US Transportation Collection
The US Transportation Collection consists of documents from across all transportation modes with specific focus on research reports from US DOT, state DOTs, and other transportation organizations. Bookmark this collection: or
- 2025 66
- 2024 608
- 2023 764
- 2022 711
- 2021 939
- 2020 1079
- 2019 1083
- 2018 1091
- 2017 1358
- 2016 1589
- 2015 1316
- 2014 1348
- 2013 1327
- 2012 1428
- 2011 1355
- 2010 1296
- 2009 1384
- 2008 970
- 2007 655
- 2006 615
- 2005 549
- 2004 493
- 2003 598
- 2002 660
- 2001 825
- 2000 817
- 1999 711
- 1998 777
- 1997 874
- 1996 620
- 1995 505
- 1994 297
- 1993 207
- 1992 200
- 1991 182
- 1990 143
- 1989 128
- 1988 117
- 1987 110
- 1986 156
- 1985 173
- 1984 153
- 1983 159
- 1982 177
- 1981 161
- 1980 140
- 1979 198
- 1978 194
- 1977 136
- 1976 144
- 1975 148
- 1974 111
- 1973 103
- 1972 119
- 1971 127
- 1970 78
- 1969 49
- 1968 47
- 1967 37
- 1966 59
- 1965 35
- 1964 32
- 1963 53
- 1962 27
- 1961 9
- 1960 4
- 1959 8
- 1958 3
- 1957 4
- 1956 6
- 1955 5
- 1954 3
- 1953 6
- 1952 3
- 1951 5
- 1950 3
- 1949 4
- 1948 7
- 1947 7
- 1946 6
- 1944 3
- 1943 1
- 1941 4
- 1940 2
- 1939 2
- 1938 1
- 1936 3
- 1935 5
- 1934 1
- 1933 1
- 1932 1
- 1931 1
- 1930 2
- 1929 2
- 1928 1
- 1927 1
- 1926 4
- 1925 1
- 1924 2
- 1923 21
- 1922 1
- 1921 1
- 1920 2
- 1919 1
- 1918 1
- 1917 1
- 1910 1
- 1909 1
- Application 2
- Bibliography 27
- Book 8
- Booklet/Pamphlet 238
- Brief 1420
- Data Management Plan 5
- Dataset 205
- Dissertation 30
- Image 11
- In Book 12
- In Collection 10
- In Proceedings 1
- Journal 6
- Journal Article 147
- Letter 2
- Magazine 5
- Manual 358
- Manuscript 53
- Map 18
- Memorandum 29
- Multipart 2
- Newspaper 4
- Organization Info 196
- Other 284
- PDF 1
- Policy Statement 172
- Presentations 207
- Press Release 24
- Proceedings 256
- Research Paper 2621
- Speeches 1
- Statistical Report 285
- Tech Report 26014
- Text 1
- Thesis 57
- Video 42
- Web Document 8
- Abbas, Ala R. 29
- Abdallah, Imad N. 15
- Abdel-Aty, Mohamed 25
- Abdel-Rahim, Ahmed 35
- Abernathy, Craig 32
- Abu-Farsakh, Murad 19
- Abu-Farsakh, Murad Y. 43
- Adams, Teresa 15
- Adams, Teresa M. 22
- Agent, Kenneth R. 99
- Agrawal, Asha Weinstein 38
- Ahmed, Mohamed 16
- Ahn, Soyoung 17
- Aktan, Haluk 20
- Al-Qadi, Imad L 16
- Al-Qadi, Imad L. 30
- Allen, David L. 20
- Allen, Gary R 21
- Alluri, Priyanka 45
- Anderson, Keith W. 23
- Anderson, Michael 20
- Anderson, Neil 37
- Arnold, E. D 33
- Arrington, Dusty R. 18
- Ashuri, Baabak 30
- Attanayake, Upul 27
- Aultman-Hall, Lisa 25
- Avelar, Raul 18
- Azizinamini, Atorod 29
- Balke, Kevin 22
- Balke, Kevin N. 16
- Ban, Xuegang (Jeff) 15
- Barman, Manik 16
- Barr, Paul J. 17
- Bayrak, Oguzhan 26
- Beckham, Tony L. 16
- Beecroft, Gordon 20
- Benekohal, Rahim F. 29
- Bennert, Thomas 23
- Bennett, Caroline 26
- Berry, Michael 17
- Bertini, Robert L. 27
- Bhasin, Amit 28
- Bhat, Chandra 26
- Bhat, Chandra R. 43
- Bielenberg, Robert W. 75
- Birely, Anna C. 16
- Bittner, Jason 21
- Bligh, Roger P. 82
- Blower, Daniel 15
- Booze, Charles F. 17
- Borowiec, Jeffrey D. 15
- Bowman, Mark D. 17
- Boyles, Stephen D. 15
- Brakewood, Candace 15
- Brewer, Marcus A. 31
- Broach, Dana 16
- Brooks, Eric W. 26
- Brown, Henry 45
- Brown, Michael Carey 21
- Bullock, Darcy M. 38
- Bullough, John D. 25
- Burbidge, Shaunna K. 20
- Burris, Mark 21
- Buttlar, William G. 19
- Canfield, Dennis V. 20
- Carlson, Paul J. 18
- Carpenter, William A., 15
- Cetin, Bora 18
- Cetin, Mecit 20
- Ceylan, Halil 56
- Chandler, Kevin 31
- Chang, Gang-Len 18
- Chatti, Karim 15
- Chaturvedi, Arvind K. 15
- Chen, Genda 23
- Chen, Qiming 18
- Chiles, W. Dean 15
- Chitturi, Madhav V. 18
- Christofa, Eleni 28
- Chrysler, Susan T. 17
- Chu, Xuehao 19
- Circella, Giovanni 16
- Clemeña, Gerardo G. 54
- Cobb, Bart B. 18
- Codjoe, Julius 30
- Coifman, Benjamin 16
- Collins, William E. 78
- Colson, Stephen 21
- Connor, Billy 18
- Connor, Robert J. 23
- Consolazio, Gary R. 36
- Cooley, L. Allen 22
- Cottrell, Benjamin H 38
- Crabtree, Joseph D. 16
- Cross, Stephen A. 18
- Cuelho, Eli 19
- Dadashova, Bahar 20
- Darter, Michael I. 21
- Darwin, David 20
- Das, Subasish 33
- Davids, Bill 16
- Davis, Gary A. 16
- Deka, Devajyoti 18
- Demetsky, Michael J 30
- Dessouky, Samer 16
- Diefenderfer, Brian K 20
- Diefenderfer, Stacey D 18
- Dille, J. Robert 16
- Dissanayake, Sunanda 33
- Dixon, Karen 25
- Dobrovolny, Chiara Silvestri 19
- Dowds, Jonathan 23
- Durham, Stephan A. 27
- Eby, David W. 27
- Edara, Praveen 39
- Edara, Praveen K. 20
- Edrington, Suzie 16
- El-Habash, N. A. 18
- Elefteriadou, Lily 37
- Elseifi, Mostafa A. 16
- Esmaeily, Asad 19
- Estakhri, Cindy 33
- Estakhri, Cindy K. 20
- Eudy, Leslie 56
- Faller, Ronald K. 106
- Fang, Xing 16
- Fay, Laura 24
- Fernando, Emmanuel 21
- Ferraro, Christopher C. 19
- Figliozzi, Miguel 16
- Findley, Daniel 16
- Finley, Melisa D. 29
- Fitch, G. Michael 18
- Fitzpatrick, Kay 39
- Fitzsimmons, Eric J. 30
- Flintsch, Gerardo W 16
- Fontaine, Michael D 16
- Fricker, Jon D. 25
- Funkhouser, G.E. 20
- Gan, Albert 46
- Garber, Nicholas J 24
- Gaspard, Kevin 25
- Gates, Timothy J. 32
- Gautreau, Gavin P. 20
- Geedipally, Srinivas 21
- Geedipally, Srinivas R. 24
- Geiselbrecht, Tina 31
- Gentry, Lance 18
- Gibson, Bryan 26
- Giuliano, Genevieve 22
- Gkritza, Konstantina 22
- Glover, Brianne 18
- Gomez, Jose´ P 23
- Goodin, Ginger 23
- Gopalakrishnan, Kasthurirangan 24
- Goslin, Keenan 20
- Green, Eric R. 67
- Green, Roger 19
- Griffin, Gene C. 31
- Guensler, Randall 19
- Guin, Angshuman 28
- Gurganus, Charles 18
- Haddock, John E. 26
- Hadi, Mohammed 39
- Haghani, Ali 16
- Hallenbeck, Mark E. 16
- Hallmark, Shauna 29
- Hallmark, Shauna L. 18
- Halstead, Woodrow J 28
- Hamilton, H.R. 19
- Han, Jie 48
- Handy, Susan 18
- Harik, Issam E. 36
- Harrison, Robert 30
- Hawkins, Neal 37
- Helwig, Todd 17
- Hicks, R. G. 35
- Higgins, Christopher 26
- Higgins, E.A. 26
- Higgins, Laura 17
- Higgins, Laura L. 16
- Hilton, Marvin H 26
- Hoel, Lester A 21
- Holloway, James C. 20
- Hopkins, Tommy C. 22
- Hoppe, Edward J 19
- Hopwood II, Theodore 40
- Hossain, Mustaque 51
- Hough, Jill 16
- Hourdos, John 27
- Hu, Jiong 21
- Hu, Sheng 37
- Huang, Baoshan 22
- Hughes, Charles S 45
- Huijser, Marcel P. 23
- Hunter, Michael 17
- Hurlebaus, Stefan 38
- Im, Soohyok 20
- Ishak, Sherif 24
- Ivev, Don L. 28
- Jackson, Eric 19
- Jaller, Miguel 23
- Jeihani, Mansoureh 22
- Jernigan, Jack D 23
- Jin, Xia 22
- Kamga, Camille 17
- Kandhal, Prithvi S. 24
- Kassem, Emad 25
- Kennedy, Thomas W. 17
- Khayat, Kamal H. 36
- Khoury, Issam 19
- Kim, Sunghwan 40
- Kim, Yong-Rak 30
- Knickerbocker, Skylar 22
- Knodler, Michael A. 31
- Kockelman, Kara 25
- Kondyli, Alexandra 16
- Kothuri, Sirisha 21
- Kraus, Edgar 34
- Kreis, Doug 31
- Ksaibati, Khaled 58
- Kuhn, Darrell L. 40
- Kwigizile, Valerian 23
- Labi, Samuel 35
- Lane, D. Stephen 21
- Lasky, Ty A. 17
- Lategola, Michael T. 18
- Lautala, Pasi 18
- Law, Sheldon M. 17
- Le, Minh 26
- Lechtenberg, Karla A. 61
- Lee, Sang Ick 22
- Lewis, Mark F. 17
- Ley, Tyler 25
- Li, Jian 17
- Li, Lin 16
- Li, Yingfeng 21
- Lin, Pei-Sung 53
- Lindly, Jay K. 20
- Liu, Hao 17
- Liu, Wenting 20
- Liu, Xiaoyue Cathy 16
- Loftus-Otway, Lisa 28
- Long, Suzanna 20
- Looker, K. W. 17
- Lopp, George 16
- Lord, Dominique 27
- Luna, Ronaldo 18
- Lynn, Cheryl 64
- Maguire, Marc 17
- Maher, Ali 30
- Mahmassani, Hani S. 16
- Mahone, David C 19
- Mahoney, James 24
- Mallick, Rajib B. 16
- Mander, John B. 25
- Manning, Carol A. 17
- Marquis, Brian 46
- Martin, Andrew 25
- Martinez, Mark 21
- Maupin, G. W 66
- McCord, Mark R. 18
- McCullouch, Bob 39
- McDaniel, Rebecca S. 21
- McEnroe, Bruce M. 25
- McFalls, Jett 16
- McGeehan, Daniel D 17
- McGhee, Catherine C 18
- McGhee, Kenneth H 39
- McGhee, Kevin K 23
- McKeel, Wallace T 29
- McKenzie, J.M. 19
- McVay, Michael 19
- McVay, Michael C. 21
- Medina, Juan C. 20
- Melton, C.E. 27
- Menges, Wanda L. 48
- Mertens, Henry W. 28
- Middleton, Dan 22
- Miles, Jeffrey D. 16
- Miller, Ann Brush 21
- Miller, Gerald A. 18
- Miller, John S 34
- Mishalani, Rabi G. 19
- Mishra, Sabyasachee 17
- Mitran, Elisabeta 20
- Mohammad, Louay 17
- Mohammad, Louay N. 40
- Mohler, Stanley R. 23
- Molnar, Lisa J. 20
- Monsere, Christopher M. 26
- Morcous, George 29
- Moses, Ren 19
- Mukhopadhyay, Anol 20
- Mullins, Gray 33
- Myers, John J. 21
- Nair, Harikrishnan 23
- Nakagawara, Van B. 18
- Nassif, Hani 16
- Nazarian, Soheil 36
- Nazzal, Munir 17
- Nazzal, Munir D. 16
- Newlon, Howard 19
- Nixon, Hilary 27
- Noble, David F 17
- Noel, Errol C. 20
- Noyce, David A. 22
- Oh, Jun-Seok 22
- Okeil, Ayman M. 20
- Olek, Jan 33
- Oliva, Michael G. 18
- Otto, Jay 18
- Ouyang, Yanfeng 20
- Ozbay, Kaan 53
- Ozer, Hasan 33
- Ozyildirim, H. Celik 74
- Palle, Sudhir 44
- Pande, Anurag 20
- Park, Eun Sug 31
- Parsons, Robert L. 52
- Paul, Harold R. 23
- Peeta, Srinivas 22
- Perfater, Michael A 40
- Pesti, Geza 16
- Peterman, Robert J. 23
- Phares, Brent 43
- Phares, Brent M. 55
- Pigman, Jerry G. 61
- Pike, Adam M. 19
- Porter, J. David 16
- Pratt, Michael P. 41
- Prezzi, Monica 17
- Prozzi, Jolanda 19
- Prozzi, Jorge A. 16
- Prozzi, Jorge Alberto 16
- Puppala, Anand J. 19
- Qi, Yi 27
- Qiao, Fengxiang 17
- Qin, Xiao 16
- Quinn, William J. 18
- Quiroga, Cesar 36
- Radwan, Essam 16
- Rajagopal, Arudi 24
- Rajbhandari, Rajat 23
- Rakha, Hesham 19
- Rakha, Hesham A. 25
- Ramani, Tara 22
- Rasoulian, Masood 23
- Ravani, Bahram 21
- Reich, Stephen L. 16
- Reid, John D. 73
- Riding, Kyle A 21
- Riding, Kyle A. 18
- Roberts, Freddy L. 16
- Roberts-Wollmann, Carin L. 19
- Rodgers, Michael 18
- Rodgers, Michael O. 26
- Rohde, John R. 21
- Roque, Reynaldo 31
- Rosenbaugh, Scott K. 42
- Rouphail, Nagui M. 22
- Runkle, Stephen N 19
- Rupnow, Tyson 64
- Rupnow, Tyson D. 31
- Russell, Eugene R. 26
- Russell, Mark 28
- Saber, Aziz 17
- Saito, Mitsuru 22
- Saldivar, J.T. 18
- Salgado, Rodrigo 22
- Sanders, Donald C. 19
- Sargand, Shad 37
- Sargand, Shad M. 50
- Savolainen, Peter T. 41
- Schindler, Anton K. 17
- Schneider, Helmut 19
- Scholl, Lewis G. 17
- Schrock, Steven D. 42
- Schroeder, David J. 29
- Schultz, Grant G. 37
- Scullion, Tom 103
- Sebaaly, Peter E. 17
- Sebesta, Stephen 62
- Senadheera, Sanjaya 17
- Shah, S. C. 26
- Sharma, Anuj 17
- Sharp, Stephen R 21
- Sheikh, Nauman M. 18
- Shepard, Frank D 29
- Sherry, Patrick 22
- Shi, Xianming 40
- Sicking, Dean L. 64
- Sisiopiku, Virginia P. 24
- Skinner, Nicholas P. 16
- Smadi, Omar 29
- Smith, Brian L., 22
- Smith, Roger C. 17
- Sneed, Lesley 27
- Solaimanian, Mansour 27
- Songchitruksa, Praprut 29
- Sperry, Benjamin R. 20
- Sprinkel, Michael M 50
- Srinivasan, Raghavan 16
- Srinivasan, Sivaramakrishnan 16
- Sritharan, Sri 25
- Stamatiadis, Nikiforos 20
- Stoke, Charles B 49
- Stolle, Cody S. 22
- Storey, Beverly 17
- Strathman, James G. 16
- Sullivan, James 18
- Sullivan, Jim 20
- Sun, Carlos 53
- Sun, Xiaoduan 31
- Sunkari, Srinivasa R. 17
- Tabatabai, Habib 16
- Tarko, Andrew P. 31
- Taylor, Brian D. 17
- Taylor, Peter 36
- Taylor, Ross 18
- Temple, William H. 19
- Thackray, Richard I. 33
- Theiss, LuAnn 23
- Thompson, Bill 27
- Tia, Mang 22
- Tian, Zong 21
- Titi, Hani H. 19
- Tobias, Jerry V. 19
- Tolliver, Denver 22
- Tolliver, Denver D 24
- Torgashov, Evgeniy 18
- Touchstone, R. Mark 20
- Trejo, David 26
- Tsai, Yichang (James) 23
- Tsapakis, Ioannis 20
- Turnbull, Katherine F. 19
- Turner, Daniel S. 16
- Turner, Shawn 29
- Tutumluer, Erol 19
- Uhlmeyer, Jeff S. 26
- Ullman, Gerald L. 29
- Unnikrishnan, Avinash 18
- Vachal, Kimberly 62
- Van Dyke, Chris 29
- Varma, Amit H. 16
- Vaswani, N. K 18
- Venglar, Steven P. 17
- Volz, Jeffery S. 23
- Von Quintus, Harold L. 18
- Wallace, Candice 16
- Walton, C. Michael 46
- Walton, Jennifer 27
- Walton, Jennifer R. 18
- Walubita, Lubinda F. 35
- Wang, Hao 23
- Wang, Kejin 23
- Wang, Yinhai 32
- Wang, Zhaohua 21
- Wang, Zhenyu 25
- Warner, Jeffery E. 18
- Washer, Glenn 16
- Watts, Richard 16
- Wehbe, Nadim I. 20
- Weston, Jim 25
- White, David J. 22
- Williams, R. Christopher 28
- Williams, William F. 24
- Wilmot, Chester 17
- Wilmot, Chester G. 35
- Wilson, Bryan 32
- Wilson, James E. 35
- Wolshon, Brian 24
- Wu, Guoyuan 17
- Wu, Lingtao 18
- Wu, Zhong 45
- Wyant, David C 27
- Xiao, Yan 18
- Xie, Yuanchang 20
- Yang, Hong 18
- Yelchuru, Balaji 16
- Yin, Yafeng 30
- Young, C. Bryan 20
- Young, Rhonda 25
- Yu, Lei 31
- Yu, Shaw L 17
- Zaman, Musharraf 19
- Zhang, Lei 26
- Zhang, Xiong 17
- Zhang, Yunlong 17
- Zhang, Zhanmin 38
- Zhang, Zhongjie 35
- Zhou, Fujie 62
- Zietsman, Josias 17
- Zink, Daniel L 17
- Zinke, Scott 22
- Zlatkovic, Milan 16
- Zornberg, Jorge G. 16
- Zuk, William 26
- Zwahlen, Helmut T. 23
- Accelerated Bridge Construction University Transportation Center (ABC-UTC) 17
- Advanced Asphalt Technologies, LLC 14
- Advanced Highway Maintenance and Construction Technology Research Center (Calif.) 13
- Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center 32
- Alaska. Dept. of Transportation. Research, Development, and Technology Transfer 18
- Alaska. Dept. of Transportation and Public Facilities 25
- Alaska University Transportation Center 84
- American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials 13
- Ames Research Center 18
- Applied Pavement Technology, Inc. 29
- Applied Research Associates 13
- Applied Research Associates, Inc. 59
- Argonne National Laboratory 16
- Arizona. Department of Transportation 21
- Arizona. Dept. of Transportation 35
- Arizona State University 34
- Arizona Transportation Research Center 20
- Auburn University. Highway Research Center 63
- Auburn University. National Center for Asphalt Technology 38
- Battelle 41
- Battelle Memorial Institute 69
- Booz Allen Hamilton 44
- Booz Allen Hamilton for 2001- 16
- Bridge Engineering Center 23
- Brigham Young University. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 53
- Brigham Young University. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering 35
- California. Department of Transportation 56
- California. Dept. of Transportation. Division of Research and Innovation 27
- Cambridge Systematics 99
- Cambridge Systematics, Inc. 27
- Carnegie-Mellon University 18
- Carnegie-Mellon University. Robotics Institute 15
- Carnegie Mellon University's Traffic21 Institute and Mobility21 (National University Transportation Center) 14
- Case Western Reserve University. Department of Civil Engineering 20
- Center for Transportation, Equity, Decisions & Dollars (CTEDD). University of Texas 34
- Civil Aeromedical Institute 488
- Civil Aeromedical Research Institute 62
- Civil Aeromedical Research Institute. Aeronautical Center 23
- Civil Aerospace Medical Institute 119
- Clemson University 21
- Clemson University. Department of Civil Engineering 15
- Clemson University. Glenn Department of Civil Engineering 14
- Colorado. Dept. of Transportation 23
- Colorado School of Mines 25
- Colorado State University 29
- Colorado State University. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering 18
- Connected Cities for Smart Mobility toward Accessible and Resilient Transportation Center (C2SMART) 48
- Connecticut Advanced Pavement Laboratory 19
- Connecticut Transportation Institute 42
- CTC & Associates LLC 152
- Eno Foundation for Highway Traffic Control 29
- ERES Consultants, Inc. 18
- Florida. Department of Transportation 33
- Florida. Department of Transportation. Research Center 22
- Florida. Dept. of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles 16
- Florida. Dept. of Transportation 33
- Florida. Dept. of Transportation. Research Center 26
- Florida Atlantic University 22
- Florida Department of Transportation 28
- Florida International University 92
- Florida International University. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 38
- Florida International University. Lehman Center for Transportation Research 47
- Florida State University 36
- Geological Survey (U.S.) 41
- Georgia Institute of Technology 112
- Georgia Institute of Technology. School of Civil and Environmental Engineering 106
- Georgia Tech Research Corporation 48
- Georgia Transportation Institute 14
- Heartland Market Research LLC 15
- HNTB Corporation 20
- Howard University. Transportation Research Center (HUTRC) 15
- ICF International (Firm) 21
- Illinois. Dept. of Transportation 57
- Illinois. Division of Traffic Safety 24
- Illinois Center for Transportation 227
- Indiana Department of Transportation 17
- Institute for Water Resources (U.S.) 14
- Iowa. Dept. of Transportation 102
- Iowa. Highway Division 21
- Iowa Highway Research Board 21
- Iowa State University 54
- Iowa State University. Bridge Engineering Center 88
- Iowa State University. Center for Transportation Research and Education 149
- Iowa State University. Dept. of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering 14
- Iowa State University. Institute for Transportation 221
- Iowa State University. National Concrete Pavement Technology Center 61
- Iowa State University. Program for Sustainable Pavement Engineering and Research (PROSPER) 14
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.) 103
- Joint Transportation Research Program (Ind.) 41
- Kansas. Dept. of Transportation 56
- Kansas. Dept. of Transportation. Bureau of Materials & Research 36
- Kansas. Dept. of Transportation. Bureau of Research 19
- Kansas State University 38
- Kansas State University. Civil Engineering Dept. 24
- Kansas State University. Department of Civil Engineering 18
- Kansas State University. Dept. of Civil Engineering 14
- Kansas State University. Transportation Center 114
- Kansas State University Transportation Center. Department of Civil Engineering 15
- Kentucky State Police 25
- Kimley-Horn and Associates 22
- Kittelson & Associates 14
- Louisiana. Department of Highways 18
- Louisiana. Department of Highways. Research and Development Section 138
- Louisiana. Dept. of Transportation and Development 32
- Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, La.) 68
- Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, La.). Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 77
- Louisiana State University. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 37
- Louisiana State University. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering 21
- Louisiana Tech University. Department of Civil Engineering 16
- Louisiana Transportation Research Center 713
- Mack-Blackwell National Rural Transportation Study Center (U.S.) 43
- Maine. Dept. of Transportation. Transportation Research Division 118
- Maritime Transportation Research and Education Center (MarTREC) 14
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology 80
- METRANS Transportation Center (Calif.) 84
- Michigan. Dept. of Transportation 15
- Michigan. Office of Highway Safety Planning 20
- Michigan Ohio University Transportation Center 19
- Michigan State University 16
- Michigan State University. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 40
- Michigan State University. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering 19
- Michigan Technological University 34
- Michigan Technological University. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 16
- Michigan Technological University. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering 15
- Mid-America Transportation Center 51
- Midwest Roadside Safety Facility 125
- Midwest States Regional Pooled Fund Program 16
- Midwest Transportation Consortium 14
- Mineta National Transit Research Consortium 43
- Mineta Transportation Institute 197
- Minnesota. Department of Transportation. Local Road Research Board 21
- Minnesota. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Materials and Road Research 14
- Minnesota Local Road Research Board 20
- Mississippi. Dept. of Transportation 15
- Mississippi. Dept. of Transportation. Research Division 20
- Mississippi State University 24
- Mississippi State University. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering 14
- Missouri. Department of Transportation 40
- Missouri. Dept. of Transportation. Organizational Results 16
- Missouri University of Science and Technology 60
- Missouri University of Science and Technology. Center for Infrastructure Engineering Studies 51
- Missouri University of Science and Technology. Center for Transportation Infrastructure and Safety 171
- Missouri University of Science and Technology. Department of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering 27
- Missouri University of Science and Technology. Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering 15
- Missouri University of Science and Technology. Dept. of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering 16
- Missouri University of Science and Technology. Dept. of Geological Sciences and Engineering 18
- Mobility21, Carnegie Mellon University 35
- Montana. Dept. of Transportation 24
- Montana. Dept. of Transportation. Research Programs 28
- Montana State University (Bozeman, Mont.). College of Engineering 25
- Montana State University (Bozeman, Mont.). Department of Civil Engineering 18
- Montana State University. Western Transportation Institute 49
- Morgan State University 71
- Mountain-Plains Consortium 20
- Mountain Plains Consortium 69
- National Center for Asphalt Technology (U.S.) 18
- National Center for Freight and Infrastructure Research and Education (U.S.) 98
- National Center for Intermodal Transportation for Economic Competitiveness 25
- National Center for Statistics and Analysis (U.S.) 106
- National Center for Sustainable Transportation 21
- National Center for Sustainable Transportation (NCST) 40
- National Center for Transit Research (U.S.) 63
- National Institute for Advanced Transportation Technology (NIATT) (U.S.) 36
- National Institute for Advanced Transportation Technology (U.S.) 53
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory (U.S.) 64
- National Research Council (U.S.). Transportation Research Board 14
- National Transportation Research Center, Incorporated, University Transportation Center 30
- National University Rail Center (U.S.) 35
- Naval Postgraduate School (U.S.) 17
- Nebraska. Dept. of Roads 26
- Nebraska Transportation Center 62
- New England Transportation Consortium 22
- New England University Transportation Center 42
- New Hampshire. Dept. of Transportation 20
- New Jersey Institute of Technology 28
- New Jersey Institute of Technology. Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering 16
- New Mexico. Traffic Safety Bureau 15
- New York (State). Dept. of Transportation 23
- NEXTRANS Center (U.S.) 68
- Nichols Consulting Engineers 15
- Nick J. Rahall, II Appalachian Transportation Institute (U.S.) 18
- Noblis, Inc. 30
- Norman Y. Mineta International Institute for Surface Transportation Policy Studies 25
- North Carolina State University 28
- North Carolina State University. Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering 52
- North Carolina State University. Institute for Transportation Research & Education 39
- North Dakota State University 247
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory 34
- Ohio. Dept. of Public Safety 17
- Ohio. Dept. of Transportation 33
- Ohio. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Research and Development 24
- Ohio Research Institute for Transportation and the Environment 28
- Ohio State University 42
- Ohio State University. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Geodetic Science 20
- Ohio University 19
- Ohio University. Department of Civil Engineering 37
- Ohio University. Ohio Research Institute for Transportation and the Environment (ORITE) 53
- Ohio University. Ohio Research Institute for Transportation and the Environment. Human Factors and Ergonomics Laboratory 14
- Oklahoma State University 22
- Oklahoma State University. School of Civil & Environmental Engineering 58
- Old Dominion University 18
- Oregon. Crash Analysis Reporting Unit 33
- Oregon. Department of Transportation 48
- Oregon. Department of Transportation. Materials and Research Section 49
- Oregon. Dept. of Transportation 37
- Oregon. Dept. of Transportation. Highway Division 23
- Oregon. Dept. of Transportation. Research Group 55
- Oregon. Dept. of Transportation. Research Section 64
- Oregon. Dept. of Transportation. Research Unit 184
- Oregon State Highway Division, Materials and Research Section 20
- Oregon State Highway Division. Research Section 23
- Oregon State University 68
- Oregon State University. Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering 14
- Oregon State University. Department of Civil Engineering 29
- Oregon State University. Dept. of Civil Engineering 19
- Oregon State University. School of Civil and Construction Engineering 84
- Oregon State University. School of Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering 15
- Oregon State University. Transportation Research Institute 15
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 30
- Pacific Northwest Transportation Consortium 46
- Pacific Southwest Region 9 UTC, University of Southern California 47
- Parsons, Brinckerhoff, Quade & Douglas 17
- Pennsylvania. Dept. of Transportation 33
- Pennsylvania. Dept. of Transportation. Bureau of Planning and Research 14
- Pennsylvania State University 18
- Pennsylvania Transportation Institute 25
- Portland State University 66
- Portland State University. Center for Urban Studies 28
- Portland State University. Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering 24
- Portland State University. Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering 34
- Purdue University 42
- Purdue University. Joint Transportation Research Program 421
- Purdue University. School of Civil Engineering 30
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 20
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Lighting Research Center 30
- Research on Concrete Applications for Sustainable Transportation (RE-CAST) 25
- Rowan University 15
- Rutgers University 35
- Rutgers University. Center for Advanced Infrastructure & Transportation 14
- Rutgers University. Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation 100
- Safety Research Using Simulation (SAFER-SIM) University Transportation Center 24
