University Transportation Centers
USDOT’s University Transportation Centers (UTC) Program, launched in 1988, awards and administers grants to consortia of colleges and universities across the United States. Each UTC forms a unique center of transportation excellence on a specific research topic. The UTC Collection brings together the research outputs of these consortia. To learn more about the UTC program , visit Bookmark this collection: or
- Application 1
- Bibliography 2
- Booklet/Pamphlet 8
- Brief 695
- Data Management Plan 72
- Dataset 545
- Dissertation 13
- In Book 1
- In Proceedings 1
- Journal Article 42
- Manual 23
- Manuscript 53
- Memorandum 1
- Organization Info 8
- Other 17
- Presentations 41
- Press Release 1
- Proceedings 17
- Research Paper 368
- Software 4
- Statistical Report 7
- Tech Report 6926
- Thesis 9
- Abdallah, Moatassem 9
- Abdel-Aty, Mohamed 23
- Abdel-Rahim, Ahmed 43
- Adams, Teresa 11
- Adams, Teresa M. 20
- Agrawal, Anil K. 8
- Agrawal, Asha Weinstein 79
- Ahmadian, Mehdi 9
- Ahmed, Ishtiak 7
- Ahmed, Samir 11
- Ahn, Soyoung 16
- Ahn, Yushin 11
- Akin, Michelle 9
- Al-Qadi, Imad L 8
- Alemi, Farzad 16
- Alexander, Serena 8
- Alexander, Serena E 8
- Amdal, James R. 8
- Anderson, Michael 19
- Anderson, Michael D. 8
- Anderson, Neil 18
- Appleyard, Bruce S. 15
- Arabi, Mehrdad 7
- Arce, Gabriel A 13
- Ardeshiri, Anam 9
- Arhin, Stephen 13
- Atadero, Rebecca 14
- Atadero, Rebecca A. 7
- Atkinson-Palombo, Carol 7
- Attoh-Okine, Nii 8
- Aultman-Hall, Lisa 26
- Azimi, Mehdi 16
- Azizinamini, Atorod 8
- Baker, Richard T. 9
- Ban, Xuegang (Jeff) 18
- Bao, Shan 10
- Barbeau, Sean J. 16
- Barbour, Elisa 15
- Barr, Paul J. 12
- Barry, Michelle L 8
- Barth, Matthew 16
- Barth, Matthew J. 14
- Bartholomew, Keith 8
- Batur, Irfan 14
- Belz, Nathan 16
- Benekohal, Rahim F. 7
- Bennert, Thomas 20
- Berry, Michael 8
- Bertini, Robert L. 15
- Betti, Raimondo 8
- Beyerlein, Steve 7
- Bhasin, Amit 8
- Bhat, Chandra R. 20
- Bittner, Jason 16
- Blampied, Nigel 9
- Boarnet, Marlon 15
- Boarnet, Marlon G 14
- Boarnet, Marlon G. 9
- Boriboonsomsin, Kanok 23
- Boske, Leigh B. 8
- Bostic, Raphael 10
- Boyd, Tia 10
- Boyles, Stephen D. 12
- Brakewood, Candace 10
- Bridgelall, Raj 11
- Brown, Henry 7
- Brown, Shane 9
- Bulut, Rifat 10
- Bunch, David S 9
- Burris, Mark 12
- Butt, Ali A 12
- Callas, Steve 8
- Camp, Janey 10
- Caramanis, Constantine 9
- Carlsson, John Gunnar 9
- Cetin, Mecit 12
- Chakraborty, Debapriya 15
- Chakraborty, Sayantan 7
- Chakraborty, Subhadeep 11
- Chandra, Shailesh 7
- Chandrashekhara, K. 9
- Chang, Kevin 23
- Chavis, Celeste 8
- Chen, Cynthia 12
- Chen, Genda 30
- Chen, Peng 9
- Chen, Sikai 8
- Chen, Suren 21
- Cheng, DingXin 7
- Cherry, Christopher 12
- Cheu, Ruey Long 20
- Chitturi, Madhav V. 7
- Choi, Kunhee 7
- Chow, Joseph Y J 11
- Chowdhury, Mashrur (Ronnie) 7
- Christofa, Eleni 17
- Chu, Xuehao 18
- Circella, Giovanni 37
- Cirillo, Cinzia 9
- Clevenger, Caroline M. 7
- Clifton, Kelly J. 9
- Cohen, Adam 8
- Coifman, Benjamin 11
- Colon Torres, Enid 7
- Colucci Rios, Benjamin 7
- Combs, Tabitha 8
- Comert, Gurcan 36
- Concas, Sisinnio 8
- Connor, Billy 17
- Coughlin, Joseph F. 8
- Cuelho, Eli 8
- Currans, Kristina M. 7
- D'Ambrosio, Lisa 8
- Dadashova, Bahar 8
- Darrow, Margaret M. 16
- Das, Subasish 9
- da Silva, Denise Capasso 8
- Davis, Adam W. 9
- Davis, Janet L. 7
- Davis, William J. 8
- Dessouky, Maged 23
- Dessouky, Maged M. 16
- Dessouky, Samer 20
- Dill, Jennifer 12
- Dissanayake, Sunanda 16
- Dixon, Michael 9
- Dobrovolny, Chiara Silvestri 9
- Doerzaph, Zachary 9
- Doerzaph, Zachary R 7
- Dowds, Jonathan 15
- Drury, Jonathan 8
- Du, Jianhe 12
- Dumbaugh, Eric 27
- Dutta, Utpal 14
- Eby, David W. 8
- Edara, Praveen 9
- Edwards, Frances L. 8
- Eksioglu, Burak 7
- Eksioglu, Sandra D. 8
- Elefteriadou, Lily 10
- ElGawady, Mohamed 8
- Elmore, Cecilia 8
- Elsayed, Ashraf 13
- Ergan, Semiha 7
- Eshel, Oren 11
- Esmaeily, Asad 8
- Evenson, Kelly R 8
- Ewan, Levi 7
- Ewing, Reid 10
- Faller, Ronald K. 14
- Fan, Wei 8
- Fan, Wei (David) 17
- Fay, Laura 9
- Feng, Yiheng 8
- Ferenchak, Nick 8
- Ferrell, Christopher E. 16
- Feys, Dimitri 8
- Figliozzi, Miguel 15
- Figueroa-Medina, Alberto M 9
- Fitzpatrick, Cole 11
- Fulton, Lew 12
- Gallagher, Susan 13
- Gao, Jingqin 11
- Gao, Song 9
- Garrick, Norman 9
- Gayah, Vikash V. 9
- Ghabchi, Rouzbeh 15
- Giuliano, Genevieve 47
- Goel, Prem 9
- Golub, Aaron 11
- Gong, Jie 12
- Goodchild, Anne 13
- Goodrich, Daniel C. 8
- Goodwin, Gwen 8
- Goulias, Konstadinos G. 14
- Guensler, Randall 44
- Guerra, Erick 10
- Guin, Angshuman 22
- Gurbuz, Okan 11
- Hadi, Mohammed 19
- Haghani, Ali 10
- Hajbabaie, Ali 14
- Halling, Marvin W. 10
- Hallmark, Shauna 12
- Halter, Susan Bogus 9
- Ham, Suyun 8
- Hamidi, Shima 9
- Hamre, Andrea 8
- Handy, Susan 44
- Handy, Susan L 8
- Hans, Zachary 8
- Hao, Peng 20
- Hardman, Scott 9
- Harper, Corey 12
- Harrison, Robert 11
- Harvey, John 12
- Harvey, John T 15
- Hassan, Hany 9
- Hassan, Marwa 17
- Hassan, Marwa M. 15
- Hawkins, Neal 13
- He, B. Brian 10
- Heaslip, Kevin 9
- Heiny, Stephen 8
- Hendricks, Sara J. 9
- Hernandez, Salvador 9
- Holguin-Veras, Jose 10
- Hossain, Mustaque 14
- Hossain, Zahid 24
- Hough, Jill 16
- Howitt, Arnold M. 10
- Hu, Shichun 8
- Huang, Oscar 10
- Huang, Ying 8
- Huijser, Marcel P. 13
- Hulsey, J. Leroy 8
- Hunter, Michael 9
- Hurwitz, David 12
- Hurwitz, David S. 9
- Huynh, Nathan 11
- Hyun, Kate 10
- Ioannou, Petros 27
- Ivan, John N. 10
- Jahangiri, Arash 21
- Jaller, Miguel 40
- Jasek, Debbie 8
- Jeihani, Mansoureh 21
- Jenkins, Brian Michael 11
- Jenn, Alan 11
- Jones, J. Bernard 8
- Jones, Steven 9
- Kachadoorian, Carol 8
- Kack, David 13
- Kaisar, Evangelos I. 15
- Kamga, Camille 11
- Kang, Sanggyun 10
- Kawamura, Kazuya 8
- Kendall, Alissa 32
- Khasnabis, Snehamay 8
- Khattak, Aemal 9
- Khattak, Aemal J. 8
- Khattak, Asad 14
- Khattak, Asad J. 17
- Khayat, Kamal H. 23
- Khoeini, Sara 19
- Kim, Yail Jimmy 10
- Kim, Yong-Rak 11
- Knodler, Michael A. 25
- Knodler Jr., Michael A. 9
- Kommalapati, Raghava 11
- Ksaibati, Khaled 45
- Kumfer, Wesley 8
- Kurani, Kenneth S. 11
- Kwigizile, Valerian 12
- Kyte, Michael 8
- Labi, Samuel 25
- LaJeunesse, Seth 18
- Lee, Ming 9
- Lee, Yong-Cheol 8
- Lee, Yongsung 11
- Lee, Young-Jae 13
- Leonard, Kathleen M. 10
- Lewis, Carol A. 9
- Lewis, Carol Abel 13
- Lewis, Rebecca 10
- Ley, Tyler 13
- Li, Lin 11
- Li, Xiaopeng 8
- Lin, Pei-Sung 8
- Lindly, Jay K. 19
- Lin Lawell, C.-Y. Cynthia 8
- Liu, Dahai 15
- Liu, Haobing 15
- Liu, Henry 11
- Liu, Jenny 10
- Liu, Juanyu 10
- Liu, Xiaoyue Cathy 19
- Lomax, Tim 8
- Long, Suzanna 9
- Lord, Dominique 8
- Lou, Peng 8
- Lou, Yingyan 9
- Louis, Joseph 8
- Loukaitou-Sideris, Anastasia 19
- Lownes, Nicholas 12
- Lowry, Michael 15
- Lu, Hongyu 15
- Lu, Pan 16
- Luna, Ronaldo 12
- Luo, Ji 9
- MacArthur, John 12
- Machemehl, Randy 14
- Machiani, Sahar Ghanipoor 18
- MacKenzie, Don 8
- Madsen, Matthew 8
- Mahdinia, Iman 9
- Maher, Ali 19
- Mahmoud, Hussam 10
- Maness, Michael 12
- Mannering, Fred 8
- Markovic, Nikola 8
- Marshall, Wesley 10
- Marshall, Wesley E. 13
- Martin, Peter T. 12
- Mathew, Sonu 9
- Mathur, Shishir 9
- Matthews, H Scott 8
- Mattingly, Stephen P. 9
- Mattson, Jeremy 10
- McAndrews, Carolyn A. 9
- McBride, Elizabeth C 9
- McCord, Mark R. 13
- McCormack, Edward 9
- McDonald, Noreen 21
- McNeil, Nathan 12
- McNeil, Sue 14
- McRae, Glenn 8
- Medina, Juan C. 11
- Mekker, Michelle 8
- Mertz, Christoph 11
- Michalaka, Dimitra 11
- Miller, Gerald A. 8
- Miller, Marshall 12
- Miller, Marty 8
- Mishalani, Rabi G. 16
- Mishra, Sabyasachee 8
- Miskewitz, Robert 8
- Mokhtarian, Patricia L. 15
- Mollenhauer, Mike 10
- Molnar, Lisa J. 8
- Monsere, Christopher M. 16
- Moreu, Fernando 11
- Moudon, Anne Vernez 16
- Murray-Tuite, Pamela 8
- Mwakalonge, Judith L 9
- Myers, John J. 18
- Na, Chaekuk 11
- Nachtmann, Heather 14
- Namilae, Sirish 11
- Nanni, Antonio 10
- Nassif, Hani 21
- Naumann, Rebecca B 10
- Nazarian, Soheil 11
- Neurauter, Luke 8
- Newtson, Craig M. 10
- Ni, Daiheng 10
- Nixon, Hilary 64
- Noland, Robert B. 10
- Nordback, Krista 11
- Noyce, David A. 18
- O'Brien, Thomas 8
- Oh, Jun-Seok 16
- Oliva, Michael G. 11
- Olsen, Michael J. 11
- Oswald, David 8
- Ouyang, Yanfeng 11
- Ozbay, Kaan 62
- Ozbek, Mehmet E. 12
- Ozer, Hasan 8
- Ozguner, Umit 8
- Pahwa, Anmol 10
- Pande, Anurag 29
- Pantelides, Chris P. 11
- Parr, Scott A. 21
- Peeta, Srinivas 26
- Pendyala, Ram M. 29
- Perkins, Robert A. 13
- Peterman, Robert J. 10
- Phares, Brent M. 9
- Pike, Susan 17
- Plumert, Jodie M. 8
- Prevedouros, Panos D 8
- Pulugurtha, Srinivas S. 29
- Puppala, Anand J. 16
- Qi, Yi 22
- Qian, Sean 25
- Qian, Xiaodong 11
- Qiao, Fengxiang 8
- Qiao, Pizhong 9
- Qin, Ruwen 9
- Qin, Xiao 10
- Quadrifoglio, Luca 12
- Radovic, Miladin 18
- Rahai, Hamid R. 9
- Rakha, Hesham 16
- Rakha, Hesham A. 27
- Rashidi, Abbas 11
- Rathinam, Sivakumar 8
- Ratner, Albert 9
- Reeb, Tyler 15
- Reich, Stephen L. 10
- Renne, John L. 9
- Richardson, David N. 9
- Ricord, Sam 8
- Riding, Kyle A. 10
- Rivasplata, Charles 10
- Rizos, Dimitris C 8
- Rodgers, Michael 10
- Rodgers, Michael O. 26
- Rodier, Caroline 28
- Rodnyansky, Seva 14
- Romero, Pedro 11
- Rouphail, Nagui M. 8
- Rowangould, Gregory 11
- Russell, Eugene R. 11
- Salon, Deborah 17
- Sandt, Laura 12
- Sanguinetti, Angela 11
- Santiago-Chaparro, Kelvin R. 8
- Sarkar, Abhijit 9
- Savolainen, Peter T. 8
- Schonfeld, Paul M. 8
- Schrank, David 10
- Schrock, Steven D. 12
- Schweitzer, Lisa 8
- Shahabi, Cyrus 12
- Shen, Qing 12
- Sherry, Patrick 19
- Shi, Xianming 26
- Shilling, Fraser 11
- Shin, Hyeon-Shic 11
- Singleton, Patrick A. 14
- Sisiopiku, Virginia 21
- Sisiopiku, Virginia P. 28
- Smith, Adam 8
- Smith, Brian 8
- Smith, Stephen F. 11
- Sneed, Lesley 11
- Sneed, Lesley H. 9
- Song, Ziqi 9
- Sorensen, Andrew D. 13
- Sorour, Sameh 8
- Srinivasan, Sivaramakrishnan 8
- Steiner, Ruth 14
- Stolle, Cody S. 12
- Strathman, James G. 9
- Sullivan, Andrew 8
- Sullivan, Jim 8
- Sun, Carlos 11
- Sun, Wei 15
- Tainter, Francis 9
- Tal, Gil 19
- Tanvir, Shams 11
- Tazarv, Mostafa 14
- Teng, Hualiang (Harry) 8
- Thigpen, Calvin 8
- Tolliver, Denver 23
- Toutanji, Houssam 9
- Toutanji, Houssam A. 8
- Turkan, Yelda 8
- Turner, Daniel S. 14
- Turner, Shawn 8
- Uddin, Nasim 8
- Unnikrishnan, Avinash 9
- Vachal, Kimberly 18
- Vilela, Jean Paul Talledo 8
- Volker, Jamey 11
- Volz, Jeffery S. 15
- Wachs, Martin 9
- Walton, C. Michael 18
- Wang, Bruce 10
- Wang, Bruce X. 8
- Wang, Feng 9
- Wang, Haizhong 8
- Wang, Hao 17
- Wang, Yinhai 49
- Wartman, Joseph 9
- Watkins, Kari 17
- Watkins, Kari E. 9
- Wehbe, Nadim I. 15
- Wei, Ran 8
- Wei, Wenbin 15
- Weldon, Brad D. 10
- White, Elizabeth 12
- Williams, Kristine M 8
- Winters, Philip L. 9
- Wittwer, Ernie 10
- Wolshon, Brian 30
- Wu, Guoyuan 27
- Wu, Yao-Jan 10
- Wu, Yina 9
- Xie, Kun 10
- Xu, Xiaodan 9
- Xu, Yanzhi 9
- Yang, Hong 8
- Yang, Xianfeng (Terry) 8
- Yi, Ping 9
- Yin, Yafeng 18
- Young, Rhonda 11
- Yu, Lei 14
- Zaman, Musharraf 13
- Zhang, Guohui 10
- Zhang, Lei 10
- Zhang, Michael 17
- Zhang, Ming 11
- Zhang, Xiong 9
- Zhang, Yu 17
- Zhang, Yunlong 11
- Zhao, Qun 9
- Zlatkovic, Milan 16
- AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety 8
- Accelerated Bridge Construction University Transportation Center (ABC-UTC) 16
- Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center 7
- Alaska. Dept. of Transportation. Research, Development, and Technology Transfer 15
- Alaska University Transportation Center 87
- Arizona State University 22
- Arizona State University. School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment 33
- Arkansas State University 17
- Auburn University 7
- Benedict College 20
- Bradley University 4
- Brigham Young University 4
- California. Department of Transportation 4
- California. Dept. of Transportation. Division of Research and Innovation 5
- California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo 5
- California State University, Dominguez Hills 4
- California State University, Fresno 4
- California State University, Long Beach 28
- California State University, Long Beach. Center for International Trade and Transportation 7
- California State University, Long Beach. Department of Civil Engineering and Construction Engineering Management 5
- California State University, Long Beach. Department of Computer Engineering and Computer Science 5
- California State University, Los Angeles 9
- Carnegie-Mellon University 15
- Carnegie-Mellon University. Robotics Institute 8
- Carnegie-Mellon University. Technologies for Safe and Efficient Transportation University Transportation Center 6
- Carnegie Mellon University 20
- Carnegie Mellon University's Traffic21 Institute and Mobility21 (National University Transportation Center) 18
- Carnegie Mellon University. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 6
- Carnegie Mellon University. Traffic21 Institute. Safety21 University Transportation Center (UTC) 19
- Carnegie Mellon University. Traffic21 University Transportation Center (UTC) 8
- Center for Advanced Transportation Mobility, North Carolina A&T State University 22
- Center for Advancing Research in Transportation Emissions, Energy, and Health (CARTEEH) Tier-1 University Transportation Center (UTC) 14
- Center for Advancing Research in Transportation Emissions, Energy, and Health. Texas A&M Transportation Institute 24
- Center for Automated Vehicles Research with Multimodal Assured Navigation (CARMEN+) Tier-1 University Transportation Center (UTC) 6
- Center for Connected and Automated Transportation (CCAT) 101
- Center for Connected Multimodal Mobility, Clemson University 26
- Center for Integrated Asset Management for Multimodal Transportation Infrastructure Systems (CIAMTIS) 8
- Center for Integrated Asset Management for Multimodal Transportation Infrastructure Systems (CIAMTIS) (UTC) 37
- Center for Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety (CPBS) Tier-1 University Transportation Center (UTC) 7
- Center for Sustainable Transportation Infrastructure (U.S.) 6
- Center for Teaching Old Models New Tricks (TOMNET) 34
- Center for Transportation, Environment, and Community Health 11
- Center for Transportation, Equity, Decisions & Dollars (CTEDD). University of Texas 64
- Citadel, the Military College of South Carolina 8
- City College of New York 10
- City University of New York 4
- City University of New York. City College. Dept. of Civil Engineering 4
