Federal Railroad Administration
The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) promotes safe and environmentally sound rail transportation. The FRA conducts research and development tests to evaluate projects in support of its safety mission and to enhance the railroad system as a national transportation resource. Public education campaigns on highway-rail grade crossing safety and the danger of trespassing on rail property are also administered by FRA. Bookmark this collection https://rosap.ntl.bts.gov/collection_fra or https://doi.org/10.21949/1530835.
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Publication Year
- 2025 3
- 2024 43
- 2023 53
- 2022 79
- 2021 68
- 2020 88
- 2019 73
- 2018 32
- 2017 33
- 2016 40
- 2015 30
- 2014 26
- 2013 15
- 2012 11
- 2011 29
- 2010 13
- 2009 40
- 2008 28
- 2007 42
- 2006 47
- 2005 27
- 2004 17
- 2003 30
- 2002 20
- 2001 21
- 2000 18
- 1999 21
- 1998 15
- 1997 10
- 1996 11
- 1995 18
- 1994 5
- 1993 25
- 1992 9
- 1991 3
- 1990 3
- 1989 1
- 1988 3
- 1987 2
- 1986 1
- 1985 1
- 1983 5
- 1982 1
- 1981 7
- 1980 8
- 1979 6
- 1978 6
- 1977 10
- 1976 14
- 1975 11
- 1974 5
- 1973 1
- 1972 2
- 1970 3
- 1969 1
Resource Type
- Bibliography 1
- Booklet/Pamphlet 10
- Brief 189
- Dataset 1
- Manual 7
- Manuscript 1
- Organization Info 1
- Other 2
- Presentations 4
- Proceedings 88
- Research Paper 100
- Statistical Report 1
- Tech Report 729
- Abdulqader, Ali 1
- Abernethy, Charles N., III 1
- Abernethy, C N 1
- Abrams, Joshua 1
- Adams, D. E. 1
- Aglan, Heshmat 1
- Ahlbeck, D. R, 1
- Ahlbeck, D R 1
- Ahmadian, Mehdi 1
- Ahrend, Philipp 1
- Akhtar, Muhammad 2
- Al-Nazer, Leith 5
- Alexander, Daniel 1
- Alexy, J. Karl 1
- Alibrahim, Sam 2
- Allen, Leonard 3
- Allen, Timothy 1
- Alturk, Rakan 1
- Alvarez-Reyes, Alejandro 2
- Amar, Gabriel 3
- Anankitpaiboon, S. 1
- Anankitpaiboon, Satima 2
- Anaya, Rachel 9
- Andersen, David R. 1
- Anderson, Adam 3
- Anderson, Charles 1
- Anderson, G B 1
- Anderson, Jon 1
- Anderson, R. L. 2
- Andrus, D. 1
- Archuleta, Megan 2
- Arthur, Winfred, Jr. 1
- Askey, S. 2
- Askins, Chase 1
- Atluri, Sri 2
- Attoh-Okine, Nii 1
- Averill, Jason D. 1
- Azizi, Ali 2
- Babrauskas, V. 1
- Bachman, J 1
- Badiee, Manijeh 1
- Bailakanavar, Mahesh Raju 1
- Baillargeon, Jay 15
- Baillargeon, Jay P 1
- Baker, Chris 1
- Baker, Gary 3
- Baker, Jennifer 2
- Bakshi, Kaivalya 1
- Baldwin, Mark 1
- Ball, C 1
- Ballew, Brent 1
- Bandara, Damindra 1
- Barbee, Gibson 1
- Barberio, Gina 1
- Barbosa, Ian Germoglio 1
- Barkan, C.P.L. 1
- Barkan, Christopher P. L. 3
- Barnes-Farrell, Janet 1
- Baron, William 4
- Baron, William R. 4
- Barrett, Brian 1
- Barrington, A. E. 1
- Barry, Michelle L 2
- Basye, Colin 2
- Baumgardner, Gregory 2
- Beck, B Terry 9
- Becker, F.L. 1
- Bedini, Francesco 2
- Bedini-Jacobini, F. 6
- Behara, C. 1
- Belport, Steve 2
- Beneigh, Theodore 1
- Bennett, Richard 1
- Berry, Shaun 1
- Beshers, Eric 1
- Bien-Aime, Patrick 2
- Bing, Alan J. 4
- Blader, F. 2
- Booth, Graydon F. 2
- Bousquet, P. 2
- Brabb, David 4
- Brabb, David C. 4
- Brecher, A. 3
- Brian, K. 2
- Brickle, Barrie 3
- Brod, Daniel 4
- Brosseau, Joe 4
- Brosseau, Joseph 6
- Bruzek, Radim 6
- Bucci, Gregory 2
- Buel, Tanner 3
- Cakdi, Sabri 2
- Campbell, Maura 2
- Campbell, Thomas 3
- Campbell, Tom 3
- Carolan, Michael 23
- Carolan, Michael E. 12
- Carr, Gary 6
- Carroll, A A 3
- Carroll, Anya 3
- Carroll, Anya A 2
- Carroll, Anya A. 9
- Carter, Daniel 2
- Catral, Jerick 2
- Chase, Stephanie 2
- Chase, Stephanie G. 4
- Chaudhary, Mina 3
- Choros, John 2
- Clark, Steve 2
- Clarke, David B. 3
- Clasby, Dustin 2
- Clemenzi, Jacinda L. 2
- Coltman, M. 3
- Coltman, Michael 3
- Coplen, Michael 13
- Coplen, Michael K. 12
- Corbin, J. C. 2
- Cramer, P. L. 2
- Creasey, W.A. 2
- Cummings, Scott 5
- Dasher, Jeremy 3
- daSilva, Marco 6
- daSilva, Marco P 5
- da Silva, Marco P. 12
- daSilva, Marco P. 7
- Davey, Melinda 3
- Davis, David 6
- Dean, Aaron 2
- DeGeorge, Matthew 2
- de Oliveira Lima, Arthur 2
- Derkowski, Paul 2
- Dersch, Marcus S. 9
- deSostoa, V 2
- Diboll, W. B. 2
- Dick, C. Tyler 3
- Dietrich, Fred M. 4
- DiFiore, Amanda 3
- Disario, Robert 3
- Disk, Daniel R. 2
- Doran, Joshua 3
- Dorer, R. 4
- Dunn, Naomi J. 2
- Dvorak, Martin 2
- Ebbighausen, J. 2
- Eckerle, Joseph S 2
- Ede, Bill Moore 2
- Edwards, J. Riley 4
- Ehrhart, Brian D. 2
- El-Sibaie, Magdy 3
- Elliott, C. V. 2
- Eruvuru, Sarat 2
- Eshraghi, Shaun 20
- Fanzone, Joseph 3
- Fashouer, W. 2
- Fateh, Mahmood 7
- Feiger, James H 4
- Ferro, William E. 3
- Filippone, Claudio 2
- Fleming, G. 2
- Fourer, Robert 2
- Fox-Ivey, Richard 3
- France, Megan 8
- Frey, H. Christopher 2
- Friedman, Keith 3
- Fries, Robert 2
- Gabree, Scott 2
- Gabree, Scott H. 8
- Gacnik, Jill 4
- Gage, Scott 8
- Gantoi, Florentina 2
- Gao, Yin 4
- Gertler, J. 3
- Gertler, Judith 7
- Gillen, David 2
- Gillette, L. 2
- Goellner, D. 2
- Goldberg, R.B. 2
- Gomes, J. 2
- Gonzalez, Francisco 2
- Gonzalez, Francisco, III 10
- Gonzalez-Ruiz, Alejandro 2
- Gordon, J. 4
- Gordon, J E 6
- Gordon, Jeff 19
- Gordon, Jeffrey E. 2
- Gorhum, Travis 7
- Green, Donald 2
- Guntaka, Anuradha 3
- Hackworth, M.A. 3
- Haines, Marsha 3
- Hall, Thomas 4
- Hammitt, Andrew G. 2
- Hankin, N. 2
- Harnar, Michael A. 3
- Harrison, James 3
- Hellman, Adrian 6
- Hellman, Adrian D. 3
- Hill, D 2
- Hiltunen, Danielle 5
- Ho, Carlton L. 4
- Hodges, Jonathan 3
- Holcomb, Matthew 6
- Holmstrom, F. Ross 2
- Holt, Keith 2
- Horton, Suzanne 4
- Horton, Suzanne M. 3