- Safety through Disruption (Safe-D) University Transportation Center (UTC) 37
- Sandia National Laboratories 28
- San Jose State University. College of Business 57
- San Jose State University. College of Business. Mineta Transportation Institute 15
- Science Applications International Corporation 20
- South Dakota. Department of Transportation. Office of Research 19
- South Dakota School of Mines and Technology 23
- South Dakota State University 18
- South Dakota State University. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 22
- Southeastern Transportation Research, Innovation, Development and Education Center (STRIDE) 63
- Southwest Region University Transportation Center (U.S.) 25
- Southwest Research Institute 27
- SRF Consulting Group 42
- SRI International 40
- Texas. Dept. of Transportation 48
- Texas. Dept. of Transportation. Research and Technology Implementation Office 30
- Texas A&M Transportation Institute 781
- Texas A & M Transportation Institute 20
- Texas A&M University 30
- Texas A & M University 29
- Texas Southern University. Center for Transportation Training and Research 56
- Texas Tech University. Center for Multidisciplinary Research in Transportation 54
- Texas Transportation Institute 544
- Texas Transportation Institute. Texas A&M University 64
- Texas Transportation Institute. University Transportation Center for Mobility 65
- The City College of New York, CUNY 23
- Thomas D. Larson Pennsylvania Transportation Institute 50
- Transportation Consortium of South-Central States (Tran-SET) 16
- Transportation Consortium of the South-Central States 34
- Transportation Northwest (Organization) 32
- Transportation Northwest Regional Center X (TransNow) (UTC) 33
- Transportation Technology Center, Inc. 50
- United States. Census Bureau 111
- United States. Coast Guard 119
- United States. Congress. Office of Technology Assessment 30
- United States. Department of Commerce 18
- United States. Department of Energy 17
- United States. Department of Labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics 20
- United States. Department of Transportation 208
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Aviation Administration 43
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration 15
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration 24
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Transit Administration 29
- United States. Department of Transportation. Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office 19
- United States. Department of Transportation. Maritime Administration 63
- United States. Department of Transportation. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 277
- United States. Department of Transportation. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. National Center for Statistics and Analysis 71
- United States. Department of Transportation. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Vehicle Research and Test Center 71
- United States. Department of Transportation. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology 32
- United States. Department of Transportation. University Transportation Centers (UTC) Program 40
- United States. Dept. of Transportation 22
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Inspector General 28
- United States. Environmental Protection Agency 16
- United States. Federal Aviation Administration 209
- United States. Federal Aviation Administration. Center of Excellence for Alternative Jet Fuels and Environment 32
- United States. Federal Aviation Administration. Flight Standards Service 27
- United States. Federal Aviation Administration. Office of the Associate Administrator for Commercial Space Transportation 29
- United States. Federal Highway Administration 1021
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Center for Accelerating Innovation 32
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Planning, Environment, and Realty 37
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Real Estate Services 22
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Safety 17
- United States. Federal Railroad Administration 32
- United States. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Research and Development 28
- United States. Federal Transit Administration 36
- United States. Foreign Broadcast Information Service 96
- United States. General Accounting Office 25
- United States. Geological Survey (USGS) 17
- United States. Government Accountability Office 228
- United States. Interstate Commerce Commission 24
- United States. Joint Program Office for Intelligent Transportation Systems 24
- United States. Joint Publications Research Service 96
- United States. Maritime Administration 31
- United States. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 65
- United States. National Transportation Safety Board 37
- United States. Office of Aerospace Medicine 37
- United States. Office of Aviation Medicine 127
- United States Army Corps of Engineers 20
- United States Maritime Commission 15
- United States Shipping Board 16
- University at Buffalo, SUNY 17
- University of Akron 33
- University of Akron. Department of Civil Engineering 36
- University of Akron. Dept. of Civil Engineering 19
- University of Alabama. Dept. of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering 29
- University of Alabama at Birmingham. Dept. of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering 26
- University of Alabama in Huntsville. Civil and Environmental Engineering Dept. 18
- University of Alaska Fairbanks 18
- University of Alaska Fairbanks. Center for Environmentally Sustainable Transportation in Cold Climates 18
- University of Alaska Fairbanks. Center for Safety Equity in Transportation (CSET) 15
- University of Alaska Fairbanks. Institute of Northern Engineering 18
- University of Arkansas 14
- University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. Department of Civil Engineering 21
- University of California, Berkeley 16
- University of California, Berkeley. Institute of Transportation Studies 40
- University of California, Davis 25
- University of California, Davis, Institute of Transportation Studies 68
- University of California, Davis. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 17
- University of California, Davis. Dept. of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering. AHMCT Center 29
- University of California, Davis. Institute of Transportation Studies 65
- University of California, Irvine. Institute of Transportation Studies 15
- University of California, Los Angeles. Institute of Transportation Studies 26
- University of California, Riverside. Center for Environmental Research and Technology 24
- University of California, San Diego. Dept. of Structural Engineering 23
- University of California PATH Program 16
- University of Central Florida 40
- University of Central Florida. Center for Advanced Transportation Systems Simulation 29
- University of Central Florida. Department of Civil, Environmental and Construction Engineering 25
- University of Central Florida. Dept. of Civil, Environmental and Construction Engineering 21
- University of Central Florida. Electric Vehicle Transportation Center (EVTC) 18
- University of Cincinnati 40
- University of Cincinnati. Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering and Construction Management 18
- University of Cincinnati. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 23
- University of Colorado at Denver 21
- University of Connecticut 27
- University of Connecticut. Connecticut Transportation Institute 20
- University of Florida 120
- University of Florida. Dept. of Civil and Coastal Engineering 171
- University of Florida. Transportation Institute 20
- University of Florida. Transportation Research Center 22
- University of Georgia. College of Engineering 28
- University of Hawaii at Manoa. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 18
- University of Idaho 52
- University of Illinois at Chicago. Urban Transportation Center 29
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 32
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 121
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering 77
- University of Iowa 31
- University of Iowa. Public Policy Center 26
- University of Kansas 76
- University of Kansas. Dept. of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering 127
- University of Kentucky. College of Engineering 24
- University of Kentucky. Kentucky Transportation Center 23
- University of Kentucky Transportation Center 452
- University of Maine 17
- University of Maine. Advanced Structures and Composites Center 29
- University of Maryland (College Park, Md.) 70
- University of Maryland (College Park, Md.). Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 33
- University of Maryland (College Park, Md.). Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering 27
- University of Massachusetts at Amherst 76
- University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering 21
- University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Transportation Center 30
- University of Massachusetts at Lowell 20
- University of Memphis 26
- University of Michigan 17
- University of Michigan. Transportation Research Institute 149
- University of Minnesota 24
- University of Minnesota, Duluth. Department of Civil Engineering 24
- University of Minnesota. Center for Transportation Studies 20
- University of Minnesota. Department of Mechanical Engineering. HumanFIRST Program 20
- University of Minnesota. Dept. of Civil, Environmental, and Geo-Engineering 42
- University of Minnesota. Dept. of Civil Engineering 47
- University of Minnesota. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering 19
- University of Minnesota. Humphrey School of Public Affairs 27
- University of Mississippi. Dept. of Civil Engineering 15
- University of Missouri--Columbia 27
- University of Missouri--Columbia. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 39
- University of Missouri--Columbia. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering 31
- University of Missouri--St. Louis. Center for Transportation Studies 14
- University of Nebraska--Lincoln 80
- University of Nebraska--Lincoln. Charles W. Durham School of Architectural Engineering and Construction 17
- University of Nebraska--Lincoln. Dept. of Civil Engineering 71
- University of Nebraska--Lincoln. Nebraska Transportation Center 20
- University of Nevada, Reno. Center for Advanced Transportation Education and Research 14
- University of Nevada, Reno. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 32
- University of New Hampshire. Dept. of Civil Engineering 14
- University of New Mexico. Division of Government Research 15
- University of New Orleans. Transportation Institute 23
- University of North Carolina (System). Highway Safety Research Center 21
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Highway Safety Research Center 15
- University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Center for Advanced Multimodal Mobility Solutions and Education 24
- University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 20
- University of North Florida 17
- University of Oklahoma 28
- University of Oklahoma. School of Civil Engineering and Environmental Science 44
- University of Oklahoma. School of Electrical and Computer Engineering 14
- University of Oregon 29
- University of Pennsylvania 25
- University of Pittsburgh. Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering 15
- University of Rhode Island. Transportation Center 16
- University of South Carolina. Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering 22
- University of Southern California 15
- University of Southern California, Los Angeles 18
- University of South Florida 83
- University of South Florida. Center for Urban Transportation Research 195
- University of South Florida. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 47
- University of South Florida. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering 36
- University of South Florida. National Center for Transit Research (U.S.) 32
- University of Tennessee, Knoxville 37
- University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Center for Transportation Research 24
- University of Texas at Arlington 47
- University of Texas at Austin. Center for Highway Research 42
- University of Texas at Austin. Center for Transportation Research 579
- University of Texas at Austin. Cooperative Mobility for Competitive Megaregions 21
- University of Texas at Austin. Data-Supported Transportation Operations & Planning Center (D-STOP) 38
- University of Texas at Austin. School of Architecture. Urban Information Lab 16
- University of Texas at El Paso 21
- University of Texas at El Paso. Center for Transportation Infrastructure Systems 35
- University of Texas at San Antonio 16
- University of Toledo 24
- University of Toledo. Dept. of Civil Engineering 19
- University of Utah 17
- University of Utah. Department of City and Metropolitan Planning 14
- University of Utah. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 65
- University of Utah. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering 14
- University of Vermont 16
- University of Vermont. Transportation Research Center 111
- University of Virginia 35
- University of Virginia. Center for Transportation Studies 32
- University of Washington 46
- University of Washington. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 16
- University of Washington. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering 16
- University of Wisconsin--Madison 34
- University of Wisconsin--Madison. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 27
- University of Wisconsin--Madison. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering 23
- University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee. Dept. of Civil Engineering and Mechanics 17
- University of Wyoming 25
- University of Wyoming. Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering 38
- University of Wyoming. Dept. of Civil and Architectural Engineering 35
- University Transportation Center for Alabama 43
- University Transportation Centers Program (U.S.) 57
- University Transportation Research Center 26
- Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute 197
- Urban Mobility & Equity Center 14
- Utah State University 25
- Utah State University. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 37
- Utah State University. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering 15
- Vermont. Agency of Transportation. Materials and Research Section 20
- VHB/Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 23
- Virginia. Dept. of Highways 48
- Virginia. Dept. of Highways and Transportation 50
- Virginia. Dept. of Motor Vehicles 33
- Virginia. Dept. of Transportation 530
- Virginia. Dept. of Transportation Safety 24
- Virginia. Highway Safety Division 50
- Virginia Center for Transportation Innovation and Research 62
- Virginia Highway & Transportation Research Council 585
- Virginia Highway Research Council 184
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 30
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Transportation Institute 16
- Virginia Tech Transportation Institute 104
- Virginia Transportation Research Council 93
- Virginia Transportation Research Council (VTRC) 885
- Washington (State). Department of Transportation 34
- Washington (State). Dept. of Transportation. Materials Laboratory 35
- Washington State Transportation Center 91
- Washington State University 21
- Washington State University. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 25
- Washington State University. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering 22
- Wayne State University 17
- Western Michigan University 37
- Western Michigan University. Dept. of Civil and Construction Engineering 16
- Western Transportation Institute 157
- William J. Hughes Technical Center (U.S.) 52
- Wisconsin. Department of Transportation 14
- Wisconsin. Dept. of Transportation. Social Media Peer Exchange Planning Team 24
- Wisconsin Highway Research Program 27
- Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. 14
- Wyoming. Dept. of Transportation 16
- AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety 13
- Accelerated Bridge Construction University Transportation Center (ABC-UTC) 18
- Alabama. Department of Transportation 29
- Alabama. Dept. of Transportation 21
- Alaska. Department of Transportation and Public Facilities 54
- Alaska. Department of Transportation and Public Facilities. Research, Development, and Technology Transfer 10
- Alaska. Department of Transportation and Public Facilities. Research and Technology Transfer 26
- Alaska. Dept. of Transportation and Public Facilities 86
- Alaska. Dept. of Transportation and Public Facilities. Research, Development and Technology Transfer 28
- Alaska. Dept. of Transportation and Public Facilities. Research and Technology Transfer 9
- Alaska University Transportation Center 39
- American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials 11
- American Public Transportation Association 13
- Ames Research Center 10
- Argonne National Laboratory 14
- Arizona. Department of Transportation 128
- Arizona. Department of Transportation. Research Center 9
- Arizona. Dept. of Transportation 122
- Arizona. Dept. of Transportation. Research Center 13
- Arizona Transportation Research Center 13
- Arkansas. Department of Transportation 10
- Arkansas. Department of Transportation. Transportation Research Committee 12
- Arkansas State Police. Highway Safety Office 10
- Auburn University. Highway Research Center 55
- Auburn University. National Center for Asphalt Technology 12
- Battelle 10
- Battelle Memorial Institute 11
- California. Department of Transportation 238
- California. Department of Transportation. Department of Research, Innovation and System Information 20
- California. Dept. of Transportation 44
- California. Dept. of Transportation. Division of Engineering Services 14
- California. Dept. of Transportation. Division of Research and Innovation 139
- Canada. Transport Canada 16
- Case Western Reserve University. Dept. of Civil Engineering 11
- Center for Advancing Research in Transportation Emissions, Energy, and Health. Texas A&M Transportation Institute 12
- Center for Advancing Transportation Leadership and Safety (ATLAS Center) 17
- Center for Connected Multimodal Mobility, Clemson University 17
- Center for Transportation, Equity, Decisions and Dollars (CTEDD) 20
- Center for Transportation, Equity, Decisions and Dollars (CTEDD) (UTC) 20
- City College of New York. University Transportation Research Center 19
- City University of New York. University Transportation Research Center 38
- Civil Aeromedical Institute 14
- Civil Aerospace Medical Institute 791
- Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (U.S.) 12
- Collaborative Sciences Center for Road Safety 12
- Colorado. Dept. of Transportation 35
- Colorado. Dept. of Transportation. Applied Research and Innovation Branch 29
- Colorado. Dept. of Transportation. Research Branch 77
- Colorado. DTD Applied Research and Innovation Branch 19
- Colorado Department of Transportation. Applied Research & Innovations Branch 12
- Connected Cities for Smart Mobility toward Accessible and Resilient Transportation Center (C2SMART) 47
- Connected Vehicle/Infrastructure University Transportation Center 20
- Connecticut. Department of Transportation 20
- Connecticut. Dept. of Transportation 66
- Connecticut Transportation Institute 13
- Cornell University. Center for Transportation, Environment, and Community Health. (CTECH) 31
- Delaware Center for Transportation 14
- Det Norske Veritas, Incorporated 10
- District Department of Transportation 22
- District of Columbia. Dept. of Transportation 15
- Eno Foundation for Highway Traffic Control 33
- Federal Highway Administration 29
- Federal Highway Administration (U.S.) 10
- Florida. Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles 15
- Florida. Department of Transportation 187
- Florida. Department of Transportation. Research Center 93
- Florida. Dept. of Transportation 373
- Florida. Dept. of Transportation. Research Center 106
- Florida Department of Transportation 292
- Florida International University 15
- Florida International University. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 10
- Florida International University. Lehman Center for Transportation Research 11
- GCM ITS Priority Corridor 14
- Geological Survey (U.S.) 22
- Georgia. Department of Transportation. Office of Performance-Based Management & Research 111
- Georgia. Department of Transportation. Office of Research 61
- Georgia. Dept. of Transporation. Office of Performance-Based Management and Research 35
- Georgia. Dept. of Transportation 69
- Georgia. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Research 33
- Georgia Institute of Technology 14
- Georgia Institute of Technology. School of Civil and Environmental Engineering 10
- Gulf Coast Research Center for Evacuation and Transportation Resiliency 13
- Hawaii. Dept. of Transportation 12
- I-95 Corridor Coalition 11
- Idaho. Transportation Department 78
- Idaho. Transportation Dept. 18
- Idaho Transportation Department 10
- Illinois. Department of Transportation 47
- Illinois. Dept. of Transportation 13
- Illinois. Dept. of Transportation. Bureau of Materials and Physical Research 44
- Illinois. Dept. of Transportation. Bureau of Research 9
- Illinois. Division of Traffic Safety 24
- Illinois Center for Transportation 238
- Indiana. Dept. of Transportation 51
- Indiana. Governor's Council on Impaired & Dangerous Driving 10
- Indiana Department of Transportation 29
- Iowa. Department of Transportation. Bureau of Research and Technology 13
- Iowa. Dept. of Transportation 265
- Iowa. Dept. of Transportation. Highway Division 32
- Iowa. Highway Research Board 17
- Iowa Department of Transportation 28
- Iowa Highway Research Board 38
- Iowa State University 52
- Iowa State University. Bridge Engineering Center 35
- Iowa State University. Center for Transportation Research and Education 71
- Iowa State University. Institute for Transportation 233
- Iowa State University. National Concrete Pavement Technology Center 28
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.) 39
- Kansas. Department of Transportation 25
- Kansas. Dept. of Transportation 268
- Kansas. Dept. of Transportation. Bureau of Materials & Research 103
- Kansas. Dept. of Transportation. Bureau of Research 75
- Kansas Department of Transportation. Bureau of Research 44
- Kansas State University. Transportation Center 18
- Kentucky. Transportation Cabinet 18
- Kentucky Transportation Cabinet 13
- Leonard Transportation Center 14
- Louisiana. Department of Highways 18
- Louisiana. Department of Highways. Research and Development Section 138
- Louisiana. Department of Transportation and Development 51
- Louisiana. Dept. of Highways 14
- Louisiana. Dept. of Transportation and Development 60
- Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge 18
- Louisiana State University. Department of Civil and Environmental Engieering 23
- Louisiana State University. Louisiana Transportation Research Center 31
- Louisiana Transportation Research Center 797
- Mack-Blackwell National Rural Transportation Study Center (U.S.) 48
- Maine. Department of Transportation 15
- Maine. Dept. of Transportation 151
- Maritime Transportation Research and Education Center 20
- Maritime Transportation Research and Education Center (MarTREC) 20
- Maryland. Dept. of Transportation 13
- Maryland. State Highway Administration 94
- Maryland. State Highway Administration. Office of Policy & Research 66
- Maryland. State Highway Administration. Research Division 26
- Maryland Department of Transportation. State Highway Administration 20
- Massachusetts. Department of Transportation 10
- Massachusetts. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Transportation Planning 59
- METRANS Transportation Center (Calif.) 87
- Michigan. Department of Transportation 57
- Michigan. Dept. of Transportation 48
- Michigan. Dept. of Transportation. Bureau of Field Services 24
- Michigan. Dept. of Transportation. Construction and Technology Division 25
- Michigan. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Research Administration 40
- Michigan. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Research and Best Practices 13
- Michigan. Dept. of Transportation. Research Administration 51
- Michigan. Office of Highway Safety Planning 20
- Michigan Center for Advancing Safe Transportation Throughout the Lifespan 9
- Michigan Department of Transportation. Research Administration 18
- Michigan Ohio University Transportation Center 24
- Michigan Technological University 11
- Mid-America Transportation Center 119
- Mid-Atlantic Transportation Sustainability University Transportation Center 24
- Mid-Atlantic Universities Transportation Center 75
- Midwest Regional University Transportation Center 11
- Midwest Roadside Safety Facility 55
- Midwest States Regional Pooled Fund Program 38
- Midwest Transportation Center 52
- Midwest Transportation Consortium 21
- Mineta National Transit Research Consortium 38
- Mineta Transportation Institute 226
- Minnesota. Department of Transportation 178
- Minnesota. Department of Transportation. Clear Roads Pooled Fund 32
- Minnesota. Department of Transportation. Local Road Research Board 19
- Minnesota. Department of Transportation. Office of Research & Innovation 155
- Minnesota. Department of Transportation. Research Services & Library 10
- Minnesota. Dept. of Transportation 60
- Minnesota. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Policy Analysis, Research & Innovation 32
- Minnesota. Dept. of Transportation. Research Services & Library 94
- Minnesota. Dept. of Transportation. Research Services Section 31
- Mississippi. Dept. of Transportation 87
- Mississippi State University 14
- Mississippi State University. National Center for Intermodal Transportation for Economic Competitiveness 55
- Missouri. Department of Transportation 124