- City University of New York. University Transportation Research Center 7
- Clemson University 24
- Collaborative Sciences Center for Road Safety 38
- Colorado School of Mines 13
- Colorado State University 30
- Colorado State University. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 26
- Colorado State University. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering 16
- Colorado State University. Dept. of Construction Management 6
- Columbia University. Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics 6
- Connected Cities for Smart Mobility toward Accessible and Resilient Transportation Center (C2SMART) 113
- Connected Communities for Smart Mobility Toward Accessible and Resilient Transportation for Equitably Reducing Congestion (C2SMARTER) Tier-1 University Transportation Center (UTC) 6
- Connected Vehicle/Infrastructure University Transportation Center 12
- Cornell University 15
- Cornell University. Center for Transportation, Environment, and Community Health 22
- Cornell University. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 10
- Cornell University. School of Civil and Environmental Engineering 5
- Duke University 8
- Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 22
- Florida Atlantic University 30
- Florida Atlantic University. Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatics Engineering 5
- Florida Atlantic University. Freight Mobility Research Institute 23
- Florida International University 18
- Florida International University. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 24
- Florida International University. Lehman Center for Transportation Research 5
- Florida Solar Energy Center 4
- George Mason University 10
- Georgia Institute of Technology 47
- Georgia Institute of Technology. School of Civil and Environmental Engineering 62
- Georgia Institute of Technology. School of Civil Engineering 6
- Georgia Transportation Institute 6
- Gulf Coast Center for Evacuation and Transportation Resiliency 10
- Hampton University. Eastern Seaboard Intermodal Transportation Applications Center 4
- Harvard University 16
- Hawaii Natural Energy Institute 10
- Illinois Center for Transportation 21
- Illinois Institute of Technology 4
- Iowa State University 4
- Iowa State University. Bridge Engineering Center 21
- Iowa State University. Center for Transportation Research and Education 31
- Iowa State University. Dept. of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering 4
- Iowa State University. Institute for Transportation 40
- Jackson State University 10
- Jackson State University. Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering 6
- Jackson State University. Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering 10
- Kansas State University 5
- Kansas State University. Department of Civil Engineering 4
- Kansas State University. Dept. of Civil Engineering 5
- Kansas State University. Transportation Center 59
- Kansas State University Transportation Center. Department of Civil Engineering 4
- King County Metro Transit 4
- Lehigh University 5
- Lehigh University. ATLSS Engineering Research Center 7
- Leonard Transportation Center 4
- Louisiana State University 14
- Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, La.) 116
- Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, La.). Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 7
- Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, La.). Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering 6
- Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, La.). University Transportation Center for Region 6 41
- Louisiana State University. Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering 5
- Louisiana State University. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering 5
- Louisiana Tech University 5
- Louisiana Transportation Research Center 11
- Mack-Blackwell National Rural Transportation Study Center (U.S.) 41
- Marine Engine Testing and Emissions Laboratory (METEL) 6
- Maritime Transportation Research and Education Center 7
- Maritime Transportation Research and Education Center (MarTREC) 71
- Marshall University 4
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology 74
- METRANS Transportation Center (Calif.) 254
- Michigan Ohio University Transportation Center 20
- Michigan State University. Center for Highway Pavement Preservation 8
- Michigan Technological University 4
- Mid-America Transportation Center 60
- Mid-America Transportation Center for Transportation Safety and Equity (MATC-TSE) Region 7 University Transportation Center (UTC) 7
- Mid-Atlantic Universities Transportation Center 6
- Mid America Transportation Center 7
- Midwest Regional University Transportation Center 11
- Midwest Roadside Safety Facility 15
- Midwest Transportation Center 8
- Midwest Transportation Consortium 6
- Mineta Consortium for Transportation Mobility 12
- Mineta National Transit Research Consortium 41
- Mineta Transportation Institute 269
- Mississippi State University 6
- Mississippi State University. Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems Extension 4
- Mississippi State University. National Center for Intermodal Transportation for Economic Competitiveness 5
- Missouri University of Science and Technology 31
- Missouri University of Science and Technology. Center for Infrastructure Engineering Studies 46
- Missouri University of Science and Technology. Center for Intelligent Infrastructure 5
- Missouri University of Science and Technology. Center for Transportation Infrastructure and Safety 165
- Missouri University of Science and Technology. Department of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering 8
- Missouri University of Science and Technology. Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering 13
- Missouri University of Science and Technology. Dept. of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering 9
- Missouri University of Science and Technology. Dept. of Engineering Management and Systems Engineering 6
- Mobility21, Carnegie Mellon University 102
- Montana State University 7
- Montana State University (Bozeman, Mont.). College of Engineering 16
- Montana State University. Western Transportation Institute 40
- Morgan State University 63
- Morgan State University. Dept. of Transportation and Urban Infrastructure Studies 10
- Morgan State University. Sustainable Mobility and Accessibility Regional Transportation Equity Research Center (SMARTER) Region 3 University Transportation Center (UTC) 13
- Mountain-Plains Consortium 198
- Mountain Plains Consortium 68
- Multimodal Transportation and Infrastructure Consortium 4
- National Center for Freight and Infrastructure Research and Education (U.S.) 91
- National Center for Intermodal Transportation for Economic Competitiveness 25
- National Center for Sustainable Transportation 21
- National Center for Sustainable Transportation (NCST) 427
- National Center for Transit Research (U.S.) 59
- National Center for Transportation Systems Productivity and Management (U.S.) 6
- National Institute for Advanced Transportation Technology (NIATT) (U.S.) 42
- National Institute for Advanced Transportation Technology (U.S.) 44
- National Institute for Congestion Reduction 5
- National Institute for Transportation and Communities (NITC) 49
- National Transportation Center (U.S.) 10
- National Transportation Research Center, Incorporated, University Transportation Center 30
- National University Rail Center (NURail) 11
- National University Rail Center (U.S.) 19
- National Urban Transit Institute (U.S.) 5
- Nebraska Transportation Center 13
- New England University Transportation Center 46
- New Jersey. Dept. of Transportation 4
- New Jersey Institute of Technology 12
- New Jersey Institute of Technology. Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering 8
- New Jersey Institute of Technology. Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering 8
- New Jersey Institute of Technology. National Center for Transportation and Industrial Productivity 5
- New Mexico State University 9
- New York University 19
- New York University. Department of Civil and Urban Engineering 4
- New York University. Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service 4
- New York University. Tandon School of Engineering 22
- NEXTRANS Center (U.S.) 52
- Nick J. Rahall, II Appalachian Transportation Institute (U.S.) 15
- Norman Y. Mineta International Institute for Surface Transportation Policy Studies 18
- North Carolina A&T Sate University. Transportation Institute. Center For Advanced Transportation Mobility 12
- North Carolina A&T State University 4
- North Carolina A&T State University. Transportation Institute. Center For Advanced Transportation Mobility 4
- North Carolina State University 17
- North Carolina State University. Department of Civil Engineering 4
- North Carolina State University. Institute for Transportation Research & Education 4
- North Dakota State University 110
- Northern Arizona University 8
- Northwestern University (Evanston, Ill.) 8
- Northwestern University (Evanston, Ill.). Center for the Commercialization of Innovative Transportation Technology 6
- Northwestern University (Evanston, Ill.). Infrastructure Technology Institute 11
- Northwestern University (Evanston, Ill.) Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering 4
- Ohio State University 17
- Ohio State University. College of Engineering 5
- Ohio State University. Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering 4
- Oklahoma State University 12
- Oklahoma State University. School of Civil & Environmental Engineering 26
- Oklahoma State University. School of Industrial Engineering and Management 4
- Old Dominion University 11
- Old Dominion University. Transportation Research Institute 4
- Oregon. Dept. of Transportation. Research Section 6
- Oregon Institute of Technology 6
- Oregon State University 50
- Oregon State University. School of Civil and Construction Engineering 22
- Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium 6
- Pacific Northwest Transportation Consortium 46
- Pacific Northwest Transportation Consortium (PacTrans) (UTC) 143
- Pacific Southwest Region 9 UTC, University of Southern California 150
- Pennsylvania State University 16
- Pennsylvania State University. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 9
- Pennsylvania State University. Thomas D. Larson Transportation Institute 12
- Portland State University 61
- Portland State University. Center for Urban Studies 12
- Portland State University. Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering 18
- Portland State University. Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering 25
- Portland State University. Transportation Research and Education Center 7
- Portland State University. Transportation Research and Education Center (TREC) 17
- Princeton University 8
- Purdue University 57
- Purdue University. Institute for Safe, Quiet, and Durable Highways 7
- Purdue University. Joint Transportation Research Program 4
- Purdue University. Lyles Department of Civil Engineering 5
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 11
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Lighting Research Center 7
- Research on Concrete Applications for Sustainable Transportation 4
- Research on Concrete Applications for Sustainable Transportation (RE-CAST) 27
- Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University 4
- Rowan University 8
- Rowan University, College of Engineering 5
- Rudin Center for Transportation Policy & Management 5
- Rural Transportation Safety and Security Center (U.S.) 7
- Rutgers University 20
- Rutgers University. Center for Advanced Infrastructure & Transportation 14
- Rutgers University. Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation 96
- Rutgers University. Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering 8
- Safety Research Using Simulation (SAFER-SIM) University Transportation Center 31
- Safety through Disruption (Safe-D) University Transportation Center (UTC) 168
- San Diego State University 24
- San Jose State University 15
- San Jose State University. College of Business 95
- San Jose State University. College of Business. Mineta Transportation Institute 189
- San Jose State University. Mineta International Institute for Surface Transportation 19
- Small Urban, Rural and Tribal Center on Mobility. Western Transportation Institute, Montana State University 6
- Small Urban and Rural Center on Mobility 11
- Small Urban and Rural Transit Center 4
- Small Urban and Rural Transit Center, North Dakota State University 9
- SOLARIS Consortium 5
- South Carolina State University 8
- South Dakota State University 17
- South Dakota State University. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 20
- South Dakota State University. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering 5
- Southeastern Transportation Research, Innovation, Development and Education Center (STRIDE) 70
- Southwest Region University Transportation Center (U.S.) 25
- State University of New York at Albany 4
- State University of New York at Buffalo. Department of Civil, Structural, and Environmental Engineering 7
- Stevens Institute of Technology 4
- Syracuse University. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering 4
- Technologies for Safe and Efficient Transportation. University Transportation Center 27
- Telemobility UTC [Teir-1 University Transportation Center on Telemobility] 4
- Tennessee State University 4
- Texas A&M Transportation Institute 153
- Texas A&M University 38
- Texas A & M University 25
- Texas A&M University. College Station 5
- Texas A&M University. Zachry Department of Civil Engineering 9
- Texas Southern University. Center for Transportation Training and Research 53
- Texas Southern University. Dept. of Transportation Studies 7
- Texas Southern University. Innovative Transportation Research Institute 4
- Texas Tech University. Center for Multidisciplinary Research in Transportation 8
- Texas Transportation Institute 111
- Texas Transportation Institute. University Transportation Center for Mobility 66
- The City College of New York, CUNY 22
- Thomas D. Larson Pennsylvania Transportation Institute 32
- TranLIVE. University of Idaho 8
- Transportation Consortium of South-Central States (Tran-SET) 18
