)
- Mannheim, Daniel (6)
- Markiewicz, Alexandra (10)
- Markos, Stephanie H. (13)
- Marquis, Brian (9)
- Marquis, Brian P. (7)
- Marshall, W. F. (39)
- Martinez, Eloy (14)
- Mateyka, J. A. (7)
- Mauri, Ronald (7)
- Mayville, Ronald (7)
- Mayville, Ronald A. (9)
- McBrien, Rachel Strauss (6)
- McCabe, Lawrence J. (6)
- McCoy, Kevin (23)
- McDonough, Thomas F. (6)
- McGovern, Seamus M. (7)
- McKeighan, Peter C (7)
- McNally, Alexandra (12)
- Mejias, Luis (11)
- Melnik, Gina (8)
- Meltzer, Neil R. (8)
- Mengert, Peter (36)
- Menhard, H. R. (8)
- Mergel, Joseph (10)
- Merrefield, Clark (15)
- Mertes, F. (11)
- Mickela, Barry (6)
- Middleton, Scott (6)
- Minnice, Paul (7)
- Misner, J. (6)
- Mittelman, Anjuliee (7)
- Morin, S (6)
- Morin, S. (10)
- Morse, Lindsey (14)
- Morton, Tom (6)
- Muhlanger, Michelle (9)
- Multer, J (10)
- Multer, Jordan (39)
- Nadler, Eric (16)
- Najm, Wassim (20)
- Najm, Wassim G (14)
- Najm, Wassim G. (14)
- Nash, Logan (14)
- Nasser, Ahmad (7)
- Neat, George W. (14)
- Newman, J. Steven (11)
- Ngamdung, Tashi (17)
- Nodine, Emily (8)
- Noel, George (26)
- Noel, George J. (15)
- Oberg, Alexander (7)
- Omoth, M. J. (6)
- Oren, Raymond (8)
- Orringer, O. (8)
- Orringer, Oscar (6)
- Pace, David (10)
- Page, Juliet A. (14)
- Pantano, P. (6)
- Parent, Daniel (8)
- Patel, Rahi (6)
- Pearlson, Matthew N. (8)
- Peckett, Haley (17)
- Peirce, Sean (30)
- Perlman, A. B. (11)
- Perlman, A.B. (7)
- Perlman, A. Benjamin (36)
- Perlman, Benjamin (30)
- Perlman, David (9)
- Petrella, Margaret (24)
- Phillips, Robert O. (6)
- Pickrell, Don (12)
- Pickrell, Don H. (6)
- Plosky, Eric (22)
- Plovnick, Amy (6)
- Poe, Carson (31)
- Pollard, John K. (23)
- Prause, Robert H. (7)
- Prerau, David S. (9)
- Priante, Michelle (6)
- Puckett, Sean (8)
- Quinn, R W (6)
- Quinton, Drew (8)
- Radin, Sari (13)
- Rainville, Lydia (10)
- Raj, Phani K. (7)
- Rakoczy, Przemyslaw (8)
- Rakoff, Hannah (8)
- Rancatore, Robert (10)
- Rancatore, Robert J. (6)
- Ranney, Joyce (6)
- Ranney, Joyce M. (7)
- Raposa, Frank L. (6)
- Rapoza, Amanda (14)
- Rapoza, Amanda S. (21)
- Raslear, Thomas (7)
- Rasmussen, Ben (21)
- Rasmussen, Benjamin (29)
- Read, David R. (11)
- Regan, Terrance J. (7)
- Regan, Terry (9)
- Reherman, Clay N (15)
- Remington, Paul J. (6)
- Rempfer, P. (6)
- Reovan, Andrew (7)
- Reymond, Robert D. (6)
- Ricci, Robert (7)
- Richardson, Heather (17)
- Rickel, Denise (7)
- Rickley, E. J. (9)
- Rickley, Edward J. (25)
- Rickley, E J (13)
- Ritter, Gary (15)
- Ritter, Gary T. (14)
- Rochat, Judith L (21)
- Roof, C. J. (10)
- Roof, Christopher (9)
- Roof, Christopher J. (29)
- Rosenhand, Hadar (6)
- Rossetti, Michael A. (8)
- Roth, Emilie (9)
- Roth, Emilie M. (9)
- Royal, J. W. (7)
- Rubinger, Bruce (7)
- Rudich, Robert (7)
- Rutyna, Eve (9)
- Saccoccio, Marjorie (10)
- Safar, Hadar (8)
- Salvatore, S (7)
- Samavedam, Gopal (13)
- Samiljan, Robert (10)
- Saurenman, Hugh J. (6)
- Scarpone, Chris (6)
- Schaeffer, K. H. (8)
- schomer (6)
- Schuessler, Robert W. (6)
- Schulz, Noah (15)
- Schwarzer, Julianne (8)
- Schweiger, Carol L. (6)
- Schwenk, Judith C (11)
- Schwenk, Judith C. (20)
- Segev, Eran (10)
- Senzig, David A. (40)
- Severson, Kristine (22)
- Severson, Kristine J. (13)
- Shanahan, Felicity (6)
- Shaulov, Mark (6)
- Shaw, Jingsi (8)
- Sheridan, T. (10)
- Sheridan, Thomas (9)
- Shrider, K. R. (6)
- Shumway, Meghan Ahearn (16)
- Simkowitz, Howard J. (6)
- Simmons, Erica (13)
- Skinner, David (10)
- Slavin, Howard (6)
- Smichenko, Susan (30)
- Smith, John D. (6)
- Smith, Scott (36)
- Smith, Scott B. (11)
- Soares, Melanie (6)
- Sobel, K. (6)
- Solman, Gina Barberio (13)
- Sparko, Andrea L. (21)
- Spenny, C. H. (6)
- Spiller, David (21)
- Spiller, David J (8)
- Stamper, K. R. (28)
- Stearns, M. D. (13)
- Stearns, Mary (Mary D.) (6)
- Stearns, Mary D. (10)
- Stevens, Scott (7)
- Stevenson, Lloyd E. (8)
- Stickler, John J. (10)
- Storment, J. O. (7)
- Strauss, Rachel (7)
- Stringfellow, Richard (17)
- Stringfellow, Richard G. (13)
- Sturm, Joseph C. (7)
- Sudderth, Erika A. (6)
- Sussman, E. D. (11)
- Sussman, E. Donald (24)
- Swanson, Elizabeth D. (8)
- Talamini, Brandon (7)
- Tang, Y.H. (8)
- Tang, Yim H. (10)
- Taylor, Catherine (8)
- Thompson, Alison (9)
- Thompson, Floyd (6)
- Thompson, William I. (10)
- Thrasher, Ted (8)
- Timmel, Christopher (7)
- Toma, Samuel (6)
- Tong, Pin (6)
- Transportation Systems Center (U.S.) (15)
- Turner, J. W. (6)
- Tyrell, David (52)
- Tyrell, David C. (25)
- United State Dept of Defense (7)
- Van Dyke, Karen (13)
- Van Eikema Hommes, Qi (6)
- Vilcans, Janis (6)
- Vinella-Brusher, Emma (6)
- Walker, J. (6)
- Walter, Robert (7)
- Walter, Robert A. (14)
- Wang, Frank (7)
- Wang, Frank Y. (15)
- Wassaf, Hadi (9)
- Wayson, Roger (7)
- Wayson, Roger L. (21)
- Weinstock, Herbert (8)
- Wichansky, Anna M. (8)
- Wilkinson, M. R. (8)
- Wisleder, Robert W. (7)
- Wlodyka, Raymond A. (6)
- Wong, P. J. (10)
- Wormley, D. N. (7)
- Yanagisawa, Mikio (10)
- Yang, C. Y. David (6)
- Yaworski, Michael (6)
- Yee, D. J. (6)
- Yeh, Michelle (39)
- Yoh, P. (7)
- Yowell, Ryan (6)
- Yu, Hailing (15)
- Zalay, A. D. (6)
- Zirker, Margaret E. (12)
- Zub, Russell W. (8)
- Zubrow, Alexis (15)
- Zuschlag, M. (9)
- Zuschlag, Michael (13)
- A.M. Birk Engineering (1)
- Abt Associates, Inc. (2)
- ACA Associates (1)
- Acentech Incorporated (1)
- Acoustical Analysis Associates, Inc. (3)
- Acumenics Research and Technology, Inc. (1)
- Advanced Technology, Inc. (1)
- AECOM Consult, Inc. (1)
- Aeronautical Research Associates of Princeton, Inc. (1)
- Aerospace Corporation (22)
- Aero Vironment, Inc. (1)
- Aging Aircraft Nondestructive Inspection Validation Center (1)
- Airesearch Manufacturing Company of California (7)
- Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center (1)
- Alta Planning + Design (1)
- Aluminum Company of America (1)
- American Public Works Association (1)
- American Railway Engineering Association (1)
- Ames Research Center (3)
- Amtrak (4)
- Analytical Mechanics Associates, Inc. (1)
- Analytic Sciences Corporation (3)
- Andrew S. Harris, Inc. (1)
- Applied Physical Sciences Corp., Groton, CT (2)
- Applied Research Associates (1)
- Applied Research Associates, Inc. (3)
- Argonne National Laboratory (1)
- Argonne National Laboratory. Energy Systems Division (1)
- Argos Associates, Inc. (1)
- ARINC Incorporated (2)
- ARINC Research Corporation (3)
- Arizona. Dept. of Transportation (1)
- Arizona State University (3)
- Armor Holdings Aerospace and Defense Group (1)
- Arthur D. Little, Inc. (30)
- Arup (1)
- Arvin/Calspan Corporation. Advanced Technology Center. Accident Research Group (1)
- ASL Engineering, Inc. (1)
- Association of American Railroads (1)
- ATAC, Inc. (2)
- ATAC Corporation (6)
- Australia. Civil Aviation Safety Authority (1)
- Automated Sciences Group, Inc. (1)
- Automated Services, Inc. (1)
- Automobile Club of Southern California. Engineering Dept. (1)
- Aviation Turbulence Research, Burlington, MA (1)
- Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corporation (1)
- Baltimore (Md.). Dept. of Transportation (1)
- Battelle (1)
- Battelle Human Factors Transportation Center (1)
- Battelle Memorial Institute (5)
- Battelle Memorial Institute. Columbus Laboratories (32)
- Battelle Memorial Institute. Pacific Northwest Division (2)
- Bay Area Air Quality Management District (1)
- Bechtel Group (8)
- Benet Laboratories (1)
- Beverly Scott and Associates (1)
- Biomedical Statistical Consultng (1)
- Bionetics Corporation. Ketron Division (2)
- Biotechnology, Inc. (1)
- Blue Ridge Research and Consulting, LLC (1)
- Boeing Aerospace Company (1)
- Boeing Commercial Airplane Company (2)
- Boeing Company (23)
- Boeing Company. Automated Transportation Systems (1)
- Boeing Company. Commercial Airplane Division for 1992- (5)
- Boeing Vertol Company (14)
- Bolt, Beranek, and Newman, inc. (13)
- Booz-Allen and Hamilton, Inc. (4)
- Booz Allen Hamilton (10)
- Booz Allen Hamilton for 2001- (1)
- Boyd, Maier & Associates (2)
- Budd Company (1)
- Burlington Northern Inc. (1)
- CACI, Inc. - Federal (9)
- California. Metropolitan Transportation Commission (1)
- California Institute of Technology, Jet Propulsion Laboratory. (1)
- Calspan Corporation (10)
- Camber Corporation (2)
- Cambridge Systematics (22)
- Cambridge Systematics, Inc. (4)
- CAMX Power LLC (1)
- Canadian Institute of Guided Ground Transport (1)
- Capitol Region Council of Governments (Conn.) (1)
- Carnegie-Mellon University (1)
- Carnegie-Mellon University. Driving Research Center (3)
- Carol R. Johnson Associates (1)
- Case, LLC (2)
- Catseye Services (1)
- Center for the Environment & Man (3)
- Central New York Regional Transportation Authority (1)
- Central Technology, Inc. (1)
- CH2M Hill, inc. (1)
- Charles River Associates (12)
- Charles River Associates, Inc. (6)
- Charles River Association, Inc. (2)
- Charles Stark Draper Laboratory (3)