- Missouri. Department of Transportation. Construction and Materials Division 99
- Missouri. Dept. of Transportation 43
- Missouri. Dept. of Transportation. Division of Construction and Materials 18
- Missouri. Dept. of Transportation. Organizational Results 19
- Missouri. Dept. of Transportation. Research, Development and Technology Division 45
- Missouri. State Highway Patrol 15
- Missouri University of Science and Technology 10
- Missouri University of Science and Technology. Center for Infrastructure Engineering Studies 42
- Missouri University of Science and Technology. Center for Transportation Infrastructure and Safety 140
- Mobility21, Carnegie Mellon University 43
- Montana. Department of Transportation 49
- Montana. Department of Transportation. Research, Development and Technology Transfer Program 9
- Montana. Department of Transportation. Research Programs 21
- Montana. Dept. of Transportation. Research Programs 152
- Montana. Dept. of Transportation. Research Section. 12
- Montana State University. Western Transportation Institute 15
- Morgan State University. National Transportation Center 9
- Mountain-Plains Consortium 45
- Mountain Plains Consortium 155
- National Center for Asphalt Technology (U.S.) 59
- National Center for Freight and Infrastructure Research and Education (U.S.) 100
- National Center for Intermodal Transportation 32
- National Center for Statistics and Analysis (U.S.) 77
- National Center for Sustainable Transportation 93
- National Center for Sustainable Transportation (NCST) (UTC) 30
- National Center for Transit Research (U.S.) 102
- National Center for Transportation Systems Productivity and Management (U.S.) 19
- National Cooperative Highway Research Program 12
- National Institute for Advanced Transportation Technology (NIATT) (U.S.) 23
- National Institute for Advanced Transportation Technology (U.S.) 25
- National Institute for Transportation and Communities 24
- National Institute for Transportation and Communities (NITC) 53
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory (U.S.) 64
- National Research Council (U.S.). Transportation Research Board 12
- National Transportation Center (U.S.) 12
- National Transportation Research Center, Incorporated, University Transportation Center 30
- National University Rail Center (NURail) 28
- National University Rail Center (U.S.) 51
- Naval Postgraduate School (U.S.) 19
- Nebraska. Department of Transportation 84
- Nebraska. Dept. of Roads 86
- Nebraska Transportation Center 52
- Nevada. Dept. of Transportation 95
- Nevada Department of Transportation 11
- New England Transportation Consortium 55
- New England University Transportation Center 159
- New Hampshire. Dept. of Transportation 25
- New Hampshire. Dept. of Transportation. Bureau of Materials and Research 26
- New Hampshire Department of Transportation 17
- New Jersey. Department of Transportation. Bureau of Research 72
- New Jersey. Dept. of Transportation 101
- New Jersey. Dept. of Transportation. Bureau of Research 32
- New Jersey Institute of Technology 9
- New Mexico. Dept. of Transportation 12
- New Mexico. Dept. of Transportation. Research Bureau 24
- New Mexico. Traffic Safety Bureau 14
- New York (State). Dept. of Transportation 78
- New York State Department of Transportation 11
- New York State Energy Research and Development Authority 58
- Nextrans 13
- NEXTRANS Center (U.S.) 91
- Norman Y. Mineta International Institute for Surface Transportation Policy Studies 17
- North Carolina. Department of Transportation. Research and Analysis Group 53
- North Carolina. Dept. of Transportation 80
- North Carolina. Dept. of Transportation. Research and Analysis Group 20
- North Carolina. Division of Highways 9
- North Carolina Department of Transportation. Research and Development Unit 44
- North Carolina State University. Institute for Transportation Research & Education 10
- North Dakota. Dept. of Transportation 9
- North Dakota State University 11
- Northwestern University (Evanston, Ill.). Center for the Commercialization of Innovative Transportation Technology 11
- Northwestern University (Evanston, Ill.). Infrastructure Technology Institute 22
- Norway. Transportøkonomisk institutt (Institute of Transport Economics) 12
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory 33
- Ohio. Department of Transportation 28
- Ohio. Department of Transportation. Office of Statewide Planning and Research 70
- Ohio. Dept. of Public Safety 17
- Ohio. Dept. of Transportation 191
- Ohio. Dept. of Transportation. Innovation, Research, and Implementation Section 20
- Ohio. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Research and Development 87
- Ohio. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Statewide Planning and Research 83
- Ohio Research Institute for Transportation and the Environment 44
- Ohio Research Institute for Transportation and the Environment. Human Factors and Ergonomics Laboratory 13
- Ohio State University. Center for Mapping 10
- Ohio Transportation Consortium 11
- Ohio University. Dept. of Civil Engineering 10
- Oklahoma. Department of Transportation 32
- Oklahoma. Dept. of Transportation 9
- Oklahoma. Dept. of Transportation. Materials and Research Division 9
- Oklahoma. Dept of Transportation 25
- Oklahoma Transportation Center 63
- Oregon. Department of Transportation. Engineering Services Section 10
- Oregon. Department of Transportation. Materials and Research Section 64
- Oregon. Dept. of Transportation 203
- Oregon. Dept. of Transportation. Highway Division 23
- Oregon. Dept. of Transportation. Research Group 39
- Oregon. Dept. of Transportation. Research Section 199
- Oregon. Dept. of Transportation. Research Unit 251
- Oregon. Highway Division 35
- Oregon Department of Transportation. Research Section 15
- Oregon State Highway Division, Materials and Research Section 19
- Oregon State Highway Division. Research Section 21
- Oregon State University 24
- Oregon State University. Dept. of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering 9
- Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium 65
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 37
- Pacific Northwest Transportation Consortium 92
- Pacific Northwest Transportation Consortium (PacTrans) (UTC) 14
- Pacific Southwest Region 9 UTC, University of Southern California 16
- Pacific Southwest Region University Transportation Center (UTC) 20
- Partnership for Air Transportation Noise and Emissions Reduction 10
- Pennsylvania. Department of Transportation. Bureau of Planning and Research 22
- Pennsylvania. Dept. of Transportation 79
- Pennsylvania. Dept. of Transportation. Bureau of Planning and Research 52
- Pennsylvania Transportation Institute 15
- Portland State University. National Institute for Transportation and Communities 11
- Princeton University 14
- Purdue University 40
- Purdue University. Joint Transportation Research Program 412
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Lighting Research Center 13
- Research on Concrete Applications for Sustainable Transportation (RE-CAST) 19
- Roadway Safety Institute 14
- Rutgers University. Center for Advanced Infrastructure & Transportation 11
- Rutgers University. Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation 103
- Safety Research Using Simulation (SAFER-SIM) University Transportation Center 88
- Safety through Disruption (Safe-D) University Transportation Center (UTC) 40
- Sandia National Laboratories 19
- San Jose State University 18
- San Jose State University. College of Business. Mineta Transportation Institute 13
- Smart Work Zone Deployment Initiative 27
- SOLARIS Consortium 14
- South Carolina. Department of Transportation 16
- South Carolina. Dept. of Transportation 30
- South Carolina. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Materials and Research 17
- South Dakota. Department of Transportation 46
- South Dakota. Department of Transportation. Office of Research 101
- South Dakota. Dept. of Transportation 10
- South Dakota. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Research 19
- Southeastern Transportation Research, Innovation, Development and Education Center (STRIDE) 77
- Southern Plains Transportation Center 18
- Southwest Region University Transportation Center (U.S.) 200
- SRI International 35
- Statistics Canada. Transportation Division 10
- Technologies for Safe and Efficient Transportation. University Transportation Center 17
- Tennessee. Department of Transportation 123
- Tennessee. Dept. of Transportation 12
- Texas. Department of Transportation 79
- Texas. Dept. of Transportation 78
- Texas. Dept. of Transportation. Research and Technology Implementation Office 164
- Texas A&M Transportation Institute 567
- Texas A & M University 12
- Texas Department of Transportation. Research and Technology Implementation Office 114
- Texas Southern University. Center for Transportation Training and Research 14
- Texas Tech University. Center for Multidisciplinary Research in Transportation 53
- Texas Transportation Institute 430
- Texas Transportation Institute. Texas A&M University 68
- Texas Transportation Institute. University Transportation Center for Mobility 38
- TranLIVE. University of Idaho 31
- TransGuide 10
- Transportation Consortium of South-Central States 53
- Transportation Northwest (Organization) 33
- Transportation Northwest (TransNow) UTC 33
- Transportation Safety Board of Canada 10
- Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center 128
- U.S. Census Bureau 11
- United States. Agricultural Marketing Service 11
- United States. Army. Corps of Engineers 11
- United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. New Orleans District. Office of the District Engineer 21
- United States. Army Corps of Engineers 16
- United States. Bureau of Labor Statistics 20
- United States. Census Office 100
- United States. Coast Guard 107
- United States. Congress 9
- United States. Congress. Office of Technology Assessment 24
- United States. Department of Agriculture. Economic Research Service 10
- United States. Department of Commerce 36
- United States. Department of Transportation 283
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Aviation Administration 188
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration 92
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Operations 13
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration 9
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration 65
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Research, Development, and Technology 23
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Transit Administration 42
- United States. Department of Transportation. Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office 130
- United States. Department of Transportation. Maritime Administration 39
- United States. Department of Transportation. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 510
- United States. Department of Transportation. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. National Center for Statistics and Analysis 9
- United States. Department of Transportation. National Transportation Library 9
- United States. Department of Transportation. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology 27
- United States. Department of Transportation. Office of the Secretary of Transportation 17
- United States. Department of Transportation. Urban Mass Transportation Administration 53
- United States. Dept. of Defense 13
- United States. Dept. of Energy 36
- United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy 18
- United States. Dept. of Homeland Security 10
- United States. Dept. of Transportation 58
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. ITS Joint Program Office 13
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology 43
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Office of the Inspector General 9
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Office of the Secretary 15
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration 19
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Research and Innovative Technology Administration 94
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Research and Special Programs Administration 29
- United States. Environmental Protection Agency 14
- United States. Federal Aviation Administration 112
- United States. Federal Aviation Administration. Center of Excellence for Alternative Jet Fuels and Environment 30
- United States. Federal Aviation Administration. Office of Aviation Research 24
- United States. Federal Highway Administration 903
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Center for Accelerating Innovation 33
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Infrastructure Research and Development 21
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Planning, Environment, and Realty 38
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Real Estate Services 22
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Research, Development, and Technology 10
- United States. Federal HIghway Administration. Office of Research and Development 43
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Research and Development 41
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Safety 34
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Offices of Research & Development 9
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Offices of Research and Development 20
- United States. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration 11
- United States. Federal Railroad Administration 59
- United States. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Railroad Policy and Development 21
- United States. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Research and Development 108
- United States. Federal Transit Administration 66
- United States. Federal Transit Administration. Office of Research, Demonstration, and Innovation 19
- United States. Foreign Broadcast Information Service 96
- United States. General Accounting Office 177
- United States. Geological Survey (USGS) 24
- United States. Government Accountability Office 92
- United States. Government Printing Office 39
- United States. Interstate Commerce Commission 22
- United States. Joint Program Office for Intelligent Transportation Systems 87
- United States. Maritime Administration 50
- United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Operations Branch 9
- United States. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 93
- United States. National Transportation Safety Board 38
- United States. Office of Aerospace Medicine 76
- United States. Office of Pipeline Safety 11
- United States. Urban Mass Transportation Administration 17
- University of Akron. Dept. of Civil Engineering 15
- University of Alaska Fairbanks. Center for Environmentally Sustainable Transportation in Cold Climates 32
- University of Alaska Fairbanks. Center for Safety Equity in Transportation (CSET) 15
- University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. Dept. of Civil Engineering 12
- University of California, Berkeley. Institute of Transportation Studies 15
- University of California, Davis 16
- University of California, Davis. Institute of Transportation Studies 35
- University of California, Los Angeles. Institute of Transportation Studies 17
- University of California Institute of Transportation Studies 53
- University of Central Florida 13
- University of Central Florida. Center for Advanced Transportation Systems Simulation 12
- University of Central Florida. Electric Vehicle Transportation Center (EVTC) 27
- University of Florida. Center for Multimodal Solutions for Congestion Mitigation 33
- University of Florida. Department of Civil and Coastal Engineering 41
- University of Florida. Dept. of Civil and Coastal Engineering 9
- University of Florida. Transportation Research Center 13
- University of Illinois at Chicago. Urban Transportation Center 15
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering 11
- University of Iowa. Public Policy Center 13
- University of Kentucky Transportation Center 443
- University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Transportation Center 11
- University of Michigan 13
- University of Michigan. Transportation Research Institute 105
- University of Minnesota 10
- University of Minnesota. Center for Transportation Studies 43
- University of Minnesota. Intelligent Transportation Systems Institute 11
- University of Mississippi 12
- University of Nebraska--Lincoln 42
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Mid-America Transportation Center 11
- University of Nevada, Reno. Solaris University Transportation Center 14
- University of North Carolina (System). Highway Safety Research Center 15
- University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Center for Advanced Multimodal Mobility Solutions and Education 29
- University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Transportation Policy Studies 10
- University of Oregon, Urbanism Next Center 14
- University of Pennsylvania 11
- University of Rhode Island. Transportation Center 41
- University of South Florida 12
- University of South Florida. Center for Urban Transportation Research 90
- University of Texas at Arlington 14
- University of Texas at Austin. Center for Highway Research 40
- University of Texas at Austin. Center for Transportation Research 388
- University of Texas at Austin. Cooperative Mobility for Competitive Megaregions 28
- University of Texas at Austin. Data-Supported Transportation Operations & Planning Center (D-STOP) 38
- University of Texas at El Paso. Center for Transportation Infrastructure Systems 18
- University of Utah. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering 10
- University of Vermont. Transportation Research Center 99
- University Transportation Center for Alabama 135
- University Transportation Centers Program (U.S.) 140
- University Transportation Research Center 111
- Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute 254
- Urban Mobility & Equity Center 17
- US Army Corps of Engineers. Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (U.S.) 15
- Utah. Department of Transportation 29
- Utah. Dept. of Public Safety 13
- Utah. Dept. of Transportation 60
- Utah. Dept. of Transportation. Division of Research 34
- Utah. Dept. of Transportation. Research Division 128
- Utah Department of Transportation 36
- Vermont. Agency of Transportation 30
- Vermont. Agency of Transportation. Materials and Research Section 19
- Vermont. Agency of Transportation. Research and Development Section 17
- Vermont Agency of Transportation 22
- Virginia. Dept. of Motor Vehicles 11
- Virginia. Dept. of Transportation 54
- Virginia Center for Transportation Innovation and Research 60
- Virginia Tech Transportation Institute 13
- Virginia Transportation Research Council 199
- Virginia Transportation Research Council (VTRC) 1681
- Washington (State). Department of Transportation 84
- Washington (State). Department of Transportation. Research Office 14
- Washington (State). Dept. of Transportation 32
- Washington (State). Dept. of Transportation. Office of Research and Library Services 80
- Washington (State). Dept. of Transportation. Research Office 28
- Washington State Transportation Center 16
- Western Michigan University. Transportation Research Center for Livable Communities 36
- Western Transportation Institute 41
- West Virginia. Dept. of Transportation 16
- William J. Hughes Technical Center (U.S.) 74
- Wisconsin. Department of Transportation 79
- Wisconsin. Dept. of Transportation 78
- Wisconsin. Dept. of Transportation. Library and Research Unit 16
- Wisconsin. Dept. of Transportation. Research and Library Unit 44
- Wisconsin Highway Research Program 59
- World Bank 21
- Wyoming. Department of Transportation 71
- Wyoming. Dept. of Transportation 47
- Youngstown State University. Center for Transportation and Materials Engineering 10
- Advisory circulars 1
- Air Travel Consumer Report [Series] 2
- Annual Reports of the Maritime Administration 68
- Census Transportation Planning Package (CTPP) 1
- Domestic Airline Fares Consumer Report 70
- FHWA Highway History Website Articles 1
- ITS4US Phase 1 1
- Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways 1
- Metrics of Success Series 6
- Multimodal Transportation Indicators 1
- National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) 1
- National Transportation Statistics (NTS) 22
- Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey (NPTS) 3
- NHTSA BSR Traffic Safety Facts 6
- Omnibus Surveys 1
- OST-R Research Roundup 15
- Volpe, John A. 1
- What Do Americans Think About Federal Tax Options to Support Transportation? 14
- Accelerated tests 112
- Accessibility 196
- Accident data 214
- Accuracy 153
- Administration and Management 132
- Admixtures 228
- Advanced traffic management systems 117
- Advanced traveler information systems 153
- Age 240
- Aged 137
- Aged drivers 157
- Aggregate gradation 116
- Aggregates 349
- Aircraft accidents 123
- Airlines 213
- Air pilots 341
- Air pollution 142
- Airports 202
- Air quality 209
- Air quality management 141
- Air traffic control 199
- Air traffic controllers 226
- Air transportation 110
- Air transportation crashes 227
- Air voids 170
- Alcohol use 292
- Algorithms 328
- Alternate fuels 172
- Alternatives analysis 425
- Analysis 223
- Annual reports 278
- Arterial highways 161
- Asphalt 161
- Asphalt concrete 260
- Asphalt concrete pavements 234
- Asphalt mixtures 380
- Asphalt pavements 552
- Asset management 236
- Attitudes 204
- Automatic data collection systems 164
- Automation 187
- Automobiles 187
- Autonomous vehicles 250
- Aviation 272
- Aviation safety 300
- Barriers (Roads) 172
- Base course (Pavements) 245
- Beams 154
- Bearing capacity 138
- Before and after studies 196
- Behavior 319
- Benefit cost analysis 559
- Benefits 128
- Best practices 658
- Bicycle crashes 313
- Bicycles 128
- Bicycling 135
- Binders 182
- Bituminous binders 119
- Bond strength (Materials) 116
- Bridge abutments 131
- Bridge construction 330
- Bridge decks 754
- Bridge design 438
- Bridge foundations 128
- Bridge management systems 149
- Bridge piers 162
- Bridges 1040
- Bridges and other structures 325
- Buses 111
- Businesses 150
- Bus transit 172
- Calibration 302
- California 197
- Case studies 644
- Cement 119
- Certification 169
- Chlorides 110
- City planning 115
- Civil aviation 166
- Collisions 254
- Commercial vehicles 138
- Commodities 204
- Commodity flow 198
- Compaction 147
- Compliance 156
- Compressive strength 214
- Computer models 183
- Computer programs 120
- Concrete 486
- Concrete bridges 406
- Concrete curing 113
- Concrete overlays 111
- Concrete pavements 567
- Condition surveys 198
- Connected vehicles 345
- Construction 445
- Construction industry 114
- Construction projects 227
- Consumers 152
- Contracts 159
- Cooperation 147
- Coordination 129
- Corrosion 331
- Cost effectiveness 413
- Costs 650
- Countermeasures 276
- Counties 201
- Cracking 552
- Crash analysis 168
- Crash data 702
- Crashes 265
- Crash injuries 288
- Crash rates 274
- Crash tests 152
- Crosswalks 111
- Culverts 198
- Cyclists 158
- Data analysis 446
- Data and Information Technology 217
- Databases 361
- Data collection 1372
- Data files 176
- Decision making 416
- Decision support systems 232
- Deflection 135
- Deformation 118
- Deicing chemicals 161
- Demographics 169
- Deployment 146
- Design 788
- Deterioration 211
- Development 122
- Distraction 112
- Domestic airline fares 112
- Domestic transportation 118
- Drainage 223
- Drivers 360
- Driving simulators 174
- Drunk driving 120
- Durability 450
- Earthquake resistant design 155
- Economic analysis 186
- Economic development 121
- Economic impacts 294
- Economics 204
- Education 200
- Education and training 275
- Electric vehicles 243
- Embankments 181
- Emergency management 115
- Employees 168
- Employment 196
- Energy 137
- Energy consumption 108
- Environment 326
- Environmental impacts 662
- Equity (Justice) 186
- Erosion control 121
- Evacuation 146
- Evaluation 1156
- Evaluation and assessment 753
- Exhaust gases 216
- Experiments 217
- Falling weight deflectometers 118
- Fares 152
- Fatalities 1030
- Fatigue (Mechanics) 166
- Fatigue (Physiological condition) 112
- Fatigue cracking 120
- Feasibility analysis 294
- Federal government agencies 159
- Fiber reinforced concrete 136
- Fiber reinforced polymers 179
- Field studies 279
- Field tests 872
- Finance 360
- Financing 401
- Finite element method 514
- Flexible pavements 314
- Flexural strength 114
- Floods 145
- Fly ash 222
- Forecasting 364
- Freeways 212
- Freeze thaw durability 145
- Freight traffic 251
- Freight transportation 471
- Freight Transportation 109
- Fuel consumption 182
- Gender 113
- Geographic information systems 483
- Geosynthetics 113
- Geotechnical engineering 187
- Geotechnology 200
- Girder bridges 162
- Girders 306
- Global Positioning System 387
- Government funding 234
- Graphs 109
- Greenhouse gases 161
- Ground penetrating radar 150
- Guardrails 180
- Guidelines 526
- Handbooks 151
- Hazardous materials 135
- High performance concrete 111
- Highway bridges 236
- Highway capacity 170
- Highway corridors 125
- Highway design 316
- Highway maintenance 320
- Highway operations 149
- Highway planning 259
- Highways 2432
- Highway safety 1363
- Highway traffic control 161
- Highway transportation 109
- History 215
- Hot mix asphalt 377
- Hot mix paving mixtures 234
- Human factors 318
- Human subject testing 312
- I10: Economics and Administration 126
- I24: Design of Bridges and Retaining Walls 142
- I72: Traffic and Transport Planning 208
- I73: Traffic Control 145
- Impacts 168
- Impact tests 151
- Implementation 520
- Improvements 177
- Incident management 162
- Industries 128
- Information processing 182
- Infrastructure 481
- Injuries 491
- Innovation 141
- Inspection 448
- Installation 113
- Instrumentation 112
- Intelligent transportation systems 693
- Intelligent vehicles 276
- Intermodal transportation 163
- International 114
- Intersections 321