- Transportation Consortium of South-Central States (Tran-SET) University Transportation Center for Region 6 197
- Transportation Consortium of the South-Central States 34
- Transportation Informatics University Transportation Center 7
- Transportation Northwest (Organization) 28
- Transportation Northwest Regional Center X (TransNow) (UTC) 34
- United States. Department of Transportation 5
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Highway Policy Information 10
- United States. Department of Transportation. University Transportation Centers (UTC) Program 59
- United States. Federal Highway Administration 8
- University at Buffalo, Buffalo 12
- University at Buffalo, SUNY 12
- University of Akron. Department of Civil Engineering 8
- University of Alabama. Aging Infrastructure Systems Center of Excellence 7
- University of Alabama. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 16
- University of Alabama. Dept. of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering 29
- University of Alabama at Birmingham 5
- University of Alabama at Birmingham. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 7
- University of Alabama at Birmingham. Dept. of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering 24
- University of Alabama at Birmingham. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering 5
- University of Alabama in Huntsville. Civil and Environmental Engineering Dept. 16
- University of Alaska Anchorage 5
- University of Alaska Fairbanks 34
- University of Alaska Fairbanks. Center for Environmentally Sustainable Transportation in Cold Climates 12
- University of Alaska Fairbanks. Center for Safety Equity in Transportation (CSET) 49
- University of Alaska Fairbanks. Institute of Northern Engineering 10
- University of Arizona 13
- University of Arkansas 22
- University of Arkansas, Fayetteville 36
- University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. Department of Civil Engineering 10
- University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. Department of Industrial Engineering 6
- University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. Dept. of Industrial Engineering 5
- University of Arkansas. Mack-Blackwell Transportation Center 5
- University of California (System). Pavement Research Center 7
- University of California, Berkeley 17
- University of California, Berkeley. Institute of Transportation Studies 12
- University of California, Berkeley. Safe Transportation Research and Education Center 16
- University of California, Davis 43
- University of California, Davis, Institute of Transportation Studies 266
- University of California, Davis. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 18
- University of California, Davis. Institute of Transportation Studies 79
- University of California, Irvine 13
- University of California, Los Angeles 6
- University of California, Riverside 18
- University of California, Riverside. Center for Environmental Research and Technology 40
- University of California, Riverside. College of Engineering 6
- University of California, Santa Barbara 7
- University of California Institute of Transportation Studies 10
- University of Central Florida 6
- University of Central Florida. Center for Advanced Transportation Systems Simulation 22
- University of Central Florida. Department of Civil, Environmental and Construction Engineering 10
- University of Central Florida. Dept. of Civil, Environmental and Construction Engineering 7
- University of Central Florida. Electric Vehicle Transportation Center (EVTC) 14
- University of Colorado at Denver 20
- University of Colorado at Denver. Department of Civil Engineering 10
- University of Connecticut 22
- University of Connecticut. Connecticut Transportation Institute 5
- University of Connecticut. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 5
- University of Delaware 16
- University of Delaware. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 18
- University of Delaware. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering 11
- University of Detroit Mercy 9
- University of Florida 20
- University of Florida (Gainesville) 7
- University of Florida. Dept. of Civil and Coastal Engineering 28
- University of Florida. Dept. of Industrial & Systems Engineering 12
- University of Florida. Dept. of Urban and Regional Planning 6
- University of Florida. Transportation Institute 16
- University of Hawaii at Manoa 13
- University of Hawaii at Manoa. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 10
- University of Idaho 66
- University of Idaho. Dept. of Civil Engineering 6
- University of Illinois at Chicago. Urban Transportation Center 9
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 10
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 18
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering 9
- University of Iowa 30
- University of Iowa. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 9
- University of Iowa. National Advanced Driving Simulator 7
- University of Kansas 6
- University of Kansas. Dept. of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering 15
- University of Kentucky 5
- University of Kentucky. Dept. of Civil Engineering 5
- University of Kentucky Transportation Center 6
- University of Louisiana at Lafayette 10
- University of Maine 6
- University of Maryland (College Park, Md.) 27
- University of Maryland (College Park, Md.). Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 11
- University of Maryland (College Park, Md.). Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering 8
- University of Massachusetts at Amherst 37
- University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering 18
- University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Dept. of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering 10
- University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Transportation Center 13
- University of Memphis 5
- University of Michigan 14
- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 16
- University of Michigan. Transportation Research Institute 45
- University of Minnesota 8
- University of Minnesota. Dept. of Civil Engineering 8
- University of Minnesota. Humphrey School of Public Affairs 6
- University of Mississippi. Center for Advanced Infrastructure Technology 5
- University of Missouri--Columbia. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering 7
- University of Missouri--Columbia. Dept. of Civil Engineering 5
- University of Missouri--Rolla. Center for Infrastructure Engineering Studies 5
- University of Missouri--St. Louis. Center for Transportation Studies 7
- University of Nebraska--Lincoln 14
- University of Nebraska--Lincoln. Dept. of Civil Engineering 19
- University of Nebraska--Lincoln. Nebraska Transportation Center 7
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln 10
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 7
- University of Nebraska. Mid-America Transportation Center 29
- University of Nevada, Las Vegas 6
- University of Nevada, Reno. Center for Advanced Transportation Education and Research 7
- University of Nevada, Reno. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 7
- University of Nevada, Reno. Solaris University Transportation Center 13
- University of Nevada. University Transportation Center on Improving Rail Transportation Infrastructure Sustainability and Durability 8
- University of New Mexico 17
- University of New Orleans 5
- University of New Orleans. Dept. of Planning and Urban Studies 8
- University of New Orleans. Transportation Institute 17
- University of North Carolina (System). Highway Safety Research Center 8
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 50
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Dept. of City and Regional Planning 6
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Highway Safety Research Center 9
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Injury Prevention Research Center 5
- University of North Carolina at Charlotte 8
- University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Center for Advanced Multimodal Mobility Solutions and Education 64
- University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 15
- University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Transportation Policy Studies 10
- University of Oklahoma 12
- University of Oklahoma. School of Civil Engineering and Environmental Science 18
- University of Oklahoma. School of Electrical and Computer Engineering 8
- University of Oregon 22
- University of Oregon. School of Planning, Public Policy and Management 8
- University of Pennsylvania 31
- University of Pennsylvania. School of Design 7
- University of Puerto Rico (Mayaguez Campus) 11
- University of Puerto Rico (Mayaguez Campus). Dept. of Civil Engineering & Surveying 15
- University of Rhode Island 7
- University of Rhode Island. Transportation Center 18
- University of South Carolina 12
- University of South Carolina. Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering 10
- University of Southern California 43
- University of Southern California, Los Angeles 57
- University of Southern California. Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering 7
- University of Southern California. Dept. of Electrical Engineering 8
- University of Southern California. Dept. of Industrial and Systems Engineering 7
- University of Southern California. School of Policy, Planning, and Development 5
- University of Southern California. School of Public Policy 16
- University of Southern California. Sol Price School of Public Policy 27
- University of South Florida 19
- University of South Florida. Center for Urban Transportation Research 96
- University of South Florida. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 18
- University of South Florida. National Center for Transit Research (U.S.) 44
- University of South Florida. School of Civil and Environmental Engineering 7
- University of Tennessee, Knoxville 30
- University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Center for Transportation Research 27
- University of Tennessee at Chattanooga 7
- University of Texas at Arlington 77
- University of Texas at Arlington. Department of Civil Engineering 6
- University of Texas at Austin 14
- University of Texas at Austin. Center for Transportation Research 107
- University of Texas at Austin. Cooperative Mobility for Competitive Megaregions 35
- University of Texas at Austin. Data-Supported Transportation Operations & Planning Center (D-STOP) 50
- University of Texas at Austin. Department of Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engineering 6
- University of Texas at Austin. School of Architecture 16
- University of Texas at Austin. School of Architecture. Urban Information Lab 16
- University of Texas at El Paso 21
- University of Texas at El Paso. Center for Transportation Infrastructure Systems 15
- University of Texas at El Paso. Department of Civil Engineering 9
- University of Texas at San Antonio 27
- University of Texas Rio Grande Valley 13
- University of Toledo 7
- University of Toledo. University Transportation Center 9
- University of Utah 49
- University of Utah. Department of City and Metropolitan Planning 10
- University of Utah. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 52
- University of Utah. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering 5
- University of Vermont 6
- University of Vermont. Transportation Research Center 76
- University of Virginia 18
- University of Virginia. Center for Transportation Studies 25
- University of Virginia. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering 7
- University of Washington 92
- University of Washington. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 20
- University of Washington. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering 8
- University of Washington. Dept. of Urban Design and Planning 6
- University of Washington. University Transportation Center for Region 10 56
- University of Wisconsin--Madison 19
- University of Wisconsin--Madison. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 8
- University of Wisconsin--Madison. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering 13
- University of Wisconsin--Madison. Traffic Operations and Safety Laboratory 10
- University of Wyoming 23
- University of Wyoming. Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering 24
- University of Wyoming. Dept. of Civil and Architectural Engineering 11
- University Transportation Center for Alabama 44
- University Transportation Center for Federal Region 10 17
- University Transportation Center for Railway Safety (UTCRS) [UTC] 16
- University Transportation Center for Underground Transportation Infrastructure 7
- University Transportation Center on Improving Rail Transportation Infrastructure Sustainability and Durability. USDOT Tier 1 6
- University Transportation Centers Program (U.S.) 54
- University Transportation Research Center 23
- Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute 60
- Urban Mobility & Equity Center 35
- Utah State University 37
- Utah State University. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 19
- Utah Transportation Center 8
- Vanderbilt University 6
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 39
- Virginia Tech 7
- Virginia Tech. Center for Vehicle Systems and Safety Railway Technologies Laboratory 7
- Virginia Tech Transportation Institute 149
- Washington State Transportation Center 13
- Washington State University 18
- Washington State University. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 20
- Washington State University. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering 7
- Washington State University. National Center for Transportation Infrastructure Durability & Life Extension (TriDurLE) UTC 14
- Western Michigan University 15
- Western Michigan University. Transportation Research Center for Livable Communities 5
- Western New England University 5
- Western Transportation Institute 99
- West Virginia University 11
- West Virginia University. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering 5
- Youngstown State University. Center for Transportation and Materials Engineering 5
- Youngstown State University. Dept. of Chemistry 5
- AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety 6
- ABSS, Inc. 1
- Accelerated Bridge Construction University Transportation Center (ABC-UTC) 20