- Chenega Advanced Solutions and Engineering (2)
- Cherokee, CRC (4)
- Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (1)
- Childs Engineering Corporation (2)
- Chilton Company (5)
- Chilton Research Services (2)
- Cincinnati Electronics Corp. (1)
- Civil Aerospace Medical Institute (4)
- Clemson University (4)
- Colorado. Dept. of Transportation (1)
- Colorado. School of Mines (1)
- Colorado School of Mines (2)
- Computer Sciences Corporation (11)
- Comsis Corporation (15)
- ConRail (1)
- Consolidated Rail Corporation (1)
- Control Analysis Corporation (1)
- Cornell University (1)
- Counterterrorism and Security Technology (1)
- Crain & Associates (26)
- Crew Systems Ergonomics/Human Systems Technology Information Analysis Center (1)
- Cross-Spectrum Acoustics (1)
- CSSI, Inc. (6)
- CTA Incorporated (1)
- Daniel, Mann, Johnson & Mendenhall (1)
- Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (1)
- De Leuw, Cather & Company (15)
- DeLeuw Cather & Co. (1)
- De Lorean Corporation (1)
- Dunlap and Associates, inc. (8)
- Dunlap and Associates, Inc. (5)
- Dynamic Research, Inc. (3)
- Dynamic Science, Inc. (5)
- Dynamics Research Corporation (6)
- Dynatrend, Inc. (1)
- Dynatrend Incorporated (2)
- Eagle Aeronautics, Inc., Newport News, VA (2)
- Eclectech Associates Division of Ship Analytics, Inc. (1)
- Ecoplan International (1)
- Ecosometrics, Inc. (1)
- Ecosystem Management, Inc. (3)
- EG & G Dynatrend (11)
- EG&G Dynatrend Inc. (2)
- EG&G Services (1)
- EG & G Services (Firm) (4)
- EG&G Technical Services (10)
- EG & G Technical Services, Inc. (2)
- Electric Research and Management, Inc. (12)
- Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (2)
- Engility Corporation (1)
- ENSCO (12)
- Environmental Acoustics, Inc. (1)
- Environmental Law Institute (1)
- EWI (2)
- Factory Mutual Research Corporation (4)
- Federal Aviation Administration (5)
- Federal Aviation Administration Technical Center (U.S.) (3)
- Federal Highway Administration (U.S.) (1)
- Flight Safety Foundation (1)
- Flight Transportation Associates, Inc. (2)
- Florida Atlantic University. Dept. of Ocean Engineering (1)
- Foster-Miller, Inc. (9)
- Foster-Miller Associates (11)
- France. Ministere des Transports. Institut de Recherche des Transports (1)
- Frederic R. Harris, Inc. (1)
- Futurepast (1)
- Gallagher, Susan (4)
- Gaugler Consulting (3)
- General Electric Company (1)
- General Motors Corporation (12)
- General Motors Research and Development Center (3)
- George Mason University (2)
- George Washington University (2)
- Georgia Institute of Technology (2)
- GIS/Trans. Ltd. (1)
- Glenn Research Center (1)
- Global Positioning Systems Wing/GPC (1)
- Goldberg-Zoino & Associates (4)
- Goodell-Grivas, Inc. (1)
- Gould Information Identification, Inc. (2)
- Governors Highway Safety Association (1)
- Great Britain. Civil Aviation Authority. Air Traffic Control Evaluation Unit (1)
- Guggenheim Center for Aerospace Health and Safety (1)
- Gulfstream Aerospace Corp., Savannah, GA (2)
- Haley & Aldrich (4)
- Harbridge House, inc. (1)
- Harris, Miller, Miller & Hanson Inc. (4)
- Harvard School of Public Health (1)
- Harvard University (3)
- Health Effects Institute (1)
- Hernandez Engineering, Inc. (1)
- HH Aerospace Design Company (3)
- Honeywell Inc. (2)
- Honeywell International, Inc. (2)
- Honeywell Systems and Research Center (1)
- Human-Machine Systems Laboratory (3)
- Hyperdyne (1)
- ICF International (Firm) (2)
- Idaho Traffic Safety Commission (2)
- IIT Research Institute (13)
- Illinois Institute of Technology (1)
- IMG Rebel Advisory, Inc. (3)
- IMR Systems Corporation (1)
- Indiana. Dept. of Transportation (1)
- Industrial Acoustics Company, Incorporated (1)
- Information Ventures (1)
- Innovative Solutions International (1)
- Input Output Computer Services, Inc. (3)
- Input Output Computer Services Incorporated (8)
- Institute for Telecommunication Sciences (1)
- Institute of Noise Control Engineering of the USA (INCE/USA) (1)
- Intelligent Optical Systems, Inc. (1)
- Interactive Elements, Inc. (1)
- International Institute of Noise Control Engineering (1)
- Iowa State University (1)
- Jet Propulsion Laboratory (U.S.) (8)
- JIL Information Systems (1)
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (16)
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.) (3385)
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.). Acoustics Facility (37)
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.). Economic and Industry Analysis Division (21)
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.). Office of Strategic Planning and Analysis (5)
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.). Office of System and Economic Assessment (1)
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.). Operations Assessment Division (3)
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.). Operator Performance and Safety Analysis Division (1)
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.). Planning and Policy Analysis Division (8)
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.). Policy, Planning and Environment (1)
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.). Safety Management Systems Technical Center (5)
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.). Safety Measurement and Analysis Division (5)
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.). System Measurement and Analysis Division (4)
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.). Systems Safety and Engineering Division (1)
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.). Transportation Policy, Planning and Organizational Excellence Division (2)
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, (U.S.) (482)
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center. Department of Transportation. Office of Strategic Initiatives for Research and Innovation. (4)
- K.T. Analytics, Inc. (1)
- Kaman AviDyne (2)
- Kansas State University (2)
- KBR Inc (1)
- KBRWyle Aerospace Group, Arlington, VA (2)
- Kearney (AT) and Company, Incorporated (5)
- Ketron, Inc. (3)
- Kinetic Research (3)
- L3 Communications, Billerica, Mass (1)
- Laboratory of Physiology and Biomechanics (1)
- Langley Research Center (12)
- Lehigh University (1)
- Leidos (1)
- Life Cycle Associates, LLC (1)
- Lincoln Laboratory (5)
- Lockheed Martin (11)
- Lockheed Missiles & Space Company, Inc. (4)
- Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, La.) (1)
- Louisiana Transportation Research Center (2)
- M.J. Bradley & Associates (1)
- MacroSys Research and Technology (Firm) (14)
- MAGLEV, Inc. (2)
- Maine. Dept. of Transportation (2)
- Management Analysts (1)
- Massachusetts. Executive Office of Transportation and Construction (1)
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (64)
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Center for Transportation Studies (1)
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics (6)
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Civil Engineering (1)
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Flight Transportation Laboratory (1)
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Man-Vehicle Laboratory (3)
- Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. (1)
- Mathtech, inc. (3)
- McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Company (2)
- Metron Aviation (7)
- Metropolitan Planning Organization (Mass.). Central Transportation Planning Staff (1)
- MGA Research Corporation (2)
- Minnesota. Department of Transportation (1)
- Mitre Corporation (8)
- Mitre Corporation. Center for Advanced Aviation System Development (3)
- Mitretek Systems. Center for Telecommunications and Advanced Technology (1)
- Mobility Systems and Equipment Company (2)
- Montana. Dept. of Transportation (1)
- Monterey Technologies, Inc. (2)
- Multisystems, Inc. (30)
- MxV (formerly TTCI) (1)
- MxV Rail (1)
- N. D. Lea & Associates, Inc. (1)
- National Air Traffic Services (Great Britain) (1)
- National Center for Statistics and Analysis (U.S.). Mathematical Analysis Division (3)
- National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) (2)
- National Highway Institute (U.S.) (1)
- National Institute of Aerospace (1)
- National Institute of Standards and Technology (U.S.) (5)
- National Parks Conservation Association (1)
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) (U.S.) (1)
- National Research Council (U.S.). Building Research Advisory Board (BRAB) (2)
- National Research Council (U.S.). Transportation Research Board (1)
- National Science and Technology Council (U.S.) (4)
- National Science and Technology Council (U.S.). Committee on Transportation Research and Development (1)
- National Scientific Laboratories, Inc. (12)
- National Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (13)
- Naval Research Laboratory (John C. Stennis Space Center) (1)
- Naval Surface Weapons Center (1)
- ND LEA Engineering & Planners Inc. (1)