- Interstate highways 147
- Investments 115
- Laboratory tests 716
- Land use 255
- Land use planning 162
- Laser radar 163
- Legislation 180
- Life cycle analysis 158
- Life cycle costing 211
- Literature reviews 681
- Live loads 158
- Load factor 169
- Load tests 297
- Location 161
- Logistics 121
- Long range planning 123
- Low volume roads 109
- Machine learning 148
- Maintenance 441
- Maintenance and Preservation 298
- Management 147
- Manuals 287
- Manufacturing 129
- Materials 366
- Mathematical models 412
- Mathematical prediction 150
- Measurement 159
- Mechanical properties 115
- Mechanistic-empirical pavement design 170
- Median barriers 111
- Methodology 347
- Metropolitan planning organizations 170
- Mining 112
- Mix design 611
- Mobile applications 125
- Mobile communication systems 194
- Mobility 406
- Mode choice 184
- Modulus of resilience 131
- Moisture content 175
- Monitoring 411
- Motor carriers 111
- Motorcycle crashes 312
- Motor vehicles 230
- Multimodal transportation 241
- Needs assessment 134
- News 124
- Nondestructive tests 300
- Operations 140
- Operations and Traffic Management 410
- Optimization 336
- Origin and destination 115
- Overlays (Pavements) 362
- Passengers 208
- Pavement cracking 249
- Pavement design 507
- Pavement distress 311
- Pavement layers 137
- Pavement maintenance 532
- Pavement management systems 222
- Pavement performance 1148
- Pavements 805
- Paving 185
- Pedestrian-vehicle crashes 274
- Pedestrians 285
- Pedestrian safety 319
- Performance 394
- Performance evaluations 110
- Performance measurement 552
- Performance tests 302
- Permeability 191
- Physiological aspects 140
- Piles (Supports) 223
- Pilot studies 155
- Pipelines 128
- Planning 292
- Planning and Forecasting 449
- Policy 287
- Pollutants 235
- Portland cement 115
- Portland cement concrete 356
- Ports 228
- Precast concrete 211
- Prestressed concrete 189
- Prestressed concrete bridges 186
- Project delivery 129
- Project management 250
- Public opinion 146
- Public participation 117
- Public private partnerships 121
- Public transit 943
- Public Transportation 215
- Quality assurance 239
- Quality control 311
- Questionnaires 154
- Railroad grade crossings 144
- Railroads 365
- Railroad safety 170
- Railroad transportation 253
- Rail transit 119
- Real time information 274
- Reclaimed asphalt pavements 160
- Recommendations 586
- Recycled materials 348
- Regional planning 191
- Regression analysis 193
- Regulations 230
- Rehabilitation (Maintenance) 289
- Reinforced concrete 183
- Reinforced concrete bridges 180
- Reinforcement (Engineering) 135
- Reinforcing bars 117
- Reliability 117
- Remote sensing 193
- Repairing 209
- Reports 213
- Research 463
- Research Hub 1337
- Research management 141
- Research projects 304
- Retail trade 110
- Retrofitting 129
- Revenues 166
- Ridership 173
- Right of way (Land) 150
- Rigid pavements 125
- Risk assessment 299
- Road construction 407
- Road markings 235
- Roads 237
- Road weather information systems 112
- Rumble strips 111
- Runoff 320
- Rural areas 326
- Rural highways 263
- Rutting 317
- Safety 555
- Safety and Human Factors 476
- Safety programs 148
- Scour 189
- Seat belts 134
- Security 109
- Sensors 342
- Service life 391
- Shear strength 166
- Shipping 161
- Shrinkage 167
- Signalized intersections 271
- Simulation 642
- Skid resistance 116
- Smartphones 113
- Snow and ice control 137
- Society 112
- Software 418
- Soils 218
- Soil stabilization 250
- Spatial analysis 138
- Specifications 358
- Speed 180
- Speed limits 167
- Stakeholders 142
- Standards 232
- State departments of transportation 660
- State of the practice 236
- Statistical analysis 398
- Statistical data 175
- Statistics 1029
- Steel 113
- Steel bridges 208
- Stiffness 143
- Strategic planning 541
- Strength of materials 110
- Structural analysis 248
- Structural health monitoring 289
- Subgrade (Pavements) 234
- Superpave 169
- Surface course (Pavements) 167
- Surveys 1154
- Sustainable development 292
- Sustainable transportation 295
- Tables (Data) 642
- Tables(Data) 142
- Technological innovations 291
- Technology 135
- Technology transfer 149
- Temperature 180
- Tensile strength 138
- Testing 483
- Test procedures 316
- Tests 142
- Test sections 145
- Thickness 114
- Traffic accidents 336
- Traffic congestion 544
- Traffic control 147
- Traffic control devices 223
- Traffic counts 124
- Traffic crashes 815
- Traffic data 330
- Traffic flow 453
- Traffic lanes 113
- Traffic law enforcement 120
- Traffic models 228
- Traffic safety 983
- Traffic signal control systems 139
- Traffic signals 228
- Traffic signal timing 122
- Traffic signs 228
- Traffic simulation 263
- Traffic speed 194
- Traffic surveillance 160
- Traffic volume 267
- Training 312
- Transit operating agencies 128
- Transportation 482
- Transportation departments 147
- Transportation planning 1223
- Transportation policy 181
- Transportation safety 254
- Transportation system management 110
- Travel behavior 309
- Travel demand 377
- Travel demand management 117
- Travel patterns 128
- Travel surveys 152
- Travel time 401
- Trend (Statistics) 221
- Trucking 214
- Trucks 322
- Truck traffic 129
- United States 133
- Urban areas 410
- Urban transit 120
- Urban transportation 179
- Validation 223
- Variable message signs 141
- Vegetation 113
- Vehicle miles of travel 433
- Vehicles and Equipment 191
- Vehicle to vehicle communications 122
- Visibility 117
- Wages 117
- Water quality 110
- Water quality management 118
- Water transportation 163
- Weather conditions 253
- Weigh in motion 132
- Wildlife 134
- Wildlife crossings 125
- Winter maintenance 265
- Wireless communication systems 176
- Workshops 145
- Work zones 238
- Work zone safety 267
- Work zone traffic control 250
- 00-18 5
- 00-19 5
- 0-6208-P2 3
- 0-6568-P1 2
- 0-6658 2
- 0-6738 2
- 0-6760 2
- 0-6803 2
- 0-6809-2 2
- 0-6912 2
- 0-6940-P4 2
- 02-008 2
- 02-016 2
- 02-020 2
- 02-2 4
- 02-4041 3
- 03-082 2
- 03-087 2
- 3-5-63-56 14
- 5-6995-01 2
- 5-7081-01 2
- 10-01 2
- 10-03 2
- 10.3390/en12163055 2
- 14-27 3
- 15-298 2
- 17ITSOKS02 2
- 17TTNTU01 2
- 19-010 6
- 19-10 2
- 19-11 2
- 19BASU02 2
- 19BLSU01 2
- 19BLSU02 2
- 19CASU03 2
- 19CLSU03 2
- 19CLSU04 2
- 19CTAM02 2
- 19GTUTA01 2
- 19ITSLSU06 2
- 19PITSLSU14 2
- 19PLSU09 2
- 19PLSU13 2
- 19PPLSU11 2
- 19PPLSU12 2
- 19PPUNM01 2
- 019PY01 2
- 19SAUTA04 2
- 19STLSU10 2
- 19STUNM04 2
- 20-09 2
- 20-16 2
- 20-30 2
- 20-35 2
- 20-36 2
- 20-36, CA-MTI-1811 2
- 21-SPR1-006 2
- 22-4SS 2
- 22-21 2
- 23-043 2
- 24-058 2
- 25-1121-0005-133-1 2
- 25-1121-0005-141-1 2
- 61-4027 3
- 90-00-RB10-012 2
- 0092-10-20 4
- 0092-11-07 2
- 0092-12-01 2
- 0092-12-11 2
- 0092-13-02 2
- 0092-14-02 2
- 0092-15-05 2
- 0092-16-05 2
- 0092-16-07 2
- 0092-17-04 2
- 0092-18-02 2
- 92-34 2
- 96-25 4
- 97-19 4
- 97-20 2
- 98-3 4
- 99-8 4
- 99-11 7
- 105 2
- 226 2
- 246 2
- 296 2
- 299 2
- 302 2
- 307 2
- 315 2
- 316 6
- 317 2
- 319 2
- 326 2
- 329 2
- 331 2
- 334 2
- 337 2
- 346 2
- 347 2
- 348 2
- 433 2
- 674-19-803 3
- 732-19-803 2
- 744-18-803 2
- 930-722R 2
- 00001406 3
- 2008-004 2
- 2008-005 2
- 2010-001 2
- 2011-009 2
- 2013-022S 2
- 2013-09 2
- 2013-S-WSU-0044 2
- 2014-02 2
- 2014-08 2
- 2017-S-OSU-4 2
- 2018-02 2
- 2018-S-UI-1 2
- 2018-S-UW-1 2
- 2019-02 2
- 2022-03 2
- 2022-11 2
- 2022–5091 2
- 2024RIC01 2
- 4000(72) 3
- 4000(142) 3
- 5280 2
- 0008404 3
- 10179-GT-05 6
- 10404 2
- 13030 2
- 13041 2
- 00029576 2
- 42769 4
- 42795 3
- 42803 3
- 42861 3
- 42862 2
- 43041 2
- 43071 2
- 43075 3
- 43076 2
- 00059678 2
- 00068901 2
- 107018 2
- ABC-UTC-2016-C1-ISU02-Final 2
- ACT-170 2
- AL-11-0003 2
- ALDOT #930-649 2
- ALDOT Project 930-791 3
- AM-400-90/2 2
- AM 67-2 2
- AM 67-6 2
- AM 68-24 2
- AM 69-16 2
- ARC-702 3
- BD-548-22 4
- BD544-31 2
- BD 549 RPWO 28 2
- BD 549 WO 52 2
- BDK-79-977-02 2
- BDK75 977-14 2
- BDK75 977-15 2
- BDK75 977-26 2
- BDK75 977-27 2
- BDK75 977-28 2
- BDK75 977-32 2
- BDK75 977-50 2
- BDK75 977-52 2
- BDK75 977-55 2
- BDK75 977-63 2
- BDK75 977-75 2
- BDK75-977-31 2
- BDK75-977-39 2
- BDK75-977-41 2
- BDK75-977-45 2
- BDK75-977-49 2
- BDK75-977-51 2
- BDK75-977-56 2
- BDK75-977-62 2
- BDK75-977-68 2
- BDK75-977-70 2
- BDK75-977-73 2
- BDK77 977-13 2
- BDK77 977-15 2
- BDK77 977-20 2
- BDK77 977-21 2
- BDK77-977-18 2
- BDK77-977-22 2
- BDK77-977-23 2
- BDK78 977-02 2
- BDK78 977-04 2
- BDK78-977-14 2
- BDK78-977-20 2
- BDK79-977-03 2
- BDK80 977-16 2
- BDK80 977-22 2
- BDK80 977-23 2
- BDK80 977-24 2
- BDK80 977-25 4
- BDK80 977-34 2
- BDK80-977-20 2
- BDK80-977-21 2
- BDK80-977-28 2
- BDK80-977-30 2
- BDK80-977-36 2
- BDK80-977-37 2
- BDK82 977-02 2
- BDK82 977-07 2
- BDK82-977-04 2
- BDK83 977-02 2
- BDK83 977-11 2
- BDK83 977-12 2
- BDK83 977-15 2
- BDK83 977-18 2
- BDK83-977-14 2
- BDK83-977-16 2
- BDK83-977-17 2
- BDK84 977-04 2
- BDK84 977-13 2
- BDK84 977-14 2
- BDK84 977-19 2
- BDK84, TWO #977-02 3
- BDK84-977-09 2
- BDK84-977-10 2
- BDK84-977-20 2
- BDK84-977-22 2
- BDK84-977-23 2
- BDK84-977-24 2
- BDK84-977-26 2
- BDK85 977-07 2
- BDK85 977-18 2
- BDK85 977-30 2
- BDK85 977-31 2
- BDK85 977-33 2
- BDK85 977-34 2
- BDK85 977-36 2
- BDK85 977-38 2
- BDK85 977-40 2
- BDK85 977-42 2
- BDK85 977-43 2
- BDK85 TWO 977-13 2
- BDK85-977-49 2
- BDK85-977-50 2
- BDR76 2
- BDU79 2
- BDV24-977-02 2
- BDV24-977-04 2
- BDV24-977-08 2
- BDV24-977-09 2
- BDV24-977-12 2
- BDV25-977-01 2
- BDV25-977-03 2
- BDV25-977-06 2
- BDV25-977-07 2
- BDV25-977-14 2
- BDV25-977-20 2
- BDV26-977-01 2
- BDV26-977-04 2
- BDV26-977-06 2
- BDV27-977-04 2
- BDV29-977-06 2
- BDV29-977-07 2
- BDV29-977-09 2
- BDV29-977-10 2
- BDV29-977-66 2
- BDV30-977-05 2
- BDV30-977-10 2
- BDV30-977-13 2
- BDV30-977-36 2
- BDV31-977-02 2
- BDV31-977-03 2
- BDV31-977-09 2
- BDV31-977-10 2
- BDV31-977-11 2
- BDV31-977-13 2
- BDV31-977-17 2
- BDV31-977-18 2
- BDV31-977-25 2
- BDV32-977-01 2
- BDV32-977-02 2
- BDV32-977-03 2
- BDV32-977-04 2
- BDX93 2
- BE694 2
- BE928 2
- BEA88 2
- BEB28 2
- BED30-977-03 2
- C-02-03 2
- C-02-07 2
- C-05-05 2
- C-06-07 2
- C-06-08 2
- C-06-13 4
- C-06-14 2
- C-06-15 2
- C-06-31 2
- C-06-33 2
- C-06-36 2
- C-08-04 2
- C-08-13 2
- C-08-14 2
- C-08-20 2
- C-08-22 2
- C-10-08 2
- C-11-12 2
- CA-MNTRC-14-1136 7
- CA-MNTRC-16-1235 2
- CA-MNTRC-16-1250 2
- CA-MTI-10-2907 2
- CA-MTI-11-2604 2
- CA-MTI-11-2903 2
- CA-MTI-11-2904 2
- CA-MTI-15-1428 2
- CA/PEER/2010-103 2
- CA/R-96/26 2
- CA06-0247 2
- CA09-1064 2
- CA10-1131 2
- CA11-1863A 2
- CA12-1116 2
- CA12-2164 2
- CA12-2192 2
- CA16-2815 2
- CA16-2875 2
- CA23-3875 2
- CAIT-UTC-006 2
- CBP-96-17 2
- CBP-97-33 2
- CBP-97-37 2
- CFDA 20.701 3
- CFIRE 02-03 2
- CFIRE 02-09 2
- CFIRE 02-13 2
- CFIRE 03-08 2
- CFIRE 03-15 3
- CFIRE 03-17 2
- CFIRE 04-06 2
- CFIRE 05-10 2
- CFIRE 05-12 2
- cmr 13-003 5
- cmr14-010 12
- cmr 16-004 7
- CTRE Project 06-262 3
- DOT-VNTSC-OST-R-15-01 3
- DOT/FAA/AM-01/2 3
- DOT HS 809 512 3
- EIN: 54-6001805 3
- FAP Number SPR-0010(34) 4
- FCP 33E3-014 5
- FHWA-AK-RD-xx-xx 3
- FHWA-CFL/TD-0x-00x 3
- FHWA-GA-16-1405 3
- FHWA-GA-18-1507 3
- FHWA-HEP-16-008 3
- FHWA-ICT-23-014 5
- FHWA-KS-12-6 4
- FHWA-NJ-2014-008 3
- FHWA-NJ-2017-011 4
- FHWA-NJ-2022-002 3
- FHWA-OH 2000/017 4
- FHWA-OR-RD-02-04 3
- FHWA-OR-RD-02-04m 3
- FHWA-OR-RD-04-12 3
- FHWA-OR-RD-09-10 11
- FHWA-OR-RD-12-12 3
- FHWA-OR-RD-16-12 5
- FHWA-PA-2009-009-999012 3
- FHWA-RD-00-113 3
- FHWA-WY-10/03F 3
- FHWA/CA/OR- 14
- FHWA/HWY-01/2002 3
- FHWA/HWY-02/2002 3
- FHWA/HWY-04/2001 3
- FHWA/HWY-2001/05 3
- FHWA/IN/JTRP-2011/18 3
- FHWA/IN/JTRP-2012/01 4
- FHWA/IN/JTRP-2012/10 18
- FHWA/IN/JTRP-2012/12 5
- FHWA/IN/JTRP-2015/28 3
- FHWA/IN/JTRP-2022/13 3
- FHWA/IN/JTRP-2024/07 3
- FHWA/LA.07/423 3
- FHWA/LA.11/485 3
- FHWA/MS-DOT-RD-10-199 4
- FHWA/OH-2000/002 3
- FHWA/OH-2000/018 3
- FHWA/OH-2000/021 3
- FHWA/OH-2001/07 3
- FHWA/OH-2001/09 3
- FHWA/OH-2001/12 3
- FHWA/OH-2001/16 3
- FHWA/OH-2002/019 3
- FHWA/OH-2002/021 3
- FHWA/OH-2002/035 3
- FHWA/OH-2002/05 3
- FHWA/OH-2003/002 3
- FHWA/OH-2003/007 5
- FHWA/OH-2003/015 3
- FHWA/OH-2004/006 3
- FHWA/OH-2004/010 3
- FHWA/OH-2004/013 3
- FHWA/OH-2005/005 3
- FHWA/OH-2005/006 3
- FHWA/OH-2005/007 3
- FHWA/OH-2005/14 3
- FHWA/OH-2006/19 3
- FHWA/OH-2007/09 3
- FHWA/OH-2007/18 3
- FHWA/OH-2008/3 4
- FHWA/OH-2009/08 4
- FHWA/OH-2010/12 4
- FHWA/OH-2010/15 4
- FHWA/OH-2010/16 3
- FHWA/OH-2011/9 3
- Final Report 3
- FTA-CO-26-7002-2004 3
- Grant Number DTRT12-G-UTC18 (Grant 1) 4
- ICT-23-019 5
- IHRB Project TR-561 3
- IHRB Project TR-600 3
- IHRB Project TR-630 5
- IHRB Project TR-636 4
- InTrans Project 06-277 12
- InTrans Project 09-361 3
- InTrans Project 11-393 4
- InTrans Project 11-402 3
- InTrans Project 13-451 7
- K-TRAN: KSU-15-6 4
- K-TRAN: KU-10-3 3
- KLK900-SB-001 3
- KTC-16-17/SPR16-56-2-1F 3
- MD-09-SP808B4J 3
- MD-11-SP708B4K 3
- MD-16-SHA/MSU/4-3 3
- ME 00-20 3
- MLR-07-01 3
- MPD 64-12 3
- MS-DOT-RD-10-199 3
- MTI Report 10-09 3
- NUTC R203 8
- NUTC R231 3
- OR-EF-00-11 3
- OR-RD-10-22 4
- Part of InTrans Project 09-353 3
- Part of InTrans Project 12-444 3
- Part of TPF-5(438) 5
- Project #00016751 5
- Project 5-6616-01 3
- Project 6364-1 4
- Project 7663-3 3
- Project No. 86082756 3
- Project RC-1504 3
- Project RHE-07 3
- Project TRyy0922 3
- Project TRyy1103 5
- RC-1527 3
- RC-1531 4
- RC-1544 4
- RC-1545 3
- RC-1572 7
- RC-1575 5
- RC-1592 3
- RC-1594 6
- RC-1599 7
- RC-1606 3
- RC1557 6
- RD 583-2 3
- Report No. 9 7
- SD89-06 3
- SD91-11-F 3
- SPR 712 4
- SPR RB02-008 3
- ST/SS/05-002 3
- State Project No. 736-99-1116 3
- SwRI Project No. 10-8684 10
- TP 2436E 8
- TPF-5(224) 3
- TR-467 3
- TR - 486 3
- TR-599 3
- TRyy1110 6
- TRyy1308 4
- UF-TRC-79803-2011 3
- UF Project No. 00072910 9
- UF Project No. 00074016 9
- UILU-2023-2019 5
- USDOT/RITA DT0S59-07-H-005 6
- USF 21177804 3
- UT-16.06 3
- UTC-R170 8
- UTCM 09-00-45 3
- WHRP 07-08 3
- WHRP 11-06 3
- (C) 99004 (WO) 16 3
- 0-1250 3
- 0-1255 3
- 0-1747 3
- 0-1814 3
- 0-1838 5
- 0-2116 3
- 0-4484 3
- 0-5210 4
- 0-5475 3
- 0-6581-TI 3
- 0-6804 3
- 0-6820 3
- 0-6839 3
- 0-6852 3
- 0-6872-01 3
- 0-6874 4
- 0-6878 5
- 0-6891 3
- 0-6908 3
- 0-6926 3
- 0-6932 3
- 0-6940 6
- 0-6963 3
- 0-6968 4
- 0-7027 3
- 0-7048 3
- 0-7096 3
- 0-7165 3
- 2-18-90-1231 3
- 3-9-72-183 3
- 3-14-92/3-980 4
- 04-2GT 5
- 06 9148 4
- 7-980 3
- 9-1002-15 3
- 10-9103 3
- 13-C-AJFE-UPenn-001, 002 3
- 14-8434 7
- 15-8775 4
- 16-8371 3
- 16-9826 3
- 18-PROSV-00633 3
- 18-PROSV-00633EMS 3
- 19-010 5
- 59A0337 3
- 65A0047 9
- 65A0369 4
- 65A0528 3
- 65A0529 7
- 65A0533 12
- 65A0542 3
- 65A0660 9
- 65W136 12
- 69A355174110 5
- 69A355174710 5
- 69A355174711 6
- 69A3351747124 3
- 69A3551747104 15
- 69A3551747105 6
- 69A3551747106 46
- 69A3551747107 16
- 69A3551747109 8
- 69A3551747110 41
- 69A3551747111 45
- 69A3551747113 7
- 69A3551747114 9
- 69A3551747115 15
- 69A3551747115/TTI-Student-05 4
- 69A3551747117 17
- 69A3551747119 46
- 69A3551747121 5
- 69A3551747124 9
- 69A3551747125 8
- 69A3551747127 39
- 69A3551747128 13
- 69A3551747129 8
- 69A3551747130 15
- 69A3551747131 54
- 69A3551747132 6
- 69A3551747133 24
- 69A3551747135 9
- 69A3551847102 6
- 69A3551847103 11
- 69A3551947136 3
- 69A43551747123 23
- 69A34520501050620 4
- 0079 4
- 80/20 SPR 4
- 0092-06-31 3
- 355I01 5
- 0655-12-00 5
- 2002-0532 7
- 2006-0414 3
- 2006-0415 3
- 2007-0538 3
- 2009-0748 4
- 2010*3692 3
- 2010-0294 5
- 2010-0295 7
- 2010-0296 11
- 2010-0297 5
- 2010-0298 7
- 2010-0352 6
- 2013-0066 4
- 2013-0069 10
- 2013-0070 4
- 5173 3
- 8117 3
- 8793 3
- 0009929 5
- 9929 3
- 10727 111
- 0013245 3
- 0013622 3
- 14512(0) 3
- 14654(0) 3
- 14661(0) 3
- 14666(0) 3
- 14696(0) 3
- 14710 3
- 14754(0) 3
- 14761(0) 3
- 14798(0) 3
- 00021549 4
- 34652 4
- 34654 4
- 34878 5
- 37852 5
- 39112 6
- 45041(0) 6
- 99087 4
- 99160 3
- 103636 3
- 134145 3
- 134152 3
- 134153 3
- 134258 3
- 134267 3
- 134300 4
- 148753 3
- 291166 4
- 310066 5
- 310563 4
- 20100506*5729 6
- 20111223*2878 7
- 20130731*535 8
- 4400018535 3
- ADOT11-013181 3
- Agreement no. 21182 3
- Agreement T4118 Task 87 3
- AIP Project No: 3-22-0000-S9(89) & 3-22-0000-S10(90) 5
- Award No. DT0S59-07-G-00049 4
- BDK75 977-05 9
- BDK78 #971-01 3
- BDK80 977-13 3
- BDK85 977-27 3
- BDK85 977-29 3
- BDK85 TWO 977-14 3
- BDV24-977-31 3
- BDV25-977-72 3
- BDV31-977-06 4
- C03744 3
- C04425 5
- C04950 3
- C1567 3
- C1644 3
- C2032 3
- CO-26-7002 3
- CO 4616 3
- Contract # 20111223*2878 5
- Contract # 20160617*4564 3
- Contract # DTRT12GUTC12 4
- Contract no. 355101 / Project no. 070202 3
- Contract No. DE-AC36-08GO28308 9
- Contract No. DE-AC36-08GO28308;Prepared under Task No. HT12.8210 3
- Contract No. DTRT12GUTG11 11
- Contract Number: DTRT13-G-UTC51 5
- CS370002 3
- DE-AC04-94AL85000 6
- DE-AC05-00OR22725 7
- DE-AC05-96OR22464 4
- DE-AC06-76RLO 1830 3
- DE-AC06-96RL13200 3
- DE-AC22-93PC91029 5
- DE-AC36-08-GO28308 4
- DE-AC36-08GO28308 11
- DE-AC36-99-GO10337 5
- DOT-FH-11-8120 4
- DOT-FH-11-8265 4
- DOT-FH-11-8513 3
- DOT-FH-11-8600 5
- DOT-FH-11-8876 3
- DOT-HS-7-01551 3
- DOT-HS-8-02015 6
- DOT Grant No. DTRT06-G-0044 3
- DRDA 04-4274 3
- DRTR12-G-UTC03 3
- DRTS98-G-0028 3
- DT0S59-07-H-005 5
- DT0S59-09-H-0007 3
- DTFA03-89-C-00023 3
- DTFH61-01-C-00180 4
- DTFH61-01-C-00182 3
- DTFH61-02-C-00138 4
- DTFH 61-03-H-00103 4
- DTFH61-05-D-00024 3
- DTFH61-05-D-00024 (VHB) 3
- DTFH61-06-D-00004 5
- DTFH61-06-D-00005 7
- DTFH61-06-D-00006 3
- DTFH61-06-D-00007 7
- DTFH61-06-D-00007/Task BA07-040 3
- DTFH61-06-D-00035 4
- DTFH61-06-D-0007 5
- DTFH61-06-D0007;ORDER T11004/WO BA07-092 3
- DTFH61-11-D-00010 4
- DTFH61-11-D-00018 23
- DTFH61-11-D-00019 6
- DTFH61-11-D-00037-T-13002 3
- DTFH61-12-C-00034 3
- DTFH61-12-D-00040 8
- DTFH61-12-D-00041 16
- DTFH61-12-D-00042 12
- DTFH61-12-D-00046 TO 5014 3
- DTFH61-89-C-00038 5
- DTFH61-92-C-00112 3
- DTFH61-92-C-00138 7
- DTFH61-92-C-00170 4
- DTFH61-96-C-00003 6
- DTFH61-97-C-00071 3
- DTFH61-99-C-0005 5
- DTFH61-99-C-00095 3
- DTFH61-99-C-005 4
- DTFH6114H00022 4
- DTFH6115C00036 12
- DTFH6115C00038 9
- DTFH6115R00003 8
- DTFR53-00-C-00012 3
- DTMC75-06-H-00003 8
- DTMC75-08-H-00005 4
- DTNH-22-96-R-07266 3
- DTNH22-06-H-00055 4
- DTNH22-83-C-06007 3
- DTPH56-08-T-000013 3
- DTR598-G-0028 4
- DTRS92-G-0010 3
- DTRS92-G-0013 3
- DTRS 93-G-0019 5
- DTRS93-G-0019 3
- DTRS95-G-0001 4
- DTRS95-G-0010 3
- DTRS 98-9-0032 3
- DTRS98-G-0021 45
- DTRS98-G-0028 13
- DTRS98-G-0032 30
- DTRS98-G-00329 5
- DTRS99-G-0001 5
- DTRS99-G-0006 21
- DTRS99-G-0006 (Grant) 3
- DTRS99-G-0010 27
- DTRS99-G-003 5
- DTRT-06-G-0016 5
- DTRT-13-G-UTC40 3
- DTRT06-G-0011 34
- DTRT06-G-0014 160
- DTRT06-G-0014 (Grant) 12
- DTRT06-G-0016 58
- DTRT06-G-0020 45
- DTRT06-G-0044 74
- DTRT06G-0043 19
- DTRT07-G-0003 48
- DTRT07-G-0005 3
- DTRT07-G-0006 49
- DTRT07-G-0010 30
- DTRT07-G-0021 7
- DTRT07-G-005 32
- DTRT07-G-0054 38
- DTRT 07-G-0054 7
- DTRT07-G-0056 29
- DTRT07-G-0056 (Grant) 5
- DTRT07-G-0058 3
- DTRT07-G-0059 6
- DTRT12-G-UTC01 33
- DTRT12-G-UTC01 (Grant) 6
- DTRT12-G-UTC03 24
- DTRT12-G-UTC05 17
- DTRT12-G-UTC06 70
- DTRT12-G-UTC14 6
- DTRT12-G-UTC16 60
- DTRT12-G-UTC17 5
- DTRT12-G-UTC18 16
- DTRT12-G-UTC18 (Grant 1) 7
- DTRT12-G-UTC21 78
- DTRT12-G-UTC21 2010-0299 7
- DTRT12-UTC10 33
- DTRT12GUTC12 15
- DTRT12GUTC17 26
- DTRT12GUTG11 12
- DTRT13-G-UTC28 39
- DTRT13-G-UTC29 4
- DTRT13-G-UTC31 44
- DTRT13-G-UTC33 21
- DTRT13-G-UTC35 29
- DTRT13-G-UTC36 14
- DTRT13-G-UTC37 44
- DTRT13-G-UTC40 7
- DTRT13-G-UTC41 13
- DTRT13-G-UTC45 15
- DTRT13-G-UTC47 4
- DTRT13-G-UTC48 9
- DTRT13-G-UTC50 24
- DTRT13-G-UTC51 12
- DTRT13-G-UTC52 9
- DTRT13-G-UTC52 (Grant 2) 9
- DTRT13-G-UTC53 4
- DTRT13-G-UTC54 23
- DTRT13-G-UTC56 3
- DTRT13-G-UTC58 39
- DTRT13-G-UTC59 3
- DTSR0023424 26
- DUNS: 0031370150000 7
- EIN: 54-6001805 7
- EY-76-C-03-1176 4
- F 01 IR 25 3
- FDOT Contract BDK77 977-04 3
- Federal #: 4000(142) 3
- FH-11-7275 3
- FRT 136 5
- Grant Number: DTRT12-G-UTC18 13
- Grant Number: DTRT12-G-UTC18 (Grant 1) 11
- HA 2006-02 4
- HP&R 084-5156 3
- HPR 081-5157 3
- HW4A3 4
- HW17A100 SH040 3
- HWY-30604-DT, Project #8158 3
- ICT- R43 3
- IRIS #: Z839740000 3
- Item 2191 4
- Job no. RS06209 3
- KY SPR-06-313 3
- KYSPR 206 3
- Louisiana HPR 0010(001) 6
- Louisiana HPR 0010(002) 4
- Louisiana HPR 0010(003) 8
- Louisiana HPR 0010(004) 5
- Louisiana HPR 1 (7) 3
- Louisiana HPR 1(4) 4
- Louisiana HPR 1(5) 3
- Louisiana HPR 1(6) 8
- Louisiana HPR 1(7) 5
- Louisiana HPR 1(8) 4
- Louisiana HPR 1(9) 6
- Louisiana HPR 1(11) 9
- Louisiana HPR 1(12) 8
- Louisiana HPR 1(13) 9
- Louisiana HPR 1(14) 8
- LSU Project No. 169-25-4115 6
- LTRC Project No. 97-3IMP 6
- LTRC Project Number: 04-1GT 4
- LTRC Project number: 09-2B 3
- MDT Project #6439-901 3
- NDOR DPU-STWD (94) 3
- NJDOT TO-89 3
- ODOT SP&R Item Number 2156 3
- ODOT SP&R Item Number 2160 3
- ODOT SPR Item 2156 4
- OTREC RR-08-190 11
- P.O. No. 4-1-0196 3
- Part of DTFH61-06-H-00011 Work Plan 25 3
- Part of DTRT13-G-UTC37 26
- PI# 0012795 4
- PI# 0013538 3
- PI#0015304 3
- PI#0016335 4
- PO No. 7-70030 8
- Pooled Fund project TPF-5(121) 3
- Prepared under Task No. HT12.8210 5
- Project 0-5997 3
- Project 0-6100 3
- Project 0-6132 5
- Project 0-6614 3
- Project 0-6658 4
- Project 0-6672 4
- Project 0-6806-TTI 3
- Project 0-6893 3
- Project 0-6927 3
- Project 0-6968 6
- Project 0-6969 3
- Project 0-6982 3
- Project 0-6997 3
- Project 0-7086 3
- Project 9-1001 3
- Project 9-1001-14 3
- Project 9-1002 8
- Project 9-1002-12 10
- Project 9-1002-15 3
- Project 6364-1 6
- Project 7663-3 9
- Project No. 0-1439 5
- Project No. 0-1752 3
- Project no. OR89-05 3
- R27-95 3
- R27-97 3
- R27-102 4
- R27-127 5
- R27-160 3
- R27-161 3
- R27-180 3
- R27-181 5
- R27-183-HS 3
- R2103/RR204 3
- RD 09-022 3
- Req No. 60115-7-70030 8
- Research Project No. 72-1SS 4
- Research Project No. 72-3C(B) 4
- Research Project No. 79-1G 3
- Research Study 0-1405 3
- RITA Grant-DTRT-06-G-0043 4
- RS06(209) 3
- RS 121 4
- RS 500-160 3
- RS 500-440 4
- RSCH-352 9
- SIO number: 30000119 3
- SIO Number: DOTLT1000 4
- SJN 135250 3
- SJN 135785 3
- SP708B4K 3
- SP808B4J 3
- SPR-3 (017) 3
- SPR-3(017) 21
- SPR-16-56-2 3
- SPR-335 4
- SPR-2256 7
- SPR-3316 5
- SPR-3378 3
- SPR-3405 3
- SPR-3409 4
- SPR-3410 5
- SPR-3472 3
- SPR-3474 8
- SPR-3504 3
- SPR-3514 4
- SPR-3550 19
- SPR-3717 3
- SPR-3802 3
- SPR-3912 3
- SPR-4108 3
- SPR-4225 5
- SPR-PL-1(53)473 3
- SPR-PL-1-(57) 507 3
- SPR 043 5
- SPR 20-583 3
- SPR 73-1 3
- SPR 310/327 5
- SPR 324 3
- SPR 327 4
- SPR 341 3
- SPR 357 3
- SPR 391 3
- SPR 633 4
- SPR 645 11
- SPR 682 3
- SPR: TT-Fed/TT-Reg 8
- SPR: TT-Fed/TT-Reg - 5 9
- SPR: TT-Fed/TT-Reg - 6 3
- SPR RB32-013 3
- State Job No. 134280 5
- State Job No. 135786 3
- State Project No. 736-02-10 4
- State Project No. 736-99-0449 6
- State Project No: 780-99-25 & 780-99-26 6
- State Project Number: 736-99-1359 4
- State Study 133 4
- State Study 199 4
- Study No. 0-1375 6
- Study No. 2-18-89-1161 5
- Study No. 2-18-89-1164 4
- Study No. 7-1994 6
- T002688 6
- TO DTFH61-00023-T-13002 4
- TPF-5(081) 5
- TPF-5(193) Supplement #44 4
- TPF-5(272) 5
- TR 201228 4
- TRyy1308 12
- TT-Fed/TT-Reg-5 9
- TT-Fed/TT-Reg-6 4
- U.S. DOT DTRS98-G-0032 4
- USDOT - 69A3551747134 8
- USDOT 69A3551747135 21
- USDOT: DTRT13-G-UTC45 13
- USDOT DTRS98-G-0032 4
- USDOT Grant 69A3551747109 21
- USDOT Grant 69A3551747114 28
- Water Quality Facility Investigation 4
- WU no. 3762 4
- ZSB12017-SJAUX 37
- 2025 (66)
- 2024 (608)
- 2023 (764)
- 2022 (711)
- 2021 (939)
- 2020 (1079)
- 2019 (1083)
- 2018 (1091)
- 2017 (1358)
- 2016 (1589)
- 2015 (1316)
- 2014 (1348)
- 2013 (1327)
- 2012 (1428)
- 2011 (1355)
- 2010 (1296)
- 2009 (1384)
- 2008 (970)
- 2007 (655)
- 2006 (615)
- 2005 (549)
- 2004 (493)
- 2003 (598)
- 2002 (660)
- 2001 (825)
- 2000 (817)
- 1999 (711)
- 1998 (777)
- 1997 (874)
- 1996 (620)
- 1995 (505)
- 1994 (297)
- 1993 (207)
- 1992 (200)
- 1991 (182)
- 1990 (143)
- 1989 (128)
- 1988 (117)
- 1987 (110)
- 1986 (156)
- 1985 (173)
- 1984 (153)
- 1983 (159)
- 1982 (177)
- 1981 (161)
- 1980 (140)
- 1979 (198)
- 1978 (194)
- 1977 (136)
- 1976 (144)
- 1975 (148)
- 1974 (111)
- 1973 (103)
- 1972 (119)
- 1971 (127)
- 1970 (78)
- 1969 (49)
- 1968 (47)
- 1967 (37)
- 1966 (59)
- 1965 (35)
- 1964 (32)
- 1963 (53)
- 1962 (27)
- 1961 (9)
- 1960 (4)
- 1959 (8)
- 1958 (3)
- 1957 (4)
- 1956 (6)
- 1955 (5)
- 1954 (3)
- 1953 (6)
- 1952 (3)
- 1951 (5)
- 1950 (3)
- 1949 (4)
- 1948 (7)
- 1947 (7)
- 1946 (6)
- 1944 (3)
- 1943 (1)
- 1941 (4)
- 1940 (2)
- 1939 (2)
- 1938 (1)
- 1936 (3)
- 1935 (5)
- 1934 (1)
- 1933 (1)
- 1932 (1)
- 1931 (1)
- 1930 (2)
- 1929 (2)
- 1928 (1)
- 1927 (1)
- 1926 (4)
- 1925 (1)
- 1924 (2)
- 1923 (21)
- 1922 (1)
- 1921 (1)
- 1920 (2)
- 1919 (1)
- 1918 (1)
- 1917 (1)
- 1910 (1)
- 1909 (1)
- Application (2)
- Bibliography (27)
- Book (8)
- Booklet/Pamphlet (238)
- Brief (1420)
- Data Management Plan (5)
- Dataset (205)
- Dissertation (30)
- Image (11)
- In Book (12)
- In Collection (10)
- In Proceedings (1)
- Journal (6)
- Journal Article (147)
- Letter (2)
- Magazine (5)
- Manual (358)
- Manuscript (53)
- Map (18)
- Memorandum (29)
- Multipart (2)
- Newspaper (4)
- Organization Info (196)
- Other (284)
- PDF (1)
- Policy Statement (172)
- Presentations (207)
- Press Release (24)
- Proceedings (256)
- Research Paper (2621)
- Speeches (1)
- Statistical Report (285)
- Tech Report (26014)
- Text (1)
- Thesis (57)
- Video (42)
- Web Document (8)
- Abbas, Ala R. (29)
- Abdallah, Imad N. (15)
- Abdel-Aty, Mohamed (25)
- Abdel-Rahim, Ahmed (35)
- Abernathy, Craig (32)
- Abu-Farsakh, Murad (19)
- Abu-Farsakh, Murad Y. (43)
- Adams, Teresa (15)
- Adams, Teresa M. (22)
- Agent, Kenneth R. (99)
- Agrawal, Asha Weinstein (38)
- Ahmed, Mohamed (16)
- Ahn, Soyoung (17)
- Aktan, Haluk (20)
- Al-Qadi, Imad L (16)
- Al-Qadi, Imad L. (30)
- Allen, David L. (20)
- Allen, Gary R (21)
- Alluri, Priyanka (45)
- Anderson, Keith W. (23)
- Anderson, Michael (20)
- Anderson, Neil (37)
- Arnold, E. D (33)
- Arrington, Dusty R. (18)
- Ashuri, Baabak (30)
- Attanayake, Upul (27)
- Aultman-Hall, Lisa (25)
- Avelar, Raul (18)
- Azizinamini, Atorod (29)
- Balke, Kevin (22)
- Balke, Kevin N. (16)
- Ban, Xuegang (Jeff) (15)
- Barman, Manik (16)
- Barr, Paul J. (17)
- Bayrak, Oguzhan (26)
- Beckham, Tony L. (16)
- Beecroft, Gordon (20)
- Benekohal, Rahim F. (29)
- Bennert, Thomas (23)
- Bennett, Caroline (26)
- Berry, Michael (17)
- Bertini, Robert L. (27)