- ACCESS Magazine 1
- Alabama. Department of Transportation 4
- Alabama. Dept. of Transportation 2
- Alaska. Department of Transportation and Public Facilities 23
- Alaska. Department of Transportation and Public Facilities. Research, Development, and Technology Transfer 2
- Alaska. Department of Transportation and Public Facilities. Research and Technology Transfer 4
- Alaska. Dept. of Transportation and Public Facilities 36
- Alaska. Dept. of Transportation and Public Facilities. Research, Development and Technology Transfer 17
- Alaska Marine Highway System 1
- Alaska University Transportation Center 37
- Arizona. Dept. of Transportation 1
- Arkansas. State Highway & Transportation Department 2
- Arkansas. State Highway & Transportation Dept. 1
- Arkansas. State Highway Dept. 1
- Association for Computing Machinery 1
- ATLAS Center (Mich.) 3
- Auburn University. National Center for Asphalt Technology 1
- Automated vehicle Services for People with disabilities–Involved Responsive Engineering (ASPIRE Center) [UTC] 1
- Bowling Green State University. College of Business Administration 1
- California. Department of Transportation 19
- California. Department of Transportation. Department of Research, Innovation and System Information 7
- California. Dept. of Transportation 9
- California. Dept. of Transportation. Division of Research and Innovation 22
- California Energy Commission 1
- California State University, San Bernardino 2
- California State University Transportation Consortium (CSUTC) 1
- Cambridge Systematics 1
- Carnegie-Mellon University 8
- Carnegie-Mellon University. Technologies for Safe and Efficient Transportation University Transportation Center 7
- Carnegie Mellon University. Remaking Cities Institute 1
- Carnegie Mellon University. Traffic21 Institute. Safety21 University Transportation Center (UTC) 36
- Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation (CAIT) (UTC) 5
- Center for Advanced Transportation Mobility, North Carolina A&T State University 23
- Center for Advancing Research in Transportation Emissions, Energy, and Health (CARTEEH) Tier-1 University Transportation Center (UTC) 16
- Center for Advancing Research in Transportation Emissions, Energy, and Health. Texas A&M Transportation Institute 23
- Center for Advancing Transportation Leadership and Safety (ATLAS Center) 18
- Center for Assured & Resilient Navigation in Advanced Transportation Systems (CARNATIONS) Tier-1 University Transportation Center (UTC) 1
- Center for Automated Vehicles Research with Multimodal Assured Navigation (CARMEN+) Tier-1 University Transportation Center (UTC) 10
- Center for Climate Smart Transportation (CCST) Tier-1 University Transportation Center (UTC) 1
- Center for Connected and Automated Transportation. Purdue University 19
- Center for Connected Multimodal Mobility, Clemson University 52
- Center for Equitable Transit Oriented Communities (CETOC) Tier-1 University Transportation Center (UTC) 1
- Center for Freight Transportation for Efficient and Resilient Supply Chain (FERSC) Tier 1 University Transportation Center (UTC) 1
- Center for Integrated Asset Management for Multimodal Transportation Infrastructure Systems (CIAMTIS) 8
- Center for Integrated Asset Management for Multimodal Transportation Infrastructure Systems (CIAMTIS) (UTC) 45
- Center for Intermodal Freight Transportation Studies 2
- Center for Large Landscape Conservation 1
- Center for Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety (CPBS) Tier-1 University Transportation Center (UTC) 6
- Center for Regional and Rural Connected Communities (CR2C2) Region 4 University Transportation Center (UTC) 1
- Center for Social and Economic Mobility for People And Communities through Transportation Center (SEMPACT) Region 2 University Transportation Center (UTC) 1
- Center for Sustainable Transportation Infrastructure (U.S.) 1
- Center for Teaching Old Models New Tricks (TOMNET) 56
- Center for the Multi-Modal Mobility in Urban, Rural and Tribal Areas (CMMM) Tier-1 University Transportation Center (UTC) 1
- Center for Transformative Infrastructure Preservation and Sustainability (CTIPS) Region 8 University Transportation Center (UTC) 1
- Center for Transportation, Environment, and Community Health. (CTECH) (UTC) 14
- Center for Transportation, Equity, Decisions and Dollars (CTEDD) 20
- Center for Transportation, Equity, Decisions and Dollars (CTEDD) (UTC) 58
- Center for Transportation and Livable Systems 4
- Center for Understanding Future of Travel Behavior and Demand (TBD) National University Transportation Center (UTC) 1
- Central Federal Lands Highway Division 2
- Central State University 1
- Charlotte Visualization Center 1
- City College of New York. University Transportation Research Center 15
- City University of New York. University Transportation Research Center 20
- Clemson University 1
- Cleveland State University. Transportation Center 1
- Coastal Research and Education Actions for Transportation Equity (CREATE) Tier-1 University Transportation Center (UTC) 1
- Collaborative Sciences Center for Road Safety 95
- Colorado. Dept. of Transportation. Applied Research and Innovation Branch 2
- Colorado. Dept. of Transportation. Research Branch 1
- Colorado. DTD Applied Research and Innovation Branch 2
- Colorado School of Mines 1
- Colorado State University 4
- Colorado State University. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering 1
- Columbia University. Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics 1
- Connected Cities for Smart Mobility toward Accessible and Resilient Transportation Center (C2SMART) 110
- Connected Communities for Smart Mobility Toward Accessible and Resilient Transportation for Equitably Reducing Congestion (C2SMARTER) Tier-1 University Transportation Center (UTC) 6
- Connected Vehicle/Infrastructure University Transportation Center 22
- Connecticut. Dept. of Transportation 1
- Cooperative Mobility for Competitive Megaregions (CM2) (UTC) 3
- Cornell University 1
- Cornell University. Center for Transportation, Environment, and Community Health. (CTECH) 47
- Cornell University. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering 2
- Cornell University. Dept. of Civil Environmental Engineering 1
- CTE/NCDOT Joint Environmental Research Program 2
- Delaware Center for Transportation 4
- Dryad [dataset distributor] 1
- Durable and Resilient Transportation Infrastructure (DuRe-Transp) Tier-1 University Transportation Center (UTC) 1
- Electric Drive Transportation Association 1
- Elsevier 9
- Environmentally Responsible Transportation Center for Communities of Concern (ERTC3) Tier-1 University Transportation Center (UTC) 1
- FAMU-FSU College of Engineering (Tallahassee, Fla.). Civil & Environmental Engineering 1
- Federal Highway Administration 2
- Findings Press 1
- Florida. Department of Transportation 18
- Florida. Department of Transportation. Public Transit Office 1
- Florida. Department of Transportation. Research Center 2
- Florida. Dept. of Transportation 21
- Florida. Dept. of Transportation. Research Center 16
- Florida Atlantic University 2
- Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged 1
- Florida Department of Transportation 10
- Florida International University 3
- Florida International University. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 9
- Florida International University. Lehman Center for Transportation Research 2
- Florida State University 1
- Florida State University. College of Business 2
- Florida State University. Institute for Science and Public Affairs 1
- Freight Mobility Research Institute. Florida Atlantic University 26
- Frontiers in Built Environment 1
- George Mason University. Transportation and Economic Development Center 3
- George Mason University Consortium 1
- Georgia. Department of Transportation. Office of Performance-Based Management & Research 1
- Georgia. Dept. of Transporation. Office of Performance-Based Management and Research 1
- Georgia. Dept. of Transportation 6
- Georgia. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Research 1
- Georgia Institute of Technology 5
- Georgia Institute of Technology. School of Civil and Environmental Engineering 5
- Georgia Transportation Institute University Transportation Center 3
- Gulf Coast Center for Evacuation and Transportation Resiliency 1
- Gulf Coast Research Center for Evacuation and Transportation Resiliency 13
- Hampton University. Eastern Seaboard Intermodal Transportation Applications Center 6
- Hampton University. School of Business 1
- Idaho. Transportation Department 11
- Idaho. Transportation Dept. 2
- IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society 1
- Illinois Center for Transportation 15
- Illinois Institute of Technology 1
- Illinois Institute of Technology. Center for Assured and Resilient Navigation in Advanced Transportation Systems 2
- Indiana Department of Transportation 1
- Innovative Bridge Technologies/Accelerated Bridge Construction (IBT/ABC) Tier-1 University Transportation Center (UTC) 1
- INRIX, Inc. 2
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1
- Institute of Navigation 1
- IOP Publishing 1
- Iowa. Department of Transportation. Aurora Program 5
- Iowa. Dept. of Transportation 6
- Iowa Department of Transportation 1
- Iowa Highway Research Board 1
- Iowa State University. Bridge Engineering Center 7
- Iowa State University. Center for Transportation Research and Education 7
- Iowa State University. Center for Weather Impacts on Mobility and Safety 2
- Iowa State University. Institute for Transportation 36
- Jackson State University. Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering 1
- Jackson State University. Institute for Multimodal Transportation 3
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.) 1
- John F. Kennedy School of Government 1
- John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 1
- K-TRAN (Research program) 2
- Kansas. Dept. of Transportation 39
- Kansas. Dept. of Transportation. Bureau of Materials & Research 24
- Kansas. Dept. of Transportation. Bureau of Research 5
- Kansas Department of Transportation. Bureau of Research 4
- Kansas State University. Transportation Center 2
- Leonard Transportation Center 14
- Leonard Transportation Center. 2
- Lewis Center for Regional Policy Studies 1
- Louisiana. Department of Transportation and Development 2
- Louisiana. Dept. of Transportation and Development 3
- Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge 2
- Louisiana Transportation Research Center 6
- Mack-Blackwell National Rural Transportation Study Center (U.S.) 42
- Maine Maritime Academy 6
- Maritime Transportation Research and Education Center 20
- Maritime Transportation Research and Education Center (MarTREC) 84
- Marshall University. Nick J. Rahall, II Appalachian Transportation Institute 2
- Maryland. Dept. of Transportation 1
- Maryland. State Highway Administration 9
- Maryland. State Highway Administration. Office of Policy & Research 9
- Maryland. State Highway Administration. Research Division 6
- Maryland Transportation Institute, University of Maryland 2
- Massachusetts. Department of Transportation 2
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology 4
- MDPI 2
- METRANS Transportation Center (Calif.) 183
- Michigan. Dept. of Transportation 1
- Michigan. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Research Administration 3
- Michigan. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Research and Best Practices 1
- Michigan. Dept. of Transportation. Research Administration 2
- Michigan Center for Advancing Safe Transportation Throughout the Lifespan 9
- Michigan Ohio University Transportation Center 25
- Michigan State University. Center for Highway Pavement Preservation 7
- Michigan Technological University 2
- Mid-America Freight Coalition 4
- Mid-America Transportation Center 120
- Mid-America Transportation Center for Transportation Safety and Equity (MATC-TSE) Region 7 University Transportation Center (UTC) 7
- Mid-Atlantic Transportation Sustainability University Transportation Center 26
- Mid-Atlantic Universities Transportation Center 79
- Midwest Regional University Transportation Center 11
- Midwest Roadside Safety Facility 1
- Midwest States Regional Pooled Fund Program 3
- Midwest Transportation Center 20
- Midwest Transportation Consortium 13
- Mineta National Transit Research Consortium 36
- Mineta Transportation Institute 294
- Minnesota. Dept. of Transportation 2
- Minnesota. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Minnesota Road Research 1
- Mississippi. Dept. of Transportation 2
- Mississippi State University 1
- Mississippi State University. National Center for Intermodal Transportation for Economic Competitiveness 46
- Missouri. Department of Transportation 8
- Missouri. Department of Transportation. Construction and Materials Division 2
- Missouri. Department of Transportation. Research, Development and Technology 1
- Missouri. Dept. of Transportation 6
- Missouri. Dept. of Transportation. Division of Construction and Materials 7
- Missouri. Dept. of Transportation. Organizational Results 1
- Missouri. Dept. of Transportation. Research, Development and Technology Division 4
- Missouri University of Science and Technology 7
- Missouri University of Science and Technology. Center for Infrastructure Engineering Studies 41
- Missouri University of Science and Technology. Center for Transportation Infrastructure and Safety 140
- MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics 1
- Mobility21 (UTC) 8
- Mobility21, Carnegie Mellon University 109
- Montana. Department of Transportation 9
- Montana. Department of Transportation. Research Programs 5
- Montana. Dept. of Transportation 1
- Montana. Dept. of Transportation. Research Programs 38
- Montana State University--Bozeman 2
- Montana State University. Western Transportation Institute 33
- Morgan State University 6
- Morgan State University. National Transportation Center 11
- Morgan State University. Sustainable Mobility and Accessibility Regional Transportation Equity Research Center (SMARTER) Region 3 University Transportation Center (UTC) 14
- Morgan State University. Urban Mobility & Equity Center 2
- Mountain-Plains Consortium 293
- Mountain Plains Consortium 152
- Multimodal Transportation and Infrastructure Consortium 4
- National Center for Freight and Infrastructure Research and Education (U.S.) 93