- Netherlands. Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat (1)
- New York City Department of Environmental Protection (1)
- New York University. Dept of Aeronautics & Astronautics (1)
- Nobil Petroleum Testing, Inc. (1)
- Noblis, Inc. (2)
- Norris and Norris Associates (3)
- North Carolina University. Highway Safety Research Center (1)
- North Central Texas Council of Governments (1)
- Northern Virginia Transportation Commission (2)
- Northrop Grumman Information Technology (Firm) (2)
- Northwestern University (Evanston, Ill.). Dept. of Civil Engineering (1)
- NorthWest Research Associates, Inc., Bellvue, WA (4)
- OAO Corporation (1)
- Ohio University (1)
- Ohio University. Avionics Engineering Center (1)
- Operations Research Incorporated (6)
- Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology (1)
- Otak, Inc. (1)
- Otis Elevator Company. Transportation Technology Division (1)
- Overlook Systems Technologies, Inc. (1)
- PACCAR (1)
- Pacific Consulting Group (3)
- Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation (1)
- Parsons, Brinckerhoff, Quade & Douglas (14)
- Parsons Brinckerhoff (2)
- Partnership for Air Transportation Noise and Emissions Reduction (1)
- Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. (9)
- Pennsylvania. Dept. of Transportation (1)
- Pennsylvania State University (5)
- Policy and Management Associates (1)
- Polytechnic University (Brooklyn, New York, N.Y.) (1)
- Port Authority of Allegheny County (1)
- Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (1)
- Portland Cement Association (3)
- PRC, Inc. (3)
- Princeton University (6)
- Princeton University, Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (1)
- Princeton University. Dept. of Civil Engineering and Operations Research (1)
- Pullman Standard Company (1)
- Purdue University (1)
- Railroad Research Foundation (1)
- Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (1)
- Raytheon Company (4)
- Raytheon Company. Advanced Development Laboratory (1)
- Regulus Group (2)
- Ricardo Consulting Engineers, Ltd. (1)
- RLS and Associates (2)
- Rockwell International. Autonetics Electronics Systems Division (1)
- Roth Cognitive Engineering (2)
- Rouse Company (1)
- SAE International (1)
- Sam Schwartz Consulting, LLC (1)
- San Jose State University. College of Business. Mineta Transportation Institute (1)
- Schomer and Associates (1)
- Science Applications International Corporation (12)
- Scientific and Engineering Solutions, Inc. (12)
- Scientific Computing Associates LLC (1)
- Senzig Engineering (1)
- SG Associates (1)
- Sharma & Associates, Inc. (3)
- Simula Technologies, Inc. (4)
- Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (1)
- SNV Studiengesellschaft Naverkehr mbH (2)
- Social Engineering Technology (1)
- Society of Automotive Engineers (1)
- Solomon Associates (1)
- Sonotech Incorporated (1)
- Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (1)
- Southern California Research Institute (1)
- Southwest Research Institute (24)
- Space and Missile Systems Center (U.S.) (1)
- SRI International (12)
- Stanford Research Institute (2)
- Stanford University (4)
- Stanford University. Department of Civil Engineering (1)
- State University of New York at Buffalo. Dept. of Civil Engineering (2)
- State University of New York at Stony Brook. Experimental Mechanics Research Laboratory (1)
- Stinger Ghaffarian Technologies, Inc. (5)
- Storch Engineers (1)
- Systan Inc. (14)
- System Resources Corporation (4)
- Systems Technology, Inc. (1)
- T & B Systems (1)
- TASC, Incorporated (6)
- Technology & Management Systems, Inc. (3)
- Technology Research and Analysis Corp. (1)
- Technology Research and Analysis Corporation (2)
- Teska Associates (1)
- Texas A & M Transportation Institute (2)
- Texas Transportation Institute (1)
- Thomas K. Dyer, Inc. (1)
- TIAX LLC (21)
- Titan SRC (2)
- Titan Systems Corporation (1)
- TMNcorp (1)
- Tracor Jitco, Inc. (1)
- Transit Development Corporation (1)
- Transit Operations Assistance Division (1)
- Transportation & Economics Research Associates Inc. (1)
- Transportation Management Systems, Inc. (1)
- Transportation Pooled Fund Program (1)
- Transportation Systems Center (38)
- Transportation Systems Center (U.S.) (2)
- Transportation Technology Center, Inc. (17)
- Transport Research Laboratory (Great Britain) (4)
- Transtec Group, Inc. (1)
- Transtech International Inc. (1)
- TranSystems Corporation (1)
- Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon (1)
- TRW Defense and Space Systems Group (4)
- TRW Inc. (2)
- Tufts University (25)
- Tufts University. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (1)
- U.S. Department of Transportation. Research and Special Programs Administration. Transportation Systems Center (11)
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (3)
- Ultrasystems, Inc. (2)
- Unisys Corporation (4)
- United State Dept of Defense (2)
- United States. Bureau of Land Management (3)
- United States. Coast Guard (6)
- United States. Coast Guard. Office of Navigation Safety and Waterway Services (4)
- United States. Congress (2)
- United States. Department of Commerce (3)
- United States. Department of Defense (12)
- United States. Department of Energy (8)
- United States. Department of Homeland Security (4)
- United States. Department of Transportation (18)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Bureau of Transportation Statistics (36)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Aviation Administration (66)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Aviation Administration. Human Factors Division (4)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Aviation Administration. Office of Environment and Energy (29)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration. Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center (3)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (2)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration (55)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Railroad Policy and Development (2)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Research, Development, and Technology (2)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Research, Development and Technology (7)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Research and Development (18)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Transit Administration (12)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office (2)
- United States. Department of Transportation. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (18)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology (13)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Project Delivery Center of Excellence (3)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Research and Innovative Technology Administration (12)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Research and Special Programs Administration (12)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Research and Special Programs Administration. John A. Volpe National Transportation System Center (5)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Research and Special Programs Administration. Transportation Systems Center (23)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Transportation Systems Center (10)
- United States. Dept. of Energy (18)
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Research and Special Programs (3)
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Research and Innovative Technology Administration (17)
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Transportation Systems Center (5)
- United States. Environmental Protection Agency (5)
- United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Air and Radiation (2)
- United States. Federal Aviation Administration (8)
- United States. Federal Aviation Administration. Human Factors Research and Engineering Division (2)
- United States. Federal Aviation Administration. Office of Environment and Energy (11)
- United States. Federal Communications Commission (6)
- United States. Federal Highway Administration (22)
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Eastern Federal Lands Highway Division (2)
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Planning (2)
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Project Development and Environmental Review (2)
- United States. Federal Lands Highway Program (7)
- United States. Federal Railroad Administration (32)
- United States. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Railroad Policy and Development (2)
- United States. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Research, Development, and Technology (7)
- United States. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Research and Development (6)
- United States. Federal Transit Administration (16)
- United States. Fish and Wildlife Service (2)