- Bhasin, Amit (28)
- Bhat, Chandra (26)
- Bhat, Chandra R. (43)
- Bielenberg, Robert W. (75)
- Birely, Anna C. (16)
- Bittner, Jason (21)
- Bligh, Roger P. (82)
- Blower, Daniel (15)
- Booze, Charles F. (17)
- Borowiec, Jeffrey D. (15)
- Bowman, Mark D. (17)
- Boyles, Stephen D. (15)
- Brakewood, Candace (15)
- Brewer, Marcus A. (31)
- Broach, Dana (16)
- Brooks, Eric W. (26)
- Brown, Henry (45)
- Brown, Michael Carey (21)
- Bullock, Darcy M. (38)
- Bullough, John D. (25)
- Burbidge, Shaunna K. (20)
- Burris, Mark (21)
- Buttlar, William G. (19)
- Canfield, Dennis V. (20)
- Carlson, Paul J. (18)
- Carpenter, William A., (15)
- Cetin, Bora (18)
- Cetin, Mecit (20)
- Ceylan, Halil (56)
- Chandler, Kevin (31)
- Chang, Gang-Len (18)
- Chatti, Karim (15)
- Chaturvedi, Arvind K. (15)
- Chen, Genda (23)
- Chen, Qiming (18)
- Chiles, W. Dean (15)
- Chitturi, Madhav V. (18)
- Christofa, Eleni (28)
- Chrysler, Susan T. (17)
- Chu, Xuehao (19)
- Circella, Giovanni (16)
- Clemeña, Gerardo G. (54)
- Cobb, Bart B. (18)
- Codjoe, Julius (30)
- Coifman, Benjamin (16)
- Collins, William E. (78)
- Colson, Stephen (21)
- Connor, Billy (18)
- Connor, Robert J. (23)
- Consolazio, Gary R. (36)
- Cooley, L. Allen (22)
- Cottrell, Benjamin H (38)
- Crabtree, Joseph D. (16)
- Cross, Stephen A. (18)
- Cuelho, Eli (19)
- Dadashova, Bahar (20)
- Darter, Michael I. (21)
- Darwin, David (20)
- Das, Subasish (33)
- Davids, Bill (16)
- Davis, Gary A. (16)
- Deka, Devajyoti (18)
- Demetsky, Michael J (30)
- Dessouky, Samer (16)
- Diefenderfer, Brian K (20)
- Diefenderfer, Stacey D (18)
- Dille, J. Robert (16)
- Dissanayake, Sunanda (33)
- Dixon, Karen (25)
- Dobrovolny, Chiara Silvestri (19)
- Dowds, Jonathan (23)
- Durham, Stephan A. (27)
- Eby, David W. (27)
- Edara, Praveen (39)
- Edara, Praveen K. (20)
- Edrington, Suzie (16)
- El-Habash, N. A. (18)
- Elefteriadou, Lily (37)
- Elseifi, Mostafa A. (16)
- Esmaeily, Asad (19)
- Estakhri, Cindy (33)
- Estakhri, Cindy K. (20)
- Eudy, Leslie (56)
- Faller, Ronald K. (106)
- Fang, Xing (16)
- Fay, Laura (24)
- Fernando, Emmanuel (21)
- Ferraro, Christopher C. (19)
- Figliozzi, Miguel (16)
- Findley, Daniel (16)
- Finley, Melisa D. (29)
- Fitch, G. Michael (18)
- Fitzpatrick, Kay (39)
- Fitzsimmons, Eric J. (30)
- Flintsch, Gerardo W (16)
- Fontaine, Michael D (16)
- Fricker, Jon D. (25)
- Funkhouser, G.E. (20)
- Gan, Albert (46)
- Garber, Nicholas J (24)
- Gaspard, Kevin (25)
- Gates, Timothy J. (32)
- Gautreau, Gavin P. (20)
- Geedipally, Srinivas (21)
- Geedipally, Srinivas R. (24)
- Geiselbrecht, Tina (31)
- Gentry, Lance (18)
- Gibson, Bryan (26)
- Giuliano, Genevieve (22)
- Gkritza, Konstantina (22)
- Glover, Brianne (18)
- Gomez, Jose´ P (23)
- Goodin, Ginger (23)
- Gopalakrishnan, Kasthurirangan (24)
- Goslin, Keenan (20)
- Green, Eric R. (67)
- Green, Roger (19)
- Griffin, Gene C. (31)
- Guensler, Randall (19)
- Guin, Angshuman (28)
- Gurganus, Charles (18)
- Haddock, John E. (26)
- Hadi, Mohammed (39)
- Haghani, Ali (16)
- Hallenbeck, Mark E. (16)
- Hallmark, Shauna (29)
- Hallmark, Shauna L. (18)
- Halstead, Woodrow J (28)
- Hamilton, H.R. (19)
- Han, Jie (48)
- Handy, Susan (18)
- Harik, Issam E. (36)
- Harrison, Robert (30)
- Hawkins, Neal (37)
- Helwig, Todd (17)
- Hicks, R. G. (35)
- Higgins, Christopher (26)
- Higgins, E.A. (26)
- Higgins, Laura (17)
- Higgins, Laura L. (16)
- Hilton, Marvin H (26)
- Hoel, Lester A (21)
- Holloway, James C. (20)
- Hopkins, Tommy C. (22)
- Hoppe, Edward J (19)
- Hopwood II, Theodore (40)
- Hossain, Mustaque (51)
- Hough, Jill (16)
- Hourdos, John (27)
- Hu, Jiong (21)
- Hu, Sheng (37)
- Huang, Baoshan (22)
- Hughes, Charles S (45)
- Huijser, Marcel P. (23)
- Hunter, Michael (17)
- Hurlebaus, Stefan (38)
- Im, Soohyok (20)
- Ishak, Sherif (24)
- Ivev, Don L. (28)
- Jackson, Eric (19)
- Jaller, Miguel (23)
- Jeihani, Mansoureh (22)
- Jernigan, Jack D (23)
- Jin, Xia (22)
- Kamga, Camille (17)
- Kandhal, Prithvi S. (24)
- Kassem, Emad (25)
- Kennedy, Thomas W. (17)
- Khayat, Kamal H. (36)
- Khoury, Issam (19)
- Kim, Sunghwan (40)
- Kim, Yong-Rak (30)
- Knickerbocker, Skylar (22)
- Knodler, Michael A. (31)
- Kockelman, Kara (25)
- Kondyli, Alexandra (16)
- Kothuri, Sirisha (21)
- Kraus, Edgar (34)
- Kreis, Doug (31)
- Ksaibati, Khaled (58)
- Kuhn, Darrell L. (40)
- Kwigizile, Valerian (23)
- Labi, Samuel (35)
- Lane, D. Stephen (21)
- Lasky, Ty A. (17)
- Lategola, Michael T. (18)
- Lautala, Pasi (18)
- Law, Sheldon M. (17)
- Le, Minh (26)
- Lechtenberg, Karla A. (61)
- Lee, Sang Ick (22)
- Lewis, Mark F. (17)
- Ley, Tyler (25)
- Li, Jian (17)
- Li, Lin (16)
- Li, Yingfeng (21)
- Lin, Pei-Sung (53)
- Lindly, Jay K. (20)
- Liu, Hao (17)
- Liu, Wenting (20)
- Liu, Xiaoyue Cathy (16)
- Loftus-Otway, Lisa (28)
- Long, Suzanna (20)
- Looker, K. W. (17)
- Lopp, George (16)
- Lord, Dominique (27)
- Luna, Ronaldo (18)
- Lynn, Cheryl (64)
- Maguire, Marc (17)
- Maher, Ali (30)
- Mahmassani, Hani S. (16)
- Mahone, David C (19)
- Mahoney, James (24)
- Mallick, Rajib B. (16)
- Mander, John B. (25)
- Manning, Carol A. (17)
- Marquis, Brian (46)
- Martin, Andrew (25)
- Martinez, Mark (21)
- Maupin, G. W (66)
- McCord, Mark R. (18)
- McCullouch, Bob (39)
- McDaniel, Rebecca S. (21)
- McEnroe, Bruce M. (25)
- McFalls, Jett (16)
- McGeehan, Daniel D (17)
- McGhee, Catherine C (18)
- McGhee, Kenneth H (39)
- McGhee, Kevin K (23)
- McKeel, Wallace T (29)
- McKenzie, J.M. (19)
- McVay, Michael (19)
- McVay, Michael C. (21)
- Medina, Juan C. (20)
- Melton, C.E. (27)
- Menges, Wanda L. (48)
- Mertens, Henry W. (28)
- Middleton, Dan (22)
- Miles, Jeffrey D. (16)
- Miller, Ann Brush (21)
- Miller, Gerald A. (18)
- Miller, John S (34)
- Mishalani, Rabi G. (19)
- Mishra, Sabyasachee (17)
- Mitran, Elisabeta (20)
- Mohammad, Louay (17)
- Mohammad, Louay N. (40)
- Mohler, Stanley R. (23)
- Molnar, Lisa J. (20)
- Monsere, Christopher M. (26)
- Morcous, George (29)
- Moses, Ren (19)
- Mukhopadhyay, Anol (20)
- Mullins, Gray (33)
- Myers, John J. (21)
- Nair, Harikrishnan (23)
- Nakagawara, Van B. (18)
- Nassif, Hani (16)
- Nazarian, Soheil (36)
- Nazzal, Munir (17)
- Nazzal, Munir D. (16)
- Newlon, Howard (19)
- Nixon, Hilary (27)
- Noble, David F (17)
- Noel, Errol C. (20)
- Noyce, David A. (22)
- Oh, Jun-Seok (22)
- Okeil, Ayman M. (20)
- Olek, Jan (33)
- Oliva, Michael G. (18)
- Otto, Jay (18)
- Ouyang, Yanfeng (20)
- Ozbay, Kaan (53)
- Ozer, Hasan (33)
- Ozyildirim, H. Celik (74)
- Palle, Sudhir (44)
- Pande, Anurag (20)
- Park, Eun Sug (31)
- Parsons, Robert L. (52)
- Paul, Harold R. (23)
- Peeta, Srinivas (22)
- Perfater, Michael A (40)
- Pesti, Geza (16)
- Peterman, Robert J. (23)
- Phares, Brent (43)
- Phares, Brent M. (55)
- Pigman, Jerry G. (61)
- Pike, Adam M. (19)
- Porter, J. David (16)
- Pratt, Michael P. (41)
- Prezzi, Monica (17)
- Prozzi, Jolanda (19)
- Prozzi, Jorge A. (16)
- Prozzi, Jorge Alberto (16)
- Puppala, Anand J. (19)
- Qi, Yi (27)
- Qiao, Fengxiang (17)
- Qin, Xiao (16)
- Quinn, William J. (18)
- Quiroga, Cesar (36)
- Radwan, Essam (16)
- Rajagopal, Arudi (24)
- Rajbhandari, Rajat (23)
- Rakha, Hesham (19)
- Rakha, Hesham A. (25)
- Ramani, Tara (22)
- Rasoulian, Masood (23)
- Ravani, Bahram (21)
- Reich, Stephen L. (16)
- Reid, John D. (73)
- Riding, Kyle A (21)
- Riding, Kyle A. (18)
- Roberts, Freddy L. (16)
- Roberts-Wollmann, Carin L. (19)
- Rodgers, Michael (18)
- Rodgers, Michael O. (26)
- Rohde, John R. (21)
- Roque, Reynaldo (31)
- Rosenbaugh, Scott K. (42)
- Rouphail, Nagui M. (22)
- Runkle, Stephen N (19)
- Rupnow, Tyson (64)
- Rupnow, Tyson D. (31)
- Russell, Eugene R. (26)
- Russell, Mark (28)
- Saber, Aziz (17)
- Saito, Mitsuru (22)
- Saldivar, J.T. (18)
- Salgado, Rodrigo (22)
- Sanders, Donald C. (19)
- Sargand, Shad (37)
- Sargand, Shad M. (50)
- Savolainen, Peter T. (41)
- Schindler, Anton K. (17)
- Schneider, Helmut (19)
- Scholl, Lewis G. (17)
- Schrock, Steven D. (42)
- Schroeder, David J. (29)
- Schultz, Grant G. (37)
- Scullion, Tom (103)
- Sebaaly, Peter E. (17)
- Sebesta, Stephen (62)
- Senadheera, Sanjaya (17)
- Shah, S. C. (26)
- Sharma, Anuj (17)
- Sharp, Stephen R (21)
- Sheikh, Nauman M. (18)
- Shepard, Frank D (29)
- Sherry, Patrick (22)
- Shi, Xianming (40)
- Sicking, Dean L. (64)
- Sisiopiku, Virginia P. (24)
- Skinner, Nicholas P. (16)
- Smadi, Omar (29)
- Smith, Brian L., (22)
- Smith, Roger C. (17)
- Sneed, Lesley (27)
- Solaimanian, Mansour (27)
- Songchitruksa, Praprut (29)
- Sperry, Benjamin R. (20)
- Sprinkel, Michael M (50)
- Srinivasan, Raghavan (16)
- Srinivasan, Sivaramakrishnan (16)
- Sritharan, Sri (25)
- Stamatiadis, Nikiforos (20)
- Stoke, Charles B (49)
- Stolle, Cody S. (22)
- Storey, Beverly (17)
- Strathman, James G. (16)
- Sullivan, James (18)
- Sullivan, Jim (20)
- Sun, Carlos (53)
- Sun, Xiaoduan (31)
- Sunkari, Srinivasa R. (17)
- Tabatabai, Habib (16)
- Tarko, Andrew P. (31)
- Taylor, Brian D. (17)
- Taylor, Peter (36)
- Taylor, Ross (18)
- Temple, William H. (19)
- Thackray, Richard I. (33)
- Theiss, LuAnn (23)
- Thompson, Bill (27)
- Tia, Mang (22)
- Tian, Zong (21)
- Titi, Hani H. (19)
- Tobias, Jerry V. (19)
- Tolliver, Denver (22)
- Tolliver, Denver D (24)
- Torgashov, Evgeniy (18)
- Touchstone, R. Mark (20)
- Trejo, David (26)
- Tsai, Yichang (James) (23)
- Tsapakis, Ioannis (20)
- Turnbull, Katherine F. (19)
- Turner, Daniel S. (16)
- Turner, Shawn (29)
- Tutumluer, Erol (19)
- Uhlmeyer, Jeff S. (26)
- Ullman, Gerald L. (29)
- Unnikrishnan, Avinash (18)
- Vachal, Kimberly (62)
- Van Dyke, Chris (29)
- Varma, Amit H. (16)
- Vaswani, N. K (18)
- Venglar, Steven P. (17)
- Volz, Jeffery S. (23)
- Von Quintus, Harold L. (18)
- Wallace, Candice (16)
- Walton, C. Michael (46)
- Walton, Jennifer (27)
- Walton, Jennifer R. (18)
- Walubita, Lubinda F. (35)
- Wang, Hao (23)
- Wang, Kejin (23)
- Wang, Yinhai (32)
- Wang, Zhaohua (21)
- Wang, Zhenyu (25)
- Warner, Jeffery E. (18)
- Washer, Glenn (16)
- Watts, Richard (16)
- Wehbe, Nadim I. (20)
- Weston, Jim (25)
- White, David J. (22)
- Williams, R. Christopher (28)
- Williams, William F. (24)
- Wilmot, Chester (17)
- Wilmot, Chester G. (35)
- Wilson, Bryan (32)
- Wilson, James E. (35)
- Wolshon, Brian (24)
- Wu, Guoyuan (17)
- Wu, Lingtao (18)
- Wu, Zhong (45)
- Wyant, David C (27)
- Xiao, Yan (18)
- Xie, Yuanchang (20)
- Yang, Hong (18)
- Yelchuru, Balaji (16)
- Yin, Yafeng (30)
- Young, C. Bryan (20)
- Young, Rhonda (25)
- Yu, Lei (31)
- Yu, Shaw L (17)
- Zaman, Musharraf (19)
- Zhang, Lei (26)
- Zhang, Xiong (17)
- Zhang, Yunlong (17)
- Zhang, Zhanmin (38)
- Zhang, Zhongjie (35)
- Zhou, Fujie (62)
- Zietsman, Josias (17)
- Zink, Daniel L (17)
- Zinke, Scott (22)
- Zlatkovic, Milan (16)
- Zornberg, Jorge G. (16)
- Zuk, William (26)
- Zwahlen, Helmut T. (23)
- Accelerated Bridge Construction University Transportation Center (ABC-UTC) (17)
- Advanced Asphalt Technologies, LLC (14)
- Advanced Highway Maintenance and Construction Technology Research Center (Calif.) (13)
- Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center (32)
- Alaska. Dept. of Transportation. Research, Development, and Technology Transfer (18)
- Alaska. Dept. of Transportation and Public Facilities (25)
- Alaska University Transportation Center (84)
- American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (13)
- Ames Research Center (18)
- Applied Pavement Technology, Inc. (29)
- Applied Research Associates (13)
- Applied Research Associates, Inc. (59)
- Argonne National Laboratory (16)
- Arizona. Department of Transportation (21)
- Arizona. Dept. of Transportation (35)
- Arizona State University (34)
- Arizona Transportation Research Center (20)
- Auburn University. Highway Research Center (63)
- Auburn University. National Center for Asphalt Technology (38)
- Battelle (41)
- Battelle Memorial Institute (69)
- Booz Allen Hamilton (44)
- Booz Allen Hamilton for 2001- (16)
- Bridge Engineering Center (23)
- Brigham Young University. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (53)
- Brigham Young University. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering (35)
- California. Department of Transportation (56)
- California. Dept. of Transportation. Division of Research and Innovation (27)
- Cambridge Systematics (99)
- Cambridge Systematics, Inc. (27)
- Carnegie-Mellon University (18)
- Carnegie-Mellon University. Robotics Institute (15)
- Carnegie Mellon University's Traffic21 Institute and Mobility21 (National University Transportation Center) (14)
- Case Western Reserve University. Department of Civil Engineering (20)
- Center for Transportation, Equity, Decisions & Dollars (CTEDD). University of Texas (34)
- Civil Aeromedical Institute (488)
- Civil Aeromedical Research Institute (62)
- Civil Aeromedical Research Institute. Aeronautical Center (23)
- Civil Aerospace Medical Institute (119)
- Clemson University (21)
- Clemson University. Department of Civil Engineering (15)
- Clemson University. Glenn Department of Civil Engineering (14)
- Colorado. Dept. of Transportation (23)
- Colorado School of Mines (25)
- Colorado State University (29)
- Colorado State University. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering (18)
- Connected Cities for Smart Mobility toward Accessible and Resilient Transportation Center (C2SMART) (48)
- Connecticut Advanced Pavement Laboratory (19)
- Connecticut Transportation Institute (42)
- CTC & Associates LLC (152)
- Eno Foundation for Highway Traffic Control (29)
- ERES Consultants, Inc. (18)
- Florida. Department of Transportation (33)
- Florida. Department of Transportation. Research Center (22)
- Florida. Dept. of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles (16)
- Florida. Dept. of Transportation (33)
- Florida. Dept. of Transportation. Research Center (26)
- Florida Atlantic University (22)
- Florida Department of Transportation (28)
- Florida International University (92)
- Florida International University. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (38)
- Florida International University. Lehman Center for Transportation Research (47)
- Florida State University (36)
- Geological Survey (U.S.) (41)
- Georgia Institute of Technology (112)
- Georgia Institute of Technology. School of Civil and Environmental Engineering (106)
- Georgia Tech Research Corporation (48)
- Georgia Transportation Institute (14)
- Heartland Market Research LLC (15)
- HNTB Corporation (20)
- Howard University. Transportation Research Center (HUTRC) (15)
- ICF International (Firm) (21)
- Illinois. Dept. of Transportation (57)
- Illinois. Division of Traffic Safety (24)
- Illinois Center for Transportation (227)
- Indiana Department of Transportation (17)
- Institute for Water Resources (U.S.) (14)
- Iowa. Dept. of Transportation (102)
- Iowa. Highway Division (21)
- Iowa Highway Research Board (21)
- Iowa State University (54)
- Iowa State University. Bridge Engineering Center (88)
- Iowa State University. Center for Transportation Research and Education (149)
- Iowa State University. Dept. of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering (14)
- Iowa State University. Institute for Transportation (221)
- Iowa State University. National Concrete Pavement Technology Center (61)
- Iowa State University. Program for Sustainable Pavement Engineering and Research (PROSPER) (14)
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.) (103)
- Joint Transportation Research Program (Ind.) (41)
- Kansas. Dept. of Transportation (56)
- Kansas. Dept. of Transportation. Bureau of Materials & Research (36)
- Kansas. Dept. of Transportation. Bureau of Research (19)
- Kansas State University (38)
- Kansas State University. Civil Engineering Dept. (24)
- Kansas State University. Department of Civil Engineering (18)
- Kansas State University. Dept. of Civil Engineering (14)
- Kansas State University. Transportation Center (114)
- Kansas State University Transportation Center. Department of Civil Engineering (15)
- Kentucky State Police (25)
- Kimley-Horn and Associates (22)
- Kittelson & Associates (14)
- Louisiana. Department of Highways (18)
- Louisiana. Department of Highways. Research and Development Section (138)
- Louisiana. Dept. of Transportation and Development (32)
- Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, La.) (68)
- Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, La.). Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (77)
- Louisiana State University. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (37)
- Louisiana State University. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering (21)
- Louisiana Tech University. Department of Civil Engineering (16)
- Louisiana Transportation Research Center (713)
- Mack-Blackwell National Rural Transportation Study Center (U.S.) (43)
- Maine. Dept. of Transportation. Transportation Research Division (118)
- Maritime Transportation Research and Education Center (MarTREC) (14)
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (80)
- METRANS Transportation Center (Calif.) (84)
- Michigan. Dept. of Transportation (15)
- Michigan. Office of Highway Safety Planning (20)
- Michigan Ohio University Transportation Center (19)
- Michigan State University (16)
- Michigan State University. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (40)
- Michigan State University. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering (19)
- Michigan Technological University (34)
- Michigan Technological University. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (16)
- Michigan Technological University. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering (15)
- Mid-America Transportation Center (51)
- Midwest Roadside Safety Facility (125)
- Midwest States Regional Pooled Fund Program (16)
- Midwest Transportation Consortium (14)
- Mineta National Transit Research Consortium (43)
- Mineta Transportation Institute (197)
- Minnesota. Department of Transportation. Local Road Research Board (21)
- Minnesota. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Materials and Road Research (14)
- Minnesota Local Road Research Board (20)
- Mississippi. Dept. of Transportation (15)
- Mississippi. Dept. of Transportation. Research Division (20)
- Mississippi State University (24)
- Mississippi State University. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering (14)
- Missouri. Department of Transportation (40)
- Missouri. Dept. of Transportation. Organizational Results (16)
- Missouri University of Science and Technology (60)
- Missouri University of Science and Technology. Center for Infrastructure Engineering Studies (51)
- Missouri University of Science and Technology. Center for Transportation Infrastructure and Safety (171)
- Missouri University of Science and Technology. Department of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering (27)
- Missouri University of Science and Technology. Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering (15)
- Missouri University of Science and Technology. Dept. of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering (16)
- Missouri University of Science and Technology. Dept. of Geological Sciences and Engineering (18)
- Mobility21, Carnegie Mellon University (35)
- Montana. Dept. of Transportation (24)
- Montana. Dept. of Transportation. Research Programs (28)
- Montana State University (Bozeman, Mont.). College of Engineering (25)
- Montana State University (Bozeman, Mont.). Department of Civil Engineering (18)
- Montana State University. Western Transportation Institute (49)
- Morgan State University (71)
- Mountain-Plains Consortium (20)
- Mountain Plains Consortium (69)
- National Center for Asphalt Technology (U.S.) (18)
- National Center for Freight and Infrastructure Research and Education (U.S.) (98)
- National Center for Intermodal Transportation for Economic Competitiveness (25)
- National Center for Statistics and Analysis (U.S.) (106)
- National Center for Sustainable Transportation (21)
- National Center for Sustainable Transportation (NCST) (40)
- National Center for Transit Research (U.S.) (63)
- National Institute for Advanced Transportation Technology (NIATT) (U.S.) (36)
- National Institute for Advanced Transportation Technology (U.S.) (53)
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory (U.S.) (64)
- National Research Council (U.S.). Transportation Research Board (14)
- National Transportation Research Center, Incorporated, University Transportation Center (30)
- National University Rail Center (U.S.) (35)
- Naval Postgraduate School (U.S.) (17)
- Nebraska. Dept. of Roads (26)
- Nebraska Transportation Center (62)
- New England Transportation Consortium (22)
- New England University Transportation Center (42)
- New Hampshire. Dept. of Transportation (20)
- New Jersey Institute of Technology (28)
- New Jersey Institute of Technology. Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering (16)
- New Mexico. Traffic Safety Bureau (15)
- New York (State). Dept. of Transportation (23)
- NEXTRANS Center (U.S.) (68)
- Nichols Consulting Engineers (15)
- Nick J. Rahall, II Appalachian Transportation Institute (U.S.) (18)
- Noblis, Inc. (30)
- Norman Y. Mineta International Institute for Surface Transportation Policy Studies (25)
- North Carolina State University (28)
- North Carolina State University. Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering (52)
- North Carolina State University. Institute for Transportation Research & Education (39)
- North Dakota State University (247)
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory (34)
- Ohio. Dept. of Public Safety (17)
- Ohio. Dept. of Transportation (33)
- Ohio. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Research and Development (24)
- Ohio Research Institute for Transportation and the Environment (28)
- Ohio State University (42)
- Ohio State University. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Geodetic Science (20)
- Ohio University (19)
- Ohio University. Department of Civil Engineering (37)
- Ohio University. Ohio Research Institute for Transportation and the Environment (ORITE) (53)
- Ohio University. Ohio Research Institute for Transportation and the Environment. Human Factors and Ergonomics Laboratory (14)
- Oklahoma State University (22)
- Oklahoma State University. School of Civil & Environmental Engineering (58)
- Old Dominion University (18)
- Oregon. Crash Analysis Reporting Unit (33)
- Oregon. Department of Transportation (48)
- Oregon. Department of Transportation. Materials and Research Section (49)
- Oregon. Dept. of Transportation (37)
- Oregon. Dept. of Transportation. Highway Division (23)
- Oregon. Dept. of Transportation. Research Group (55)
- Oregon. Dept. of Transportation. Research Section (64)
- Oregon. Dept. of Transportation. Research Unit (184)
- Oregon State Highway Division, Materials and Research Section (20)
- Oregon State Highway Division. Research Section (23)
- Oregon State University (68)
- Oregon State University. Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering (14)
- Oregon State University. Department of Civil Engineering (29)
- Oregon State University. Dept. of Civil Engineering (19)
- Oregon State University. School of Civil and Construction Engineering (84)
- Oregon State University. School of Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (15)
- Oregon State University. Transportation Research Institute (15)
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (30)
- Pacific Northwest Transportation Consortium (46)
- Pacific Southwest Region 9 UTC, University of Southern California (47)
- Parsons, Brinckerhoff, Quade & Douglas (17)
- Pennsylvania. Dept. of Transportation (33)
- Pennsylvania. Dept. of Transportation. Bureau of Planning and Research (14)
- Pennsylvania State University (18)
- Pennsylvania Transportation Institute (25)
- Portland State University (66)
- Portland State University. Center for Urban Studies (28)
- Portland State University. Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering (24)
- Portland State University. Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering (34)
- Purdue University (42)
- Purdue University. Joint Transportation Research Program (421)
- Purdue University. School of Civil Engineering (30)
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (20)
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Lighting Research Center (30)
- Research on Concrete Applications for Sustainable Transportation (RE-CAST) (25)
- Rowan University (15)
- Rutgers University (35)
- Rutgers University. Center for Advanced Infrastructure & Transportation (14)
- Rutgers University. Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation (100)
- Safety Research Using Simulation (SAFER-SIM) University Transportation Center (24)
- Safety through Disruption (Safe-D) University Transportation Center (UTC) (37)
- Sandia National Laboratories (28)
- San Jose State University. College of Business (57)
- San Jose State University. College of Business. Mineta Transportation Institute (15)
- Science Applications International Corporation (20)
- South Dakota. Department of Transportation. Office of Research (19)
- South Dakota School of Mines and Technology (23)
- South Dakota State University (18)
- South Dakota State University. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (22)
- Southeastern Transportation Research, Innovation, Development and Education Center (STRIDE) (63)
- Southwest Region University Transportation Center (U.S.) (25)
- Southwest Research Institute (27)
- SRF Consulting Group (42)
- SRI International (40)
- Texas. Dept. of Transportation (48)
- Texas. Dept. of Transportation. Research and Technology Implementation Office (30)
- Texas A&M Transportation Institute (781)
- Texas A & M Transportation Institute (20)
- Texas A&M University (30)
- Texas A & M University (29)
- Texas Southern University. Center for Transportation Training and Research (56)
- Texas Tech University. Center for Multidisciplinary Research in Transportation (54)
- Texas Transportation Institute (544)
- Texas Transportation Institute. Texas A&M University (64)
- Texas Transportation Institute. University Transportation Center for Mobility (65)
- The City College of New York, CUNY (23)
