Canadian Pacific Railway Investigation of Safety-Related Occurrences Protocol considered helpful by both labor and management.
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Abstract:The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) Human Factors Research and Development (R&D) Program sponsored an Alternative Safety Measures Program designed to explore alternative methods for evaluating whether safety programs improve safety outcomes and the underlying safety culture, and to conduct implementation and impact evaluations of promising safety programs in the railroad industry. The Canadian Auto Workers Union (CAW) and Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) are interested in learning more about the effectiveness of their safety programs and have provided data for this evaluation. An initial review of surveys, interviews, and focus groups conducted with CPR management and labor employees suggests that the Investigation of Safety-Related Occurrences Protocol (ISROP) program, a standardized process developed by CPR for conducting thorough and systematic incident investigations, is considered more helpful than previous investigation approaches, particularly in identifying contributing factors and corrective actions. On a survey distributed to three CPR Mechanical Services sites where ISROP has been used, respondents indicated that investigations are better "Today" than "Before ISROP" (Figure 1). Additional information about ISROP was obtained through interviews, focus groups, and reports generated during ISROP investigations. Although positive comments about ISROP were provided at each site, some people suggested that it is too time-consuming for less serious injuries and can be confusing for investigators who
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