- United States. Forest Service (9)
- United States. Joint Program Office for Intelligent Transportation Systems (8)
- United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (13)
- United States. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (4)
- United States. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (3)
- United States. National Park Service (2)
- United States. National Park Service. Denver Service Center (2)
- United States. Office of Pipeline Safety (3)
- United States. Urban Mass Transportation Administration (7)
- United States. Urban Mass Transportation Administration. Office of Technology Development and Deployment (3)
- United States. White House (5)
- University of Arizona. Dept. of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics (2)
- University of Central Florida (4)
- University of Central Florida. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (2)
- University of Hawaii (Honolulu) (2)
- University of Houston (2)
- University of Iowa (2)
- University of Massachusetts at Amherst (2)
- University of Massachusetts at Lowell (3)
- University of Michigan (10)
- University of Michigan. Highway Safety Research Institute (2)
- University of Michigan. Transportation Research Institute (4)
- University of Missouri--Rolla (2)
- Virginia. Dept. of Transportation (3)
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Transportation Institute (2)
- VisiCom Laboratories Inc. (3)
- Vought Corporation (3)
- Wayne State University (2)
- Westinghouse Electric Corporation (2)
- West Virginia University (5)
- Wharton Econometrics Forecasting Associates (6)
- William J. Hughes Technical Center (U.S.) (2)
- Wilson, Ihrig & Associates (5)
- Woodward Communications, Inc. (5)
- Wyle Laboratories, Inc. (5)
- 2008 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (4)
- Acoustical Society of America (1)
- Aerospace Corporation (8)
- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (35)
- American Meteorological Society (5)
- American Society of Civil Engineers (17)
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers (123)
- Ames Research Center (1)
- Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (1)
- Argonne National Laboratory (1)
- ASME (The American Society of Mechanical Engineers) (2)
- Association of American Railroads (1)
- Aviation Safety Reporting System (2)
- Battelle (1)
- Battelle Memorial Institute (2)
- Canada. Transport Canada (1)
- Central Federal Lands Highway Division (1)
- Clemson University (2)
- CTA, Incorporated (1)
- Digital Avionics Systems Conference (9)
- District of Columbia. Dept. of Transportation (2)
- Dynamics Research Corporation (3)
- Dynatrend Incorporated (1)
- Ecosystem Management, Incorporated (2)
- Elsevier (2)
- Federal Aviation Administration Technical Center (U.S.) (5)
- Federal Highway Administration (U.S.) (19)
- Federal Republic of Germany. Bundesministerium fur Forschung und Technologie (Federal Ministry of Research and Technology) (1)
- Flight Transportation Associates, Inc. (1)
- Florida Atlantic University (1)
- France. Ministere des Transports (1)
- Georgia Institute of Technology (1)
- Great Britain. Civil Aviation Authority (1)
- Great Britain. Ministry of Defence (1)
- Harris, Miller, Miller & Hanson Inc. (2)
- Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (12)
- ICAS 2002 Congress (1)
- ICF International (1)
- Information Science Reference (1)
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (48)
- Institute of Noise Control Engineering (INCE) (5)
- Intelligent Optical Systems, Inc. (1)
- Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office (1)
- International Civil Aviation Organization (1)
- International Congress of Aeronautical Sciences (1)
- International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management (1)
- International Union of Railways (2)
- ITS America (4)
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.) (754)
- Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1)
- Lincoln Laboratory (4)
- Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space (Firm) (2)
- Louisiana Transportation Research Center (2)
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (4)
- Metropolitan Council (Twin Cities Area) (4)
- Minnesota. Dept. of Transportation (4)
- Mitretek Systems (1)
- Montana. Department of Transportation (1)
- Montana. Dept. of Transportation. Research Programs (1)
- National Academy Press (1)
- National Air Traffic Controllers Association (1)
- National Bureau of Economic Research (1)
- National Center for Statistics and Analysis (U.S.) (3)
- National Highway Safety Program (1)
- National Research Council (U.S.). Transportation Research Board (1)
- National Runway Safety Program (1)
- National Science and Technology Council (U.S.) (5)
- North Carolina Department of Transportation. Research and Development Unit (1)
- North Carolina State University (1)
- Ohio University (1)
- Oregon. Department of Transportation (1)
- Pacific Southwest Region 9 UTC, University of Southern California (3)
- Partnership for Air Transportation Noise and Emissions Reduction (1)
- Princeton University (2)
- Royal Aeronautical Society (2)
- Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation (6)
- San Jose State University. College of Business. Mineta Transportation Institute (1)
- Society of Automotive Engineers (6)
- Southern Plains Transportation Center (1)
- Southwest Research Institute (1)
- SRI International (2)
- Stanford University (1)
- TASC, Incorporated (1)
- Taylor & Francis (2)
- Technology Sharing Program (U.S.) (2)
- Tenth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology (1)
- Texas A&M Transportation Institute (2)
- Transportation Systems Center (27)
- Tufts University (2)
- U.S. Coast Guard Research & Development Center (2)
- U.S. Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration (1)
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (6)
- United States. Air Force. Office of Scientific Research (1)
- United States. Air Force Systems Command (10)
- United States. Air Force Systems Command. Electronic Systems Division (3)
- United States. Army Forces Command (1)
- United States. Bureau of Land Management (3)
- United States. Bureau of Transportation Statistics (1)
- United States. Coast Guard (121)
- United States. Department of Commerce (9)
- United States. Department of Defense (1)
- United States. Department of the Interior. Bureau of Land Management (1)
- United States. Department of Transportation (22)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Bureau of Transportation Statistics (52)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Center for Climate Change and Environmental Forecasting (1)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Aviation Administration (430)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Aviation Administration. William J. Hughes Technical Center (1)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration (13)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Freight Management and Operations (1)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Safety (1)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (24)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. Office of Analysis, Research, and Technology (4)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration (322)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Research, Development, and Technology (21)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Research and Development (3)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration. Offices of Safety and Research and Development (1)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Transit Administration (69)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office (22)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office (ITS JPO) (2)
- United States. Department of Transportation. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (220)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Office of Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT) & Spectrum Management (2)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology (1)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Office of the Secretary (2)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Office of the Secretary of Transportation (1)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Research and Special Program Administration (2)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Research and Special Programs Administration. John A. Volpe National Transportation System Center (5)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Urban Mass Transportation Administration (111)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Urban Mass Transportation Administration. Office of Technology Development and Deployment (1)
- United States. Dept. of Agriculture. (1)
- United States. Dept. of Defense (17)