- Hosmer, Thomas P. 6
- Hostage, B. 2
- Howarth, Heidi D 7
- Huey, Richard W. 2
- Hung, Yun-Chu 2
- Hunter, David C 2
- Hunter-Zaworski, Katharine M. 2
- Hursh, Steven R. 2
- Hutchinson, John W 2
- Hyde, David 3
- Hynd, David 3
- Isaacs, Matthew 5
- Jacobini, Francesco Bedini 6
- Jacobs, William L. 6
- Jacobsen, Karina 20
- Jamieson, David 2
- Jang, Bora 2
- Jenness, James W. 2
- Jeon, Myounghoon 3
- Jeong, D.Y. 6
- Jeong, D. Y. 2
- Jeong, David Y. 16
- Jeong, D Y 3
- Jimenez, Rafael 5
- Johnson, Kent N. 3
- Jones, Kerry 3
- Jones, Michael 5
- Jones, Michael E 3
- Joshi, Amishi 2
- Kang, Di 2
- Kapahi, Anil 4
- Kashani, Hamed F. 2
- Katz-Rhoads, Leonore 2
- Kaye, A Scott 2
- Kesler, Kevin 3
- Keylin, Alexander 4
- Khasenye, David 3
- Khater, Mohamad 5
- Kidd, John 2
- Kidda, Starr 17
- Kindt, Joel 5
- Kirkpatrick, Steven W 4
- Kish, A. 3
- Kish, Andrew 3
- Koch, Kevin 2
- Kraft, Stefan 3
- Krishnamurthy, Aswani 5
- Kulesza, Stacey 2
- Kupferman, Arnold 2
- Kyte, Tobin B. 3
- Lacey, Samantha 4
- Landry, Steven 2
- Lanzilotta, E. 4
- Lapre, Pete 2
- Lattimer, Brian Y. 6
- Laurent, John 3
- Lautala, Pasi 4
- Lautala, Pasi Tapio 3
- Lee, Mary T. 2
- Leone, Julia 6
- Lerner, Neil D. 2
- Li, Dingqing 8
- Li, Xu 5
- Lindeman, Brian 4
- Liu, Andrew 3
- Liu, Xiang 4
- Llana, Patricia 14
- Llaneras, Robert E. 2
- Lloyd, Frank H 2
- Luedeke, J F 2
- Lyons, Matthew L 3
- Maal, Luis 9
- MacNeill, Robert A 2
- Magel, Eric E. 2
- Malloy, Brett R. 2
- Malsch, N. 3
- Malsch, Nicholas 2
- Marceau, Phillip 2
- Markos, SH 2
- Markos, Stephanie H. 4
- Marquis, Brian 4
- Marquis, Brian P. 6
- Martin, Kenneth L. 5
- Martin, Timothy 3
- Martinez, Eloy 19
- Martinez, Eloy E. 2
- Mattos, Garrett 2
- Mauri, Ronald 5
- Mayville, Ronald 5
- Mayville, Ronald A 2
- Mayville, Ronald A. 10
- McDaniel, Russell 2
- McHenry, Mike 3
- McKeighan, Peter C 5
- Meddah, Abe 2
- Mejia, Bianka 3
- Melnik, Gina 8
- Mengert, Peter 6
- Mergel, Joseph 2
- Meza-Arroyo, Manuel 4
- Mishra, Debakanta 3
- Mittelman, Anjuliee 2
- Moon, Albert E 2
- Moon, Brian 2
- Morell, Jonathan 4
- Moreu, F. 2
- Morgan, Curtis A. 2
- Morrison, Kenny 4
- Morrow, Stephanie 3
- Multer, J 9
- Multer, J. 4
- Multer, Jordan 30
- Muna, Alice B. 2
- Nast, Thomas 7
- Nayak, P.R. 2
- Neeraj, Vyom 2
- Nelson, David 3
- Nelson, David N 2
- Ngamdung, Tashi 16
- Nguyen, Thanh V. 2
- Nohelty, Tamara 2
- Oden, Charles P 3
- Olson, Leslie E. 2
- Oman, Charles M. 2
- Omar, Tarek 4
- Orcutt, Richard 2
- Orringer, O 2
- Orringer, O. 7
- Owings, Raymond 2
- Ozdemir, Kelly 3
- Paetsch, Christopher 3
- Papas, Petros N. 2
- Parent, Daniel 5
- Parida, Basant 7
- Paselsky, Bohdan 2
- Pate, Shad 7
- Paudel, Yudhisthir 2
- Paul, James 3
- Peck, Steven M 2
- Perlman, A. B. 5
- Perlman, A.B. 5
- Perlman, A. Benjamin 23
- Perlman, Benjamin 15
- Peterman, Robert J. 11
- Petracek, S. J. 4
- Pirooz, Kianna 2
- Plotkin, Donald 2
- Polivka, Alan 15
- Pollard, John K. 5
- Poudel, Anish 7
- Prabhakaran, Anand 11
- Priante, Michelle 4
- Punwani, John 4
- Radovich, Matthew 2
- Raj, Phani K. 3
- Rajkumar, Britto 3
- Rakoczy, Anna M. 3
- Rakoczy, Przemyslaw 13
- Ramos, Aaron 5
- Rancatore, Robert 7
- Rancatore, Robert J 2
- Rancatore, Robert J. 6
- Ranney, J. 4
- Ranney, Joyce 4
- Ranney, Joyce M. 7
- Rapoza, Amanda 2
- Rapoza, Amanda S. 3
- Raslear, Thomas 16
- Raslear, Thomas G. 8
- Reiff, Richard 4
- Reiff, R P 2
- Reinach, S. 4
- Reinach, Stephen 6
- Rickley, Edward J. 2
- Riddell, William T 2
- Riding, Kyle A 2
- Rippe, Christian 2
- Ritter, George W. 2
- Rizos, Dimitris C 4
- Roadcap, Tom 2
- Robinson, J 2
- Roop, Stephen S. 3
- Rosales, Jose 3
- Rosales-Yepez, Jose 3
- Rose, Jerry G. 2
- Rosenhand, Hadar 4
- Ross, Jason C. 4
- Roth, Emilie 7
- Roth, Emilie M. 8
- Rubin, Aaron J 2
- Rummel, Ward 3
- Saat, M. Rapik 3
- Safar, Hadar 9
- Samavedam, G 3
- Samavedam, G. 3
- Samavedam, Gopal 4
- Sammon, Devin 4
- Sanchez-Badillo, Alejandro 2
- Sandler, Marc 2
- Savage, N.P. 4
- Schuster, Jennifer 2
- Schwartz, Kelly 2
- Seitz, Timothy 2
- Severson, Kristine 14
- Severson, Kristine J. 12
- Sharif, Hamid 3
- Sharma, Vinaya 4
- Sheehan, Ryan 4
- Sheridan, T. 9
- Sherrock, Eric 6
- Sherrock, Eric T. 2
- Shibata, Peggy A. 4
- Shira, Seth 3
- Shively, Greg 2
- Shu, Xinggao 3
- Shurland, Melissa 14
- Siddioee, M W 2
- Singer, Jeremiah P. 2
- Singh, Som P. 10
- Snow, Juna 3
- Spangenberg, Ulrich 2
- Spencer, B.F. 2
- Sposato, Suzanne 2
- Sprague, James K. 3
- Stark, Timothy D. 2
- Stewart, Monique 2
- Stewart, Monique Ferguson 6
- Stickler, John J. 2
- Stock, W. A. 3
- Stoehr, Nate 4
- Stringfellow, Richard 13
- Stringfellow, Richard G 3
- Stringfellow, Richard G. 12
- Stuart, Cameron 26
- Sturt, Richard 2
- Sullivan, Laura 3
- Sussman, E. D. 3
- Sussman, E. Donald 2
- Sussmann, Ted 3
- Sutton, Michael A. 2
- Swamy, Srini 2
- Szablewski, Daniel 2
- Szabo, B. A. 2
- Tajaddini, Ali 4
- Talamini, Brandon 5
- Tang, Y.H. 4
- Tang, Y. H. 2
- Tang, Yim H. 7
- Thompson, Alison 2
- Thompson, II, Hugh B 2
- Tournay, Harry 3
- Trent, Robert 4
- Trevithick, Shawn 7
- Tsai, T. 3
- Tse, Terry 6
- Tuan, Paul L 2
- Tunna, John 4
- Tutumluer, Erol 2
- Tyrell, D. 2
- Tyrell, David 21
- Tyrell, David C. 23
- VanIngen-Dunn, Caroline 3
- Vaningen-Dunn, Caroline 2
- Viale, Alex 8
- Vieira, Paulo 8
- Vithani, Anand R. 2
- Weinstock, H. 2
- Welander, Lucas R. 2
- Whelan, Charlie 2
- Wijesekera, Duminda 2
- Wilk, Stephen T. 4
- Willis, Michael 2
- Wilson, Nicholas 8
- Wilson, Robert 2
- Withers, Jared 9
