The economics of potential reduction of the rural road system in Kansas : technical summary.
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Edition:Technical summary.
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Abstract:The increasing size of farms in Kansas has led to increasing farm vehicle size as well. Tractor and combine weight and width has increased and the majority of farmers deliver their grain in semi-trucks. Tandem axle trucks are used to deliver farm supplies. The road width and design characteristics of rural roads and bridges are inadequate for the larger and heavier vehicles that are using them. As county population declines, the financial ability of Kansas counties to maintain and rebuild the road and bridge system isn’t keeping up with the rate of deterioration. Many rural Kansas counties don’t have the funds to maintain the existing system with the heavier vehicles that are using them. If the county road and bridge system can’t be maintained as it is, reducing the size of the system should be considered. This study addressed the benefits and costs of reducing the county network.
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