- United States. Dept. of Energy (3)
- United States. Dept. of Homeland Security (2)
- United States. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (2)
- United States. Dept. of State (1)
- United States. Dept. of the Army (1)
- United States. Dept. of Transportation (11)
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. ITS Joint Program Office (1)
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Research and Special Programs (2)
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Systems Engineering (2)
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy (2)
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Office of the Secretary (364)
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Research and Innovative Technology Administration (21)
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Research and Special Programs Administration (156)
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Research and Special Programs Directorate (10)
- United States. Dept. of Transportion (1)
- United States. Environmental Protection Agency (5)
- United States. Federal Aviation Administration (111)
- United States. Federal Aviation Administration. Human Factors Research and Engineering Division (3)
- United States. Federal Aviation Administration. Human Factors Research and Engineering Group (3)
- United States. Federal Aviation Administration. Navigation and Landing Product Team (1)
- United States. Federal Aviation Administration. Office of Aviation Research (5)
- United States. Federal Aviation Administration. Office of Environment and Energy (42)
- United States. Federal Communications Commission (2)
- United States. Federal Highway Administration (184)
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. (1)
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Corporate Research, Technology, and Innovation (12)
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Corporate Research, Technology, and Innovation Management (3)
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Environment and Planning (5)
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Freight Management and Operations (2)
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Highway Information Management (1)
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Natural Environment (4)
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Operations Research and Development (1)
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Planning (35)
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Planning, Environment, and Realty (3)
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Research, Development, and Technology (1)
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Safety (27)
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Safety Research and Development (1)
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Offices of Research and Development (1)
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Western Federal Lands Highway Division (1)
- United States. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (7)
- United States. Federal Railroad Administration (152)
- United States. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Railroad Policy and Development (23)
- United States. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Research, Development & Technology (7)
- United States. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Research, Development, & Demonstrations (1)
- United States. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Research, Development, and Technology (11)
- United States. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Research and Development (132)
- United States. Federal Transit Administration (68)
- United States. Federal Transit Administration. Office of Mobility Innovation (3)
- United States. Federal Transit Administration. Office of Planning and Environment (4)
- United States. Federal Transit Administration. Office of Research, Demonstration, and Innovation (18)
- United States. Federal Transit Administration. Office of Safety and Security (8)
- United States. Federal Transit Administration. Office of Technology (1)
- United States. Fish and Wildlife Service (3)
- United States. Forest Service (5)
- United States. General Accounting Office (1)
- United States. Government Printing Office (9)
- United States. Joint Program Office for Intelligent Transportation Systems (66)
- United States. Maritime Administration (2)
- United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (42)
- United States. National Highway Safety Board (1)
- United States. National Highway Safety Bureau (2)
- United States. National Highway Traffic Administration (4)
- United States. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (149)
- United States. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Electronic System Safety Research Division (2)
- United States. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Office of Driver and Pedestrian Programs (1)
- United States. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Office of Driver Performance Research (2)
- United States. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Research Institute (4)
- United States. National Park Service (137)
- United States. National Park Service. Northeast Region (12)
- United States. National Science Foundation (1)
- United States. Office of Aerospace Medicine (3)
- United States. Office of Commercial Space Transportation (1)
- United States. Office of Naval Research (1)
- United States. Office of Pipeline Safety (4)
- United States. Office of the Secretary (6)
- United States. Postal Service (4)
- United States. Urban Mass Transportation Administration (511)
- United States. Urban Mass Transportation Administration. Office of Bus and Paratransit Systems (1)
- United States. Urban Mass Transportation Administration. Office of Service and Methods Demonstration (1)
- United States. Urban Mass Transportation Administration. Office of Technical Assistance (1)
- University of Michigan. Transportation Research Institute (3)
- University of South Florida. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering (1)
- William J. Hughes Technical Center (U.S.) (2)
- Wyle Laboratories, Inc. (1)
- Yellowstone National Park (Agency : U.S.) (1)
- Acceleration (Mechanics) (30)
- Accessibility (37)
- Accidents (39)
- Accuracy (42)
- Acoustic emission (27)
- Acoustic measuring instruments (108)
- Acoustics (72)
- Advanced automation system (Air traffic control) (55)
- Advanced public transportation systems (33)
- Advanced traveler information systems (51)
- Aeronautical charts (28)
- Aged (59)
- Aircraft (123)
- Aircraft exhaust gases (49)
- Aircraft noise (185)
- Aircraft operations (27)
- Aircraft pilotage (34)
- Aircraft separation (40)
- Airline pilots (26)
- Air pilots (88)
- Airplanes (23)
- Air pollution (103)
- Airport capacity (26)
- Airport noise (55)
- Airport operations (22)
- Airport runways (65)
- Airports (100)
- Airport surface traffic control (40)
- Air quality (59)
- Air quality management (58)
- Airspace (Aeronautics) (27)
- Air traffic (25)
- Air traffic control (274)
- Air traffic controllers (63)
- Air traffic control radar beacon system (24)
- Air transportation (65)
- Alcohol tests (26)
- Algorithms (67)
- Alternate fuels (54)
- Alternatives analysis (130)
- Alternative transportation (29)
- Ambient noise (53)
- Analysis (85)
- Annual reports (30)
- Antennas (27)
- Arrivals and departures (27)
- Asset management (22)
- Automated guideway transit (70)
- Automated vehicle control (31)
- Automatic control (30)
- Automatic fare collection (25)
- Automation (88)
- Automobile industry (58)
- Automobiles (215)
- Aviation (31)
- Aviation Environmental Design Tool (34)
- Aviation safety (54)
- Avionics (38)
- Ballast (Railroads) (24)
- Behavior (40)
- Benefit cost analysis (89)
- Benefits (33)
- Best practices (69)
- Bibliographies (44)
- Bicycles (25)
- Buckling (24)
- Buses (131)
- Bus transit (55)
- Bus transportation (37)
- Cabs (Vehicle compartments) (40)
- Carbon monoxide (43)
- Car wheels (Railroads) (39)
- Case studies (107)
- Certification (52)
- City planning (39)
- Civil aviation (24)
- Climate change (59)
- Collisions (142)
- Commercial vehicles (26)
- Communications (25)
- Communication systems (66)
- Communities (40)
- Commuter cars (45)
- Competition (28)
- Compliance (24)
- Computer models (46)
- Computer program documentation (39)
- Computer programming (48)
- Computer programs (109)
- Computers (36)
- Construction (47)
- Control systems (25)
- Coordination (37)
- Cost allocation (28)
- Cost analysis (24)
- Cost effectiveness (54)
- Cost estimating (44)
- Costs (230)
- Countermeasures (44)
- Couplers (26)
- Cracking (44)
- Crash analysis (27)
- Crash avoidance systems (56)
- Crash energy management (49)
- Crashes (33)
- Crash injury research (87)
- Crash investigation (24)