- National Center for Infrastructure Transformation (NCIT) National University Transportation Center (UTC) 1
- National Center for Intermodal Transportation 32
- National Center for Intermodal Transportation and Economic Development (U.S.) 1
- National Center for Intermodal Transportation for Economic Competitiveness 1
- National Center for Sustainable Transportation 93
- National Center for Sustainable Transportation (NCST) (UTC) 408
- National Center for Transit Research (U.S.) 86
- National Center for Transportation Cybersecurity and Resiliency (TraCR) National University Transportation Center (UTC) 1
- National Center for Transportation Research 1
- National Center for Transportation Systems Productivity and Management (U.S.) 10
- National Institute for Advanced Transportation Technology (NIATT) (U.S.) 25
- National Institute for Advanced Transportation Technology (U.S.) 25
- National Institute for Congestion Reduction 20
- National Institute for Transportation and Communities 20
- National Institute for Transportation and Communities (NITC) 121
- National Research Council (U.S.). Transportation Research Board 2
- National Science Foundation (U.S.) 1
- National Transit Resource Center 1
- National Transportation Center (U.S.) 11
- National Transportation Research Center, Incorporated, University Transportation Center 30
- National University Rail Center (NURail) 26
- National University Rail Center (U.S.) 22
- National Urban Transit Institute (U.S.) 3
- Nebraska. Department of Transportation 1
- Nebraska. Dept. of Roads 3
- Nebraska Transportation Center 9
- Nevada. Dept. of Transportation 5
- Nevada Department of Transportation 1
- New England Transportation Institute 2
- New England University Transportation Center 166
- New England University Transportation Center (NEUTC) Region 1 University Transportation Center (UTC) 1
- New Jersey. Department of Transportation. Bureau of Research 1
- New Jersey. Dept. of Transportation 33
- New Jersey. Dept. of Transportation. Bureau of Research 6
- New Jersey Institute of Technology 4
- New York (N.Y.). Department of Transportation 1
- New York (N.Y.). Dept. of Transportation 1
- New York (State). Department of Transportation. Materials Bureau 1
- New York (State). Dept. of Transportation 9
- New York (State). Dept. of Transportation. Environmental Science Bureau 1
- New York Metropolitan Transportation Council 1
- New York State Department of Transportation 1
- New York State Energy Research and Development Authority 2
- New York University 1
- New York University. Tandon School of Engineering 1
- Nextrans 2
- NEXTRANS Center (U.S.) 75
- Nick J. Rahall, II Appalachian Transportation Institute (U.S.) 5
- Norman Y. Mineta International Institute for Surface Transportation Policy Studies 4
- North Carolina. Dept. of Transportation 2
- North Carolina A&T Sate University 1
- North Carolina A&T Sate University. Transportation Institute. Center For Advanced Transportation Mobility 14
- North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University. Urban Transit Institute 2
- North Carolina State University 1
- North Dakota State University 16
- Northeastern University. College of Engineering 1
- Northwestern University (Evanston, Ill.). Center for the Commercialization of Innovative Transportation Technology 12
- Northwestern University (Evanston, Ill.). Infrastructure Technology Institute 14
- Northwestern University Transportation Center 1
- Ohio. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Research and Development 1
- Ohio State University 1
- Ohio State University. Crash Imminent Safety (CrIS) University Transportation Center 4
- Ohio Transportation Consortium 8
- Ohio University. Dept. of Civil Engineering 1
- Oklahoma State University. School of Civil & Environmental Engineering. Oklahoma Infrastructure Consortium 1
- Oklahoma Transportation Center 63
- Oregon. Dept. of Transportation 6
- Oregon. Dept. of Transportation. Research Section 14
- Oregon. Dept. of Transportation. Research Unit 17
- Oregon Department of Transportation 1
- Oregon State University 2
- Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium 68
- Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 1
- Pacific Northwest Transportation Consortium 94
- Pacific Northwest Transportation Consortium (PacTrans) (UTC) 153
- Pacific Southwest Region 9 UTC, University of Southern California 55
- Pacific Southwest Region University Transportation Center (UTC) 58
- Pacific Southwest Region UTC 1
- Penn State Marcellus Center for Outreach and Research 1
- Pennsylvania. Department of Transportation. Office of Planning and Research 2
- Pennsylvania. Dept. of Transportation 5
- Pennsylvania. Dept. of Transportation. Bureau of Planning and Research 5
- Pennsylvania State University 1
- Pennsylvania Transportation Institute 4
- Portland State University 7
- Portland State University. National Institute for Transportation and Communities 11
- Purdue University 21
- Purdue University. Joint Transportation Research Program 5
- Research on Concrete Applications for Sustainable Transportation 5
- Research on Concrete Applications for Sustainable Transportation (RE-CAST) 19
- Research on Concrete Applications for Sustainable Transportation (RE-CAST) (UTC) 6
- Rhode Island. Dept. of Transportation 3
- Roadway Safety Institute 2
- Roadway Safety Institute (UTC) 6
- Rocky Mountain National Park 2
- Rudin Center for Transportation Policy & Management 2
- Rutgers University 4
- Rutgers University. Center for Advanced Infrastructure & Transportation 11
- Rutgers University. Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation 153
- Safety Research Using Simulation (SAFER-SIM) University Transportation Center 104
- Safety through Disruption (Safe-D) University Transportation Center (UTC) 165
- SAGE Publications 3
- San Jose State University 27
- San Jose State University. College of Business. Mineta Transportation Institute 191
- San Jose State University. Mineta Consortium for Equitable, Efficient, and Sustainable Transportation (MCEEST) Tier 1 University Transportation Center (UTC) 5
- Small Urban and Rural Transit Center. 2
- Smart Work Zone Deployment Initiative 4
- SOLARIS Consortium 7
- South Dakota. Department of Transportation. Office of Research 4
- Southeastern Transportation Center (U.S.) 5
- Southeastern Transportation Research, Innovation, Development and Education Center (STRIDE) 117
- Southern Plains Transportation Center 50
- Southwest Region University Transportation Center (U.S.) 199
- State of California. Trustees of the California State University. Sponsored Programs Administration 3
- Taylor & Francis 6
- Technologies for Safe and Efficient Transportation. University Transportation Center 29
- Tennessee. Department of Transportation 12
- Texas. Dept. of Transportation. Research and Technology Implementation Office 2
- Texas A&M Transportation Institute 49
- Texas A & M University 4
- Texas A & M University. Institute for Science, Technology and Public Policy 2
- Texas Southern University. Center for Transportation Training and Research 11
- Texas Transportation Institute 74
- Texas Transportation Institute. University Transportation Center for Mobility 39
- Texas Transportation Institute. University Transportation Center for Railway Safety 5
- Thomas D. Larson Pennsylvania Transportation Institute 2
- Tier-1 University Transportation Center on Telemobility (Telemobility UTC) 5
- TranLIVE. University of Idaho 27
- Transit – Serving Communities Optimally, Responsively, and Efficiently (T-SCORE) Center [UTC] 8
- Transportation Consortium of South-Central States 250
- Transportation Informatics University Transportation Center 14
- Transportation Infrastructure Precast Innovation Center (TRANS-IPIC) Tier-1 University Transportation Center (UTC) 12
- Transportation Northwest (Organization) 30
- Transportation Northwest (TransNow) UTC 34
- Transportation Research and Education Center (TREC) 2
- United States. Agricultural Marketing Service 2
- United States. Department of Transportation 2
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration 2
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Highway Policy Information 10
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Transit Administration 10
- United States. Department of Transportation. National Transportation Library [distributor] 4
- United States. Department of Transportation. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology 107
- United States. Department of Transportation. Office of the Secretary of Transportation 2
- United States. Department of Transportation. University Transportation Centers (UTC) Program 8
- United States. Dept. of Transportation 5
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Research and Special Programs 2
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology 11
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Research and Innovative Technology Administration 65
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Research and Special Programs Administration 16
- United States. Federal Highway Administration 21
- United States. Federal Highway Administration 3
- University at Buffalo, 2
- University of Alabama at Birmingham. University Transportation Center 6
- University of Alaska Fairbanks 2
- University of Alaska Fairbanks. Center for Environmentally Sustainable Transportation in Cold Climates 22
- University of Alaska Fairbanks. Center for Safety Equity in Transportation (CSET) 50
- University of Alaska Fairbanks. Institute of Northern Engineering 2
- University of Arkansas 6
- University of Arkansas, Fayetteville 6
- University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. Dept. of Civil Engineering 2
- University of Arkansas. Mack-Blackwell Transportation Center 8
- University of California (System). Pavement Research Center 2
- University of California (System). Transportation Center 2
- University of California, Berkeley. Institute of Transportation Studies 6
- University of California, Berkeley. Safe Transportation Research and Education Center 7
- University of California, Davis 20
- University of California, Davis. Institute of Transportation Studies 55
- University of California, Los Angeles. Institute of Transportation Studies 2
- University of California, Riverside 7
- University of California, Riverside. Center for Environmental Research and Technology 2
- University of California Institute of Transportation Studies 4
- University of California Transportation Center 2
- University of Central Florida 3
- University of Central Florida. Center for Advanced Transportation Systems Simulation 12
- University of Central Florida. College of Engineering and Computer Science 2
- University of Central Florida. Electric Vehicle Transportation Center (EVTC) 22
- University of Denver 3
- University of Florida. Center for Multimodal Solutions for Congestion Mitigation 33
- University of Florida. Transportation Institute 3
- University of Illinois at Chicago. Urban Transportation Center 2
- University of Kansas. Transportation Research Institute 2
- University of Kentucky Transportation Center 8
- University of Maryland. National Transportation Center (UTC) 3
- University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Transportation Center 4
- University of Michigan 4
- University of Michigan. Center for Connected and Automated Transportation 92
- University of Michigan. Transportation Research Institute 7
- University of Minnesota. Center for Transportation Studies 17
- University of Minnesota. Center for Transportation Studies. Intelligent Transportation Systems Institute 3
- University of Minnesota. Intelligent Transportation Systems Institute 10
- University of Nebraska--Lincoln 5
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Mid-America Transportation Center 34
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln. University Transportation Center for Railway Safety 9
- University of Nebraska. Mid-America Transportation Center 71
- University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Transportation Research Center 3
- University of Nevada, Reno. Center for Civil Engineering Earthquake Research 3
- University of Nevada, Reno. Solaris University Transportation Center 16
- University of Nevada. University Transportation Center on Improving Rail Transportation Infrastructure Sustainability and Durability 15
- University of North Carolina (System). Highway Safety Research Center 4
- University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 11
- University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Center for Advanced Multimodal Mobility Solutions and Education 81
- University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Transportation Policy Studies 10
- University of Oklahoma 5
- University of Pennsylvania 3
- University of Rhode Island. Transportation Center 42
- University of Southern California 7
- University of South Florida 3
- University of South Florida. Center for Urban Transportation Research 43
- University of South Florida. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 2
- University of South Florida. National Institute for Congestion Reduction 23
- University of Tennessee, Knoxville 2
- University of Texas at Arlington 2
- University of Texas at Austin. Center for Transportation Research 21
- University of Texas at Austin. Cooperative Mobility for Competitive Megaregions 42
- University of Texas at Austin. Data-Supported Transportation Operations & Planning Center (D-STOP) 47
- University of Texas at El Paso. Center for Transportation Infrastructure Systems 2
- University of Texas at El Paso. Department of Civil Engineering 2
- University of Toledo 5
- University of Toledo. University Transportation Center 9
- University of Utah. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering 6
- University of Utah. Traffic Laboratory 2
- University of Vermont. Transportation Research Center 56
- University of Virginia. Center for Transportation Studies 8
- University of Washington 12
- University of Washington. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 2
- University of Washington. Dept. of Civil Engineering 2
- University of Washington. Transportation Northwest Regional Center X (TransNow) 5
- University of Washington. University Transportation Center for Region 10 39
- University Transportation Center for Alabama 143