- Witte, Matthew 5
- Wolgram, Travis R 2
- Wong, P. J. 8
- Wood, Jeremy 2
- Woods, Sean 3
- Woody, Stephen (Sean) 9
- Wormley, David 2
- Yeh, Michelle 5
- Young, Jared 3
- Young, Jennifer 2
- Yu, Hailing 8
- Zaouk, Abdullatif K. 4
- Zhang, Kuilin 2
- Zhang, Zhipeng 2
- Zika, Ryan 2
- Zolock, John 4
- Zuschlag, M. 2
- Zuschlag, Michael 3
- Zuschlag, Michael K. 3
- Advanced Technology & Research Corporation 1
- Advanced Technology and Research, Inc. 1
- Aerospace Corporation 1
- Airesearch Manufacturing Company of California 2
- Alta Planning + Design 1
- American Railway Engineering Association 1
- Amtrak 1
- Andrew G. Hammitt Associates 1
- Applied Research Associates 1
- Applied Research Associates, Inc. 4
- Armor Holdings Aerospace and Defense Group 1
- Arthur D. Little, Inc. 6
- Arup 2
- Arup Group Limited 1
- Association of American Railroads 7
- Association of American Railroads. Transportation Technology Center 2
- Association of American Railroads. Transportation Technology Center, Inc. (TTCI) 17
- Aurora Flight Sciences 2
- Ballistic Research Laboratory 1
- Battelle Memorial Institute 5
- Battelle Memorial Institute. Columbus Laboratories 4
- Battelle Memorial Institute. Pacific Northwest Division 1
- BBN Systems and Technologies 1
- Benet Laboratories 1
- Birmingham Centre for Railway Research and Education 1
- BNSF Railway 1
- Boeing Company 1
- Boeing Company. Commercial Airplane Division for 1992- 1
- Booz Allen Hamilton 1
- Booz Allen Hamilton for 2001- 1
- California State University, Fresno 1
- Caliper Corporation 1
- Calspan Corporation 2
- Camber Corporation 1
- Cambridge Systematics, Inc. 1
- CAMX Power LLC 1
- Carnegie-Mellon University. Driving Research Center 1
- Caterpillar Inc. 1
- Central Technology, Inc. 1
- Changeis Inc 1
- CONSAD Research Corporation 2
- Consultant/Scientist 1
- Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory 1
- CSX Transportation (Firm) 2
- Cyltek, Inc. 1
- Daniel, Mann, Johnson & Mendenhall 1
- Decisiontek, LLC 4
- Duke University. Humans and Autonomy Laboratory 1
- Dundee Tunnel Research 1
- Dunlap and Associates, Inc. 1
- Earth Science Systems, LLC 3
- Edison Welding Institute 1
- EG&G Idaho, Inc. 1
- EG&G Technical Services 2
- Electric Research and Management, Inc. 9
- Engineering Systems, Inc 3
- ENSCO, Inc 9
- Ensco, Inc. 12
- ENSCO, Inc. Applied Technology and Engineering Division 6
- ENSCO. Transportation Technology Engineering Div. 1
- Ernest T. Selig, Inc. 1
- EWI 4
- Federal Railroad Administration 1
- Foster-Miller, Inc. 18
- Foster-Miller Associates 8
- Frederic R. Harris, Inc. 1
- Freidman Research Corporation (FRC) 1
- Friedman Research Corporation (FRC) 2
- Fulcrum Corporation 2
- Gallagher, Susan 3
- GE Global Research 2
- General Electric Company 1
- GeoRecovery Systems, Inc. 1
- George Mason University 1
- George Mason University. Dept. of Computer Science 1
- Goldberg-Zoino & Associates 1
- Grand Trunk Western Railroad Company 1
- Gruen Associated, Inc 1
- Guardians of Honor, LLC 1
- Hammitt (Andrew G) Associates 1
- Harris, Miller, Miller & Hanson Inc. 3
- Harris Corporation 1
- Harris Miller Miller & Hanson Inc. 1
- Harsco Rail 1
- HiDef/Createc 1
- HNTB Corporation 2
- Human-Machine Systems Laboratory 3
- HyGround Engineering 2
- ICF International (Firm) 1
- IIT Research Institute 2
- Information Ventures 1
- Institutes for Behavior Resources 3
- Jensen Hughes 3
- Jensen Hughes, Inc 2
- Jensen Hughes, Inc. 1
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center 2
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.) 356
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.). Acoustics Facility 2
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.). Systems Safety and Engineering Division 2
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, (U.S.) 2
- Johns Hopkins University. Applied Physics Laboratory 1
- Kaiser Engineers, Inc 1
- Kansas State University 3
- Kansas State University, Manhattan. Civil Engineering Dept. 1
- Kansas State University. Civil Engineering Dept. 2
- Kansas State University. Department of Civil Engineering 1
- Kansas State University. Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering 1
- Kansas State University. Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering 3
- KEA Technologies, Inc. 2
- KEA Technologies Inc 1
- Kentron Hawaii, Ltd 1
- LB Foster/CXT Conrete Ties 2
- MAGLEV, Inc. 2
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology 7
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Civil Engineering 1
- Meteorcomm, LLC 1
- MGA Research Corporation 2
- Michigan Technological University 8
- Monterey Technologies, Inc. 1
- MxV (formerly TTCI) 1
- MxV Rail 5
- National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (U.S.) 1
- National Railroad Passenger Corporation 1
- National Research Council Canada 4
- National Research Council of Canada 1
- Navmar Applied Sciences Corporation 1
- New Jersey Transit 1
- New York Air Brake Corporation 1
- Norfolk Southern Corporation 1
- Norfolk Southern Railway Company 1
- North Carolina State University 1
- North Carolina State University. Dept. of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering 1
- North Dakota State University 1
- Oklahoma State University 2
- Oregon State University 3
- Paine Webber Inc. 1
- Parsons, Brinckerhoff, Quade & Douglas 2
- Pavemetrics Systems, Inc. 3
- Pearce Services 1
- Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co 2
- Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. 1
- Peat, Marwick, Mitchell, and Co. 1
- Penn State, Altoona 1
- Perigean Technologies LLC 2
- Petit Consulting 1
- Port Authority of Allegheny County 1
- Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute 2
- Princeton University 1
- Pullman Standard Company 1
- QinetiQ North America, Inc. 11
- Quandel & Associates 1
- Railroad Economist 1
- Railroad Research Foundation 2
- Ricardo, Inc 3
- Ricardo Strategic Consulting 1
- Rockwell Collins, Inc 1
- Roth Cognitive Engineering 2
- Rutenberg Design Inc. 1
- Rutgers University 4
- Saft America, Inc. 1
- Sandia National Laboratories 3
- SENSR Monitoring Technologies, LLC 1
- Sharma & Associates, Inc. 34
- Sharma and Associates, Incorporated 2
- Short Line Safety Institute 3
- Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Inc. 2
- Simula Technologies, Inc. 4
- SIX Safety Systems 1
- Southern Pacific Company 3
- Southern Pacific Transportation Company 1
- Southwest Research Institute 10
- SRI International 9
- Stanford Research Institute 4
- Stinger Ghaffarian Technologies, Inc. 1
- TASC, Incorporated 1
- Technical Products, Inc. 1
- Techno First SA 1
- Technology & Management Systems, Inc. 2
- Technology and Management Systems, Inc. 1
- Texas A&M University. Texas Transportation Institute 1
- Texas A&M University System. Texas Transportation Institute 1
- Texas State University--San Marcos 1
- Texas Transportation Institute 2
- Thermadynamics Rail, LLC 2
- The University of Sheffield 1
- Thornton Tomasetti 1
- Thornton Tomasetti Inc 1
- Thornton Tomasetti — Weidlinger Applied Science 1
- Tier 5 Locomotive LLC 1
- TOPS On-Line Service, Inc 1
- TOPS On-Line Service, Incorporated 1
- Transportation Economics and Management Systems, Inc. 1
- Transportation Systems Center 1
- Transportation Technology Center, Inc (TTCI) 16
- Transportation Technology Center, Inc. 114
- Transport Research Laboratory (Great Britain) 3
- TrueSafety Evaluation, LLC 3
- TTCI, Inc 2
- Tufts University 12
- U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Railroad Administration Office of Railroad Policy and Development Office of Research, Development and Technology 1
- Union Pacific Railroad 1
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Aviation Administration 1
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Highway Policy Information 1
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration 104
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration. Controls & Communication Research Division 1
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Acquisition Management 1
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Acquisition Services 2
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Railroad Policy and Development 11
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Railroad Safety. Hazardous Materials Division 2
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Research, Demonstration and Innovation 1
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Research, Development, and Technology 7
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Research, Development and Technology 53
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Research, Development and Technology. Rolling Stock Research Division 1
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Research and Development 42
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Safety 2
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration. Offices of Safety and Research and Development 1
- United States. Department of Transportation. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology 10
- United States. Department of Transportation. Research and Special Programs Administration 2
- United States. Department of Transportation. Research and Special Programs Administration. John A. Volpe National Transportation System Center 1
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Research and Innovative Technology Administration 2
- United States. Environmental Protection Agency 1
- United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Air and Radiation 2
- United States. Federal Highway Administration 1
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Research 1
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Research, Development, and Technology 1
- United States. Federal Railroad Administration 61
- United States. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Policy 1
- United States. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Railroad Policy and Development 19
- United States. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Research, Development, and Technology 28
- United States. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Research and Development 25
- United States. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Safety Analysis 6
- United States. Federal Transit Administration 1
- United States. Joint Program Office for Intelligent Transportation Systems 1
- United States. National Telecommunications and Information Administration 1
- United States. Office of Railroad Development 1
- University of Arkansas 1
- University of Arkansas, Fayetteville 1
- University of California, Irvine. National Fuel Cell Research Center 2
- University of Connecticut 3
- University of Delaware 1
- University of Florida (Gainesville) 1
- University of Greenwich. Fire Safety Engineering Group 1
- University of Houston 1
- University of Illinois at Chicago 1