- Crash tests (55)
- Crash victim simulation (35)
- Crashworthiness (166)
- Data (30)
- Data analysis (45)
- Databases (60)
- Data collection (247)
- Data communications (29)
- Data processing (43)
- Data quality (24)
- Decision making (89)
- Defects (49)
- Demand (59)
- Demand responsive transportation (29)
- Demonstration projects (100)
- Deployment (46)
- Derailments (41)
- Design (116)
- Detectors (43)
- Development (64)
- Diesel engine exhaust gases (25)
- Diesel engines (74)
- Digital displays (25)
- Disasters and emergency operations (36)
- Drag (25)
- Drivers (30)
- Dummies (33)
- Dynamic loads (25)
- Dynamics (28)
- Dynamic structural analysis (33)
- Dynamic tests (46)
- Economic analysis (66)
- Economic factors (35)
- Economic impacts (25)
- Economics (38)
- Education and training (25)
- Electric vehicles (41)
- Electromagnetic fields (22)
- Employment (23)
- Energy (46)
- Energy conservation (38)
- Energy consumption (63)
- Engineering (35)
- Engines (34)
- Environmental impact analysis (47)
- Environmental impacts (153)
- Environmental monitoring (22)
- Environmental policy (36)
- Environmental protection (36)
- Environmental quality (26)
- Environmental risk assessment (35)
- Equipment (44)
- Equipment tests (23)
- Estimates (40)
- Evaluation (134)
- Evaluation/program assessment (23)
- Evaluation and assessment (89)
- Excavation and tunneling (30)
- Exhaust gases (189)
- Failure (42)
- Failure analysis (25)
- Fares (31)
- Fatalities (120)
- Fatigue (Mechanics) (32)
- Feasibility analysis (34)
- Federal government (40)
- Ferry service (23)
- Field tests (88)
- Financing (54)
- Finite element method (123)
- Fires (42)
- Fixed routes (30)
- Fleet management (26)
- Flight crews (30)
- Flight decks (26)
- Flight paths (27)
- Flight simulators (43)
- Flight tests (27)
- Flight training (24)
- Flow (37)
- Flow control (Air traffic control) (44)
- Forecasting (110)
- Fracture mechanics (36)
- Fracture tests (22)
- Freight cars (29)
- Freight traffic (41)
- Freight trains (26)
- Freight transportation (86)
- Fuel conservation (39)
- Fuel consumption (261)
- Fuels (29)
- Geographic information systems (87)
- Global Positioning System (126)
- Government funding (22)
- Grade crossing protection systems (41)
- Greenhouse gases (39)
- Guidelines (43)
- Guideways (25)
- Handbooks (43)
- Hazard analysis (28)
- Hazardous materials (66)
- Hazards (37)
- Helicopters (55)
- High speed ground transportation (73)
- High speed rail (71)
- Highways (62)
- Highway safety (84)
- Highway traffic control (30)
- Highway transportation (78)
- Human factors (296)
- Human factors engineering (55)
- Human factors in crashes (23)
- Hybrid vehicles (25)
- Hydrocarbons (24)
- Impacts (30)
- Impact studies (26)
- Impact tests (91)
- Implementation (29)
- Industries (48)
- Information display systems (41)
- Information dissemination (26)
- Information processing (58)
- Information systems (46)
- Infrastructure (60)
- Injuries (63)
- Innovation (63)
- Inspection (61)
- Instrumentation (40)
- Instrument landing systems (43)
- Integrated Noise Model (31)
- Intelligent transportation systems (161)
- Intelligent transportation systems programs (25)
- Intelligent vehicles (48)
- Intermodal transportation (24)
- Internal combustion engines (54)
- International trade (25)
- Intersections (25)
- Interviewing (25)
- Inventory (41)
- Investments (27)
- ITS program technologies (30)
- Laboratory tests (22)
- Landing (28)
- Land use (27)
- Land use planning (30)
- Lessons learned (26)
- Level of service (55)
- Life cycle analysis (22)
- Life cycle costing (23)
- Light rail vehicles (24)
- Light trucks (26)
- Light vehicles (23)
- Local government (24)
- Locomotive engineers (26)
- Locomotives (91)
- Logistics (27)
- Long range planning (38)
- Magnetic levitation (28)
- Magnetic levitation vehicles (40)
- Maintenance (69)
- Maintenance management (36)
- Management (34)
- Manuals (56)
- Manufacturing (23)
- Marketing (52)
- Market research (24)
- Mathematical analysis (22)
- Mathematical models (236)
- Mathematical prediction (64)
- Measurement (142)
- Measurement of specific phenomena (30)
- Measures of effectiveness (22)
- Methodology (41)
- Metropolitan planning organizations (71)
- Mobility (52)
- Models (22)
- Modems (22)
- Monitoring (33)
- Motor carriers (36)
- Motor vehicle industry (37)
- Motor vehicles (67)
- Multimodal transportation (30)
- Multipath transmission (25)
- National parks (214)
- Navigation (38)
- Navigational aids (33)
- Navigation systems (32)
- Needs assessment (39)
- Network analysis (Planning) (38)
- Nitric oxide (34)
- Nitrogen oxides (37)
- Noise (214)
- Noise barriers (27)
- Noise control (92)
- Noise sources (41)
- Nondestructive tests (33)
- Nonmotorized transportation (23)
- NTS (84)
- Occupant protection devices (34)
- Oil spills (25)
- Operating costs (79)
- Operations (47)
- Optimization (27)
- Outdoor recreation (23)
- Paratransit services (91)
- Parking (42)
- Partnerships (24)
- Passenger cars (100)
- Passenger comfort (22)
- Passengers (54)
- Passenger trains (61)
- Passenger transportation (39)
- Pedestrians (63)
- Pedestrian safety (22)
- Peer groups (62)
- Performance (88)
- Performance evaluations (113)
- Performance measurement (78)
- Performance tests (43)
- Personal rapid transit (44)
- Persons with disabilities (64)
- Phased arrays (28)
- Pipelines (48)
- Pipeline transportation (31)
- Planning (114)
- Policy (67)
- Policy, legislation and regulation (34)
- Pollutants (60)
- Position fixing (35)
- Prevention (61)
- Prices (25)
- Private enterprise (30)
- Production (30)
- Productivity (31)
- Project management (24)
- Propulsion (30)
- Prototype tests (22)
- Public land (73)
- Public private partnerships (42)
- Public transit (278)
- Radar (28)
- Radio navigation (42)
- Rail (Railroads) (117)
- Railroad accidents (37)
- Railroad cars (118)
- Railroad commuter service (23)
- Railroad crashes (38)
- Railroad facilities (27)
- Railroad grade crossings (129)
- Railroads (129)
- Railroad safety (246)
- Railroad stations (30)
- Railroad ties (28)
- Railroad tracks (162)
- Railroad trains (55)
- Railroad transportation (137)
- Rail transit (46)
- Rail transit stations (24)
- Rapid transit (189)
- Rapid transit cars (57)
- Real time information (30)
- Recommendations (31)
- Regional planning (43)
- Regional transportation (30)
- Regulation (43)
- Regulations (80)
- Reliability (69)
- Research (144)
- Research Hub (22)
- Research projects (24)
- Residual stress (25)
- Revenues (30)
- Ride quality (43)
- Ridership (77)
- Ridesharing (42)
- Right of way (Land) (26)
- Risk analysis (35)
- Risk assessment (100)
- Rolling contact (38)
- Routes (28)
- Routing (23)
- Safety (267)
- Safety and Human Factors (22)
- Safety engineering (61)
- Safety management (31)
- Safety programs (56)
- Satellite communication (37)
- Satellite navigation systems (80)
- Scheduling (50)
- Security (58)
- Sensors (38)
- Ships (38)
- Shuttle buses (49)
- Shuttle service (70)
- Simulation (207)
- Socioeconomic factors (33)
- Software (68)
- Sound level (158)
- Sound transmission (31)
- Spark ignition engines (22)
- Specifications (105)
- Stability (Mechanics) (24)
- Stakeholders (55)
- Standards (130)
- State departments of transportation (75)
- State of the art studies (40)
- Statistical analysis (74)
- Statistics (155)
- Steel (23)
- Strategic planning (81)
- Stresses (30)
- Structural analysis (66)
- Structural design (69)
- Subways (50)
- Supply (31)
- Surveillance (51)
- Surveys (96)
- Systems analysis (50)
- Systems engineering (26)
- Tables (Data) (41)
- Takeoff (33)
- Tank cars (56)
- Taxicabs (30)
- Technical assistance (30)
- Technological innovations (105)
- Technology (96)
- Technology assessment (84)
- Temperature (26)
- Testing (92)
- Test procedures (32)
- Tests (46)
- Thermal stresses (24)
- Tire/pavement noise (23)
- Tires (41)
- Tourists (61)
- Traffic congestion (79)
- Traffic control (30)
- Traffic crashes (38)
- Traffic flow (38)
- Traffic noise (63)
- Traffic safety (72)
- Trails (36)
- Train crews (27)
- Training (63)
- Train track dynamics (45)
- Transit safety (30)
- Transmissions (23)
- Transportation (185)
- Transportation departments (26)
- Transportation modes (38)
- Transportation operations (59)
- Transportation planning (373)
- Transportation policy (44)
- Transportation safety (90)
- Travel (24)
- Travel behavior (23)
- Travel demand (69)
- Travel patterns (37)
- Travel time (28)
- Trend (Statistics) (37)
- Trespassers (36)
- Trucking (23)
- Trucks (82)
- Tunneling (48)
- Tunnels (48)
- Turbulence (57)
- Urban areas (78)
- Urban transportation (225)
- Validation (41)
- Vehicle design (138)
- Vehicle miles of travel (23)
- Vehicle power plants (74)
- Vehicles (52)
- Vehicle safety (29)
- Vehicle to vehicle communications (24)
- Velocity (25)
- Vessel traffic control (29)
- Vibration (33)
- Visibility (37)
- Voice communication (24)