- University Transportation Center for Railway Safety (UTCRS) Tier-1 University Transportation Center (UTC) 16
- University Transportation Center for Underground Transportation Infrastructure (UTC) 7
- University Transportation Center Program at the University of Missouri--Rolla 4
- University Transportation Centers Program (U.S.) 133
- University Transportation Research Center 100
- University Transportation Research Center – Region 2 5
- Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute 45
- Urban Mobility & Equity Center 36
- Utah. Department of Transportation 3
- Utah. Dept. of Transportation 3
- Utah. Dept. of Transportation. Research Division 3
- Utah Department of Transportation 2
- Utah State University 5
- Vermont. Agency of Transportation 6
- Virginia. Dept. of Transportation 4
- Virginia Center for Transportation Innovation and Research 6
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 3
- Virginia Tech 2
- Virginia Tech. Center for Vehicle Systems and Safety Railway Technologies Laboratory 5
- Virginia Tech Transportation Institute 8
- Virginia Transportation Research Council 3
- Virginia Transportation Research Council (VTRC) 3
- Washington (State). Department of Transportation 3
- Washington (State). Dept. of Transportation 2
- Washington (State). Dept. of Transportation. Office of Research and Library Services 10
- Washington (State). Dept. of Transportation. Research Office 3
- Washington State Department of Transportation 2
- Washington State Transportation Center 3
- Washington State University. National Center for Transportation Infrastructure Durability & Life Extension (TriDurLE) UTC 15
- Wayne State University 2
- Western Michigan University 3
- Western Michigan University. Transportation Research Center for Livable Communities 29
- Western Transportation Institute 18
- West Virginia. Dept. of Transportation 5
- West Virginia Dept. of Transportation. Division of Highways 2
- Wiley Periodicals LLC 2
- Wisconsin. Department of Transportation 5
- Wisconsin. Dept. of Transportation 11
- Wisconsin. Dept. of Transportation. Research and Library Unit 2
- Wyoming. Department of Transportation 2
- Youngstown State University. Center for Transportation and Materials Engineering 10
- Access 93
- Accessibility 201
- Accident data 45
- Administration and Management 46
- Admixtures 51
- Advanced traffic management systems 47
- Advanced traveler information systems 44
- Aged 81
- Aged drivers 75
- Air pollution 81
- Airports 36
- Air quality 80
- Air quality management 54
- Algorithms 281
- Alternate fuels 70
- Alternatives analysis 112
- Analysis 84
- Arterial highways 46
- Artificial intelligence 72
- Asphalt mixtures 56
- Asphalt pavements 72
- Asset management 107
- Attitudes 156
- Automated vehicle control 43
- Automatic data collection systems 76
- Automation 57
- Automobile ownership 55
- Autonomous vehicles 392
- Before and after studies 86
- Behavior 236
- Benefit cost analysis 135
- Best practices 120
- Bicycle facilities 55
- Bicycle lanes 34
- Bicycles 94
- Bicycle travel 63
- Bicycling 126
- Bikeways 37
- Binders 36
- Bituminous binders 34
- Bond strength (Materials) 38
- Bridge construction 91
- Bridge decks 127
- Bridge design 121
- Bridge management systems 59
- Bridge piers 40
- Bridges 274
- Bridges and other structures 106
- Built environment 70
- Buses 50
- Bus stops 35
- Bus transit 78
- Calibration 75
- Cameras 69
- Carbon dioxide 35
- Carbon fibers 36
- Case studies 374
- Cement 37
- Choice models 47
- Cities 62
- City planning 58
- Climate change 116
- College students 66
- Collisions 47
- Columns 51
- Commercial vehicles 48
- Commodity flow 38
- Communicable diseases 53
- Communication 42
- Communities 82
- Commuters 64
- Commuting 85
- Composite materials 40
- Compressive strength 43
- Computer models 55
- Computer security 36
- Computer vision 51
- Concrete 113
- Concrete bridges 86
- Concrete pavements 62
- Condition surveys 58
- Congestion management systems 47
- Congestion pricing 47
- Connected vehicles 340
- Construction 65
- Construction projects 46
- Consumer preferences 34
- Cooperation 41
- Corrosion 75
- Cost effectiveness 98
- Costs 181
- Countermeasures 74
- COVID-19 167
- Cracking 92
- Crash analysis 51
- Crash causes 43
- Crash data 99
- Crashes 58
- Crash injuries 39
- Crash rates 58
- Crash risk forecasting 48
- Crash severity 39
- Crosswalks 46
- Crowdsourcing 50
- Curricula 53
- Cyclists 134
- Data 54
- Data analysis 223
- Data and Information Technology 96
- Databases 85
- Data collection 457
- Data files 120
- Data fusion 51
- Data management 91
- Data management plans 71
- Data mining 52
- Data sharing 39
- Decision making 217
- Decision support systems 99
- Deformation 34
- Deicing chemicals 36
- Delivery service 58
- Demand 50
- Demand responsive transportation 78
- Demographics 138
- Design 154
- Detection and identification systems 52
- Deterioration 59
- Disaster preparedness 73
- Disaster resilience 94
- Disasters and emergency operations 72
- Distraction 61
- Driver distraction 41
- Driver performance 65
- Drivers 208
- Driver support systems 84
- Driving 34
- Driving simulators 163
- Drones 73
- Durability 109
- Earthquake resistant design 79
- Earthquakes 53
- Economic analysis 36
- Economic impacts 112
- Economics 56
- Education 122
- Education and training 160
- Education and Training 44
- Electric vehicle charging 95
- Electric vehicles 268
- Electronic commerce 37
- Emergency management 40
- Emissions reduction 52
- Employment 52
- Energy 62
- Energy consumption 75
- Environment 116
- Environmental impacts 237
- Equity (Justice) 283
- Estimating 43
- Evacuation 89
- Evaluation 150
- Evaluation and assessment 202
- Exhaust gases 133
- Fatalities 104
- Fatigue (Mechanics) 50
- Fatigue cracking 35
- Feasibility analysis 114
- Fees 61
- Females 39
- Fiber reinforced concrete 41
- Fiber reinforced polymers 67
- Field studies 45
- Field tests 129
- Finance 68
- Financing 128
- Finite element method 153
- Fleet management 49
- Flexible pavements 38
- Floods 97
- Fly ash 62
- Focus groups 36
- Forecasting 223
- Freeways 81
- Freeze thaw durability 39
- Freight service 34
- Freight traffic 169
- Freight transportation 222
- Freight Transportation 61
- Fuel consumption 104
- Fuel taxes 84
- Gender 41
- Geographic information systems 158
- Geotechnology 40
- Girder bridges 42
- Girders 50
- Global Positioning System 118
- Greenhouse gases 196
- Guidelines 100
- Health 73
- High risk locations 38
- High school students 51
- High speed rail 50
- Highway bridges 75
- Highway capacity 72
- Highway design 97
- Highway maintenance 73
- Highway operations 38
- Highway planning 38
- Highways 768
- Highway safety 353
- Highway traffic control 50
- Highway user taxation 50
- Households 57
- Housing 45
- Human factors 73
- Hurricanes 65
- Hybrid vehicles 39
- I10: Economics and Administration 53
- I15: Environment 36
- I24: Design of Bridges and Retaining Walls 42
- I72: Traffic and Transport Planning 111
- I73: Traffic Control 62
- Image analysis 46
- Image processing 40
- Impacts 128
- Implementation 128
- Improvements 35
- Incentives 74
- Incident management 36
- Information infrastructure and data 39
- Information processing 55
- Infrastructure 352
- Innovation 42
- Inspection 147
- Intelligent transportation systems 213
- Intelligent vehicles 154
- Intermodal transportation 99
- Intersections 111
- Investments 60
- Laboratory tests 145
- Labor force 65
- Land use 150
- Land use planning 87
- Lane changing 39
- Laser radar 128
- Level of service 47
- Life cycle analysis 89
- Life cycle costing 64
- Literature reviews 232
- Load factor 35
- Load tests 59
- Location 81
- Logistics 78
- Low income groups 88
- Machine learning 222
- Maintenance 80
- Maintenance and Preservation 69
- Maintenance management 46
- Mapping 49
- Marketing 37
- Market penetration 37
- Materials 91
- Mathematical models 185
- Mathematical prediction 42
- Mechanical properties 43
- Methodology 149
- Metrics (Quantitative assessment) 51
- Metropolitan areas 62
- Metropolitan planning organizations 56
- Microsimulation 60
- Mileage-based user fees 63
- Minorities 46
- Mix design 99
- Mobile applications 94
- Mobile communication systems 73
- Mobility 392
- Mode choice 195
- Moisture content 38
- Monitoring 84
- Multimodal transportation 166
- Neighborhoods 51
- Network analysis (Planning) 53
- Networks 44
- Neural networks 76
- Nondestructive tests 66
- Nonmotorized transportation 64
- Operations and Traffic Management 164
- Optimization 271
- Origin and destination 76
- Outreach 68
- Overlays (Pavements) 35
- Overweight loads 49
- Paratransit services 51
- Parking 70
- Particulates 41
- Pavement cracking 34
- Pavement design 58
- Pavement distress 64
- Pavement maintenance 100
- Pavement management systems 56
- Pavement performance 135
- Pavements 141
- Pedestrian movement 45
- Pedestrians 154
- Pedestrian safety 169
- Pedestrians and Bicyclists 64
- Perception 35
- Performance 41
- Performance measurement 158
- Persons with disabilities 55
- Pilot studies 52
- Planning 73
- Planning and Forecasting 221
- Plug-in hybrid vehicles 39
- Policy 170
- Policy analysis 57
- Pollutants 211
- Portland cement concrete 34
- Ports 53
- Precast concrete 58
- Predictive models 47
- Pricing 36
- Prototypes 50
- Public health 70
- Public opinion 84
- Public private partnerships 54
- Public transit 577
- Public Transportation 112
- Public transportation 38
- Quality control 48
- Quality of life 51
- Railroad grade crossings 35
- Railroads 98
- Railroad safety 37
- Railroad tracks 56
- Railroad transportation 51
- Rail transit 47
- Ramp metering 39
- Real time information 160
- Recommendations 108
- Recruiting 46
- Recycled materials 69
- Regional planning 71
- Regional transportation 55
- Regression analysis 78
- Rehabilitation (Maintenance) 66
- Reinforced concrete 50
- Reinforced concrete bridges 64
- Reinforcing bars 44
- Reliability 42
- Remote sensing 98
- Renewable energy sources 45
- Repairing 66
- Research 129
- Research Hub 948
- Research projects 84
- Retrofitting 54
- Revenues 53
- Ridership 134
- Ridesharing 126
- Ridesourcing 118
- Risk analysis 35
- Risk assessment 166
- Risk management 42
- Road construction 74
- Roads 51
- Route choice 70
- Routes and routing 68
- Routing 76
- Runoff 55
- Rural areas 152
- Rural highways 78
- Rural transportation 39
- Rutting 58
- Safety 231
- Safety and Human Factors 171
- Scheduling 45
- Scooters 52
- Scour 35
- Seismicity 49
- Sensors 217
- Service disruption 37
- Service life 82
- Shared mobility 109
- Shear strength 46
- Signalized intersections 120
- Simulation 384
- Smartphones 97
- Social factors 41
- Society 43
- Socioeconomic factors 59
- Software 113
- Soils 35
- Soil stabilization 48
- Spatial analysis 143
- Speed limits 48
- Stakeholders 68
- State departments of transportation 80
- State of the practice 40
- Statistical analysis 129
- Steel bridges 41
- Strategic planning 101
- Structural analysis 74
- Structural health monitoring 151
- Students 35
- Supply chain management 73
- Surveys 532
- Sustainable development 139
- Sustainable transportation 168
- Taxes 59
- Technological innovations 82
- Technology 57
- Technology transfer 52
- Teenage drivers 40
- Testing 62
- Test procedures 50
- Tolls 36
- Traffic 44
- Traffic accidents 67
- Traffic congestion 291
- Traffic control 57
- Traffic control devices 41
- Traffic counts 41
- Traffic crashes 116
- Traffic data 87
- Traffic delay 36
- Traffic delays 62
- Traffic estimation 37
- Traffic flow 235
- Traffic models 97
- Traffic platooning 50
- Traffic safety 370
- Traffic signal control systems 66
- Traffic signals 58
- Traffic signal timing 60
- Traffic signs 44
- Traffic simulation 202
- Traffic speed 66
- Traffic surveillance 57
- Traffic volume 98
- Training 73
- Transit buses 46
- Transit operating agencies 75
- Transit oriented development 87
- Transit riders 50
- Transportation 226
- Transportation (General) 56
- Transportation careers 104
- Transportation corridors 40
- Transportation disadvantaged persons 108
- Transportation engineering 55
- Transportation planning 344
- Transportation policy 84
- Transportation safety 84
- Transportation system management 42
- Travel behavior 342
- Travel demand 225
- Travel demand management 66
- Travel patterns 76
- Travel surveys 98
- Travel time 233
- Trend (Statistics) 35
- Trucking 99
- Trucking safety 38
- Trucks 155
- Truck traffic 82
- Uncertainty 39
- Universities and colleges 115
- University Transportation Centers 69
- Urban areas 205
- Urban highways 39
- Urban transit 49
- Urban transportation 68
- User charges 61
- Validation 94
- Vehicle fleets 44
- Vehicle miles of travel 155
- Vehicle mix 37
- Vehicle safety 52
- Vehicles and Equipment 84
- Vehicle sharing 104
- Vehicle to infrastructure communications 47
- Vehicle to vehicle communications 53
- Vehicle trajectories 44
- Vibration 36
- Video 53
- Virtual reality 71
- Visualization 46
- Vulnerable road users 47
- Walking 71
- Warning systems 41
- Weather conditions 70
- Weigh in motion 35
- Winter maintenance 58
- Wireless communication systems 96
- Work zones 51
- Work zone safety 73
- Work zone traffic control 48
- Zero emission vehicles 40
- #373 2
- 00-032 2
- 01-001 2
- 01-002 2
- 01-003 3
- 01-004 2
- 01-005 2
- 01-006 2
- 02-008 2
- 02-009 2
- 02-010 2
- 02-016 2
- 02-020 3
- 02-026 2
- 02-27 2
- 03-036 2
- 03-040 3
- 03-049 2
- 03-050 2
- 03-082 2
- 03-087 2
- 04-100 2
- 04-104 2
- 04-110 2
- 04-115 2
- 04-121 2
- 05-008 2
- 05-082 2
- 05-087 2
- 05-091 2
- 05-097 2
- 05-098 2
- 05-116 2
- 5-1121-0005-143-1, MATC-UI: 143-1 2
- 06-001 3
- 06-002 2
- 06-003 2
- 06-004 2
- 06-007 2
- 06-010 2
- 06-011 3
- 06-012 2
- 06-013 2
- 10-01 2
- 15-298 2
- 17BASU01 2
- 17BASU03 2
- 17BLSU01 2
- 17BLSU02 2
- 17BLSU06 2
- 17CASU02 2
- 17CLSU05 2
- 17CLSU08 2
- 17CNMS01 2
- 17CTAM01 2
- 17GTLSU04 2
- 17GTLSU12 2
- 17GTTAM02 2
- 17ITSLSU09 2
- 17ITSOKS02 2
- 17PPLSU13 2
- 17PPUNM01 2
- 17PUTA01 2
- 17PUTA02 2
- 17SALSU10 2
- 17STLSU03 2
- 17STLSU11 2
- 17STOKS01 2
- 17STTAM04 2
- 17TTNTU01 2
- 18CASU03 2
- 18CLSU02 2
- 18CLSU03 2
- 18CNMS01 2
- 18CTAM03 3
- 18GTASU01 2
- 18GTLSU06 2
- 18GTLSU10 2
- 18GTTSA02 2
- 18GTUNM01 2
- 18HSTSA01 2
- 18HSTSA02 2
- 18ITSLSU09 2
- 18ITSOKS01 2
- 18ITSTSA03 2
- 18PLSU08 2
- 18PLSU13 2
- 18POKS03 2
- 18PPLSU04 2
- 18PPPVU01 2
- 18SATSA05 2
- 18STOKS02 2
- 18STTAM02 2
- 18STTSA04 2