- Thomas D. Larson Pennsylvania Transportation Institute (50)
- Transportation Consortium of South-Central States (Tran-SET) (16)
- Transportation Consortium of the South-Central States (34)
- Transportation Northwest (Organization) (32)
- Transportation Northwest Regional Center X (TransNow) (UTC) (33)
- Transportation Technology Center, Inc. (50)
- United States. Census Bureau (111)
- United States. Coast Guard (119)
- United States. Congress. Office of Technology Assessment (30)
- United States. Department of Commerce (18)
- United States. Department of Energy (17)
- United States. Department of Labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics (20)
- United States. Department of Transportation (208)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Aviation Administration (43)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration (15)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration (24)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Transit Administration (29)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office (19)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Maritime Administration (63)
- United States. Department of Transportation. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (277)
- United States. Department of Transportation. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. National Center for Statistics and Analysis (71)
- United States. Department of Transportation. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Vehicle Research and Test Center (71)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology (32)
- United States. Department of Transportation. University Transportation Centers (UTC) Program (40)
- United States. Dept. of Transportation (22)
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Inspector General (28)
- United States. Environmental Protection Agency (16)
- United States. Federal Aviation Administration (209)
- United States. Federal Aviation Administration. Center of Excellence for Alternative Jet Fuels and Environment (32)
- United States. Federal Aviation Administration. Flight Standards Service (27)
- United States. Federal Aviation Administration. Office of the Associate Administrator for Commercial Space Transportation (29)
- United States. Federal Highway Administration (1021)
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Center for Accelerating Innovation (32)
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Planning, Environment, and Realty (37)
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Real Estate Services (22)
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Safety (17)
- United States. Federal Railroad Administration (32)
- United States. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Research and Development (28)
- United States. Federal Transit Administration (36)
- United States. Foreign Broadcast Information Service (96)
- United States. General Accounting Office (25)
- United States. Geological Survey (USGS) (17)
- United States. Government Accountability Office (228)
- United States. Interstate Commerce Commission (24)
- United States. Joint Program Office for Intelligent Transportation Systems (24)
- United States. Joint Publications Research Service (96)
- United States. Maritime Administration (31)
- United States. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (65)
- United States. National Transportation Safety Board (37)
- United States. Office of Aerospace Medicine (37)
- United States. Office of Aviation Medicine (127)
- United States Army Corps of Engineers (20)
- United States Maritime Commission (15)
- United States Shipping Board (16)
- University at Buffalo, SUNY (17)
- University of Akron (33)
- University of Akron. Department of Civil Engineering (36)
- University of Akron. Dept. of Civil Engineering (19)
- University of Alabama. Dept. of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering (29)
- University of Alabama at Birmingham. Dept. of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering (26)
- University of Alabama in Huntsville. Civil and Environmental Engineering Dept. (18)
- University of Alaska Fairbanks (18)
- University of Alaska Fairbanks. Center for Environmentally Sustainable Transportation in Cold Climates (18)
- University of Alaska Fairbanks. Center for Safety Equity in Transportation (CSET) (15)
- University of Alaska Fairbanks. Institute of Northern Engineering (18)
- University of Arkansas (14)
- University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. Department of Civil Engineering (21)
- University of California, Berkeley (16)
- University of California, Berkeley. Institute of Transportation Studies (40)
- University of California, Davis (25)
- University of California, Davis, Institute of Transportation Studies (68)
- University of California, Davis. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (17)
- University of California, Davis. Dept. of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering. AHMCT Center (29)
- University of California, Davis. Institute of Transportation Studies (65)
- University of California, Irvine. Institute of Transportation Studies (15)
- University of California, Los Angeles. Institute of Transportation Studies (26)
- University of California, Riverside. Center for Environmental Research and Technology (24)
- University of California, San Diego. Dept. of Structural Engineering (23)
- University of California PATH Program (16)
- University of Central Florida (40)
- University of Central Florida. Center for Advanced Transportation Systems Simulation (29)
- University of Central Florida. Department of Civil, Environmental and Construction Engineering (25)
- University of Central Florida. Dept. of Civil, Environmental and Construction Engineering (21)
- University of Central Florida. Electric Vehicle Transportation Center (EVTC) (18)
- University of Cincinnati (40)
- University of Cincinnati. Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering and Construction Management (18)
- University of Cincinnati. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (23)
- University of Colorado at Denver (21)
- University of Connecticut (27)
- University of Connecticut. Connecticut Transportation Institute (20)
- University of Florida (120)
- University of Florida. Dept. of Civil and Coastal Engineering (171)
- University of Florida. Transportation Institute (20)
- University of Florida. Transportation Research Center (22)
- University of Georgia. College of Engineering (28)
- University of Hawaii at Manoa. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (18)
- University of Idaho (52)
- University of Illinois at Chicago. Urban Transportation Center (29)
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (32)
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (121)
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering (77)
- University of Iowa (31)
- University of Iowa. Public Policy Center (26)
- University of Kansas (76)
- University of Kansas. Dept. of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering (127)
- University of Kentucky. College of Engineering (24)
- University of Kentucky. Kentucky Transportation Center (23)
- University of Kentucky Transportation Center (452)
- University of Maine (17)
- University of Maine. Advanced Structures and Composites Center (29)
- University of Maryland (College Park, Md.) (70)
- University of Maryland (College Park, Md.). Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (33)
- University of Maryland (College Park, Md.). Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering (27)
- University of Massachusetts at Amherst (76)
- University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering (21)
- University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Transportation Center (30)
- University of Massachusetts at Lowell (20)
- University of Memphis (26)
- University of Michigan (17)
- University of Michigan. Transportation Research Institute (149)
- University of Minnesota (24)
- University of Minnesota, Duluth. Department of Civil Engineering (24)
- University of Minnesota. Center for Transportation Studies (20)
- University of Minnesota. Department of Mechanical Engineering. HumanFIRST Program (20)
- University of Minnesota. Dept. of Civil, Environmental, and Geo-Engineering (42)
- University of Minnesota. Dept. of Civil Engineering (47)
- University of Minnesota. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering (19)
- University of Minnesota. Humphrey School of Public Affairs (27)
- University of Mississippi. Dept. of Civil Engineering (15)
- University of Missouri--Columbia (27)
- University of Missouri--Columbia. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (39)
- University of Missouri--Columbia. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering (31)
- University of Missouri--St. Louis. Center for Transportation Studies (14)
- University of Nebraska--Lincoln (80)
- University of Nebraska--Lincoln. Charles W. Durham School of Architectural Engineering and Construction (17)
- University of Nebraska--Lincoln. Dept. of Civil Engineering (71)
- University of Nebraska--Lincoln. Nebraska Transportation Center (20)
- University of Nevada, Reno. Center for Advanced Transportation Education and Research (14)
- University of Nevada, Reno. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (32)
- University of New Hampshire. Dept. of Civil Engineering (14)
- University of New Mexico. Division of Government Research (15)
- University of New Orleans. Transportation Institute (23)
- University of North Carolina (System). Highway Safety Research Center (21)
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Highway Safety Research Center (15)
- University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Center for Advanced Multimodal Mobility Solutions and Education (24)
- University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (20)
- University of North Florida (17)
- University of Oklahoma (28)
- University of Oklahoma. School of Civil Engineering and Environmental Science (44)
- University of Oklahoma. School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (14)
- University of Oregon (29)
- University of Pennsylvania (25)
- University of Pittsburgh. Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering (15)
- University of Rhode Island. Transportation Center (16)
- University of South Carolina. Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering (22)
- University of Southern California (15)
- University of Southern California, Los Angeles (18)
- University of South Florida (83)
- University of South Florida. Center for Urban Transportation Research (195)
- University of South Florida. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (47)
- University of South Florida. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering (36)
- University of South Florida. National Center for Transit Research (U.S.) (32)
- University of Tennessee, Knoxville (37)
- University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Center for Transportation Research (24)
- University of Texas at Arlington (47)
- University of Texas at Austin. Center for Highway Research (42)
- University of Texas at Austin. Center for Transportation Research (579)
- University of Texas at Austin. Cooperative Mobility for Competitive Megaregions (21)
- University of Texas at Austin. Data-Supported Transportation Operations & Planning Center (D-STOP) (38)
- University of Texas at Austin. School of Architecture. Urban Information Lab (16)
- University of Texas at El Paso (21)
- University of Texas at El Paso. Center for Transportation Infrastructure Systems (35)
- University of Texas at San Antonio (16)
- University of Toledo (24)
- University of Toledo. Dept. of Civil Engineering (19)
- University of Utah (17)
- University of Utah. Department of City and Metropolitan Planning (14)
- University of Utah. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (65)
- University of Utah. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering (14)
- University of Vermont (16)
- University of Vermont. Transportation Research Center (111)
- University of Virginia (35)
- University of Virginia. Center for Transportation Studies (32)
- University of Washington (46)
- University of Washington. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (16)
- University of Washington. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering (16)
- University of Wisconsin--Madison (34)
- University of Wisconsin--Madison. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (27)
- University of Wisconsin--Madison. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering (23)
- University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee. Dept. of Civil Engineering and Mechanics (17)
- University of Wyoming (25)
- University of Wyoming. Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering (38)
- University of Wyoming. Dept. of Civil and Architectural Engineering (35)
- University Transportation Center for Alabama (43)
- University Transportation Centers Program (U.S.) (57)
- University Transportation Research Center (26)
- Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute (197)
- Urban Mobility & Equity Center (14)
- Utah State University (25)
- Utah State University. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (37)
- Utah State University. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering (15)
- Vermont. Agency of Transportation. Materials and Research Section (20)
- VHB/Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. (23)
- Virginia. Dept. of Highways (48)
- Virginia. Dept. of Highways and Transportation (50)
- Virginia. Dept. of Motor Vehicles (33)
- Virginia. Dept. of Transportation (530)
- Virginia. Dept. of Transportation Safety (24)
- Virginia. Highway Safety Division (50)
- Virginia Center for Transportation Innovation and Research (62)
- Virginia Highway & Transportation Research Council (585)
- Virginia Highway Research Council (184)
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (30)
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Transportation Institute (16)
- Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (104)
- Virginia Transportation Research Council (93)
- Virginia Transportation Research Council (VTRC) (885)
- Washington (State). Department of Transportation (34)
- Washington (State). Dept. of Transportation. Materials Laboratory (35)
- Washington State Transportation Center (91)
- Washington State University (21)
- Washington State University. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (25)
- Washington State University. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering (22)
- Wayne State University (17)
- Western Michigan University (37)
- Western Michigan University. Dept. of Civil and Construction Engineering (16)
- Western Transportation Institute (157)
- William J. Hughes Technical Center (U.S.) (52)
- Wisconsin. Department of Transportation (14)
- Wisconsin. Dept. of Transportation. Social Media Peer Exchange Planning Team (24)
- Wisconsin Highway Research Program (27)
- Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. (14)
- Wyoming. Dept. of Transportation (16)
- AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety (13)
- Accelerated Bridge Construction University Transportation Center (ABC-UTC) (18)
- Alabama. Department of Transportation (29)
- Alabama. Dept. of Transportation (21)
- Alaska. Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (54)
- Alaska. Department of Transportation and Public Facilities. Research, Development, and Technology Transfer (10)
- Alaska. Department of Transportation and Public Facilities. Research and Technology Transfer (26)
- Alaska. Dept. of Transportation and Public Facilities (86)
- Alaska. Dept. of Transportation and Public Facilities. Research, Development and Technology Transfer (28)
- Alaska. Dept. of Transportation and Public Facilities. Research and Technology Transfer (9)
- Alaska University Transportation Center (39)
- American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (11)
- American Public Transportation Association (13)
- Ames Research Center (10)
- Argonne National Laboratory (14)
- Arizona. Department of Transportation (128)
- Arizona. Department of Transportation. Research Center (9)
- Arizona. Dept. of Transportation (122)
- Arizona. Dept. of Transportation. Research Center (13)
- Arizona Transportation Research Center (13)
- Arkansas. Department of Transportation (10)
- Arkansas. Department of Transportation. Transportation Research Committee (12)
- Arkansas State Police. Highway Safety Office (10)
- Auburn University. Highway Research Center (55)
- Auburn University. National Center for Asphalt Technology (12)
- Battelle (10)
- Battelle Memorial Institute (11)
- California. Department of Transportation (238)
- California. Department of Transportation. Department of Research, Innovation and System Information (20)
- California. Dept. of Transportation (44)
- California. Dept. of Transportation. Division of Engineering Services (14)
- California. Dept. of Transportation. Division of Research and Innovation (139)
- Canada. Transport Canada (16)
- Case Western Reserve University. Dept. of Civil Engineering (11)
- Center for Advancing Research in Transportation Emissions, Energy, and Health. Texas A&M Transportation Institute (12)
- Center for Advancing Transportation Leadership and Safety (ATLAS Center) (17)
- Center for Connected Multimodal Mobility, Clemson University (17)
- Center for Transportation, Equity, Decisions and Dollars (CTEDD) (20)
- Center for Transportation, Equity, Decisions and Dollars (CTEDD) (UTC) (20)
- City College of New York. University Transportation Research Center (19)
- City University of New York. University Transportation Research Center (38)
- Civil Aeromedical Institute (14)
- Civil Aerospace Medical Institute (791)
- Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (U.S.) (12)
- Collaborative Sciences Center for Road Safety (12)
- Colorado. Dept. of Transportation (35)
- Colorado. Dept. of Transportation. Applied Research and Innovation Branch (29)
- Colorado. Dept. of Transportation. Research Branch (77)
- Colorado. DTD Applied Research and Innovation Branch (19)
- Colorado Department of Transportation. Applied Research & Innovations Branch (12)
- Connected Cities for Smart Mobility toward Accessible and Resilient Transportation Center (C2SMART) (47)
- Connected Vehicle/Infrastructure University Transportation Center (20)
- Connecticut. Department of Transportation (20)
- Connecticut. Dept. of Transportation (66)
- Connecticut Transportation Institute (13)
- Cornell University. Center for Transportation, Environment, and Community Health. (CTECH) (31)
- Delaware Center for Transportation (14)
- Det Norske Veritas, Incorporated (10)
- District Department of Transportation (22)
- District of Columbia. Dept. of Transportation (15)
- Eno Foundation for Highway Traffic Control (33)
- Federal Highway Administration (29)
- Federal Highway Administration (U.S.) (10)
- Florida. Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (15)
- Florida. Department of Transportation (187)
- Florida. Department of Transportation. Research Center (93)
- Florida. Dept. of Transportation (373)
- Florida. Dept. of Transportation. Research Center (106)
- Florida Department of Transportation (292)
- Florida International University (15)
- Florida International University. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (10)
- Florida International University. Lehman Center for Transportation Research (11)
- GCM ITS Priority Corridor (14)
- Geological Survey (U.S.) (22)
- Georgia. Department of Transportation. Office of Performance-Based Management & Research (111)
- Georgia. Department of Transportation. Office of Research (61)
- Georgia. Dept. of Transporation. Office of Performance-Based Management and Research (35)
- Georgia. Dept. of Transportation (69)
- Georgia. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Research (33)
- Georgia Institute of Technology (14)
- Georgia Institute of Technology. School of Civil and Environmental Engineering (10)
- Gulf Coast Research Center for Evacuation and Transportation Resiliency (13)
- Hawaii. Dept. of Transportation (12)
- I-95 Corridor Coalition (11)
- Idaho. Transportation Department (78)
- Idaho. Transportation Dept. (18)
- Idaho Transportation Department (10)
- Illinois. Department of Transportation (47)
- Illinois. Dept. of Transportation (13)
- Illinois. Dept. of Transportation. Bureau of Materials and Physical Research (44)
- Illinois. Dept. of Transportation. Bureau of Research (9)
- Illinois. Division of Traffic Safety (24)
- Illinois Center for Transportation (238)
- Indiana. Dept. of Transportation (51)
- Indiana. Governor's Council on Impaired & Dangerous Driving (10)
- Indiana Department of Transportation (29)
- Iowa. Department of Transportation. Bureau of Research and Technology (13)
- Iowa. Dept. of Transportation (265)
- Iowa. Dept. of Transportation. Highway Division (32)
- Iowa. Highway Research Board (17)
- Iowa Department of Transportation (28)
- Iowa Highway Research Board (38)
- Iowa State University (52)
- Iowa State University. Bridge Engineering Center (35)
- Iowa State University. Center for Transportation Research and Education (71)
- Iowa State University. Institute for Transportation (233)
- Iowa State University. National Concrete Pavement Technology Center (28)
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.) (39)
- Kansas. Department of Transportation (25)
- Kansas. Dept. of Transportation (268)
- Kansas. Dept. of Transportation. Bureau of Materials & Research (103)
- Kansas. Dept. of Transportation. Bureau of Research (75)
- Kansas Department of Transportation. Bureau of Research (44)
- Kansas State University. Transportation Center (18)
- Kentucky. Transportation Cabinet (18)
- Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (13)
- Leonard Transportation Center (14)
- Louisiana. Department of Highways (18)
- Louisiana. Department of Highways. Research and Development Section (138)
- Louisiana. Department of Transportation and Development (51)
- Louisiana. Dept. of Highways (14)
- Louisiana. Dept. of Transportation and Development (60)
- Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge (18)
- Louisiana State University. Department of Civil and Environmental Engieering (23)
- Louisiana State University. Louisiana Transportation Research Center (31)
- Louisiana Transportation Research Center (797)
- Mack-Blackwell National Rural Transportation Study Center (U.S.) (48)
- Maine. Department of Transportation (15)
- Maine. Dept. of Transportation (151)
- Maritime Transportation Research and Education Center (20)
- Maritime Transportation Research and Education Center (MarTREC) (20)
- Maryland. Dept. of Transportation (13)
- Maryland. State Highway Administration (94)
- Maryland. State Highway Administration. Office of Policy & Research (66)
- Maryland. State Highway Administration. Research Division (26)
- Maryland Department of Transportation. State Highway Administration (20)
- Massachusetts. Department of Transportation (10)
- Massachusetts. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Transportation Planning (59)
- METRANS Transportation Center (Calif.) (87)
- Michigan. Department of Transportation (57)
- Michigan. Dept. of Transportation (48)
- Michigan. Dept. of Transportation. Bureau of Field Services (24)
- Michigan. Dept. of Transportation. Construction and Technology Division (25)
- Michigan. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Research Administration (40)
- Michigan. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Research and Best Practices (13)
- Michigan. Dept. of Transportation. Research Administration (51)
- Michigan. Office of Highway Safety Planning (20)
- Michigan Center for Advancing Safe Transportation Throughout the Lifespan (9)
- Michigan Department of Transportation. Research Administration (18)
- Michigan Ohio University Transportation Center (24)
- Michigan Technological University (11)
- Mid-America Transportation Center (119)
- Mid-Atlantic Transportation Sustainability University Transportation Center (24)
- Mid-Atlantic Universities Transportation Center (75)
- Midwest Regional University Transportation Center (11)
- Midwest Roadside Safety Facility (55)
- Midwest States Regional Pooled Fund Program (38)
- Midwest Transportation Center (52)
- Midwest Transportation Consortium (21)
- Mineta National Transit Research Consortium (38)
- Mineta Transportation Institute (226)
- Minnesota. Department of Transportation (178)
- Minnesota. Department of Transportation. Clear Roads Pooled Fund (32)
- Minnesota. Department of Transportation. Local Road Research Board (19)
- Minnesota. Department of Transportation. Office of Research & Innovation (155)
- Minnesota. Department of Transportation. Research Services & Library (10)
- Minnesota. Dept. of Transportation (60)
- Minnesota. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Policy Analysis, Research & Innovation (32)
- Minnesota. Dept. of Transportation. Research Services & Library (94)
- Minnesota. Dept. of Transportation. Research Services Section (31)
- Mississippi. Dept. of Transportation (87)
- Mississippi State University (14)
- Mississippi State University. National Center for Intermodal Transportation for Economic Competitiveness (55)
- Missouri. Department of Transportation (124)
- Missouri. Department of Transportation. Construction and Materials Division (99)
- Missouri. Dept. of Transportation (43)
- Missouri. Dept. of Transportation. Division of Construction and Materials (18)
- Missouri. Dept. of Transportation. Organizational Results (19)
- Missouri. Dept. of Transportation. Research, Development and Technology Division (45)
- Missouri. State Highway Patrol (15)
- Missouri University of Science and Technology (10)
- Missouri University of Science and Technology. Center for Infrastructure Engineering Studies (42)
- Missouri University of Science and Technology. Center for Transportation Infrastructure and Safety (140)
- Mobility21, Carnegie Mellon University (43)