- Vortices (112)
- Wakes (117)
- Wake vortices (29)
- Warning devices (29)
- Warning systems (59)
- Water transportation (82)
- Wear (25)
- Weather (33)
- Weight (35)
- Wheels (79)
- Wildlife (24)
- Wind (37)
- Workshops (75)
- 03-26-E (1)
- 03-36-E (1)
- 21-15105(01) (1)
- 77-TR-8 (1)
- 78SRC114 (1)
- 79-TR-48 (1)
- 84-WA/RT-1 (1)
- 85-U-1985 (1)
- 94-S1-O-16 (1)
- 99CH36340 (1)
- 116-236 (1)
- 117/126562 (1)
- 135/133526 (1)
- 139/128344 (1)
- 184/122750 (1)
- 186/112423 (1)
- 325/121602 (1)
- 330/134910 (1)
- 337/168003 (1)
- 366/127815 (1)
- 373/106557 (1)
- 373/106558 (1)
- 386/142693 (1)
- 413/116329 (1)
- 421 (1)
- 446/140181 (1)
- 460/108481 (1)
- 460/119380 (1)
- 607/128437 (1)
- 607/128438/March 2015 (1)
- 609/106257 (1)
- 609/107186 (1)
- 622/116330 (1)
- 626/132643 (1)
- 632/175034 (1)
- 633/126768 (1)
- 644/121661 (1)
- 646/121735 (1)
- 842/128539 (1)
- 850/168714 (1)
- 962/147358 (1)
- 962/147396 (1)
- 999/120624 (1)
- 999/121475 (1)
- 999/123978 (1)
- 999/125522 (1)
- 999/126547 (1)
- 999/127390 (1)
- 999/129683 (1)
- 999/131409 (1)
- 999/136171 (1)
- 999/146604 (1)
- 999/148832 (1)
- 999/165288 (1)
- 999/165423 (1)
- 2004-01-0171 (1)
- 2011-A-717-AWMA (1)
- 6039 (1)
- 6827.001 (1)
- 54943GTH (1)
- 290600.1 (1)
- 851225 (1)
- 1174898 (1)
- A.R.A.P Rept. 245 (1)
- AAF-220-78-01-1 (1)
- AAF-220-78-01-2 (1)
- AAF-220-78-01-3 (1)
- AAI-76-27;DOT-TSC-UMTA-76-12;UMTA-MA-06-0025-76-5 (1)
- AAI 77-18 (1)
- AD-733 762 (1)
- AD-744 873 (1)
- AD-744 876 (1)
- AD-770 251 (1)
- AD-A016 171 (1)
- AD-A019 783 (1)
- AD-A019 964 (1)
- AD-A023 415 (1)
- AD-A031 824 (1)
- AD-A044 318 (1)
- AD-A053 676 (1)
- AD-A057 311 (1)
- AD-A060 503 (1)
- AD-A062 754 (1)
- AD-A093 774 (1)
- AD-A093 776 (1)
- AD-A116 468 (1)
- AD-A116 469 (1)
- AD-A116 471 (1)
- AD-A117 599 (1)
- AD-A117 863 (1)
- AD-A129 753 (1)
- AD-A137 673 (1)
- AD-A138 743 (1)
- AD-A141 665 (1)
- AD-A144 199 (1)
- AD-A145 273 (1)
- AD-A146 414 (1)
- AD-A168 582 (1)
- AD-A176 320 (1)
- AD-A179 731 (1)
- AD-A228 934 (1)
- AD-A229 086 (1)
- AD-A241 735;DoD-VB021-90-1 (1)
- AD-A242 305 (1)
- AD-A265 325 (1)
- AD/A001 874 (1)
- AD/A005 653 (1)
- AD A014 095 (1)
- ADA055518 (1)
- ADA068974 (1)
- ADA070815 (1)
- ADA222634 (1)
- ADA233839 (1)
- ADA236284 (1)
- ADA241659 (1)
- ADA241824 (1)
- ADA241825 (1)
- ADA241873 (1)
- ADA242037 (1)
- ADA242659 (1)
- ADA265284 (1)
- ADA265285 (1)
- ADA265326 (1)
- ADA265327 (1)
- ADA265328 (1)
- AD A307407 (1)
- Addendum to Letter Report V324-FB48B3-LR2 (1)
- ADL-78542-06-1-Vol-1 (1)
- ADL-78542-06-1-Vol-2 (1)
- ADL-80589-11 (1)
- AEDC-TR-74-117 (1)
- AIAA-2000-4296 (1)
- AIAA-2001-4425 (1)
- AIAA-2003-5678 (1)
- AIAA-2005-6109 (1)
- AIAA-2006-6114 (1)
- AIAA-2012-1229 (1)
- AIAA2004-5154 (1)
- AIAA 2004-6395 (1)
- AIAA 2005-260 (1)
- AIAA 2005-4849 (1)
- AIAA 2006-2536 (1)
- AIAA 2006-2537 (1)
- AIAA 2006-2538 (1)
- AIAA 2006-2539 (1)
- AIAA 2007-288 (1)
- AIAA 2007-1057 (1)
- AIAA 2007-6450 (1)
- AIAA 2007-6564 (1)
- AIAA 2008-6871 (1)
- AIAA 2009-6194 (1)
- AIAA 2011-6320 (1)
- AIAA 2012-4986 (1)
- AIAA 2013-0365 (1)
- AIAA 2015-3172 (1)
- AIAA 2016-3434 (1)
- ANL/ESD/12-8 (1)
- ASGI-TR-75-09 (1)
- ATBCB-2011-0004-0002 (1)
- ATC-23 (1)
- ATC-26 Volume III (1)
- ATR-2004(5081)-1 (1)
- ATR-2006(5200)-1;DOT-VNTSC-FAA-05-11 (1)
- ATR-2007(5309)-1 (1)
- ATR-2009(5390)-1 (1)
- ATR-2009(5427)-1 (1)
- ATR-2010(5387)-1 (1)
- ATR-2010(5569)-1 (1)
- ATR-2011(5585)-1 (1)
- AV FR 439 (1)
- BATT-G-6266-0100 (1)
- BATT-G-6266-0101 (1)
- BBN-4167 (1)
- BBN Report No. 4413 (1)
- BERC/OP-76/15 (1)
- BERC/OP-76/16 (1)
- BERC/OP-76/32 Intrm Rpt. (1)
- BERC/OP-77/5 (1)
- BERC/OP-77/29 (1)
- BERC/OP-77/41 (1)
- BERC/OP-77/44 (1)
- BERC/OP-77/47- (1)
- BERC/OP-77/48 (1)
- BERC/OP-77/53 (1)
- BERC/OP-77/58 (1)
- BERC/OP-77/61 (1)
- BERC/OP-77/62 (1)
- BERC/OP-78/20 (1)
- BERC/OP077/52 (1)
- BETC/OP-78/21 (1)
- BETC/OP-78/22 (1)
- BETC/OP-78/30 (1)
- BETC/OP-78/34 (1)
- BETC/OP-78/56 (1)
- BETC/OP-79/2 (2)
- BTS02-06 (1)
- BTS02-08 (1)
- BTS98-A-02 (1)
- CA 10-0146 (1)
- CD-D-78-76 (1)
- CE-252 (1)
- CEM-4191-548 (1)
- CEM Report No. 4230-617 (1)
- CG-D-02-79 (1)
- CG-D-02-87 (1)
- CG-D-04-83 (1)
- CG-D-08-84 (1)
- CG-D-09-92 (1)
- CG- D- 1 0 - 9 5 (1)
- CG-D-11-78 (1)
- CG-D-12-78 (1)
- CG-D-13-78 (1)
- CG-D-14-78 (1)
- CG-D-14-79 (1)
- CG-D-17-79 (1)
- CG-D-17-83 (1)
- CG-D-18-85 (1)
- CG-D-21-74 (1)
- CG-D-22-97,1 (1)
- CG-D-22-97,2 (1)
- CG-D-25-78 (1)
- CG-D-25-84 (1)
- CG-D-25-96 (1)
- CG-D-26-78 (1)
- CG-D-26-80 (1)
- CG-D-27-75 (1)
- CG-D-27-96, 1 (1)
- CG-D-28-78 (1)
- CG-D-29-78 (1)
- CG-D-29-85,I (1)
- CG-D-29-85.2 (1)
- CG-D-29-85.3 (1)
- CG-D-37-75.III (1)
- CG-D-37.75.II (1)
- CG-D-38-82-1 (1)
- CG-D-38-82-2 (1)
- CG-D-40-74 (1)
- CG-D-41-74 (1)
- CG-D-42-74 (1)
- CG-D-50-75 (1)
- CG-D-50-79 (1)
- CG-D-52-80.1 (1)
- CG-D-52-80.2 (1)
- CG-D-54-80 (1)
- CG-D-55-78 (2)
- CG-D-60-79 (1)
- CG-D-63-78, I (1)
- CG-D-64-75 (1)
- CG-D-68-81 (1)
- CG-D-69-76 (1)
- CG-D-78-74 (1)
- CG-D-80-75 (1)
- CG-D-82-78 (1)
- CG-D-84-76 (1)
- CG-D-86-75 (1)
- CG-D-122-75 (1)
- CG-D-123-75 (1)
- CG-D-131-76 (1)
- CG-D-134-75 (1)
- CG-ELC-SOP-AFL.1 (1)
- CG-N-03-86 (1)
- CG-N-1-84 (1)
- CG-N-1-88 (1)
- CG-N-2-82 (2)
- CG-W-001-82 (1)
- CG98-PM42-6 (1)
- CG98-PM42-7 (1)
- CH37356-TBR (2)
- CONS/1043-1 (1)
- CPR 2012 (1)
- CRA-322 (1)
- CRA-347-VOL-2 (1)
- CRA project no. 852-03 (1)
- CSDL-R-2491 (1)
- D0T-HS-803 655 (1)
- D0T-TSC-FAA-86-2 (1)
- D0T-VNTSC-FAA-91-11 (1)
- D0T-VNTSC-FAA-93-18 (1)
- D0T-VNTSC-FAA-93-21 (1)
- D0T-VNTSC-FAA-95-9 (1)
- D0T-VNTSC-FAA-96.18 (1)
- D0T-VNTSC-FRA-93-18 (1)
- D0T-VNTSC-FRA-93-19 (1)
- D0T-VNTSC-FRA-93-20 (1)
- D0T/FAA/NA-92/2 (1)
- D0T/FRA/0RD-94/24 (1)
- D339-10022-1 (1)
- D339-10049-1 (1)
- DA 11-133 (1)
- DASC 080516 (1)
- DDTD.060183.000.801 (1)
- DE-AR0000504 (1)
- DETC2011-47452 (1)
- DFRA.010350 (1)
- DOD-4650.4 (4)
- DOD-4650.4-P, 1 (1)
- DOD-4650.4-P, II (1)
- DOD-4650.4-P, III (1)
- DOD-4650.4-P-1 (1)
- DOD-4650.4-P-II (1)
- DOD-4650.4-P-III (1)
- DOD-4650.4-P-IV (1)
- DOD-4650.5 (3)
- DOD-4650.5/DOT-VNTSC-RSPA-98-1 (1)
- DOD-4650.5;DOT-VNTSC-RSPA-97-2 (1)
- DOD-VA736-87-28 (1)
- DOD-VA846-88-1 (1)
- DOE/DOT/1043-02 (1)
- DOT-CG-D-04-88 (1)
- DOT-CG-D-04-90 (1)
- DOT-CG-N-01-90 (1)
- DOT-CG-N-01-91-1.2 (1)
- DOT-CG-N-01-91-1.3 - Pt. 1 (1)
- DOT-CG-N-01-91-1.3 - Pt. 2 (1)
- DOT-CG-N-01-91-1.4 (1)
- DOT-CG-N-01-92-1.2 (1)
- DOT-CG-N-01-92-1.3 (1)
- DOT-CG-N-01-92-1.4 (1)
- DOT-CG-N-01-93 (1)
- DOT-CG-N-01-94 (1)
- DOT-FAA-CT-86-1 (2)
- DOT-FAA-CT-94-90 (2)
- DOT-FRA-ORD-93-04-VOL-2 (2)
- DOT-FTA-MA-26-5019-03-01 (2)
- DOT-FTA-MA-90-5006-02-01 (2)
- DOT-HS-803-376-2 (2)
- DOT- HS-805 830 (1)
- DOT- HS-806 394 (1)
- DOT-HS-808-969 (2)
- DOT-RSPA-DPB-20-80-2.1 (2)
- DOT-TSC-FAA-77-06 (2)
- DOT-TSC-FAA-86-02 (2)
- DOT-TSC-FAA-91-4 (3)
- DOT-TSC-FRA-72-13 (2)
- DOT-TSC-FRA-83-3 (2)
- DOT-TSC-NHTSA-80-24 (2)
- DOT-TSC-NHTSA-85-5 (2)
- DOT-TSC-OST-71-17 (2)
- DOT-TSC-OST-72-2 (2)
- DOT-TSC-OST-72-20 (2)
- DOT-TSC-OST-74-10 (2)
- DOT-TSC-OST-75-31 (2)
- DOT-TSC-OST-77-6 (2)
- DOT-TSC-OST-77-33 (2)
- DOT-TSC-OST-77-68 (2)
- DOT-TSC-OST-79-1 (2)
- DOT-TSC-OST-82-03 (2)
- DOT-TSC-RSPA-79-1 (2)
- DOT-TSC-UMTA-78-31 (2)
- DOT-TSC-UMTA-81-11 (2)
- DOT-TSC-UMTA-82-8 (2)
- DOT-VNTSC-FAA-15-03 (2)
- DOT-VNTSC-FAA-17-13 (2)
- DOT-VNTSC-FAA-19-07 (2)
- DOT-VNTSC-FAA-95-12 (2)
- DOT-VNTSC-FAA-98-6 (2)
- DOT-VNTSC-FHWA-19-07 (2)
- DOT-VNTSC-FHWA-19-13 (3)
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-00-04 (2)
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-02-03 (2)
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-04-02 (2)
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-04-03 (2)
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-08-05 (2)
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-09-05 (3)
- DOT- VNTS C- FRA- 9 5 - 1 5 (1)
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-16-07 (2)
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-91-1 (2)
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-93-09.03 (2)
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-93-8-VOL-2 (2)
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-94-4 (2)
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-97-7 (2)
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-98-3 (5)
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-99-10 (2)
- DOT-VNTSC-FTA-00-01 (2)
- DOT-VNTSC-FTA-02-01 (2)
- DOT-VNTSC-FTA-03-01 (2)
- DOT-VNTSC-NHTSA-15-12 (2)
- DOT-VNTSC-NHTSA-17-01 (2)
- DOT-VNTSC-NHTSA-98-3 (2)
- DOT-VNTSC-NPS-05-06 (2)
- DOT-VNTSC-NPS-10-01 (2)
- DOT-VNTSC-NPS-20-02 (3)
- DOT-VNTSC-RSPA-90-01 (2)
- DOT/FAA/AEE/202-02 (2)
- DOT/FAA/AEE/2012-07 (2)
- DOT/FAA/RD-95/3 (2)
- DOT/FRA/ORD-01/02 (3)
- DOT/FRA/ORD-01/21.II (2)
- DOT/FRA/ORD-04/13.1 (2)
- DOT/FRA/ORD-04/13.II (2)
- DOT/FRA/ORD-09/02 (2)
- DOT/FRA/ORD-09/09 (2)
- DOT/FRA/ORD-09/16 (3)
- DOT/FRA/ORD-10/01 (2)
- DOT/FRA/ORD-10/02 (2)
- DOT/FRA/ORD-17/20 (2)
- DOT/FRA/ORD-19/31 (2)