- 18STUNM03 2
- 18STUTA01 2
- 18TTNMS02 2
- 19-16 3
- 19-19, MTI Report CA-MTI-1715 2
- 19-20 2
- 19-30, CA-MTI-1801 2
- 19BASU02 2
- 19BLSU01 2
- 19BLSU02 2
- 19CASU03 2
- 19CLSU03 2
- 19CLSU04 2
- 19CTAM02 2
- 19GTASU01 2
- 19GTUTA01 2
- 19ITSLSU06 2
- 19ITSLSU07 2
- 19ITSOSU01 2
- 19ITSUTA02 2
- 19PITSLSU14 2
- 19PLSU09 2
- 19PLSU13 2
- 19PPLSU11 2
- 19PPLSU12 2
- 19PPPVU01 2
- 19PPUNM01 2
- 19SAUNM03 2
- 19SAUTA03 2
- 19SAUTA04 2
- 19STLSU10 2
- 19STUNM02 2
- 19STUNM04 2
- 19STUTSA02 2
- 19TTNTU03 2
- 20-09 2
- 20-16 2
- 20-26, CA-MTI-2007 3
- 20-30 2
- 20-36 2
- 20-36, CA-MTI-1811 2
- 20BLSU03 2
- 20BLSU19 2
- 20CLSU05 2
- 20CLSU08 2
- 20CNMSU40 2
- 20CTAMU22 2
- 20CUNM41 2
- 20GTLSU10 2
- 20GTLSU11 2
- 20GTTAMU21 2
- 20GTUNM31 2
- 20ITSLSU17 2
- 20ITSOSU38 2
- 20ITSUNM03 2
- 20ITSUTA27 2
- 20OPOSU037 2
- 20PLSU02 2
- 20PPLSU14 2
- 20PUTA28 2
- 20PUTSA34 2
- 20PUTSA42 2
- 20SALSU13 2
- 20SAOSU06 2
- 20SATAMU20 2
- 20SAUTSA35 2
- 20SAUTSA36 2
- 20STLSU01 2
- 20STLSU12 2
- 20STUNM30 2
- 20STUNM33 2
- 20STUTA25 2
- 20STUTA26 2
- 21-10 2
- 21-35, CA-MTI-1944 2
- 22-18 2
- 22-36 2
- 23-05 2
- 23-29 2
- 23-33 2
- 23-38 2
- 23-41 2
- 24-03 2
- 24-12 2
- 24-36 2
- 24-50 2
- 25-1121-0005-130-1, MATC-MS&T: 130-1 2
- 25-1121-0005-133-1 2
- 25-1121-0005-134-1, MATC-MS&T: 134-1 2
- 25-1121-0005-145-3 3
- 25-1121-0005-152-1, MATC-KU: 152-1 2
- 61-4027 3
- 69A3551747105 2
- 69A3551747111 6
- 69A3551747116 2
- 69A3551747119 2
- 69A3551747122 2
- 69A3551747129 2
- 69A3551747130 2
- 69A3551747133 2
- 930-722R 2
- 2008-004 2
- 2008-005 2
- 2010-001 2
- 2011-009 2
- 2013-022S 2
- 2013-S-WSU-0044 2
- 2017-S-OSU-4 2
- 2018-M-WSU-2 2
- 2018-S-UAF-2 2
- 2018-S-UI-1 2
- 2018-S-UI-3 2
- 2018-S-UW-1 2
- 2018-S-UW-2 2
- 2019-M-UI-1 2
- 2019-ME-UW-4 2
- 2019-S-OSU-2 2
- 2019-S-OSU-3 2
- 2019-S-UW-2 2
- 2019-S-WSU-2 2
- 2020-COV-OSU-4 2
- 2020-COV-UI-1 2
- 2020-COV-UW-1 2
- 2020-M-OSU-4 2
- 2020-M-UAF-2 2
- 2020-S-OSU-2 2
- 2020-S-UI-1 2
- 2020-S-UI-3 2
- 2020-S-UW-2 2
- 2020-S-UW-3 2
- 2020-S-WSU-1 2
- 2020-S-WSU-2 2
- 2020-UCD-01 2
- 2021-M-UAF-2 2
- 2021-S-OSU-2 2
- 2021-S-UI-3 2
- 2021-S-UW-2 2
- 2021-S-UW-3 2
- 2022-M-UAF-2 2
- 2022-S-OSU-1 2
- 2022-S-UAF-1 2
- 2022-S-UI-1 2
- 2022-S-WSU-3 2
- 2320 23-32 2
- 10404 2
- 13030 2
- 13041 2
- 00029576 2
- 107018 2
- ABC-UTC-2013-C1-FIU05-Final 2
- ABC-UTC-2016-C1-ISU02-Final 2
- AISCE Report 07001 2
- ALDOT #930-649 2
- BD-548-22 4
- BD 549 RPWO 28 2
- BDK85 977-31 2
- BDK85 977-33 2
- BDK85 TWO 977-13 2
- C-06-13 2
- C-06-15 2
- C-08-20 2
- C-10-08 2
- CA-MNTRC-14-1136 7
- CA-MNTRC-16-1250 2
- CA-MTI-10-2907 2
- CA-MTI-10-2928 4
- CA-MTI-11-1031 2
- CA-MTI-11-2604 2
- CA-MTI-11-2903 2
- CA-MTI-11-2904 2
- CA-MTI-12-1128 2
- CA-MTI-12-1228 3
- CA-MTI-12-2906 2
- CA-MTI-14-1328 3
- CA-MTI-15-1428 3
- CA-MTI-16-1528 2
- CA-MTI-17-1728 2
- CA-MTI-1828 3
- CA-MTI-2101 3
- CA-MTI-2318 2
- CA-MTI-2320 2
- CA-MTI-2321 2
- CA16-2815 2
- CAIT-UTC-006 2
- CCAT Final Report #57 2
- CFDA 20.701 3
- CFIRE 02-03 2
- CFIRE 02-13 2
- CFIRE 03-08 2
- CFIRE 03-15 3
- CFIRE 03-17 2
- CFIRE 04-06 2
- CFIRE 05-10 2
- CFIRE 05-12 2
- CM2 – 7 2
- CM2-# 44 2
- CM2-17 2
- CM2-20 2
- cmr 16-004 7
- CSCRS-R-27 3
- CSCRS-R1 4
- CSCRS-R2 4
- CSCRS-R4 3
- CSCRS-R5 3
- CSCRS-R6 2
- CSCRS-R7 2
- CSCRS-R8 3
- CSCRS-R9 2
- CSCRS-R10 2
- CSCRS-R11 2
- CSCRS-R12 2
- CSCRS-R13 2
- CSCRS-R14 2
- CSCRS-R15 2
- CSCRS-R16 3
- CSCRS-R19 2
- CSCRS-R20 2
- CSCRS-R21 2
- CSCRS-R22 5
- CSCRS-R23 2
- CSCRS-R24 2
- CSCRS-R25.1 2
- CSCRS-R26 2
- CSCRS-R28 2
- CSCRS-R35 2
- CSCRS-R42 2
- CSCRS-R43 3
- CSCRS-R44 2
- CSUTC-TR-09-02 2
- CT-23-015 2
- CTS 04-11 2
- CTS 04-12 2
- D-STOP/2020/159 2
- DTRT13-G-UTC37 2
- DTRT13-G-UTC59 2
- DUNS: 0031370150000 2
- EIN: 54-6001805 3
- FDOT-BD 549WO#33 2
- FDOT BC137-52 2
- FHWA-AK-RD-09-08 2
- FHWA-AK-RD-10-02 2
- FHWA-AK-RD-12-02 2
- FHWA-AK-RD-12-09 2
- FHWA-AK-RD-12-14 2
- FHWA-AK-RD-12-19 2
- FHWA-AK-RD-12-20 2
- FHWA-AK-RD-12-28 2
- FHWA-AK-RD-xx-xx 2
- FHWA-ID-12-200 2
- FHWA-KS-12-6 4
- FHWA-KS-14-02 2
- FHWA-KS-14-14 2
- FHWA-NJ-2014-005 2
- FHWA-OR-RD-09-10 11
- FHWA-PA-2009-022-510401-015 2
- FHWA/CA/OR- 15
- FHWA/MT-08-011/6439-801 2
- FHWA/MT-09-003/8193 2
- FHWA/MT-23-006/9757-705 3
- GCCETR-11-05 2
- ICT-20-008, UILU-ENG-2020-2008 2
- ICT-23-014 2
- ICT-23-016 2
- ICT-23-017 2
- IHRB project TR-577 2
- IHRB Project TR-579 2
- INE #12.03 2
- INE/AUTC 11.24 2
- INE/AUTC 12.27 2
- INE/CESTiCC 101414 2
- InTrans project 07-304 2
- InTrans Project 10-386 2
- InTrans Project 11-400 2
- InTrans Project 12-370 2
- InTrans Project 12-435 2
- InTrans Project 13-456 2
- K-TRAN: KSU-09-2 2
- K-TRAN: KSU-10-1 2
- K-TRAN: KSU-10-5 2
- K-TRAN: KSU-10-7 2
- K-TRAN: KSU-10-8 2
- K-TRAN: KSU-10-9 2
- K-TRAN: KSU-11-3 2
- K-TRAN: KSU-11-6 2
- K-TRAN: KSU-12-1 2
- K-TRAN: KSU-13-3 2
- K-TRAN: KSU-14-4 2
- K-TRAN: KU-12-4 2
- KLK900-SB-001 3
- KLK900-SB-004 2
- KLK907 2
- KS-14-1 2
- KS-15-01 2
- KS-15-02 2
- LS-23-RP-01 2
- LS-23-RP-02 3
- MATC-UNL: 004-11 2
- MATC-UNL: 004-21, 25-1121-0005-004-21 2
- MAUTC-2008-01 2
- MAUTC-2010-02 2
- MAUTC-2011-02 2
- MAUTC 2012-02 2
- MD-11-SP708B4K 2
- MD-13-SP209B4K 2
- MPC-18-358 2
- MPC-18-361 2
- MPC-18-362 2
- MPC-19-377 2
- MPC-19-387 2
- MPC-19-391 2
- MPC-19-399.1 3
- MPC-23-495 2
- MPC-24-514 2
- MPC-24-518 2
- MPC-24-522 2
- MPC-24-525 2
- MPC-24-531 2
- MPC-24-534 2
- MPC-24-540 2
- MPC-24-542 2
- MPC-24-561 2
- MPC-559 2
- MPC-579 2
- MPC-612 2
- MPC-623 2
- MPC-637 2
- MPC-662 2
- MPC-663 2
- MPC-675 2
- MPC-692 2
- MPC-695 2
- MPC 15-289 2
- MPC 15-290 2
- MPC 15-292 2
- MPC 15-299 2
- MPC 15-301 2
- MPC 16-305 2
- MPC 16-308 2
- MPC 18-351 2
- MPC 18-366 2
- MPC 19-372 2
- MPC 19-380 2
- MPC 19-381 2
- MPC 19-382 2
- MPC 19-396 2
- MPC 22-457 2
- MPC 22-468 2
- MPC 22-487 2
- MPC 23-510 2
- MPC 23-511 2
- MPC 24-516 2
- MPC 24-519 2
- MPC 24-521 2
- MPC 24-523 2
- MT-12-1-5 2
- MTI Report 10-09 3
- MTI Report 11-05 2
- MTI Report 12-01 2
- MTI Report 12-07 3
- MTI Report 12-47 2
- MTI Report 12-51 3
- MTI Report 12-77 2
- N14-20 2
- NCST-20151000 2
- NCST-GT-RR-21-26 2
- NCST-GT-RR-22-11 2
- NCST-GT-RR-22-39 2
- NCST-GT-RR-22-40 2
- NCST-GT-RR-22-45 2
- NCST-GT-RR-24-07 2
- NCST-GT-RR-24-26 2
- NCST-GT-RR-24-27 2
- NCST-GT-RR-24-28 2
- NCST-GT-RR-24-29 2
- NCST-GT-RR-24-30 2
- NCST-GT-RR-24-40 2
- NCST-GT-RR-24-41 2
- NCST-UCD-RR-19-04 2
- NCST-UCD-RR-24-10 4
- NUTC R203 8
- NUTC R231 3
- Project #00016751 5
- Project J3 3
- PSR-18-SP90 3
- RC-1545 3
- RC-1599 7
- RES2019-07 5
- USDOT/RITA DT0S59-07-H-005 6
- USF 21177804 3
- UTC-R170 8
- UTCM 09-00-45 3
- #69A3551747110 2
- #69A3551747111 1
- #79075-00 SUB B 1
- #79075-00-SUB A and #79075-28 1
- #79075-00-SUB B 1
- #79075-00- SUB C 1
- #79075-25 1
- #79075-27 1
- #79075-31 1
- #TRyy1141 (Task 4) 1
- (230678-GT-10120) 1
- (230681-GT10119) 1
- 0-5339 1
- 0-5684 1
- 0-6727 1
- 0-6820 2
- 0-6977 1
- 0-7164 1
- 01-862 1
- 1-570968 / G10001773 1
- 02-9076 1
- 04-007 Task No 18 1
- 04-036 Task No 48 1
- 06-04 1
- 07-64 1
- 07-350808 1
- 08-108 1
- 08-116 1
- 08-154 1
- 09-224 1
- 09-PAF004425 1
- 19-8318 2
- 19PITSLSU14 2
- 20GTUNM31,69A3551747106 2
- 65A0047 11
- 65A0527 2
- 65A0527 TO 011 2
- 65A0527 TO 012 2
- 65A0527 TO 021 2
- 65A0529 2
- 65A0533 11
- 65A0533 TO 006 2
- 65A0533 TO 008 2
- 65A0533 TO 015 2
- 65A0660 19
- 65A0674 4
- 65A0674 TO 032 2
- 65W136 5
- 69A3551741 2
- 69A355174110 28
- 69A355174710 8
- 69A355174711 6
- 69A3351747124 4
- 69A3551747104 51
- 69A3551747105 102
- 69A3551747106 228
- 69A3551747107 109
- 69A3551747108 16
- 69A3551747109 41
- 69A3551747109, 65A0674 2
- 69A3551747110 109
- 69A3551747111 105
- 69A3551747112 17
- 69A3551747113 57
- 69A3551747114 67
- 69A3551747115 60
- 69A3551747115/00-025 2
- 69A3551747115/02-027 2
- 69A3551747115/04-104 2
- 69A3551747115/05-008 2
- 69A3551747115/05-091 2
- 69A3551747115/06-001 2
- 69A3551747115/06-013 2
- 69A3551747115/Project 01-001 2
- 69A3551747115/Project 01-003 2
- 69A3551747115/Project 01-004 2
- 69A3551747115/Project 01-005 2
- 69A3551747115/Project 01-006 2
- 69A3551747115/Project 02-008 2
- 69A3551747115/Project 02-009 2
- 69A3551747115/Project 02-010 2
- 69A3551747115/Project 02-016 2
- 69A3551747115/Project 02-020 2
- 69A3551747115/Project 02-026 2
- 69A3551747115/Project 03-036 2
- 69A3551747115/Project 03-040 2
- 69A3551747115/Project 03-050 2
- 69A3551747115/Project 03-082 2
- 69A3551747115/Project 03-087 2
- 69A3551747115/ Project 04-115 2
- 69A3551747115/Project 05-086 2
- 69A3551747115/ Project 06-004 2
- 69A3551747115/Project 09-010 2
- 69A3551747115/Project TTI-01-01 2
- 69A3551747115/Project TTI-01-03 2
- 69A3551747115/Project TTI-01-04 3
- 69A3551747115/Project TTI-03-01 2
- 69A3551747115/Project TTI-Student-04 2
- 69A3551747115/Project VTTI-00-020 2
- 69A3551747115/ TTI-06-02 2
- 69A3551747115/TTI-Student-05 2
- 69A3551747115/VTTI-00-029 2
- 69A3551747115/[05-116] 2
- 69A3551747115/[06-005] 2
- 69A3551747115/[ Project 04-121] 2
- 69A3551747116 52
- 69A3551747117 43
- 69A3551747119 99
- 69A3551747120 14
- 69A3551747121 6
- 69A3551747122 12
- 69A3551747122, WA098 3
- 69A3551747124 38
- 69A3551747125 37
- 69A3551747127 103
- 69A3551747127 & MTC 3
- 69A3551747128 37
- 69A3551747128, NITC-1360 2
- 69A3551747128, NITC-1477 2
- 69A3551747128, NITC-1483 2
- 69A3551747129 25
- 69A3551747130 72
- 69A3551747131 72
- 69A3551747132 24
- 69A3551747133 63
- 69A3551747134 17
- 69A3551747135 18
- 69A3551847102 61
- 69A3551847103 50
- 69A3551947136 9
- 69A3551947136, 79075-00 SUB B 2
- 69A3551947136, 79075-00-SUB A 2
- 69A3551947136, 79075-00-SUB B 3
- 69A3551947137 5
- 69A3552047138 5
- 69A3552047139 5
- 69A3552344811 28
- 69A3552344811/69A3552348316 2
- 69A3552344814 4
- 69A3552344814 / 69A3552348319 2
- 69A3552348301 2
- 69A3552348303 14
- 69A3552348305 5
- 69A3552348319 2
- 69A3552348324 6
- 69A3552348327 4
- 69A3552348328 2
- 69A3552348333 12
- 69A3552348336 6
- 69A3552348340 15
- 69A43551747123 43
- 69A34520501020620 3
- 0072-39-21 1
- 0079 3
- 091K814 1
- 0092-06-10 1
- 0092-06-11 1
- 0092-06-12 1
- 0092-06-30 1
- 0092-06-31 1
- 0092-07-24 1
- 0092-08-25 1
- 0092-08-26 1
- 0092-08-34 1
- 0092-09-22 1
- 0092-09-23 1
- 0092-10-14 2
- 0092-10-15 1
- 0092-10-21 2
- 0092-11-09 1
- 0092-12-09 1
- 0092-13-11 1
- 98-1783 2
- 344k304 2
- 0608-002 1
- 0655-12-00 5
- 669A3551747106 2
- 884 2
- 1005 1
- 1020 1
- 1318 2
- 2007-0538 3
- 2008-ST-061-TS0004 2
- 2013-0069 3
- 2013-022S 2
- 2013-032s, 2015-002 2
- 2016-010 2
- 03419 1
- 08184 1
- 0009929 2
- 10727 109
- 0015283, 69A3551747116. 1
- 39112 6
- 00039112 DTRT06-G-0014 1
- 49198-21-26 2
- 49997-28-25 2
- 49997-30-24 3
- 061201 1
- 089120 1
- 291166 4
- 0031370150000 1
- Alabama DOT Research Project No. 930-653 2
- ALDOT 930-722R 2
- ALDOT Project #930-649 2
- AM200204, 69A3551747106 2
- AUTC#107004 2
- AUTC project # RR10.03/ S14017 2
- AUTC Project No. 510005 2
- AWD-003034 2
- AWD-003125, 69A3551747106 2
- BD549-28 2
- BDK85 977-29 2
- BDK85 TWO 977-12 2
- BDK85 TWO 977-13 2
- BDK85 TWO 977-14 3
- BDK85 TWO 977-20 2
- BDV31-977-67 2
- BDV31-977-135 2
- C1644 3
- Caltrans 65A0674 Task Order 007 2
- Caltrans 65A0674 Task Order 013USDOT Grant 69A3551747109 2
- Caltrans 65A0674 Task Order 051 USDOT Grant 69A3551747109 2
- Caltrans 65A0674 TO-020 2
- Caltrans 65A0674 TO-027 2
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 001 2
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 011USDOT Grant 69A3551747114 2
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 015, USDOT Grant 69A3551747114 2
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 016 USDOT Grant 69A3551747114 2
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 017USDOT Grant 69A3551747114 2
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 018USDOT Grant 69A3551747114 2
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 020 USDOT Grant 69A3551747114 2
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 022 USDOT Grant 69A3551747114 2
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 026 USDOT Grant 69A3551747114 2
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 032 USDOT Grant 69A3551747114 2
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 035 USDOT Grant 69A3551747114 2
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 036 2
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 043 2
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 045,USDOT Grant 69A3551747114 2
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 047 USDOT Grant 69A3551747114 2
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 048 USDOT Grant 69A3551747114 2
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 050 USDOT Grant 69A3551747114 2
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 053 USDOT Grant 69A3551747114 2
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 056 USDOT Grant 69A3551747114 2
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 058 2
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 065 2
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 066 2
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 067 USDOT Grant 69A3551747114 2
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 071 USDOT Grant 69A3551747114 2
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 076 2
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 080 2
- Caltrans 65A0686, Task Order 010USDOT Grant 69A3551747114 2
- Caltrans 65A0696 Task Order 079 2
- Caltrans 65A1035, USDOT Grant 69A3552344814 2
- Caltrans Grant 65A0674 3
- CARB Agreement 16TTD004 7
- CE-PSU-0703-01 2
- CFIRE: DTRT06-G-0020 2
- Collaborative Sciences Center for Road Safety (Grant # 69A3551747113) 2
- Collaborative Sciences Center for Road Safety (Grant #: 69A3551747113) 5
- Collaborative Sciences Center for Road Safety (Grant: 69A3551747113) 3
- Contract # 69A3551747111 2
- Contract # DTRT12GUTC12 2
- Contract No. 14-317 2
- Contract No. DTRT12GUTG11 12
- Contract Number: DTRT13-G-UTC51 3
- CTEDD 017-03 2
- CTEDD 018-13 2
- CTRS92-G-0013 3
- DOT 69A3551747114 2
- DOT Grant No. DTRT06-G-0044 3
- DRTR12-G-UTC03 3
- DRTS98-G-0028 2
- DT0S59-07-H-005 5
- DT0S59-09-H-0007 3
- DTFH61-07-P-00235 2
- DTFH68-07-E-00045 2
- DTR598-G-0028 2
- DTRS92-G-0010 3
- DTRS92-G-0013 3
- DTRS93-G-0018 2
- DTRS 93-G-0019 5
- DTRS93-G-0019 4
- DTRS95-G-0001 5
- DTRS95-G-0007 2
- DTRS95-G-0010 2
- DTRS95-G0006 3
- DTRS 98-9-0032 4
- DTRS98-G-0021 48
- DTRS98-G-0021 (Grant) 2
- DTRS98-G-0027 2
- DTRS98-G-0028 16
- DTRS98-G-0032 29
- DTRS98-G-00329 5
- DTRS99-6-0006 2