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 8
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 4
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering 3
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Office of Sponsored Programs & Research Administration (OSPRA) 1
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Rail Transportation and Engineering Center 4
- University of Kentucky 1
- University of Kentucky. Dept. of Civil Engineering 2
- University of Maryland (College Park, Md.) 1
- University of Maryland (College Park, Md.). Center for Advanced Transportation Technology 1
- University of Massachusetts at Amherst 1
- University of Massachusetts at Lowell 2
- University of Nebraska--Lincoln 2
- University of Nebraska--Lincoln. Telecommunications Engineering Laboratory 1
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln 1
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Board of Regents 2
- University of New Mexico 1
- University of North Carolina at Charlotte 1
- University of Northern Iowa 1
- University of South Carolina 5
- University of South Florida 1
- University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Center for Transportation Research 1
- University of Tennessee. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 1
- University of Texas at Austin 1
- University of the District of Columbia 1
- University Research Corporation 1
- User Interaction Research & Design. Inc. 1
- Vanderbilt University 1
- VHB/Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 2
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 1
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Center for Vehicle Systems and Safety 1
- Virginia Tech Transportation Institute 2
- Virtual Vehicle Research (Austria) 1
- VisioStack Inc 1
- VisioStack Inc. 1
- Vista Clara Inc. 1
- Volpe National Transportation Systems Center 1
- Volpe National Transportation Systems Center. Environmental Measurement and Modeling Division 1
- VORtech BV 1
- VT Aepco Incorporated 1
- Washington State Transportation Center 1
- Washington University. School of Engineering and Applied Science 2
- Westat, Inc. 2
- Western Michigan University. Dept. of Civil and Construction Engineering 1
- Wyle Laboratories, Inc. 1
- ZETA-TECH Associates, Inc. 3
- Zetica Ltd 1
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers 50
- ASME (The American Society of Mechanical Engineers) 1
- Federal Highway Administration 1
- Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 1
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 15
- International Union of Railways 1
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.) 28
- Kansas State University. Transportation Center 1
- National Bureau of Economic Research 1
- National University Rail Center (NURail) 4
- SRI International 2
- Stanford Research Institute 3
- Taylor & Francis 1
- Texas Transportation Institute 1
- Transportation Economics and Management Systems, Inc. 1
- United States. Coast Guard 1
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Aviation Administration 1
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Highway Policy Information 1
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Research, Development, and Technology 1
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration 515
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Railroad Development 1
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Railroad Policy and Development 9
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Research, Demonstration and Innovation 1
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Research, Development, and Technology 120
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Research and Development 55
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Safety 1
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration. Offices of Safety and Research and Development 2
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Transit Administration 2
- United States. Department of Transportation. Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office 1
- United States. Department of Transportation. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 1
- United States. Department of Transportation. Office of the Secretary of Transportation 1
- United States. Department of Transportation. Transportation Systems Center 3
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Research, Development and Technology 3
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Office of the Secretary 1
- United States. Federal Highway Administration 3
- United States. Federal Railroad Administration 102
- United States. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Railroad Policy and Development 58
- United States. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Research, Development & Technology 8
- United States. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Research, Development, and Technology 33
- United States. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Research and Development 155
- United States. Federal Transit Administration 2
- United States. Federal Transit Administration. Office of Safety and Security 1
- United States. Joint Program Office for Intelligent Transportation Systems 1
- United States. Maritime Administration 1
- United States. National Telecommunications and Information Administration 1
- United States. Office of the Secretary 1
- Acceleration (Mechanics) 4