- DOT/FRA/ORD-90/14 (2)
- DOT/FRA/ORD-92/02 (2)
- DOT/FRA/ORD-99/XX (2)
- DOT HS-84 151 (1)
- DOT HS- 800 567 (1)
- DOT HS-800 888 (1)
- DOT HS-805 276 (1)
- DOT HS-807-370 (1)
- DOT HS-810 863 (1)
- DOT HS-811 733 (1)
- DOT HS-S06 509 (1)
- DOT HS 805 712 (1)
- DOT HS 806 710 (1)
- DOT HS 806 711 (1)
- DOT HS 807 285 (1)
- DOT HS 807 291 (1)
- DOT HS 807 292 (1)
- DOT HS 808 189 (1)
- DOT HS 808 282 (1)
- DOT HS 808 570 (1)
- DOT HS 808 679 (1)
- DOT HS 809 057 (1)
- DOT HS 810 569 (1)
- DOT HS 810 580 (1)
- DOT HS 810 767 (1)
- DOT HS 810 833 (1)
- DOT HS 810 854 (1)
- DOT HS 811 015 (1)
- DOT HS 811 020 (1)
- DOT HS 811 021 (1)
- DOT HS 811 099 (1)
- DOT HS 811 304 (1)
- DOT HS 811 381 (1)
- DOT HS 811 435 (1)
- DOT HS 811 464 (1)
- DOT HS 811 496 (1)
- DOT HS 811 497 (1)
- DOT HS 811 498 (1)
- DOT HS 811 499 (1)
- DOT HS 811 516 (1)
- DOT HS 811 670 (1)
- DOT HS811 732 (1)
- DOT HS 812 023 (1)
- DOT HS 812 073 (1)
- DOT HS 812 074 (1)
- DOT HS 812 075 (1)
- DOT HS 812 159 (1)
- DOT HS 812 222 (1)
- DOT HS 812 223 (1)
- DOT HS 812 285 (1)
- DOT HS 812 312 (1)
- DOT HS 812 400 (1)
- DOT HS 812 429 (1)
- DOT HS 812 430 (1)
- DOT HS 812 556 (1)
- DOT HS 812 557, DOT-VNTSC-NHTSA-15-06 (1)
- DOT HS 812 572 (1)
- DOT HS 812 573 (1)
- DOT HS 812 574 (1)
- DOT HS 812 575 (1)
- DOT HS 812 576 (1)
- DOT HS 812 585 (1)
- DOT HS 812 611 (1)
- DOT HS 812 656 (1)
- DOT HS 812 657 (1)
- DOT HS 812 673 (1)
- DOT HS 812 745 (1)
- DOT HS 812 879 (1)
- DOT HS 812 902 (1)
- DOT HS 812 914 (1)
- DOT HS 813 066 (1)
- DOT HS 813 440 (1)
- DOT HS 813 499 (1)
- DOT TSC-FAA-71-2 (1)
- DOT TSC-OST-76-58 (1)
- DOT VNTSC-FRA-03-07.I (1)
- DOT VNTSC-FRA-07-03 (1)
- DOT VNTSC-NPS-11-21 (1)
- DOT VNTSC FWS-10-01 (1)
- DOT VNTSC FWS-10-03 (1)
- FAA-AEE-98-01 (2)
- FAA-EE-91-02 (3)
- FAA-EM-79-10 (2)
- FAA-RD-76-20 (2)
- Final Report (5)
- FRA/ORD-83/16 (2)
- FTA-MA-26-0006-94-1 (2)
- FTA Report No. 0097 (2)
- HS-805 458 (2)
- HS-805 540 (2)
- HS-805 565 (2)
- IMECE2008-66430 (2)
- KR-TR-108 (3)
- NPS RA No. F0001030001 (4)
- NPS TIC No. D-97 (2)
- PMIS 63642 (2)
- PMIS No. 109630 (2)
- RR 21-08 (2)
- RS006-PM-79-31 (2)
- SRI Project 7275 (2)
- VNTSC-OST-22-01, VNTSC-OST-22-02 (2)
- VNTSC-OST-22-03 (2)
- VNTSC-OST-22-04 (2)
- (RA)76-2 411-0021 (1)
- 0P469/R4814 (1)
- 0S514/R5523 (1)
- 09-IA-11030510-009 (1)
- 10-IA-11138100-016 Mod 2 (1)
- 15IA113245379 (1)
- 43A0140 (1)
- 044-326-500 (1)
- 51FA0IB700 (1)
- 51FA16CA (1)
- 51FB15B100 NLL47 (1)
- 51FB15B100/NLL47 (3)
- 51FB21A420 TK525/UK525 (1)
- 51FB21Z220 TK527/UK527 (1)
- 51FB70 (1)
- 51FB86A1 (1)
- 51HS6CA100 (4)
- 51HS6CA200 (1)
- 51HS7BA100 (4)
- 51HS7BA200 (1)
- 51HW2LA400 (1)
- 51HW2LA400 RTH28 (1)
- 51HW2LA400/ PA307, PA309 (1)
- 51HW2LA400;PA307;PA 309 (1)
- 51HW2LA400;PA307;PA309 (1)
- 51HW2LA400;PA309 (1)
- 51HW2LA500 (1)
- 51HW2LA500 - SH443, TH443 (1)
- 51HW9EA400 (1)
- 51HW9EA500 (1)
- 51HW58F119/WH708 (1)
- 51HW72A/RE881 (1)
- 51NP84A100/RD153 (1)
- 51NP91A100 (1)
- 51OS58A100 (2)
- 51OS96A119 (1)
- 51RR04A900/NTF50 (1)
- 51RR24A200/PA676 (1)
- 51RR97A5/MLA49 (1)
- 51RR97A7/MVA67 (1)
- 51VHF3A100 NJ1V8 (1)
- 51VHF3A100/NJ1V8 (3)
- 51VM010000/NJ1A9 (1)
- 51VQ160000 (1)
- 51VT60A300 RA259 (1)
- 51VU02/NLM98 (1)
- 51VU16A100 (1)
- 51VXG70000 (1)
- 51VXJ60000 (1)
- 51VXN10000 (1)
- 51VXS4A200 (1)
- 51YW105000/G228A00000 (1)
- 52HW2LA400/PA308;QA308 (1)
- 061A-11100500-120 (1)
- 69A3551747109 (2)
- 71-CG03 (1)
- 151A11132425-380 (1)
- 693JJ3-18-N-300015 (1)
- 693JJ318N- 300043 (1)
- 693JJ318N300013, HW05A1 (1)
- 693JJ318N300035 (1)
- 693JJ318N300055 (1)
- 693JJ318N3000035 (1)
- 693JJ319N300053 (1)
- 693JJ319N300064 (1)
- 693JJ320N300046 (1)
- 693JJ418N000045 (5)
- 693JJ620N000049 (1)
- 693JJ621N000043 (2)
- 693JK421NT800008 (2)
- 693JK423NT800028 (1)
- 693KA8-19-N-00018 (1)
- 693KA8-21-N-00010 (1)
- 693KA9-18-N-00022 (2)
- 693KA900022 (1)
- 1409-18B (1)
- 1409-20 (1)
- 3101-176;P.O. 8-4-0124 (1)
- 4204.2/3 (1)
- 4204.5 (1)
- 4330.3/6 (1)
- 6913G618F500083 (2)
- 6913G620P800065 (1)
- 8222-001 (1)
- 0022238 (1)
- 99700-7613-119 (1)
- 110076. (2)
- 754305.3/4 (1)
- 69319521N200016 (2)
- 4505041114 (1)
- A0825/FA0E2 (1)
- A095/AOF090 (1)
- A112/FA1L1 (1)
- A1070/FA1EZ (2)
- A1236/FA195 (1)
- A2025/FA2E1 (1)
- A2035/FA2L3 (1)
- A2070/FA227 (2)
- A3156/FA3M5 (1)
- A3720/FA3E2 (1)
- A4007/FA4E2 (1)
- A5007/FA5E2 (2)
- A5044/FA5H2 (1)
- A5284/FA50Y (1)
- A6313/FA61K (1)
- A7123/FA7E2 (1)
- A8123/FA8E2 (1)
- AB078/FAE2 (1)
- AL411 (1)
- B-9077 (1)
- B4039 (1)
- BB049/RR93 (1)
- BB101/RR04 (1)
- BL411 (1)
- BM177 (1)
- C11547 (2104) -1931 (1)
- CB035/RR28 (2)
- CG-02/99-712104 (1)
- CG-321/R-3015 (1)
- Cg-494/B-4005 (1)
- CG-D-80-75 (1)
- CG01 (1)
- CG074/B0024 (1)
- CG1A1/B1039 (4)
- CG2 7 4 / B2 0 6 7 (1)
- CG179/D1008 (1)
- CG269/B2006 (3)
- CG335/R3022 (1)
- CG369/B3022 (2)
- CG401-R4005 (2)
- CG407-R-4001 (2)
- CG409/R4002 (1)
- CG409/R4510 (1)
- CG486 (1)
- CG509/R5003 (1)
- CG524/R5011 (1)
- CG592/BS071 (1)
- CG607/R6001 (2)
- CG609/R6009 (1)
- CG633/B6025 (1)
- CG809 (1)
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- DOT-TSC-1783 (2)
- DOT/TSC-RA-3-8 Task 1 (2)
- DOT/TSC-RA-75-10 (2)
- DOT/TSC DTRS-57-90-C-0024 (3)
- DOT HS-6-01319 (1)
- DTFH61-13-V-00008;HW9XA1/PLL45 (2)
- DTFH61-14-V-00025 (4)
- DTFH61-14-V-00025;DTFH61-15-A-00001 (3)
- DTFH61-80-C-00047 (3)
- DTFH6114V00029 (2)
- DTFH6116D00039L (2)
- DTFR53-11-D-00008 (4)
- DTFR5316X00022 (3)
- DTFR5317X00026 (2)
- DTNH22-08-V-00017 (3)
- DTNH22-12-V-00080 (3)
- DTNH22-12-V-00085 (3)
- DTNH22-14-V-00136 (4)
- DTNH22-80-C-07530 (3)
- DTNH22-84-C-07106 (2)
- DTRS-57-80-C-00007 (4)
- DTRS-57-80-C-0081 (3)
- DTRS-57-81-00054 (3)
- DTRS-57-81-C-00034 (2)
- DTRS-57-93-D-00070 (3)
- DTRS57-95-G-00065 (2)
- DTRT57-10-D-30023 (4)
- EB101/RR04 (3)
- F4505087777 (10)
- FA-42R (2)
- FA0VZ1/PL360 (2)
- FA01B1 (2)
- FA07C2 (2)
- FA1E2/A1070 (3)
- FA2E2/A2155 (4)
- FA2R/DL411 (4)
- FA3E2/A3093 (2)
- FA4E2/A4007 (3)
- FA4SC3 (KJ200) (2)
- FA4SCL/PA727 (3)
- FA4TA3 (2)
- FA5 E2 / A5 0 0 7 (2)
- FA5E2/A5007 (4)
- FA5JA1/NTG11 (2)
- FA5JC6/PJ1C1 (2)
- FA5N/BS043 (2)
- FA6L1/A6112 (3)
- FA6Y/DD305 (2)
- FA6Y/ED305 (2)
- FA6Y BD305 (2)
- FA6YC1 HD5RG (2)
- FA6YC8 LJ225 (2)
- FA9H2/A9246 (2)
- FA9L1/A9112 (2)
- FA16 (2)
- FA16C9 (2)
- FA165/A1126 (3)
- FA207 (2)
- FA211 (2)
- FA705/R7126 (2)
- FA727/A7072 (4)
- FA865/A8012 (2)
- FA905/R0132 (2)
- FA5007/FA5E2 (3)
- FAA/AJI-33 (2)
- FAE2 BB079 (2)
- FAN2C4 (3)
- FB48B3 (5)
- FB48CE (2)
- FB48CS (2)
- FB48CS/SG291 (3)
- FB48CT19 (2)
- FP-01/JD8AC (2)
- FP01 (JD7RC) (2)
- FP01/KD7RA (2)
- HS-51A1 (3)
- HS7A (3)
- HS60A1 (3)
- HS319/S3059 (4)
- HW-1M/AS197 (5)
- HW-66/CS036 (2)
- HW1MA1 (2)
- HW4VA100 (2)
- HW5NA2/SD284 (3)
- HW12A1;DTFH6115V00019 (2)
- HW17A100 SH040 (3)
- HW58F119 UJ930 (2)
- HW58P123 AAR496 (2)
- HW552/H5003 (3)
- HW765/H7039 (2)
- HW866/H8008 (2)
- IAA 693JJ319N300031 (3)
- IAA 693JJ320N300058 (3)
- Intra-Agency Agreement DTNH22-13-V-00114 (2)
- MA-06-0049 (2)
- MA-06-0120 (2)
- MA-26-7200 (2)
- NA23/DM345 (4)
- OS-207/R-2519 (2)
- P12PG70503 (3)
- P13PG00424 (2)
- P14PG00431 (2)
- P18PG00110 (2)
- P8001/RS830 (2)
- PMIS No. 99923 (2)
- PPA # HS-19 (2)
- PPA# HS-22 (2)
- PPA-RR-193 (2)
- R-9002/RR-928 (2)
- R2103/RR204 (8)
- R3010/RR393 (4)
- R3026/RR328 (3)
- R3537 (2)
- R4021/RR493 (2)
- R9032/RR993 (4)
- RA-77-07 (3)
- Reimbursable Agreement (RA)-VH99 (2)
- RR028/R0122 (2)
- RR033/R0301 (2)
- RR04AA SA154 (3)
- RR06D3 (3)
- RR19A2 (2)
- RR28A3/NLL72 (2)
- RR97A2/FG347 (2)
- RR97A2/HG347 (2)
- RR97A3/JMC48 (2)
- RR97A4/KT333 (2)
- RR194/R1130 (2)
- RR219/R2309 (2)
- RR293/R2015 (2)
- RR294/R2130 (2)
- RR305/R3306 (2)
- RR328/R3067 (2)
- RR393/R3015 (3)
- RR393/R4021 (3)
- RR493/R4021 (2)
- RR495/R4215 (2)
- RR505/R5316 (2)
- RR593/R5019 (2)
- RR593/R5021 (3)
- RR602/R7323 (2)
- RR622/R6301T (3)
- RR628/R6317 (2)
- RR628/R7323 (3)
- RR628T/R7341 (3)
- RR993/R9021 (2)
- RS830/P8001 (2)
- SA-1J/AB136 (2)
- SG494 (2)
- Task Order 008 (3)
- TG902 (2)
- TM366/U3069 (2)
- TT50/U2196 (2)
- TTD CH 5218 (2)
- UM03-1 (2)
- UM248/R2650 (2)
- UM564/R5633 (2)
- UM627/R6706 (2)
- UMTA-MA-06-0153 (2)
- VHD2 (2)
- VM02/NLK63 (2)
- VPK9A1 (3)
- VR188/N1195 (2)
- VX-55/AS041 (5)
- VX-82 / JT022 (3)
- VX-82 / JT342 (2)
- VX-82/JM008 (2)
- VX-82/JM518 (2)
- VX-82/JT022 (5)
- VX-H2 / KL639 (2)
- VX-H2 / KL640 (3)
- VX-H2/KL640 (5)
- VX-K6/LLE72 (2)
- VX-K6/MLE72 (5)
- VX82/JT311 (4)
- VX82/JT312 (4)
- VXAGA1 (2)
- VXJ6 (2)
- VXJ6/MTD50 (4)
- VXJ6/NTD50 (2)
- VXK6/MLB48 (2)
- VXM7 (2)
- VXP8 (2)
- VXS4A1 (2)
- :John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center. Department of Transportation. Office of Strategic Initiatives for Research and Innovation.2025-01-01 | Volpe Center Annual AccomplishmentsAbstract:The U.S. DOT Volpe Center’s Annual Review publication highlights our best work of the past year and illustrates the sustained impact the Center and ...
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