Statistical Inference Without Excess Data Using Only Stochastic Gradients: Volume 1
Alternative Title:Solving Perception Challenges for Autonomous Vehicles Using SGD [Project Title, from cover]
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Abstract:We present a novel statistical inference framework for convex empirical risk minimization, using approximate stochastic Newton steps. The proposed algorithm is based on the notion of finite differences and allows the approximation of a Hessian-vector product from first-order information. In theory, our method efficiently computes the statistical error covariance in M-estimation, both for unregularized convex learning problems and high-dimensional LASSO regression, without using exact second order information, or resampling the entire data set. We also present a stochastic gradient sampling scheme for statistical inference in non-i.i.d. time series analysis, where we sample contiguous blocks of indices. In practice, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework on large-scale machine learning problems, that go even beyond convexity: as a highlight, our work can be used to detect certain adversarial attacks on neural networks.
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