Canadian Pacific Railway mechanical services' 5-Alive safety program shows promise in reducing injuries.
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Abstract:The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) Human Factors Research and Development (R&D) Program is sponsoring an Alternative Safety Measures Program to explore alternative methods for evaluating whether safety programs improve safety outcomes and the underlying safety culture, and to conduct implementation and impact evaluations of promising safety programs in the railroad industry. The Canadian Auto Workers Union (CAW) and Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) are interested in learning more about the effectiveness of their safety programs and have provided data for this evaluation. Early findings from this evaluation, scheduled to continue into 2008, suggest that the 5-Alive safety program at CPR has lowered injury rates, and many employees consider it helpful. The 5-Alive program in CPR Mechanical Services focuses on increasing awareness of and compliance with certain safety rules, which, when violated, have the potential to lead to fatalities and serious injuries. CPR’s 5-Alive program is a component of the Mechanical Services Department's overall safety program. Since 5-Alive was implemented in late 2002, the average monthly FRA-reportable injury rate for all Mechanical Services employees in Canada dropped, and an upward trend in non-FRA-reportable injury rates for the same group of employees leveled off. In interviews and focus groups with CPR management and non-management employees in three Canadian locations, 5-Alive was frequently mentioned as a program that had impacted safety. While some people felt that penalties for violating 5-Alive rules were too harsh and that factors outside 5-Alive rules had a stronger impact on injuries, many felt that 5-Alive practices led to fewer injuries at the railroad.
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