Bridge-in-a-Backpack™ Task 3.1: Investigate Soil – Structure Interaction - Experimental Design
Alternative Title:Task 3.1 : investigating soil - structure interaction - experimental design
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Edition:Final Report
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Abstract:This report includes fulfillment of Task 3.1 of a multi-task contract to further enhance concrete filled FRP tubes, or the Bridge in a Backpack. Task 3 is an investigation of soil-structure interaction for the FRP tubes. Task 3.1 is the design of the experimental system with descriptions of analysis and scaling options for several parameters including arches, decking and load. The goal of this project is to improve the design efficiency of the buried concrete filled arch bridge system comprised of concrete-filled fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) tube (CFFT) arches through a detailed experimental and computational assessment of soil-structure interaction. Previous research (Bannon 2009; Dagher et al 2012) has assessed the load capacity of an isolated arch; this capacity depends on the tensile strength properties of the composite shell. For a given load or set of loads on the arch the behavior of an isolated arch is documented and predictable, but the soil cover and decking have a large influence on load distribution. Soil both dissipates patch loads from truck tires, spreading the load over a greater area of the arch, and restrains the arch from moving under load; both actions reduce the moment carried by the arch from a truck tire patch or point load. A better understanding of the interaction between the cover soil and the supporting structure is necessary to improve prediction of the loads on the arch and foundation. This project seeks to improve this understanding computationally and experimentally through the testing of subscale buried arch structures. Mimicking the soil-structure interaction response of full-scale structures in these laboratory tests is critical, and is the focus of this report.
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