- Accelerometers 9
- Accident characteristics 4
- Accident exposure 4
- Accident reduction 6
- Accidents 5
- Accident survivability 10
- Accuracy 6
- Acoustics 4
- Adaptive control 4
- Aerodynamic force 4
- Aerodynamics 5
- Air bags 5
- Air brakes 4
- Alertness 14
- Algorithms 21
- Alignment 4
- Alloy steel 5
- Alternate fuels 4
- Alternatives analysis 8
- Amtrak 12
- Analysis 10
- Anthropometry 4
- anthropomorphic test device 5
- Antifouling coatings 6
- Artificial intelligence 8
- ATD 5
- At grade intersections 8
- Audible warning devices 9
- Automated vehicle control 5
- Automatic train control 27
- Automatic train location 5
- Automatic train operation 6
- Automation 12
- Axle load force 4
- Axle loads 8
- Axles 4
- Ballast (Railroads) 37
- Behavior 22
- Bending stress 4
- Benefit cost analysis 11
- Best practices 17
- Block control systems 5
- Bond strength (Materials) 4
- Brakes 9
- Braking 17
- Braking performance 8
- Bridge approaches 5
- Broken spikes 5
- Buckling 11
- Butt welds 5
- Cabs (Vehicle compartments) 23
- Calibration 9
- Car trucks (Railroads) 7
- Car wheels (Railroads) 26
- Case studies 8
- Casualties 5
- Certification 4
- Classification yards 13
- Close calls 6
- Code of Federal Regulations §229.125 4
- Cognition 11
- Cognitive task analysis 9
- Collision research 5
- Collisions 53
- Communications 11
- Communication systems 8
- Commuter cars 21
- Compliance 6
- Composite materials 6
- Compression tests 5
- Computer models 11
- Computer programs 4
- Computer simulation models 6
- Concrete 4
- Concrete ties 11
- Condition surveys 7
- Conductors (Trains) 12
- Connected vehicles 6
- Continuous improvement 5
- Continuous welded rail 11
- Control systems 8
- Correlation analysis 6
- Corrosion 5
- Cost accounting 7
- Cost allocation 7
- Cost effectiveness 7
- Costs 12
- Countermeasures 16
- Couplers 24
- Cracking 34
- Crash analysis 7
- Crash avoidance systems 5
- Crash data 5
- Crash energy management 30
- crash energy management 6
- Crashes 11
- Crash injury research 36
- Crash investigation 7
- Crash rates 8
- Crash risk forecasting 5
- Crash severity 5
- Crash tests 37
- Crash victim simulation 16
- Crashworthiness 120
- Creep 4
- Culture (Social sciences) 6
- Curved track 5
- Curves (Geometry) 4
- CWR 4
- Data analysis 12
- Data and Information Technology 6
- Data collection 20
- Data files 10
- Decision-making 5
- Decision making 18
- Defects 20
- Deflection 5
- Deformation 11
- Demonstration projects 6
- Derailments 32
- Design 22
- Design standards 4
- Detection and identification 12
- Detection and identification systems 13
- Detection and identification technologies 4
- Detectors 6
- Development 5
- Diesel electric locomotives 4
- Diesel multiple unit cars 5
- Digital communication systems 4
- Disaster preparedness 4
- Dispatchers 15
- Dispatching 4
- Drag 4
- Drainage 5
- Driver behavior 4
- Drivers 10
- Drones 6
- Dual powered locomotives 5
- Dummies 18
- Durability 4
- Dynamic loads 7
- Dynamics 7
- Dynamic structural analysis 17
- Dynamic tests 16
- Economic analysis 7
- Education 6
- Education and training 13
- Education and training methods 5
- Egress 4
- Elastic fasteners 4
- Electric railroads 4
- Electromagnetic fields 15
- Emergency exits 7
- Emergency management 4
- Employees 12
- Energy absorption 13
- Energy conservation 4
- Energy storage systems 4
- Environment 6
- Environmental impacts 12
- Evacuation 8
- Evaluation 25
- Evaluation and assessment 20
- Fail safe systems 7
- Failure 20
- Failure analysis 10
- Fasteners 6
- Fatalities 36
- Fatigue 5
- Fatigue (Mechanics) 19
- Fatigue (Physiological condition) 25
- Fatigue cracking 6
- Fatigue tests 7
- FE 4
- FEA 10
- Feasibility analysis 7
- Federal laws 4
- Federal Railroad Administration 9
- Field studies 4
- Field tests 24
- Fillet welds 5
- finite element analysis 13
- Finite element method 95
- Fire 7
- Fire prevention 4
- Fire resistance 8
- Fires 6
- Flammability 4
- Flammability tests 6
- Flanges 4
- Flaw detection 9
- Flexural strength 5
- Focus groups 8
- Force 5
- Forecasting 7
- FRA 6
- Fracture mechanics 18
- Fracture properties 7
- Fracture tests 11
- Freight and passenger services 4
- Freight cars 28
- Freight trains 33
- Freight transportation 12
- Friction 6
- Frogs (Railroads) 10
- Fuel cells 4
- Fuel consumption 4
- Fuel tanks 10
- Gage (Rails) 10
- Gates 6
- Gears 4
- Geometry 12
- Global Positioning System 10
- GPS 4
- grade crossing 11
- Grade crossing 8
- Grade crossing protection systems 36
- Grade crossing surfaces 8
- Greenhouse gases 4
- Ground penetrating radar 10
- Guidelines 13
- Hazard analysis 4
- Hazardous materials 58
- Hazards 6
- hazmat 5
- Head on collisions 4
- Head up displays 4
- Health hazards 6
- Heat transfer 5
- Heavy axle loads 6
- High speed ground transportation 44
- High speed rail 76
- Highway-rail 8
- Highway-rail grade crossing 9
- Highways 7
- Highway safety 13
- Horns 10
- Hours of labor 15
- Hours of service 5
- Human error 10
- Human factors 91
- Human factors engineering 11
- Human factors in crashes 16
- Hump yards 5
- I-ETMS 5
- I83: Accidents and the Human Factor 5
- I91: Vehicle Design and Safety 8
- Impact 12
- Impact loads 5
- Impacts 7
- Impact tests 86
- Implementation 6
- Infrastructure 11
- Injuries 19
- Inspection 46
- Inspection cars 8
- Installation 5
- Instrumentation 12
- Intelligent transportation systems 11
- Interoperability 11
- Interoperable Train Control 5
- ITC 5
- Job analysis 6
- Laboratory tests 17