- Montana. Department of Transportation (49)
- Montana. Department of Transportation. Research, Development and Technology Transfer Program (9)
- Montana. Department of Transportation. Research Programs (21)
- Montana. Dept. of Transportation. Research Programs (152)
- Montana. Dept. of Transportation. Research Section. (12)
- Montana State University. Western Transportation Institute (15)
- Morgan State University. National Transportation Center (9)
- Mountain-Plains Consortium (45)
- Mountain Plains Consortium (155)
- National Center for Asphalt Technology (U.S.) (59)
- National Center for Freight and Infrastructure Research and Education (U.S.) (100)
- National Center for Intermodal Transportation (32)
- National Center for Statistics and Analysis (U.S.) (77)
- National Center for Sustainable Transportation (93)
- National Center for Sustainable Transportation (NCST) (UTC) (30)
- National Center for Transit Research (U.S.) (102)
- National Center for Transportation Systems Productivity and Management (U.S.) (19)
- National Cooperative Highway Research Program (12)
- National Institute for Advanced Transportation Technology (NIATT) (U.S.) (23)
- National Institute for Advanced Transportation Technology (U.S.) (25)
- National Institute for Transportation and Communities (24)
- National Institute for Transportation and Communities (NITC) (53)
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory (U.S.) (64)
- National Research Council (U.S.). Transportation Research Board (12)
- National Transportation Center (U.S.) (12)
- National Transportation Research Center, Incorporated, University Transportation Center (30)
- National University Rail Center (NURail) (28)
- National University Rail Center (U.S.) (51)
- Naval Postgraduate School (U.S.) (19)
- Nebraska. Department of Transportation (84)
- Nebraska. Dept. of Roads (86)
- Nebraska Transportation Center (52)
- Nevada. Dept. of Transportation (95)
- Nevada Department of Transportation (11)
- New England Transportation Consortium (55)
- New England University Transportation Center (159)
- New Hampshire. Dept. of Transportation (25)
- New Hampshire. Dept. of Transportation. Bureau of Materials and Research (26)
- New Hampshire Department of Transportation (17)
- New Jersey. Department of Transportation. Bureau of Research (72)
- New Jersey. Dept. of Transportation (101)
- New Jersey. Dept. of Transportation. Bureau of Research (32)
- New Jersey Institute of Technology (9)
- New Mexico. Dept. of Transportation (12)
- New Mexico. Dept. of Transportation. Research Bureau (24)
- New Mexico. Traffic Safety Bureau (14)
- New York (State). Dept. of Transportation (78)
- New York State Department of Transportation (11)
- New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (58)
- Nextrans (13)
- NEXTRANS Center (U.S.) (91)
- Norman Y. Mineta International Institute for Surface Transportation Policy Studies (17)
- North Carolina. Department of Transportation. Research and Analysis Group (53)
- North Carolina. Dept. of Transportation (80)
- North Carolina. Dept. of Transportation. Research and Analysis Group (20)
- North Carolina. Division of Highways (9)
- North Carolina Department of Transportation. Research and Development Unit (44)
- North Carolina State University. Institute for Transportation Research & Education (10)
- North Dakota. Dept. of Transportation (9)
- North Dakota State University (11)
- Northwestern University (Evanston, Ill.). Center for the Commercialization of Innovative Transportation Technology (11)
- Northwestern University (Evanston, Ill.). Infrastructure Technology Institute (22)
- Norway. Transportøkonomisk institutt (Institute of Transport Economics) (12)
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory (33)
- Ohio. Department of Transportation (28)
- Ohio. Department of Transportation. Office of Statewide Planning and Research (70)
- Ohio. Dept. of Public Safety (17)
- Ohio. Dept. of Transportation (191)
- Ohio. Dept. of Transportation. Innovation, Research, and Implementation Section (20)
- Ohio. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Research and Development (87)
- Ohio. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Statewide Planning and Research (83)
- Ohio Research Institute for Transportation and the Environment (44)
- Ohio Research Institute for Transportation and the Environment. Human Factors and Ergonomics Laboratory (13)
- Ohio State University. Center for Mapping (10)
- Ohio Transportation Consortium (11)
- Ohio University. Dept. of Civil Engineering (10)
- Oklahoma. Department of Transportation (32)
- Oklahoma. Dept. of Transportation (9)
- Oklahoma. Dept. of Transportation. Materials and Research Division (9)
- Oklahoma. Dept of Transportation (25)
- Oklahoma Transportation Center (63)
- Oregon. Department of Transportation. Engineering Services Section (10)
- Oregon. Department of Transportation. Materials and Research Section (64)
- Oregon. Dept. of Transportation (203)
- Oregon. Dept. of Transportation. Highway Division (23)
- Oregon. Dept. of Transportation. Research Group (39)
- Oregon. Dept. of Transportation. Research Section (199)
- Oregon. Dept. of Transportation. Research Unit (251)
- Oregon. Highway Division (35)
- Oregon Department of Transportation. Research Section (15)
- Oregon State Highway Division, Materials and Research Section (19)
- Oregon State Highway Division. Research Section (21)
- Oregon State University (24)
- Oregon State University. Dept. of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering (9)
- Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium (65)
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (37)
- Pacific Northwest Transportation Consortium (92)
- Pacific Northwest Transportation Consortium (PacTrans) (UTC) (14)
- Pacific Southwest Region 9 UTC, University of Southern California (16)
- Pacific Southwest Region University Transportation Center (UTC) (20)
- Partnership for Air Transportation Noise and Emissions Reduction (10)
- Pennsylvania. Department of Transportation. Bureau of Planning and Research (22)
- Pennsylvania. Dept. of Transportation (79)
- Pennsylvania. Dept. of Transportation. Bureau of Planning and Research (52)
- Pennsylvania Transportation Institute (15)
- Portland State University. National Institute for Transportation and Communities (11)
- Princeton University (14)
- Purdue University (40)
- Purdue University. Joint Transportation Research Program (412)
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Lighting Research Center (13)
- Research on Concrete Applications for Sustainable Transportation (RE-CAST) (19)
- Roadway Safety Institute (14)
- Rutgers University. Center for Advanced Infrastructure & Transportation (11)
- Rutgers University. Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation (103)
- Safety Research Using Simulation (SAFER-SIM) University Transportation Center (88)
- Safety through Disruption (Safe-D) University Transportation Center (UTC) (40)
- Sandia National Laboratories (19)
- San Jose State University (18)
- San Jose State University. College of Business. Mineta Transportation Institute (13)
- Smart Work Zone Deployment Initiative (27)
- SOLARIS Consortium (14)
- South Carolina. Department of Transportation (16)
- South Carolina. Dept. of Transportation (30)
- South Carolina. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Materials and Research (17)
- South Dakota. Department of Transportation (46)
- South Dakota. Department of Transportation. Office of Research (101)
- South Dakota. Dept. of Transportation (10)
- South Dakota. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Research (19)
- Southeastern Transportation Research, Innovation, Development and Education Center (STRIDE) (77)
- Southern Plains Transportation Center (18)
- Southwest Region University Transportation Center (U.S.) (200)
- SRI International (35)
- Statistics Canada. Transportation Division (10)
- Technologies for Safe and Efficient Transportation. University Transportation Center (17)
- Tennessee. Department of Transportation (123)
- Tennessee. Dept. of Transportation (12)
- Texas. Department of Transportation (79)
- Texas. Dept. of Transportation (78)
- Texas. Dept. of Transportation. Research and Technology Implementation Office (164)
- Texas A&M Transportation Institute (567)
- Texas A & M University (12)
- Texas Department of Transportation. Research and Technology Implementation Office (114)
- Texas Southern University. Center for Transportation Training and Research (14)
- Texas Tech University. Center for Multidisciplinary Research in Transportation (53)
- Texas Transportation Institute (430)
- Texas Transportation Institute. Texas A&M University (68)
- Texas Transportation Institute. University Transportation Center for Mobility (38)
- TranLIVE. University of Idaho (31)
- TransGuide (10)
- Transportation Consortium of South-Central States (53)
- Transportation Northwest (Organization) (33)
- Transportation Northwest (TransNow) UTC (33)
- Transportation Safety Board of Canada (10)
- Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center (128)
- U.S. Census Bureau (11)
- United States. Agricultural Marketing Service (11)
- United States. Army. Corps of Engineers (11)
- United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. New Orleans District. Office of the District Engineer (21)
- United States. Army Corps of Engineers (16)
- United States. Bureau of Labor Statistics (20)
- United States. Census Office (100)
- United States. Coast Guard (107)
- United States. Congress (9)
- United States. Congress. Office of Technology Assessment (24)
- United States. Department of Agriculture. Economic Research Service (10)
- United States. Department of Commerce (36)
- United States. Department of Transportation (283)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Aviation Administration (188)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration (92)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Operations (13)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (9)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration (65)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Research, Development, and Technology (23)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Transit Administration (42)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office (130)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Maritime Administration (39)
- United States. Department of Transportation. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (510)
- United States. Department of Transportation. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. National Center for Statistics and Analysis (9)
- United States. Department of Transportation. National Transportation Library (9)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology (27)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Office of the Secretary of Transportation (17)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Urban Mass Transportation Administration (53)
- United States. Dept. of Defense (13)
- United States. Dept. of Energy (36)
- United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (18)
- United States. Dept. of Homeland Security (10)
- United States. Dept. of Transportation (58)
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. ITS Joint Program Office (13)
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology (43)
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Office of the Inspector General (9)
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Office of the Secretary (15)
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (19)
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Research and Innovative Technology Administration (94)
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Research and Special Programs Administration (29)
- United States. Environmental Protection Agency (14)
- United States. Federal Aviation Administration (112)
- United States. Federal Aviation Administration. Center of Excellence for Alternative Jet Fuels and Environment (30)
- United States. Federal Aviation Administration. Office of Aviation Research (24)
- United States. Federal Highway Administration (903)
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Center for Accelerating Innovation (33)
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Infrastructure Research and Development (21)
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Planning, Environment, and Realty (38)
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Real Estate Services (22)
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Research, Development, and Technology (10)
- United States. Federal HIghway Administration. Office of Research and Development (43)
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Research and Development (41)
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Safety (34)
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Offices of Research & Development (9)
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Offices of Research and Development (20)
- United States. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (11)
- United States. Federal Railroad Administration (59)
- United States. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Railroad Policy and Development (21)
- United States. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Research and Development (108)
- United States. Federal Transit Administration (66)
- United States. Federal Transit Administration. Office of Research, Demonstration, and Innovation (19)
- United States. Foreign Broadcast Information Service (96)
- United States. General Accounting Office (177)
- United States. Geological Survey (USGS) (24)
- United States. Government Accountability Office (92)
- United States. Government Printing Office (39)
- United States. Interstate Commerce Commission (22)
- United States. Joint Program Office for Intelligent Transportation Systems (87)
- United States. Maritime Administration (50)
- United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Operations Branch (9)
- United States. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (93)
- United States. National Transportation Safety Board (38)
- United States. Office of Aerospace Medicine (76)
- United States. Office of Pipeline Safety (11)
- United States. Urban Mass Transportation Administration (17)
- University of Akron. Dept. of Civil Engineering (15)
- University of Alaska Fairbanks. Center for Environmentally Sustainable Transportation in Cold Climates (32)
- University of Alaska Fairbanks. Center for Safety Equity in Transportation (CSET) (15)
- University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. Dept. of Civil Engineering (12)
- University of California, Berkeley. Institute of Transportation Studies (15)
- University of California, Davis (16)
- University of California, Davis. Institute of Transportation Studies (35)
- University of California, Los Angeles. Institute of Transportation Studies (17)
- University of California Institute of Transportation Studies (53)
- University of Central Florida (13)
- University of Central Florida. Center for Advanced Transportation Systems Simulation (12)
- University of Central Florida. Electric Vehicle Transportation Center (EVTC) (27)
- University of Florida. Center for Multimodal Solutions for Congestion Mitigation (33)
- University of Florida. Department of Civil and Coastal Engineering (41)
- University of Florida. Dept. of Civil and Coastal Engineering (9)
- University of Florida. Transportation Research Center (13)
- University of Illinois at Chicago. Urban Transportation Center (15)
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering (11)
- University of Iowa. Public Policy Center (13)
- University of Kentucky Transportation Center (443)
- University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Transportation Center (11)
- University of Michigan (13)
- University of Michigan. Transportation Research Institute (105)
- University of Minnesota (10)
- University of Minnesota. Center for Transportation Studies (43)
- University of Minnesota. Intelligent Transportation Systems Institute (11)
- University of Mississippi (12)
- University of Nebraska--Lincoln (42)
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Mid-America Transportation Center (11)
- University of Nevada, Reno. Solaris University Transportation Center (14)
- University of North Carolina (System). Highway Safety Research Center (15)
- University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Center for Advanced Multimodal Mobility Solutions and Education (29)
- University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Transportation Policy Studies (10)
- University of Oregon, Urbanism Next Center (14)
- University of Pennsylvania (11)
- University of Rhode Island. Transportation Center (41)
- University of South Florida (12)
- University of South Florida. Center for Urban Transportation Research (90)
- University of Texas at Arlington (14)
- University of Texas at Austin. Center for Highway Research (40)
- University of Texas at Austin. Center for Transportation Research (388)
- University of Texas at Austin. Cooperative Mobility for Competitive Megaregions (28)
- University of Texas at Austin. Data-Supported Transportation Operations & Planning Center (D-STOP) (38)
- University of Texas at El Paso. Center for Transportation Infrastructure Systems (18)
- University of Utah. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering (10)
- University of Vermont. Transportation Research Center (99)
- University Transportation Center for Alabama (135)
- University Transportation Centers Program (U.S.) (140)
- University Transportation Research Center (111)
- Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute (254)
- Urban Mobility & Equity Center (17)
- US Army Corps of Engineers. Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (U.S.) (15)
- Utah. Department of Transportation (29)
- Utah. Dept. of Public Safety (13)
- Utah. Dept. of Transportation (60)
- Utah. Dept. of Transportation. Division of Research (34)
- Utah. Dept. of Transportation. Research Division (128)
- Utah Department of Transportation (36)
- Vermont. Agency of Transportation (30)
- Vermont. Agency of Transportation. Materials and Research Section (19)
- Vermont. Agency of Transportation. Research and Development Section (17)
- Vermont Agency of Transportation (22)
- Virginia. Dept. of Motor Vehicles (11)
- Virginia. Dept. of Transportation (54)
- Virginia Center for Transportation Innovation and Research (60)
- Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (13)
- Virginia Transportation Research Council (199)
- Virginia Transportation Research Council (VTRC) (1681)
- Washington (State). Department of Transportation (84)
- Washington (State). Department of Transportation. Research Office (14)
- Washington (State). Dept. of Transportation (32)
- Washington (State). Dept. of Transportation. Office of Research and Library Services (80)
- Washington (State). Dept. of Transportation. Research Office (28)
- Washington State Transportation Center (16)
- Western Michigan University. Transportation Research Center for Livable Communities (36)
- Western Transportation Institute (41)
- West Virginia. Dept. of Transportation (16)
- William J. Hughes Technical Center (U.S.) (74)
- Wisconsin. Department of Transportation (79)
- Wisconsin. Dept. of Transportation (78)
- Wisconsin. Dept. of Transportation. Library and Research Unit (16)
- Wisconsin. Dept. of Transportation. Research and Library Unit (44)
- Wisconsin Highway Research Program (59)
- World Bank (21)
- Wyoming. Department of Transportation (71)
- Wyoming. Dept. of Transportation (47)
- Youngstown State University. Center for Transportation and Materials Engineering (10)
- Advisory circulars (1)
- Air Travel Consumer Report [Series] (2)
- Annual Reports of the Maritime Administration (68)
- Census Transportation Planning Package (CTPP) (1)
- Domestic Airline Fares Consumer Report (70)
- FHWA Highway History Website Articles (1)
- ITS4US Phase 1 (1)
- Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (1)
- Metrics of Success Series (6)
- Multimodal Transportation Indicators (1)
- National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) (1)
- National Transportation Statistics (NTS) (22)
- Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey (NPTS) (3)
- NHTSA BSR Traffic Safety Facts (6)
- Omnibus Surveys (1)
- OST-R Research Roundup (15)
- Volpe, John A. (1)
- What Do Americans Think About Federal Tax Options to Support Transportation? (14)
- Accelerated tests (112)
- Accessibility (196)
- Accident data (214)
- Accuracy (153)
- Administration and Management (132)
- Admixtures (228)
- Advanced traffic management systems (117)
- Advanced traveler information systems (153)
- Age (240)
- Aged (137)
- Aged drivers (157)
- Aggregate gradation (116)
- Aggregates (349)
- Aircraft accidents (123)
- Airlines (213)
- Air pilots (341)
- Air pollution (142)
- Airports (202)
- Air quality (209)
- Air quality management (141)
- Air traffic control (199)
- Air traffic controllers (226)
- Air transportation (110)
- Air transportation crashes (227)
- Air voids (170)
- Alcohol use (292)
- Algorithms (328)
- Alternate fuels (172)
- Alternatives analysis (425)
- Analysis (223)
- Annual reports (278)
- Arterial highways (161)
- Asphalt (161)
- Asphalt concrete (260)
- Asphalt concrete pavements (234)
- Asphalt mixtures (380)
- Asphalt pavements (552)
- Asset management (236)
- Attitudes (204)
- Automatic data collection systems (164)
- Automation (187)
- Automobiles (187)
- Autonomous vehicles (250)
- Aviation (272)
- Aviation safety (300)
- Barriers (Roads) (172)
- Base course (Pavements) (245)
- Beams (154)
- Bearing capacity (138)
- Before and after studies (196)
- Behavior (319)
- Benefit cost analysis (559)
- Benefits (128)
- Best practices (658)
- Bicycle crashes (313)
- Bicycles (128)
- Bicycling (135)
- Binders (182)
- Bituminous binders (119)
- Bond strength (Materials) (116)
- Bridge abutments (131)
- Bridge construction (330)
- Bridge decks (754)
- Bridge design (438)
- Bridge foundations (128)
- Bridge management systems (149)
- Bridge piers (162)
- Bridges (1040)
- Bridges and other structures (325)
- Buses (111)
- Businesses (150)
- Bus transit (172)
- Calibration (302)
- California (197)
- Case studies (644)
- Cement (119)
- Certification (169)
- Chlorides (110)
- City planning (115)
- Civil aviation (166)
- Collisions (254)
- Commercial vehicles (138)
- Commodities (204)
- Commodity flow (198)
- Compaction (147)
- Compliance (156)
- Compressive strength (214)
- Computer models (183)
- Computer programs (120)
- Concrete (486)
- Concrete bridges (406)
- Concrete curing (113)
- Concrete overlays (111)
- Concrete pavements (567)
- Condition surveys (198)
- Connected vehicles (345)
- Construction (445)
- Construction industry (114)
- Construction projects (227)
- Consumers (152)
- Contracts (159)
- Cooperation (147)
- Coordination (129)
- Corrosion (331)
- Cost effectiveness (413)
- Costs (650)
- Countermeasures (276)
- Counties (201)
- Cracking (552)
- Crash analysis (168)
- Crash data (702)
- Crashes (265)
- Crash injuries (288)
- Crash rates (274)
- Crash tests (152)
- Crosswalks (111)
- Culverts (198)
- Cyclists (158)
- Data analysis (446)
- Data and Information Technology (217)
- Databases (361)
- Data collection (1372)
- Data files (176)
- Decision making (416)
- Decision support systems (232)
- Deflection (135)
- Deformation (118)
- Deicing chemicals (161)
- Demographics (169)
- Deployment (146)
- Design (788)
- Deterioration (211)
- Development (122)
- Distraction (112)
- Domestic airline fares (112)
- Domestic transportation (118)
- Drainage (223)
- Drivers (360)
- Driving simulators (174)
- Drunk driving (120)
- Durability (450)
- Earthquake resistant design (155)
- Economic analysis (186)
- Economic development (121)
- Economic impacts (294)
- Economics (204)
- Education (200)
- Education and training (275)
- Electric vehicles (243)
- Embankments (181)
- Emergency management (115)
- Employees (168)
- Employment (196)
- Energy (137)
- Energy consumption (108)
- Environment (326)
- Environmental impacts (662)
- Equity (Justice) (186)
- Erosion control (121)
- Evacuation (146)
- Evaluation (1156)
- Evaluation and assessment (753)
- Exhaust gases (216)
- Experiments (217)
- Falling weight deflectometers (118)
- Fares (152)
- Fatalities (1030)
- Fatigue (Mechanics) (166)
- Fatigue (Physiological condition) (112)
- Fatigue cracking (120)
- Feasibility analysis (294)
- Federal government agencies (159)
- Fiber reinforced concrete (136)
- Fiber reinforced polymers (179)
- Field studies (279)
- Field tests (872)
- Finance (360)
- Financing (401)
- Finite element method (514)
- Flexible pavements (314)
- Flexural strength (114)
- Floods (145)
- Fly ash (222)
- Forecasting (364)
- Freeways (212)
- Freeze thaw durability (145)
- Freight traffic (251)
- Freight transportation (471)
- Freight Transportation (109)
- Fuel consumption (182)
- Gender (113)
- Geographic information systems (483)
- Geosynthetics (113)
- Geotechnical engineering (187)
- Geotechnology (200)
- Girder bridges (162)
- Girders (306)
- Global Positioning System (387)
- Government funding (234)
- Graphs (109)
- Greenhouse gases (161)
- Ground penetrating radar (150)
- Guardrails (180)
- Guidelines (526)
- Handbooks (151)
- Hazardous materials (135)
- High performance concrete (111)
- Highway bridges (236)
- Highway capacity (170)
- Highway corridors (125)
- Highway design (316)
- Highway maintenance (320)
- Highway operations (149)
- Highway planning (259)
- Highways (2432)
- Highway safety (1363)
- Highway traffic control (161)
- Highway transportation (109)
- History (215)
- Hot mix asphalt (377)
- Hot mix paving mixtures (234)
- Human factors (318)
- Human subject testing (312)
- I10: Economics and Administration (126)
- I24: Design of Bridges and Retaining Walls (142)
- I72: Traffic and Transport Planning (208)
- I73: Traffic Control (145)
- Impacts (168)
- Impact tests (151)
- Implementation (520)
