Overall statewide satisfaction with Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) and additional feedback about MoDOT’s operations was obtained from a representative sample of the general adult public in Missouri. A professional calling center was engaged to obtain a diverse sample across Missouri. Specific minimums were given, such as 500 responses per district, with gender and age‐range targets for each county in Missouri. 3,502 completed responses were obtained between June 26, 2017 and July 31, 2017. With the exception of a few questions (e.g., demographics), all statewide results presented in this document are weighted results. The data was weighted in accordance with the true distribution of the regional population in terms of geographic (county), gender, and age distributions using the most recent (2010) US government census information available. Following past practice, all district measures presented in this document are unweighted. With a minimum of 500 responses per district, the district measures have a 95% level of confidence with a precision (margin of error) of +/‐ 4.4%. The statewide results for the stratified‐random sample of 3,502 Missourians have a 95% level of confidence with a precision of +/‐ 1.66%.
The basic research design for the project was to sample opinions on a variety of projects spread across the state. A small, medium, and large project ...
This report summarizes perceptions of the South Dakota Department of Transportation’s performance in delivering services to residents and key custom...
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