- Labor force 10
- Law enforcement 5
- Leadership 5
- Lessons learned 16
- Liquefied natural gas 10
- Liquid nitrogen 5
- Literature reviews 8
- Loads 5
- Load tests 14
- Location 7
- Locomotive cab safety 5
- Locomotive engineers 26
- Locomotive operation 6
- Locomotives 102
- Machine learning 5
- Maglev 13
- Magnetic levitation 19
- Magnetic levitation vehicles 27
- Maintenance 10
- Maintenance of way 31
- Maintenance personnel 6
- Maintenance practices 7
- Manuals 5
- Materials tests 5
- Mathematical models 22
- Mathematical prediction 11
- Measurement 18
- Methodology 15
- model validation 6
- Moisture content 5
- Monitoring 18
- Moving block control 11
- Needs assessment 5
- Noise 8
- Noise control 8
- Nondestructive tests 17
- Occupant protection devices 21
- Occupational safety 12
- Operating costs 5
- Operations 10
- Operations and Traffic Management 15
- Operators (Persons) 10
- Passenger cars 66
- Passenger compartments 5
- Passenger rail 5
- passenger rail 5
- Passengers 13
- Passenger trains 63
- Pedestrians 7
- Performance 19
- Performance evaluations 9
- Performance measurement 13
- Performance tests 9
- Pollutants 9
- Portable equipment 5
- Positive train control 77
- Positive Train Control 10
- Pressure relief valves 8
- Prestressed concrete 7
- Prestressed concrete ties 9
- Prevention 23
- Probability 5
- probability of detection 6
- Prototypes 9
- Prototype tests 24
- PTC 25
- Public transit 6
- Puncture resistance 31
- Rail (Railroads) 75
- Railcar structural components 6
- Rail fasteners 9
- Rail joints 5
- Rail lubrication 5
- Railroad 6
- railroad 5
- Railroad accidents 30
- Railroad bridges 12
- Railroad capacity 5
- Railroad cars 75
- Railroad commuter service 18
- Railroad crashes 71
- Railroad dispatcher 6
- Railroad electrification 6
- Railroad engineering 9
- Railroad facilities 10
- Railroad facility operations 10
- Railroad grade crossings 140
- Railroad operations 6
- Railroads 200
- Railroad safety 315
- Railroad signaling 8
- Railroad signals 6
- Railroad simulators 7
- Railroad terminals 5
- Railroad ties 35
- Railroad tracks 128
- Railroad traffic 10
- Railroad traffic control 10
- Railroad traffic control devices 5
- Railroad trains 50
- Railroad transportation 55
- Railroad vehicle operations 8
- Railroad yards 16
- Rail transit 14
- Rail transportation 7
- Rapid transit 6
- Real time information 5
- Recommendations 7
- Regional railroads 11
- Regulations 20
- Reliability 10
- Remote control 9
- Remote sensing 5
- Research 12
- Research Hub 34
- Residual stress 18
- Ride quality 8
- Right of way (Land) 13
- Right of way (Traffic) 7
- Risk 6
- Risk analysis 17
- Risk assessment 28
- Risk taking 5
- Rolling contact 33
- Rolling stock 51
- Safety 70
- safety 8
- Safety analysis 9
- Safety and Human Factors 41
- Safety culture 25
- safety culture assessment 5
- safety culture measurement 6
- Safety education 7
- Safety engineering 19
- Safety equipment 7
- Safety factors 8
- Safety management 7
- Safety programs 13
- Scheduling 10
- Seats 14
- Security 6
- Sensors 17
- Shells (Structural forms) 6
- Shifts 9
- Short line railroads 16
- Side collisions 7
- Simulation 59
- Sled tests 12
- Sleep 13
- Sleep deprivation 7
- Sleep disorders 10
- Software 10
- Specifications 6
- Speed 18
- Spikes 10
- Stakeholders 6
- Standards 28
- State of the art 6
- Statistical analysis 7
- Statistics 20
- Steel 17
- Stiffness 7
- Strategic planning 9
- Strength of materials 5
- Stress cracking 5
- Stresses 14
- Structural analysis 24
- Structural design 6
- Suicide 9
- Surveys 13
- Survival 13
- Switches (Railroads) 5
- System architecture 5
- System safety 7
- tank car performance 8
- Tank cars 100
- Task analysis 12
- Technological innovations 12
- Technology 6
- Technology assessment 8
- Temperature 10
- Tensile strength 5
- Testing 33
- Test procedures 7
- Tests 15
- Thermal fatigue 5
- Thermal stresses 8
- track 6
- Track circuits 8
- Track components 9
- Track geometry 6
- track geometry 5
- Traffic control devices 6
- Traffic safety 9
- Train crews 29
- Training 22
- Train operation 13
- Train operations 14
- Train track dynamics 24
- transfer length 5
- Transportation 11
- Transportation corridors 5
- Transportation operations 6
- Transportation planning 6
- Transportation safety 27
- Trend (Statistics) 7
- trespass 8
- Trespassers 35
- Ultrasonic tests 10
- Union Pacific Railroad 5
- Validation 23
- Vehicle compartment components 5
- Vehicle design 20
- Vehicle dynamics 7
- Vehicles and Equipment 19
- Vehicles and equipment 5
- Velocity 8
- Visibility 6
- Warning devices 16
- Warning signals 9
- Warning systems 8
- Wear 5
- Welding 6
- Wheel loads 7
- Wheel rims 8
- Wheels 20
- Wheelsets (Railroads) 9
- Wire 5
- Wireless communication systems 14
- Wood ties 5
- Working conditions 5
- Workload 9
- Workshops 10
- Yard operations 18
Report Number
- 01.22307.01.006 1
- 0025-15 1
- 26-07-2022 1
- 78CH1345-8 IA Tech Pap. 1
- 2014-UTK-R10 1
- 2016-UKY-R12a 1
- 54943GTH 1
- ADL-80589-11 1
- AST-R-LR-0102 1
- CIEG372133 1
- CPR 2012 1
- D0T-VNTSC-FRA-93-18 1
- D0T-VNTSC-FRA-93-19 1
- D0T-VNTSC-FRA-93-20 1
- D339-10049-1 1
- DE-NA0003525 1
- DFRA.010350 3
- DFRA.010350, DOT/FRA/ORD-06/24 1
- DFRA.010350.002 1
- DFRA.080088 2
- DOT-FRA-NMI-92-23 1
- DOT-FRA-ORD-01-01 1
- DOT-FRA-ORD-01-15 1
- DOT-FRA-ORD-09-14 1
- DOT-FRA-ORD-92-29, REPT-87-112, REPT-87-113 1
- DOT-FRA-ORD-92-31 1
- DOT-FRA-ORD-93-04-VOL-1 1
- DOT-FRA-ORD-93-04-VOL-2 2
- DOT-FRA-ORD-93-07 1