- Improvements (177)
- Incident management (162)
- Industries (128)
- Information processing (182)
- Infrastructure (481)
- Injuries (491)
- Innovation (141)
- Inspection (448)
- Installation (113)
- Instrumentation (112)
- Intelligent transportation systems (693)
- Intelligent vehicles (276)
- Intermodal transportation (163)
- International (114)
- Intersections (321)
- Interstate highways (147)
- Investments (115)
- Laboratory tests (716)
- Land use (255)
- Land use planning (162)
- Laser radar (163)
- Legislation (180)
- Life cycle analysis (158)
- Life cycle costing (211)
- Literature reviews (681)
- Live loads (158)
- Load factor (169)
- Load tests (297)
- Location (161)
- Logistics (121)
- Long range planning (123)
- Low volume roads (109)
- Machine learning (148)
- Maintenance (441)
- Maintenance and Preservation (298)
- Management (147)
- Manuals (287)
- Manufacturing (129)
- Materials (366)
- Mathematical models (412)
- Mathematical prediction (150)
- Measurement (159)
- Mechanical properties (115)
- Mechanistic-empirical pavement design (170)
- Median barriers (111)
- Methodology (347)
- Metropolitan planning organizations (170)
- Mining (112)
- Mix design (611)
- Mobile applications (125)
- Mobile communication systems (194)
- Mobility (406)
- Mode choice (184)
- Modulus of resilience (131)
- Moisture content (175)
- Monitoring (411)
- Motor carriers (111)
- Motorcycle crashes (312)
- Motor vehicles (230)
- Multimodal transportation (241)
- Needs assessment (134)
- News (124)
- Nondestructive tests (300)
- Operations (140)
- Operations and Traffic Management (410)
- Optimization (336)
- Origin and destination (115)
- Overlays (Pavements) (362)
- Passengers (208)
- Pavement cracking (249)
- Pavement design (507)
- Pavement distress (311)
- Pavement layers (137)
- Pavement maintenance (532)
- Pavement management systems (222)
- Pavement performance (1148)
- Pavements (805)
- Paving (185)
- Pedestrian-vehicle crashes (274)
- Pedestrians (285)
- Pedestrian safety (319)
- Performance (394)
- Performance evaluations (110)
- Performance measurement (552)
- Performance tests (302)
- Permeability (191)
- Physiological aspects (140)
- Piles (Supports) (223)
- Pilot studies (155)
- Pipelines (128)
- Planning (292)
- Planning and Forecasting (449)
- Policy (287)
- Pollutants (235)
- Portland cement (115)
- Portland cement concrete (356)
- Ports (228)
- Precast concrete (211)
- Prestressed concrete (189)
- Prestressed concrete bridges (186)
- Project delivery (129)
- Project management (250)
- Public opinion (146)
- Public participation (117)
- Public private partnerships (121)
- Public transit (943)
- Public Transportation (215)
- Quality assurance (239)
- Quality control (311)
- Questionnaires (154)
- Railroad grade crossings (144)
- Railroads (365)
- Railroad safety (170)
- Railroad transportation (253)
- Rail transit (119)
- Real time information (274)
- Reclaimed asphalt pavements (160)
- Recommendations (586)
- Recycled materials (348)
- Regional planning (191)
- Regression analysis (193)
- Regulations (230)
- Rehabilitation (Maintenance) (289)
- Reinforced concrete (183)
- Reinforced concrete bridges (180)
- Reinforcement (Engineering) (135)
- Reinforcing bars (117)
- Reliability (117)
- Remote sensing (193)
- Repairing (209)
- Reports (213)
- Research (463)
- Research Hub (1337)
- Research management (141)
- Research projects (304)
- Retail trade (110)
- Retrofitting (129)
- Revenues (166)
- Ridership (173)
- Right of way (Land) (150)
- Rigid pavements (125)
- Risk assessment (299)
- Road construction (407)
- Road markings (235)
- Roads (237)
- Road weather information systems (112)
- Rumble strips (111)
- Runoff (320)
- Rural areas (326)
- Rural highways (263)
- Rutting (317)
- Safety (555)
- Safety and Human Factors (476)
- Safety programs (148)
- Scour (189)
- Seat belts (134)
- Security (109)
- Sensors (342)
- Service life (391)
- Shear strength (166)
- Shipping (161)
- Shrinkage (167)
- Signalized intersections (271)
- Simulation (642)
- Skid resistance (116)
- Smartphones (113)
- Snow and ice control (137)
- Society (112)
- Software (418)
- Soils (218)
- Soil stabilization (250)
- Spatial analysis (138)
- Specifications (358)
- Speed (180)
- Speed limits (167)
- Stakeholders (142)
- Standards (232)
- State departments of transportation (660)
- State of the practice (236)
- Statistical analysis (398)
- Statistical data (175)
- Statistics (1029)
- Steel (113)
- Steel bridges (208)
- Stiffness (143)
- Strategic planning (541)
- Strength of materials (110)
- Structural analysis (248)
- Structural health monitoring (289)
- Subgrade (Pavements) (234)
- Superpave (169)
- Surface course (Pavements) (167)
- Surveys (1154)
- Sustainable development (292)
- Sustainable transportation (295)
- Tables (Data) (642)
- Tables(Data) (142)
- Technological innovations (291)
- Technology (135)
- Technology transfer (149)
- Temperature (180)
- Tensile strength (138)
- Testing (483)
- Test procedures (316)
- Tests (142)
- Test sections (145)
- Thickness (114)
- Traffic accidents (336)
- Traffic congestion (544)
- Traffic control (147)
- Traffic control devices (223)
- Traffic counts (124)
- Traffic crashes (815)
- Traffic data (330)
- Traffic flow (453)
- Traffic lanes (113)
- Traffic law enforcement (120)
- Traffic models (228)
- Traffic safety (983)
- Traffic signal control systems (139)
- Traffic signals (228)
- Traffic signal timing (122)
- Traffic signs (228)
- Traffic simulation (263)
- Traffic speed (194)
- Traffic surveillance (160)
- Traffic volume (267)
- Training (312)
- Transit operating agencies (128)
- Transportation (482)
- Transportation departments (147)
- Transportation planning (1223)
- Transportation policy (181)
- Transportation safety (254)
- Transportation system management (110)
- Travel behavior (309)
- Travel demand (377)
- Travel demand management (117)
- Travel patterns (128)
- Travel surveys (152)
- Travel time (401)
- Trend (Statistics) (221)
- Trucking (214)
- Trucks (322)
- Truck traffic (129)
- United States (133)
- Urban areas (410)
- Urban transit (120)
- Urban transportation (179)
- Validation (223)
- Variable message signs (141)
- Vegetation (113)
- Vehicle miles of travel (433)
- Vehicles and Equipment (191)
- Vehicle to vehicle communications (122)
- Visibility (117)
- Wages (117)
- Water quality (110)
- Water quality management (118)
- Water transportation (163)
- Weather conditions (253)
- Weigh in motion (132)
- Wildlife (134)
- Wildlife crossings (125)
- Winter maintenance (265)
- Wireless communication systems (176)
- Workshops (145)
- Work zones (238)
- Work zone safety (267)
- Work zone traffic control (250)
- 00-18 (5)
- 00-19 (5)
- 0-6208-P2 (3)
- 0-6568-P1 (2)
- 0-6658 (2)
- 0-6738 (2)
- 0-6760 (2)
- 0-6803 (2)
- 0-6809-2 (2)
- 0-6912 (2)
- 0-6940-P4 (2)
- 02-008 (2)
- 02-016 (2)
- 02-020 (2)
- 02-2 (4)
- 02-4041 (3)
- 03-082 (2)
- 03-087 (2)
- 3-5-63-56 (14)
- 5-6995-01 (2)
- 5-7081-01 (2)
- 10-01 (2)
- 10-03 (2)
- 10.3390/en12163055 (2)
- 14-27 (3)
- 15-298 (2)
- 17ITSOKS02 (2)
- 17TTNTU01 (2)
- 19-010 (6)
- 19-10 (2)
- 19-11 (2)
- 19BASU02 (2)
- 19BLSU01 (2)
- 19BLSU02 (2)
- 19CASU03 (2)
- 19CLSU03 (2)
- 19CLSU04 (2)
- 19CTAM02 (2)
- 19GTUTA01 (2)
- 19ITSLSU06 (2)
- 19PITSLSU14 (2)
- 19PLSU09 (2)
- 19PLSU13 (2)
- 19PPLSU11 (2)
- 19PPLSU12 (2)
- 19PPUNM01 (2)
- 019PY01 (2)
- 19SAUTA04 (2)
- 19STLSU10 (2)
- 19STUNM04 (2)
- 20-09 (2)
- 20-16 (2)
- 20-30 (2)
- 20-35 (2)
- 20-36 (2)
- 20-36, CA-MTI-1811 (2)
- 21-SPR1-006 (2)
- 22-4SS (2)
- 22-21 (2)
- 23-043 (2)
- 24-058 (2)
- 25-1121-0005-133-1 (2)
- 25-1121-0005-141-1 (2)
- 61-4027 (3)
- 90-00-RB10-012 (2)
- 0092-10-20 (4)
- 0092-11-07 (2)
- 0092-12-01 (2)
- 0092-12-11 (2)
- 0092-13-02 (2)
- 0092-14-02 (2)
- 0092-15-05 (2)
- 0092-16-05 (2)
- 0092-16-07 (2)
- 0092-17-04 (2)
- 0092-18-02 (2)
- 92-34 (2)
- 96-25 (4)
- 97-19 (4)
- 97-20 (2)
- 98-3 (4)
- 99-8 (4)
- 99-11 (7)
- 105 (2)
- 226 (2)
- 246 (2)
- 296 (2)
- 299 (2)
- 302 (2)
- 307 (2)
- 315 (2)
- 316 (6)
- 317 (2)
- 319 (2)
- 326 (2)
- 329 (2)
- 331 (2)
- 334 (2)
- 337 (2)
- 346 (2)
- 347 (2)
- 348 (2)
- 433 (2)
- 674-19-803 (3)
- 732-19-803 (2)
- 744-18-803 (2)
- 930-722R (2)
- 00001406 (3)
- 2008-004 (2)
- 2008-005 (2)
- 2010-001 (2)
- 2011-009 (2)
- 2013-022S (2)
- 2013-09 (2)
- 2013-S-WSU-0044 (2)
- 2014-02 (2)
- 2014-08 (2)
- 2017-S-OSU-4 (2)
- 2018-02 (2)
- 2018-S-UI-1 (2)
- 2018-S-UW-1 (2)
- 2019-02 (2)
- 2022-03 (2)
- 2022-11 (2)
- 2022–5091 (2)
- 2024RIC01 (2)
- 4000(72) (3)
- 4000(142) (3)
- 5280 (2)
- 0008404 (3)
- 10179-GT-05 (6)
- 10404 (2)
- 13030 (2)
- 13041 (2)
- 00029576 (2)
- 42769 (4)
- 42795 (3)
- 42803 (3)
- 42861 (3)
- 42862 (2)
- 43041 (2)
- 43071 (2)
- 43075 (3)
- 43076 (2)
- 00059678 (2)
- 00068901 (2)
- 107018 (2)
- ABC-UTC-2016-C1-ISU02-Final (2)
- ACT-170 (2)
- AL-11-0003 (2)
- ALDOT #930-649 (2)
- ALDOT Project 930-791 (3)
- AM-400-90/2 (2)
- AM 67-2 (2)
- AM 67-6 (2)
- AM 68-24 (2)
- AM 69-16 (2)
- ARC-702 (3)
- BD-548-22 (4)
- BD544-31 (2)
- BD 549 RPWO 28 (2)
- BD 549 WO 52 (2)
- BDK-79-977-02 (2)
- BDK75 977-14 (2)
- BDK75 977-15 (2)
- BDK75 977-26 (2)
- BDK75 977-27 (2)
- BDK75 977-28 (2)
- BDK75 977-32 (2)
- BDK75 977-50 (2)
- BDK75 977-52 (2)
- BDK75 977-55 (2)
- BDK75 977-63 (2)
- BDK75 977-75 (2)
- BDK75-977-31 (2)
- BDK75-977-39 (2)
- BDK75-977-41 (2)
- BDK75-977-45 (2)
- BDK75-977-49 (2)
- BDK75-977-51 (2)
- BDK75-977-56 (2)
- BDK75-977-62 (2)
- BDK75-977-68 (2)
- BDK75-977-70 (2)
- BDK75-977-73 (2)
- BDK77 977-13 (2)
- BDK77 977-15 (2)
- BDK77 977-20 (2)
- BDK77 977-21 (2)
- BDK77-977-18 (2)
- BDK77-977-22 (2)
- BDK77-977-23 (2)
- BDK78 977-02 (2)
- BDK78 977-04 (2)
- BDK78-977-14 (2)
- BDK78-977-20 (2)
- BDK79-977-03 (2)
- BDK80 977-16 (2)
- BDK80 977-22 (2)
- BDK80 977-23 (2)
- BDK80 977-24 (2)
- BDK80 977-25 (4)
- BDK80 977-34 (2)
- BDK80-977-20 (2)
- BDK80-977-21 (2)
- BDK80-977-28 (2)
- BDK80-977-30 (2)
- BDK80-977-36 (2)
- BDK80-977-37 (2)
- BDK82 977-02 (2)
- BDK82 977-07 (2)
- BDK82-977-04 (2)
- BDK83 977-02 (2)
- BDK83 977-11 (2)
- BDK83 977-12 (2)
- BDK83 977-15 (2)
- BDK83 977-18 (2)
- BDK83-977-14 (2)
- BDK83-977-16 (2)
- BDK83-977-17 (2)
- BDK84 977-04 (2)
- BDK84 977-13 (2)
- BDK84 977-14 (2)
- BDK84 977-19 (2)
- BDK84, TWO #977-02 (3)
- BDK84-977-09 (2)
- BDK84-977-10 (2)
- BDK84-977-20 (2)
- BDK84-977-22 (2)
- BDK84-977-23 (2)
- BDK84-977-24 (2)
- BDK84-977-26 (2)
- BDK85 977-07 (2)
- BDK85 977-18 (2)
- BDK85 977-30 (2)
- BDK85 977-31 (2)
- BDK85 977-33 (2)
- BDK85 977-34 (2)
- BDK85 977-36 (2)
- BDK85 977-38 (2)
- BDK85 977-40 (2)
- BDK85 977-42 (2)
- BDK85 977-43 (2)
- BDK85 TWO 977-13 (2)
- BDK85-977-49 (2)
- BDK85-977-50 (2)
- BDR76 (2)
- BDU79 (2)
- BDV24-977-02 (2)
- BDV24-977-04 (2)
- BDV24-977-08 (2)
- BDV24-977-09 (2)
- BDV24-977-12 (2)
- BDV25-977-01 (2)
- BDV25-977-03 (2)
- BDV25-977-06 (2)
- BDV25-977-07 (2)
- BDV25-977-14 (2)
- BDV25-977-20 (2)
- BDV26-977-01 (2)
- BDV26-977-04 (2)
- BDV26-977-06 (2)
- BDV27-977-04 (2)
- BDV29-977-06 (2)
- BDV29-977-07 (2)
- BDV29-977-09 (2)
- BDV29-977-10 (2)
- BDV29-977-66 (2)
- BDV30-977-05 (2)
- BDV30-977-10 (2)
- BDV30-977-13 (2)
- BDV30-977-36 (2)
- BDV31-977-02 (2)
- BDV31-977-03 (2)
- BDV31-977-09 (2)
- BDV31-977-10 (2)
- BDV31-977-11 (2)
- BDV31-977-13 (2)
- BDV31-977-17 (2)
- BDV31-977-18 (2)
- BDV31-977-25 (2)
- BDV32-977-01 (2)
- BDV32-977-02 (2)
- BDV32-977-03 (2)
- BDV32-977-04 (2)
- BDX93 (2)
- BE694 (2)
- BE928 (2)
- BEA88 (2)
- BEB28 (2)
- BED30-977-03 (2)
- C-02-03 (2)
- C-02-07 (2)
- C-05-05 (2)
- C-06-07 (2)
- C-06-08 (2)
- C-06-13 (4)
- C-06-14 (2)
- C-06-15 (2)
- C-06-31 (2)
- C-06-33 (2)
- C-06-36 (2)
- C-08-04 (2)
- C-08-13 (2)
- C-08-14 (2)
- C-08-20 (2)
- C-08-22 (2)
- C-10-08 (2)
- C-11-12 (2)
- CA-MNTRC-14-1136 (7)
- CA-MNTRC-16-1235 (2)
- CA-MNTRC-16-1250 (2)
- CA-MTI-10-2907 (2)
- CA-MTI-11-2604 (2)
- CA-MTI-11-2903 (2)
- CA-MTI-11-2904 (2)
- CA-MTI-15-1428 (2)
- CA/PEER/2010-103 (2)
- CA/R-96/26 (2)
- CA06-0247 (2)
- CA09-1064 (2)
- CA10-1131 (2)
- CA11-1863A (2)
- CA12-1116 (2)
- CA12-2164 (2)
- CA12-2192 (2)
- CA16-2815 (2)
- CA16-2875 (2)
- CA23-3875 (2)
- CAIT-UTC-006 (2)
- CAIT-UTC-NC7 (2)
- CBP-96-17 (2)
- CBP-97-33 (2)
- CBP-97-37 (2)
- CFDA 20.701 (3)
- CFIRE 02-03 (2)
- CFIRE 02-09 (2)
- CFIRE 02-13 (2)
- CFIRE 03-08 (2)
- CFIRE 03-15 (3)
- CFIRE 03-17 (2)
- CFIRE 04-06 (2)
- CFIRE 05-10 (2)
- CFIRE 05-12 (2)
- cmr 13-003 (5)
- cmr14-010 (12)
- cmr 16-004 (7)
- CTRE Project 06-262 (3)
- DOT-VNTSC-OST-R-15-01 (3)
- DOT/FAA/AM-01/2 (3)
- DOT HS 809 512 (3)
- EIN: 54-6001805 (3)
- FAP Number SPR-0010(34) (4)
- FCP 33E3-014 (5)
- FHWA-AK-RD-xx-xx (3)
- FHWA-CFL/TD-0x-00x (3)
- FHWA-GA-16-1405 (3)
- FHWA-GA-18-1507 (3)
- FHWA-HEP-16-008 (3)
- FHWA-ICT-23-014 (5)
- FHWA-KS-12-6 (4)
- FHWA-NJ-2014-008 (3)
- FHWA-NJ-2017-011 (4)
- FHWA-NJ-2022-002 (3)
- FHWA-OH 2000/017 (4)
- FHWA-OR-RD-02-04 (3)
- FHWA-OR-RD-02-04m (3)
- FHWA-OR-RD-04-12 (3)
- FHWA-OR-RD-09-10 (11)
- FHWA-OR-RD-12-12 (3)
- FHWA-OR-RD-16-12 (5)
- FHWA-PA-2009-009-999012 (3)
- FHWA-RD-00-113 (3)
- FHWA-WY-10/03F (3)
- FHWA/CA/OR (12)
- FHWA/CA/OR- (14)
- FHWA/HWY-01/2002 (3)
- FHWA/HWY-02/2002 (3)
- FHWA/HWY-04/2001 (3)
- FHWA/HWY-2001/05 (3)
- FHWA/IN/JTRP-2011/18 (3)
- FHWA/IN/JTRP-2012/01 (4)
- FHWA/IN/JTRP-2012/10 (18)
- FHWA/IN/JTRP-2012/12 (5)
- FHWA/IN/JTRP-2015/28 (3)
- FHWA/IN/JTRP-2022/13 (3)
- FHWA/IN/JTRP-2024/07 (3)
- FHWA/LA.07/423 (3)
- FHWA/LA.11/485 (3)
- FHWA/MS-DOT-RD-10-199 (4)
- FHWA/OH-2000/002 (3)
- FHWA/OH-2000/018 (3)
- FHWA/OH-2000/021 (3)
- FHWA/OH-2001/07 (3)
- FHWA/OH-2001/09 (3)
- FHWA/OH-2001/12 (3)
- FHWA/OH-2001/16 (3)
- FHWA/OH-2002/019 (3)
- FHWA/OH-2002/021 (3)
- FHWA/OH-2002/035 (3)
- FHWA/OH-2002/05 (3)
- FHWA/OH-2003/002 (3)
- FHWA/OH-2003/007 (5)
- FHWA/OH-2003/015 (3)
- FHWA/OH-2004/006 (3)
- FHWA/OH-2004/010 (3)
- FHWA/OH-2004/013 (3)
- FHWA/OH-2005/005 (3)
- FHWA/OH-2005/006 (3)
- FHWA/OH-2005/007 (3)
- FHWA/OH-2005/14 (3)
- FHWA/OH-2006/19 (3)
- FHWA/OH-2007/09 (3)
- FHWA/OH-2007/18 (3)
- FHWA/OH-2008/3 (4)
- FHWA/OH-2009/08 (4)
- FHWA/OH-2010/12 (4)
- FHWA/OH-2010/15 (4)
- FHWA/OH-2010/16 (3)
- FHWA/OH-2011/9 (3)
- Final Report (3)
- FTA-CO-26-7002-2004 (3)
- Grant Number DTRT12-G-UTC18 (Grant 1) (4)
- ICT-23-019 (5)
- IHRB Project TR-561 (3)
- IHRB Project TR-600 (3)
- IHRB Project TR-630 (5)
- IHRB Project TR-636 (4)
- InTrans Project 06-277 (12)
- InTrans Project 09-361 (3)
- InTrans Project 11-393 (4)
- InTrans Project 11-402 (3)
- InTrans Project 13-451 (7)
- K-TRAN: KSU-15-6 (4)
- K-TRAN: KU-10-3 (3)
- KLK900-SB-001 (3)
- KTC-16-17/SPR16-56-2-1F (3)
- MD-09-SP808B4J (3)
- MD-11-SP708B4K (3)
- MD-16-SHA/MSU/4-3 (3)
- ME 00-20 (3)
- MLR-07-01 (3)
- MPD 64-12 (3)
- MS-DOT-RD-10-199 (3)
- MTI Report 10-09 (3)
- NUTC R203 (8)
- NUTC R231 (3)
- OR-EF-00-11 (3)
- OR-RD-10-22 (4)
- Part of InTrans Project 09-353 (3)
- Part of InTrans Project 12-444 (3)
- Part of TPF-5(438) (5)
- Project #00016751 (5)
- Project 5-6616-01 (3)
- Project 6364-1 (4)
- Project 7663-3 (3)
- Project No. 86082756 (3)
- Project RC-1504 (3)
- Project RHE-07 (3)
- Project TRyy0922 (3)
- Project TRyy1103 (5)
- RC-1527 (3)
- RC-1531 (4)
- RC-1544 (4)
- RC-1545 (3)
- RC-1572 (7)
- RC-1575 (5)
- RC-1592 (3)
- RC-1594 (6)
- RC-1599 (7)
- RC-1606 (3)
- RC1557 (6)
- RD 583-2 (3)
- Report No. 9 (7)
- SD89-06 (3)
- SD91-11-F (3)
- SPR 712 (4)
- SPR RB02-008 (3)
- ST/SS/05-002 (3)
- State Project No. 736-99-1116 (3)
- SwRI Project No. 10-8684 (10)
- TP 2436E (8)
- TPF-5(224) (3)
- TR-467 (3)
- TR - 486 (3)
- TR-599 (3)
- TRyy1110 (6)
- TRyy1308 (4)
- UF-TRC-79803-2011 (3)
- UF Project No. 00072910 (9)
- UF Project No. 00074016 (9)
- UILU-2023-2019 (5)
- USDOT/RITA DT0S59-07-H-005 (6)
- USF 21177804 (3)
- UT-16.06 (3)
- UTC-R170 (8)
- UTCM 09-00-45 (3)
- WHRP 07-08 (3)
- WHRP 11-06 (3)
- (C) 99004 (WO) 16 (3)
- 0-1250 (3)
- 0-1255 (3)
- 0-1747 (3)
- 0-1814 (3)
- 0-1838 (5)
- 0-2116 (3)
- 0-4484 (3)
- 0-5210 (4)
- 0-5475 (3)
- 0-6581-TI (3)
- 0-6804 (3)
- 0-6820 (3)
- 0-6839 (3)
- 0-6852 (3)
- 0-6872-01 (3)
- 0-6874 (4)
- 0-6878 (5)
- 0-6891 (3)
- 0-6908 (3)
- 0-6926 (3)
- 0-6932 (3)
- 0-6940 (6)
- 0-6963 (3)
- 0-6968 (4)
- 0-7027 (3)
- 0-7048 (3)
- 0-7096 (3)
- 0-7165 (3)
- 2-18-90-1231 (3)
- 3-9-72-183 (3)
- 3-14-92/3-980 (4)
- 04-2GT (5)
- 06 9148 (4)
- 7-980 (3)
- 9-1002-15 (3)
- 10-9103 (3)
- 13-C-AJFE-UPenn-001, 002 (3)
- 14-8434 (7)
- 15-8775 (4)
- 16-8371 (3)
- 16-9826 (3)
- 18-PROSV-00633 (3)
- 18-PROSV-00633EMS (3)
- 19-010 (5)
- 59A0337 (3)
- 65A0047 (9)
- 65A0369 (4)
- 65A0528 (3)
- 65A0529 (7)
- 65A0533 (12)
- 65A0542 (3)
- 65A0660 (9)
- 65W136 (12)
- 69A355174110 (5)
- 69A355174710 (5)
- 69A355174711 (6)
- 69A3351747124 (3)
- 69A3551747104 (15)
- 69A3551747105 (6)
- 69A3551747106 (46)
- 69A3551747107 (16)
- 69A3551747109 (8)
- 69A3551747110 (41)
- 69A3551747111 (45)
- 69A3551747113 (7)
- 69A3551747114 (9)
- 69A3551747115 (15)
- 69A3551747115/TTI-Student-05 (4)
- 69A3551747117 (17)
- 69A3551747119 (46)
- 69A3551747121 (5)
- 69A3551747124 (9)
- 69A3551747125 (8)
- 69A3551747127 (39)
- 69A3551747128 (13)
- 69A3551747129 (8)
- 69A3551747130 (15)
- 69A3551747131 (54)
- 69A3551747132 (6)
- 69A3551747133 (24)
- 69A3551747135 (9)
- 69A3551847102 (6)
- 69A3551847103 (11)
- 69A3551947136 (3)
- 69A43551747123 (23)
- 69A34520501050620 (4)
- 0079 (4)
- 80/20 SPR (4)
- 0092-06-31 (3)
- 355I01 (5)
- 0655-12-00 (5)
- 2002-0532 (7)
- 2006-0414 (3)
- 2006-0415 (3)
- 2007-0538 (3)
- 2009-0748 (4)
- 2010*3692 (3)
- 2010-0294 (5)
- 2010-0295 (7)
- 2010-0296 (11)
- 2010-0297 (5)
- 2010-0298 (7)
- 2010-0352 (6)
- 2013-0066 (4)
- 2013-0069 (10)
- 2013-0070 (4)
- 5173 (3)
- 8117 (3)
- 8793 (3)
- 0009929 (5)
- 9929 (3)
- 10727 (111)
- 0013245 (3)
- 0013622 (3)
- 14512(0) (3)
- 14654(0) (3)
- 14661(0) (3)
- 14666(0) (3)
- 14696(0) (3)
- 14710 (3)
- 14754(0) (3)
- 14761(0) (3)
- 14798(0) (3)
- 00021549 (4)
- 34652 (4)
- 34654 (4)
- 34878 (5)
- 37852 (5)
- 39112 (6)
- 45041(0) (6)
- 99087 (4)
- 99160 (3)
- 103636 (3)
- 134145 (3)
- 134152 (3)
- 134153 (3)
- 134258 (3)
- 134267 (3)
- 134300 (4)
- 148753 (3)
- 291166 (4)
- 310066 (5)
- 310563 (4)
- 20100506*5729 (6)
- 20111223*2878 (7)
- 20130731*535 (8)
- 4400018535 (3)
- ADOT11-013181 (3)
- Agreement no. 21182 (3)
- Agreement T4118 Task 87 (3)
- AIP Project No: 3-22-0000-S9(89) & 3-22-0000-S10(90) (5)
- Award No. DT0S59-07-G-00049 (4)
- BDK75 977-05 (9)
- BDK78 #971-01 (3)
- BDK80 977-13 (3)
- BDK85 977-27 (3)
- BDK85 977-29 (3)
- BDK85 TWO 977-14 (3)
- BDV24-977-31 (3)
- BDV25-977-72 (3)
- BDV31-977-06 (4)
- C03744 (3)
- C04425 (5)
- C04950 (3)
- C1567 (3)
- C1644 (3)
- C2032 (3)
- CO-26-7002 (3)
- CO 4616 (3)
- Contract # 20111223*2878 (5)
- Contract # 20160617*4564 (3)
- Contract # DTRT12GUTC12 (4)
- Contract no. 355101 / Project no. 070202 (3)
- Contract No. DE-AC36-08GO28308 (9)
- Contract No. DE-AC36-08GO28308;Prepared under Task No. HT12.8210 (3)
- Contract No. DTRT12GUTG11 (11)
- Contract Number: DTRT13-G-UTC51 (5)
- CS370002 (3)
- DE-AC04-94AL85000 (6)
- DE-AC05-00OR22725 (7)
- DE-AC05-96OR22464 (4)
- DE-AC06-76RLO 1830 (3)
- DE-AC06-96RL13200 (3)
- DE-AC22-93PC91029 (5)
- DE-AC36-08-GO28308 (4)
- DE-AC36-08GO28308 (11)
- DE-AC36-99-GO10337 (5)
- DOT-FH-11-8120 (4)
- DOT-FH-11-8265 (4)
- DOT-FH-11-8513 (3)
- DOT-FH-11-8600 (5)
- DOT-FH-11-8876 (3)
- DOT-HS-7-01551 (3)
- DOT-HS-8-02015 (6)
- DOT Grant No. DTRT06-G-0044 (3)
- DRDA 04-4274 (3)
- DRTR12-G-UTC03 (3)
- DRTS98-G-0028 (3)
- DT0S59-07-H-005 (5)
- DT0S59-09-H-0007 (3)
- DTFA03-89-C-00023 (3)
- DTFH61-01-C-00180 (4)
- DTFH61-01-C-00182 (3)
- DTFH61-02-C-00138 (4)
- DTFH 61-03-H-00103 (4)
- DTFH61-05-D-00024 (3)
- DTFH61-05-D-00024 (VHB) (3)
- DTFH61-06-D-00004 (5)
- DTFH61-06-D-00005 (7)
- DTFH61-06-D-00006 (3)
- DTFH61-06-D-00007 (7)
- DTFH61-06-D-00007/Task BA07-040 (3)
- DTFH61-06-D-00035 (4)
- DTFH61-06-D-0007 (5)
- DTFH61-06-D0007;ORDER T11004/WO BA07-092 (3)
- DTFH61-11-D-00010 (4)
- DTFH61-11-D-00018 (23)
- DTFH61-11-D-00019 (6)
- DTFH61-11-D-00037-T-13002 (3)
- DTFH61-12-C-00034 (3)
- DTFH61-12-D-00040 (8)
- DTFH61-12-D-00041 (16)
- DTFH61-12-D-00042 (12)
- DTFH61-12-D-00046 TO 5014 (3)
- DTFH61-89-C-00038 (5)
- DTFH61-92-C-00112 (3)
- DTFH61-92-C-00138 (7)
- DTFH61-92-C-00170 (4)
- DTFH61-96-C-00003 (6)
- DTFH61-97-C-00071 (3)
- DTFH61-99-C-0005 (5)
- DTFH61-99-C-00095 (3)
- DTFH61-99-C-005 (4)
- DTFH6114H00022 (4)
- DTFH6115C00036 (12)
- DTFH6115C00038 (9)
- DTFH6115R00003 (8)
- DTFR53-00-C-00012 (3)
- DTMC75-06-H-00003 (8)
- DTMC75-08-H-00005 (4)
- DTNH-22-96-R-07266 (3)
- DTNH22-06-H-00055 (4)
- DTNH22-83-C-06007 (3)
- DTPH56-08-T-000013 (3)
- DTR598-G-0028 (4)
- DTRS92-G-0010 (3)
- DTRS92-G-0013 (3)
- DTRS 93-G-0019 (5)
- DTRS93-G-0019 (3)
- DTRS95-G-0001 (4)
- DTRS95-G-0010 (3)
- DTRS 98-9-0032 (3)
- DTRS98-G-0021 (45)
- DTRS98-G-0028 (13)
- DTRS98-G-0032 (30)
- DTRS98-G-00329 (5)
- DTRS99-G-0001 (5)
- DTRS99-G-0006 (21)
- DTRS99-G-0006 (Grant) (3)
- DTRS99-G-0010 (27)
- DTRS99-G-003 (5)
- DTRT-06-G-0016 (5)
- DTRT-13-G-UTC40 (3)
- DTRT06-G-0011 (34)
- DTRT06-G-0014 (160)
- DTRT06-G-0014 (Grant) (12)
- DTRT06-G-0016 (58)
- DTRT06-G-0020 (45)
- DTRT06-G-0044 (74)
- DTRT06G-0043 (19)
- DTRT07-G-0003 (48)
- DTRT07-G-0005 (3)
- DTRT07-G-0006 (49)
- DTRT07-G-0010 (30)
- DTRT07-G-0021 (7)
- DTRT07-G-005 (32)
- DTRT07-G-0054 (38)
- DTRT 07-G-0054 (7)
- DTRT07-G-0056 (29)
- DTRT07-G-0056 (Grant) (5)
- DTRT07-G-0058 (3)
- DTRT07-G-0059 (6)
- DTRT12-G-UTC01 (33)
- DTRT12-G-UTC01 (Grant) (6)
- DTRT12-G-UTC03 (24)
- DTRT12-G-UTC05 (17)
- DTRT12-G-UTC06 (70)
- DTRT12-G-UTC14 (6)
- DTRT12-G-UTC16 (60)
- DTRT12-G-UTC17 (5)
- DTRT12-G-UTC18 (16)
- DTRT12-G-UTC18 (Grant 1) (7)
- DTRT12-G-UTC21 (78)
- DTRT12-G-UTC21 2010-0299 (7)
- DTRT12-UTC10 (33)
- DTRT12GUTC12 (15)
- DTRT12GUTC17 (26)
- DTRT12GUTG11 (12)
- DTRT13-G-UTC28 (39)
- DTRT13-G-UTC29 (4)
- DTRT13-G-UTC31 (44)
- DTRT13-G-UTC33 (21)
- DTRT13-G-UTC35 (29)
- DTRT13-G-UTC36 (14)
- DTRT13-G-UTC37 (44)
- DTRT13-G-UTC40 (7)
- DTRT13-G-UTC41 (13)
- DTRT13-G-UTC45 (15)
- DTRT13-G-UTC47 (4)
- DTRT13-G-UTC48 (9)
- DTRT13-G-UTC50 (24)
- DTRT13-G-UTC51 (12)
- DTRT13-G-UTC52 (9)
- DTRT13-G-UTC52 (Grant 2) (9)
- DTRT13-G-UTC53 (4)
- DTRT13-G-UTC54 (23)
- DTRT13-G-UTC56 (3)
- DTRT13-G-UTC58 (39)
- DTRT13-G-UTC59 (3)
- DTSR0023424 (26)
- DUNS: 0031370150000 (7)
- EIN: 54-6001805 (7)
- EY-76-C-03-1176 (4)
- F 01 IR 25 (3)
- FDOT Contract BDK77 977-04 (3)
- Federal #: 4000(142) (3)
- FH-11-7275 (3)
- FRT 136 (5)
- Grant Number: DTRT12-G-UTC18 (13)
- Grant Number: DTRT12-G-UTC18 (Grant 1) (11)
- HA 2006-02 (4)
- HP&R 084-5156 (3)
- HPR 081-5157 (3)
- HW4A3 (4)
- HW17A100 SH040 (3)
- HWY-30604-DT, Project #8158 (3)
- ICT- R43 (3)
- IRIS #: Z839740000 (3)
- Item 2191 (4)
- Job no. RS06209 (3)
- KY SPR-06-313 (3)
- KYSPR 206 (3)
- Louisiana HPR 0010(001) (6)
- Louisiana HPR 0010(002) (4)
- Louisiana HPR 0010(003) (8)
- Louisiana HPR 0010(004) (5)
- Louisiana HPR 1 (7) (3)
- Louisiana HPR 1(4) (4)
- Louisiana HPR 1(5) (3)
- Louisiana HPR 1(6) (8)
- Louisiana HPR 1(7) (5)
- Louisiana HPR 1(8) (4)
- Louisiana HPR 1(9) (6)
- Louisiana HPR 1(11) (9)
- Louisiana HPR 1(12) (8)
- Louisiana HPR 1(13) (9)
- Louisiana HPR 1(14) (8)
- LSU Project No. 169-25-4115 (6)
- LTRC Project No. 97-3IMP (6)
- LTRC Project Number: 04-1GT (4)
- LTRC Project number: 09-2B (3)
- MDT Project #6439-901 (3)
- NDOR DPU-STWD (94) (3)
- NJDOT TO-89 (3)
- ODOT SP&R Item Number 2156 (3)
- ODOT SP&R Item Number 2160 (3)
- ODOT SPR Item 2156 (4)
- OTREC RR-08-190 (11)
- P.O. No. 4-1-0196 (3)
- Part of DTFH61-06-H-00011 Work Plan 25 (3)
- Part of DTRT13-G-UTC37 (26)
- PI# 0012795 (4)
- PI# 0013538 (3)
- PI#0015304 (3)
- PI#0016335 (4)
- PO No. 7-70030 (8)
- Pooled Fund project TPF-5(121) (3)
- Prepared under Task No. HT12.8210 (5)
- Project 0-5997 (3)
- Project 0-6100 (3)
- Project 0-6132 (5)
- Project 0-6614 (3)
- Project 0-6658 (4)
- Project 0-6672 (4)
- Project 0-6806-TTI (3)
- Project 0-6893 (3)
- Project 0-6927 (3)
- Project 0-6968 (6)
- Project 0-6969 (3)
- Project 0-6982 (3)
- Project 0-6997 (3)
- Project 0-7086 (3)
- Project 9-1001 (3)
- Project 9-1001-14 (3)
- Project 9-1002 (8)
- Project 9-1002-12 (10)
- Project 9-1002-15 (3)
- Project 6364-1 (6)
- Project 7663-3 (9)
- Project No. 0-1439 (5)
- Project No. 0-1752 (3)
- Project no. OR89-05 (3)
- R27-95 (3)
- R27-97 (3)
- R27-102 (4)
- R27-127 (5)
- R27-160 (3)
- R27-161 (3)
- R27-180 (3)
- R27-181 (5)
- R27-183-HS (3)
- R2103/RR204 (3)
- RD 09-022 (3)
- Req No. 60115-7-70030 (8)
- Research Project No. 72-1SS (4)
- Research Project No. 72-3C(B) (4)
- Research Project No. 79-1G (3)
- Research Study 0-1405 (3)
- RITA Grant-DTRT-06-G-0043 (4)
- RS06(209) (3)
- RS 121 (4)
- RS 500-160 (3)
- RS 500-440 (4)
- RSCH-352 (9)
- SIO number: 30000119 (3)
- SIO Number: DOTLT1000 (4)
- SJN 135250 (3)
- SJN 135785 (3)
- SP708B4K (3)
- SP808B4J (3)
- SPR-3 (017) (3)
- SPR-3(017) (21)
- SPR-16-56-2 (3)
- SPR-335 (4)
- SPR-2256 (7)
- SPR-3316 (5)
- SPR-3378 (3)
- SPR-3405 (3)
- SPR-3409 (4)
- SPR-3410 (5)
- SPR-3472 (3)
- SPR-3474 (8)
- SPR-3504 (3)
- SPR-3514 (4)
- SPR-3550 (19)
- SPR-3717 (3)
- SPR-3802 (3)
- SPR-3912 (3)
- SPR-4108 (3)
- SPR-4225 (5)
- SPR-PL-1(53)473 (3)
- SPR-PL-1-(57) 507 (3)
- SPR 043 (5)
- SPR 20-583 (3)
- SPR 73-1 (3)
- SPR 310/327 (5)
- SPR 324 (3)
- SPR 327 (4)
- SPR 341 (3)
- SPR 357 (3)
- SPR 391 (3)
- SPR 633 (4)
- SPR 645 (11)
- SPR 682 (3)
- SPR: TT-Fed/TT-Reg (8)
- SPR: TT-Fed/TT-Reg - 5 (9)
- SPR: TT-Fed/TT-Reg - 6 (3)
- SPR RB32-013 (3)
- State Job No. 134280 (5)
- State Job No. 135786 (3)
- State Project No. 736-02-10 (4)
- State Project No. 736-99-0449 (6)
- State Project No: 780-99-25 & 780-99-26 (6)
- State Project Number: 736-99-1359 (4)
- State Study 133 (4)
- State Study 199 (4)
- Study No. 0-1375 (6)
- Study No. 2-18-89-1161 (5)
- Study No. 2-18-89-1164 (4)
- Study No. 7-1994 (6)
- T002688 (6)
- TO DTFH61-00023-T-13002 (4)
- TPF-5(081) (5)
- TPF-5(193) Supplement #44 (4)
- TPF-5(272) (5)
- TR 201228 (4)
- TRyy1308 (12)
- TT-Fed/TT-Reg-5 (9)
- TT-Fed/TT-Reg-6 (4)
- U.S. DOT DTRS98-G-0032 (4)
- USDOT - 69A3551747134 (8)
- USDOT 69A3551747135 (21)
- USDOT: DTRT13-G-UTC45 (13)
- USDOT DTRS98-G-0032 (4)
- USDOT Grant 69A3551747109 (21)
- USDOT Grant 69A3551747114 (28)
- Water Quality Facility Investigation (4)
- WU no. 3762 (4)
- ZSB12017-SJAUX (37)
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