- DOT-FRA-ORD-93-25 1
- DOT-FRA-ORD-93-27 1
- DOT-FRA-ORD-93-33 1
- DOT-FRA-ORD-95-05 1
- DOT-FRA-ORD-95-09.1 1
- DOT-FRA-ORD-95-10.1 1
- DOT-FRA-ORD-96-03 1
- DOT-FRA-ORD-96-06 1
- DOT-FRA-ORD-97-11 1
- DOT-FRA/ORD-93/30 1
- DOT-FRA/ORD-93/31 1
- DOT-OR&D-75-40 1
- DOT-OS-40106-3 1
- DOT-TSC-913-5 1
- DOT-TSC-FRA-73-07 1
- DOT-TSC-FRA-73-13 1
- DOT-TSC-FRA-75-08 1
- DOT-TSC-FRA-75-1 1
- DOT-TSC-FRA-75-2 1
- DOT-TSC-FRA-75-5 1
- DOT-TSC-FRA-75-10 1
- DOT-TSC-FRA-75-17 1
- DOT-TSC-FRA-75-21 1
- DOT-TSC-FRA-75-22 1
- DOT-TSC-FRA-76-4 1
- DOT-TSC-FRA-76-5 1
- DOT-TSC-FRA-76-7,I 1
- DOT-TSC-FRA-76-7,II 1
- DOT-TSC-FRA-76-12 1
- DOT-TSC-FRA-76-14, I 1
- DOT-TSC-FRA-76-14, II 1
- DOT-TSC-FRA-76-15 1
- DOT-TSC-FRA-76-20 1
- DOT-TSC-FRA-76-22,I 1
- DOT-TSC-FRA-76-26,I 1
- DOT-TSC-FRA-76-26,II 1
- DOT-TSC-FRA-76-29 1
- DOT-TSC-FRA-77-20 1
- DOT-TSC-FRA-77-75 1
- DOT-TSC-FRA-78-12.I 1
- DOT-TSC-FRA-78-12.II 1
- DOT-TSC-FRA-79-1 1
- DOT-TSC-FRA-79-7.IV 1
- DOT-TSC-FRA-80-04, I 1
- DOT-TSC-FRA-80-04. II 1
- DOT-TSC-FRA-80-2 1
- DOT-TSC-FRA-81-16,I 1
- DOT-TSC-FRA-82-4 1
- DOT-TSC-FRA-83-3 1
- DOT-TSC-FRA-83-4 1
- DOT-TSC-FRA-83-5 1
- DOT-TSC-FRA-88-1 1
- DOT-TSC-FRA-NCD-76-4 1
- DOT-TSC-RR-268-PM-76-1 1
- DOT-TSC-RR780-PM-87-8 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-00-01 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-00-02 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-00-03 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-00-04 2
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-00-04-V2 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-00-05 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-00-07 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-01-03 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-01-05 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-02-02, 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-02-03 2
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-02-05 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-02-06 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-02-11 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-02-13 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-02-16, 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-03-01 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-03-02, 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-03-03 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-03-04 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-03-09 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-03-10 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-03-11 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-04-01 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-04-02 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-04-03 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-04-04 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-04-05; DOT/FRA/ORD/09-07 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-04-06 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-05-01 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-05-02 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-05-03 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-05-05; DOT/FRA/RDV-06/01 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-05-07 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-05-08; DOT/FRA/ORD-05/06 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-06-01 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-06-02; DOT/FRA/ORD-06/02 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-06-03; DOT/FRA/ORD-06/27 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-07-01 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-07-02 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-07-04 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-07-05 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-07-06 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-07-07 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-07-07.II 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-07-09 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-08-01 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-08-02.1 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-08-02.2 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-08-03 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-08-04 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-08-05 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-08-06 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-09-01 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-09-03 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-09-04 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-09-05 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-09-06 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-09-07 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-09-09 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-09-11 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-09-12 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-09-13 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-09-14 1
- DOT- VNTS C- FRA- 9 5 - 1 5 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-10-01 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-10-02 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-10-03 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-10-05 1
- DOT-VNTSC-FRA-10-06 1