- DTRS99-G-0001 6
- DTRS99-G-0006 23
- DTRS99-G-0006 (Grant) 2
- DTRS99-G-0010 25
- DTRS99-G-003 5
- DTRS99-G0006 3
- DTRT-06-G-0016 4
- DTRT-13-G-UTC40 4
- DTRT-13-GUTC-26 9
- DTRT-13-UTC40 2
- DTRT06-0014 2
- DTRT06-G-0011 35
- DTRT06-G-0014 158
- DTRT06-G-0014 (Grant) 12
- DTRT06-G-0016 58
- DTRT06-G-0020 45
- DTRT06-G-0044 73
- DTRT06-G-0048 2
- DTRT06-G0011 2
- DTRT06G-0043 19
- DTRT07-G-0003 47
- DTRT07-G-0005 3
- DTRT07-G-0006 50
- DTRT07-G-0010 35
- DTRT07-G-0021 7
- DTRT07-G-005 32
- DTRT07-G-0054 44
- DTRT 07-G-0054 8
- DTRT07-G-0056 29
- DTRT07-G-0056 (Grant) 4
- DTRT07-G-0058 3
- DTRT07-G-0059 6
- DTRT07--G--005 2
- DTRT12-G-UT03 2
- DTRT12-G-UTC01 33
- DTRT12-G-UTC01 (Grant) 6
- DTRT12-G-UTC03 24
- DTRT12-G-UTC05 6
- DTRT12-G-UTC06 69
- DTRT12-G-UTC07 2
- DTRT12-G-UTC10 2
- DTRT12-G-UTC14 6
- DTRT12-G-UTC16 61
- DTRT12-G-UTC17 5
- DTRT12-G-UTC18 12
- DTRT12-G-UTC18 (Grant 1) 4
- DTRT12-G-UTC21 82
- DTRT12-G-UTC21 2010-0299 7
- DTRT12-UTC10 35
- DTRT12GUTC11 3
- DTRT12GUTC12 8
- DTRT12GUTC17 22
- DTRT12GUTC17/KLK900-SB- 003 2
- DTRT12GUTG11 16
- DTRT13-G-UTC 2
- DTRT13-G-UTC4O 2
- DTRT13-G-UTC28 48
- DTRT13-G-UTC29 26
- DTRT13-G-UTC31 44
- DTRT13-G-UTC33 23
- DTRT13-G-UTC35 9
- DTRT13-G-UTC36 40
- DTRT13-G-UTC37 21
- DTRT13-G-UTC38 2
- DTRT13-G-UTC40 28
- DTRT13-G-UTC41 13
- DTRT13-G-UTC41 (2013) 3
- DTRT13-G-UTC43 6
- DTRT13-G-UTC45 17
- DTRT13-G-UTC47 4
- DTRT13-G-UTC48 19
- DTRT13-G-UTC50 27
- DTRT13-G-UTC51 10
- DTRT13-G-UTC52 7
- DTRT13-G-UTC52 (Grant 2) 12
- DTRT13-G-UTC53 4
- DTRT13-G-UTC54 24
- DTRT13-G-UTC55 4
- DTRT13-G-UTC56 2
- DTRT13-G-UTC57 5
- DTRT13-G-UTC58 50
- DTRT13-G-UTC59 11
- DTRTO7-G-0054 2
- DTSR0023424 24
- DUNS: 0031370150000 7
- EIN: 54-6001805 7
- FDOT-BD 549WO#33 2
- GCB 1382 2
- GR23256 2
- Grant # DTRT06-G-0011 2
- Grant Number: DTRT12-G-UTC18 7
- Grant Number: DTRT12-G-UTC18 (Grant 1) 4
- LTRC Project Number: 12-4SS 2
- MATC TRB RiP No. 1250761 2
- MDT Project #6439-901 3
- MDT Project #8193 2
- METRANS Project 14-11 2
- METRANS Project 14-13 2
- MPC-23-501 2
- MPC-382 2
- MPC-412 2
- MPC-454 3
- MPC-455 2
- MPC-463 2
- MPC-465 2
- MPC-467 2
- MPC-471 2
- MPC-489 2
- MPC-495 2
- MPC-503 2
- MPC-508 2
- MPC-510 2
- MPC-512 2
- MPC-514 2
- MPC-519 2
- MPC-522 2
- MPC-533 2
- MPC-557 2
- MPC-562 2
- MPC-567 2
- MPC-601 2
- MPC-607 2
- MPC-622 2
- MPC-635 2
- MPC-644 2
- MPC-649 2
- MPC-657 2
- MPC-660 2
- MPC-661 2
- MPC-672 2
- MPC-682 2
- MPC-683 2
- MPC-694 2
- MPC 15-293 2
- MPC 16-315 2
- MPC 17-321 2
- MSU G&C #4W2012 2
- MSU G&C #4W2048 2
- MSU G&C #4W2592 2
- MSU G&C #4W2781 2
- NCITEC Project No. 2013-31 2
- NITC, Grant Number 1532 3
- NITC-1222 2
- NITC-1357 2
- NITC-1475, 69A3551747112 2
- NITC-RR-1268 2
- NITC 1299 2
- NITC 1304 2
- ORSO 135461 2
- OTREC RR-08-190 11
- PacTrans DTRT13-G-UTC40 2
- Part of DTRT13-G-UTC37 7
- Project 0-6658 3
- Project No. 8196 2
- R49/CE0042479 4
- RES2019-07 4
- Research Consortium Contract Number C030506 2
- RITA Grant-DTRT-06-G-0043 4
- RITA Grant-DTRT06G-0043 2
- RP200 2
- SCAQMD Contract # 17276 USDOT Grant 69A3551747114 2
- SP209B4K 2
- SP309B4J 2
- SP708B4K 2
- SPR 645 11
- SPR 682 2
- State Project Number: 30000606 2
- T002688 4
- T2-07-05 2
- T2-11-06 2
- TO-014 2
- TO-033 4
- TPF-5(435) 5
- TPF-5(438) 3
- TRyy1141 2
- U.S. DOT DTRS98-G-0032 4
- U.S.DOT DTRS98-G-0032 2
- UAF130032POFP30329 2
- USDOT - 69A3551747134 12
- USDOT/69A3551747135 2
- USDOT 69A3551747135 25
- USDOT 69A3551947137 3
- USDOT: DTRT13-G-UTC45 13
- USDOT DTRS98-G-0032 4
- USDOT Grant 65A0674, TO-041 2
- USDOT Grant 69A35 9
- USDOT Grant 69A3551747109 68
- USDOT Grant 69A3551747109 Caltrans 65A0674 Task Order 52 2
- USDOT Grant 69A3551747109 Caltrans Grant 65A0674, 3
- USDOT Grant 69A3551747109 Caltrans Grant 65A0674, Task Order 006 2
- USDOT Grant 69A3551747109,Caltrans Contract 65A0674 2
- USDOT Grant 69A3551747109, Caltrans Task Order TO 054 2
- USDOT Grant 69A3551747114 130
- USDOT Grant 69A3551747114 SCAQMD 17278 2
- USDOT Grant 69A3552047141 6
- USDOT Grants 69A3552348319 2
- USDOT – 69A3551747134 3
- UTCA Project #06403 2
- UTCM: DTRT06-G-0044 2
- WA231, 69A3551747122 2
- WA834 2
- WisDOT: 0657-45-11 2
- WSDOT T1461-20 2
- ZSB12017-SJAUX 110
- ZSB12017-SJAUX8 2
- 2025 (35)
- 2024 (551)
- 2023 (699)
- 2022 (623)
- 2021 (594)
- 2020 (581)
- 2019 (637)
- 2018 (575)
- 2017 (383)
- 2016 (403)
- 2015 (472)
- 2014 (461)
- 2013 (409)
- 2012 (501)
- 2011 (416)
- 2010 (344)
- 2009 (335)
- 2008 (184)
- 2007 (109)
- 2006 (16)
- 2005 (67)
- 2004 (82)
- 2003 (74)
- 2002 (62)
- 2001 (92)
- 2000 (43)
- 1999 (41)
- 1998 (41)
- 1997 (16)
- 1996 (4)
- 1994 (1)
- 1993 (2)
- 1992 (1)
- 1990 (1)
- Application (1)
- Bibliography (2)
- Booklet/Pamphlet (8)
- Brief (695)
- Data Management Plan (72)
- Dataset (545)
- Dissertation (13)
- In Book (1)
- In Proceedings (1)
- Journal Article (42)
- Manual (23)
- Manuscript (53)
- Memorandum (1)
- Organization Info (8)
- Other (17)
- Presentations (41)
- Press Release (1)
- Proceedings (17)
- Research Paper (368)
- Software (4)
- Statistical Report (7)
- Tech Report (6926)
- Thesis (9)
- Abdallah, Moatassem (9)
- Abdel-Aty, Mohamed (23)
- Abdel-Rahim, Ahmed (43)
- Adams, Teresa (11)
- Adams, Teresa M. (20)
- Agrawal, Anil K. (8)
- Agrawal, Asha Weinstein (79)
- Ahmadian, Mehdi (9)
- Ahmed, Ishtiak (7)
- Ahmed, Samir (11)
- Ahn, Soyoung (16)
- Ahn, Yushin (11)
- Akin, Michelle (9)
- Al-Qadi, Imad L (8)
- Alemi, Farzad (16)
- Alexander, Serena (8)
- Alexander, Serena E (8)
- Amdal, James R. (8)
- Anderson, Michael (19)
- Anderson, Michael D. (8)
- Anderson, Neil (18)
- Appleyard, Bruce S. (15)
- Arabi, Mehrdad (7)
- Arce, Gabriel A (13)
- Ardeshiri, Anam (9)
- Arhin, Stephen (13)
- Atadero, Rebecca (14)
- Atadero, Rebecca A. (7)
- Atkinson-Palombo, Carol (7)
- Attoh-Okine, Nii (8)
- Aultman-Hall, Lisa (26)
- Azimi, Mehdi (16)
- Azizinamini, Atorod (8)
- Baker, Richard T. (9)
- Ban, Xuegang (Jeff) (18)
- Bao, Shan (10)
- Barbeau, Sean J. (16)
- Barbour, Elisa (15)
- Barr, Paul J. (12)
- Barry, Michelle L (8)
- Barth, Matthew (16)
- Barth, Matthew J. (14)
- Bartholomew, Keith (8)
- Batur, Irfan (14)
- Belz, Nathan (16)
- Benekohal, Rahim F. (7)
- Bennert, Thomas (20)
- Berry, Michael (8)
- Bertini, Robert L. (15)
- Betti, Raimondo (8)
- Beyerlein, Steve (7)
- Bhasin, Amit (8)
- Bhat, Chandra R. (20)
- Bittner, Jason (16)
- Blampied, Nigel (9)
- Boarnet, Marlon (15)
- Boarnet, Marlon G (14)
- Boarnet, Marlon G. (9)
- Boriboonsomsin, Kanok (23)
- Boske, Leigh B. (8)
- Bostic, Raphael (10)
- Boyd, Tia (10)
- Boyles, Stephen D. (12)
- Brakewood, Candace (10)
- Bridgelall, Raj (11)
- Brown, Henry (7)
- Brown, Shane (9)
- Bulut, Rifat (10)
- Bunch, David S (9)
- Burris, Mark (12)
- Butt, Ali A (12)
- Callas, Steve (8)
- Camp, Janey (10)
- Caramanis, Constantine (9)
- Carlsson, John Gunnar (9)
- Cetin, Mecit (12)
- Chakraborty, Debapriya (15)
- Chakraborty, Sayantan (7)
- Chakraborty, Subhadeep (11)
- Chandra, Shailesh (7)
- Chandrashekhara, K. (9)
- Chang, Kevin (23)
- Chavis, Celeste (8)
- Chen, Cynthia (12)
- Chen, Genda (30)
- Chen, Peng (9)
- Chen, Sikai (8)
- Chen, Suren (21)
- Cheng, DingXin (7)
- Cherry, Christopher (12)
- Cheu, Ruey Long (20)
- Chitturi, Madhav V. (7)
- Choi, Kunhee (7)
- Chow, Joseph Y J (11)
- Chowdhury, Mashrur (Ronnie) (7)
- Christofa, Eleni (17)
- Chu, Xuehao (18)
- Circella, Giovanni (37)
- Cirillo, Cinzia (9)
- Clevenger, Caroline M. (7)
- Clifton, Kelly J. (9)
- Cohen, Adam (8)
- Coifman, Benjamin (11)
- Colon Torres, Enid (7)
- Colucci Rios, Benjamin (7)
- Combs, Tabitha (8)
- Comert, Gurcan (36)
- Concas, Sisinnio (8)
- Connor, Billy (17)
- Coughlin, Joseph F. (8)
- Cuelho, Eli (8)
- Currans, Kristina M. (7)
- D'Ambrosio, Lisa (8)
- Dadashova, Bahar (8)
- Darrow, Margaret M. (16)
- Das, Subasish (9)
- da Silva, Denise Capasso (8)
- Davis, Adam W. (9)
- Davis, Janet L. (7)
- Davis, William J. (8)
- Dessouky, Maged (23)
- Dessouky, Maged M. (16)
- Dessouky, Samer (20)
- Dill, Jennifer (12)
- Dissanayake, Sunanda (16)
- Dixon, Michael (9)
- Dobrovolny, Chiara Silvestri (9)
- Doerzaph, Zachary (9)
- Doerzaph, Zachary R (7)
- Dowds, Jonathan (15)
- Drury, Jonathan (8)
- Du, Jianhe (12)
- Dumbaugh, Eric (27)
- Dutta, Utpal (14)
- Eby, David W. (8)
- Edara, Praveen (9)
- Edwards, Frances L. (8)
- Eksioglu, Burak (7)
- Eksioglu, Sandra D. (8)
- Elefteriadou, Lily (10)
- ElGawady, Mohamed (8)
- Elmore, Cecilia (8)
- Elsayed, Ashraf (13)
- Ergan, Semiha (7)
- Eshel, Oren (11)
- Esmaeily, Asad (8)
- Evenson, Kelly R (8)
- Ewan, Levi (7)
- Ewing, Reid (10)
- Faller, Ronald K. (14)
- Fan, Wei (8)
- Fan, Wei (David) (17)
- Fay, Laura (9)
- Feng, Yiheng (8)
- Ferenchak, Nick (8)
- Ferrell, Christopher E. (16)
- Feys, Dimitri (8)
- Figliozzi, Miguel (15)
- Figueroa-Medina, Alberto M (9)
- Fitzpatrick, Cole (11)
- Fulton, Lew (12)
- Gallagher, Susan (13)
- Gao, Jingqin (11)
- Gao, Song (9)
- Garrick, Norman (9)
- Gayah, Vikash V. (9)
- Ghabchi, Rouzbeh (15)
- Giuliano, Genevieve (47)
- Goel, Prem (9)
- Golub, Aaron (11)
- Gong, Jie (12)
- Goodchild, Anne (13)
- Goodrich, Daniel C. (8)
- Goodwin, Gwen (8)
- Goulias, Konstadinos G. (14)
- Guensler, Randall (44)
- Guerra, Erick (10)
- Guin, Angshuman (22)
- Gurbuz, Okan (11)
- Hadi, Mohammed (19)
- Haghani, Ali (10)
- Hajbabaie, Ali (14)
- Halling, Marvin W. (10)
- Hallmark, Shauna (12)
- Halter, Susan Bogus (9)
- Ham, Suyun (8)
- Hamidi, Shima (9)
- Hamre, Andrea (8)
- Handy, Susan (44)
- Handy, Susan L (8)
- Hans, Zachary (8)
- Hao, Peng (20)
- Hardman, Scott (9)
- Harper, Corey (12)
- Harrison, Robert (11)
- Harvey, John (12)
- Harvey, John T (15)
- Hassan, Hany (9)
- Hassan, Marwa (17)
- Hassan, Marwa M. (15)
- Hawkins, Neal (13)
- He, B. Brian (10)
- Heaslip, Kevin (9)
- Heiny, Stephen (8)
- Hendricks, Sara J. (9)
- Hernandez, Salvador (9)
- Holguin-Veras, Jose (10)
- Hossain, Mustaque (14)
- Hossain, Zahid (24)
- Hough, Jill (16)
- Howitt, Arnold M. (10)
- Hu, Shichun (8)
- Huang, Oscar (10)
- Huang, Ying (8)
- Huijser, Marcel P. (13)
- Hulsey, J. Leroy (8)
- Hunter, Michael (9)
- Hurwitz, David (12)
- Hurwitz, David S. (9)
- Huynh, Nathan (11)
- Hyun, Kate (10)
- Ioannou, Petros (27)
- Ivan, John N. (10)
- Jahangiri, Arash (21)
- Jaller, Miguel (40)
- Jasek, Debbie (8)
- Jeihani, Mansoureh (21)
- Jenkins, Brian Michael (11)
- Jenn, Alan (11)
- Jones, J. Bernard (8)
- Jones, Steven (9)
- Kachadoorian, Carol (8)
- Kack, David (13)
- Kaisar, Evangelos I. (15)
- Kamga, Camille (11)
- Kang, Sanggyun (10)
- Kawamura, Kazuya (8)
- Kendall, Alissa (32)
- Khasnabis, Snehamay (8)
- Khattak, Aemal (9)
- Khattak, Aemal J. (8)
- Khattak, Asad (14)
- Khattak, Asad J. (17)
- Khayat, Kamal H. (23)
- Khoeini, Sara (19)
- Kim, Yail Jimmy (10)
- Kim, Yong-Rak (11)
- Knodler, Michael A. (25)
- Knodler Jr., Michael A. (9)
- Kommalapati, Raghava (11)
- Ksaibati, Khaled (45)
- Kumfer, Wesley (8)
- Kurani, Kenneth S. (11)
- Kwigizile, Valerian (12)
- Kyte, Michael (8)
- Labi, Samuel (25)
- LaJeunesse, Seth (18)
- Lee, Ming (9)
- Lee, Yong-Cheol (8)
- Lee, Yongsung (11)
- Lee, Young-Jae (13)
- Leonard, Kathleen M. (10)
- Lewis, Carol A. (9)
- Lewis, Carol Abel (13)
- Lewis, Rebecca (10)
- Ley, Tyler (13)
- Li, Lin (11)
- Li, Xiaopeng (8)
- Lin, Pei-Sung (8)
- Lindly, Jay K. (19)
- Lin Lawell, C.-Y. Cynthia (8)
- Liu, Dahai (15)
- Liu, Haobing (15)
- Liu, Henry (11)
- Liu, Jenny (10)
- Liu, Juanyu (10)
- Liu, Xiaoyue Cathy (19)
- Lomax, Tim (8)
- Long, Suzanna (9)
- Lord, Dominique (8)
- Lou, Peng (8)
- Lou, Yingyan (9)
- Louis, Joseph (8)
- Loukaitou-Sideris, Anastasia (19)
- Lownes, Nicholas (12)
- Lowry, Michael (15)
- Lu, Hongyu (15)
- Lu, Pan (16)
- Luna, Ronaldo (12)
- Luo, Ji (9)
- MacArthur, John (12)
- Machemehl, Randy (14)
- Machiani, Sahar Ghanipoor (18)
- MacKenzie, Don (8)
- Madsen, Matthew (8)
- Mahdinia, Iman (9)
- Maher, Ali (19)
- Mahmoud, Hussam (10)
- Maness, Michael (12)
- Mannering, Fred (8)
- Markovic, Nikola (8)
- Marshall, Wesley (10)
- Marshall, Wesley E. (13)
- Martin, Peter T. (12)
- Mathew, Sonu (9)
- Mathur, Shishir (9)
- Matthews, H Scott (8)
- Mattingly, Stephen P. (9)
- Mattson, Jeremy (10)
- McAndrews, Carolyn A. (9)
- McBride, Elizabeth C (9)
- McCord, Mark R. (13)
- McCormack, Edward (9)
- McDonald, Noreen (21)
- McNeil, Nathan (12)
- McNeil, Sue (14)
- McRae, Glenn (8)
- Medina, Juan C. (11)
- Mekker, Michelle (8)
- Mertz, Christoph (11)
- Michalaka, Dimitra (11)
- Miller, Gerald A. (8)
- Miller, Marshall (12)
- Miller, Marty (8)
- Mishalani, Rabi G. (16)
- Mishra, Sabyasachee (8)
- Miskewitz, Robert (8)
- Mokhtarian, Patricia L. (15)
- Mollenhauer, Mike (10)
- Molnar, Lisa J. (8)
- Monsere, Christopher M. (16)
- Moreu, Fernando (11)
- Moudon, Anne Vernez (16)
- Murray-Tuite, Pamela (8)
- Mwakalonge, Judith L (9)
- Myers, John J. (18)
- Na, Chaekuk (11)
- Nachtmann, Heather (14)
- Namilae, Sirish (11)
- Nanni, Antonio (10)
- Nassif, Hani (21)
- Naumann, Rebecca B (10)
- Nazarian, Soheil (11)
- Neurauter, Luke (8)
- Newtson, Craig M. (10)
- Ni, Daiheng (10)
- Nixon, Hilary (64)
- Noland, Robert B. (10)
- Nordback, Krista (11)
- Noyce, David A. (18)
- O'Brien, Thomas (8)
- Oh, Jun-Seok (16)
- Oliva, Michael G. (11)
- Olsen, Michael J. (11)
- Oswald, David (8)
- Ouyang, Yanfeng (11)
- Ozbay, Kaan (62)
- Ozbek, Mehmet E. (12)
- Ozer, Hasan (8)
- Ozguner, Umit (8)
- Pahwa, Anmol (10)
- Pande, Anurag (29)
- Pantelides, Chris P. (11)
- Parr, Scott A. (21)
- Peeta, Srinivas (26)
- Pendyala, Ram M. (29)
- Perkins, Robert A. (13)
- Peterman, Robert J. (10)
- Phares, Brent M. (9)
- Pike, Susan (17)
- Plumert, Jodie M. (8)
- Prevedouros, Panos D (8)
- Pulugurtha, Srinivas S. (29)
- Puppala, Anand J. (16)
- Qi, Yi (22)
- Qian, Sean (25)
- Qian, Xiaodong (11)
- Qiao, Fengxiang (8)
- Qiao, Pizhong (9)
- Qin, Ruwen (9)
- Qin, Xiao (10)
- Quadrifoglio, Luca (12)
- Radovic, Miladin (18)
- Rahai, Hamid R. (9)
- Rakha, Hesham (16)
- Rakha, Hesham A. (27)
- Rashidi, Abbas (11)
- Rathinam, Sivakumar (8)
- Ratner, Albert (9)
- Reeb, Tyler (15)
- Reich, Stephen L. (10)
- Renne, John L. (9)
- Richardson, David N. (9)
- Ricord, Sam (8)
- Riding, Kyle A. (10)
- Rivasplata, Charles (10)
- Rizos, Dimitris C (8)
- Rodgers, Michael (10)
- Rodgers, Michael O. (26)
- Rodier, Caroline (28)
- Rodnyansky, Seva (14)
- Romero, Pedro (11)
- Rouphail, Nagui M. (8)
- Rowangould, Gregory (11)
- Russell, Eugene R. (11)
- Salon, Deborah (17)
- Sandt, Laura (12)
- Sanguinetti, Angela (11)
- Santiago-Chaparro, Kelvin R. (8)
- Sarkar, Abhijit (9)
- Savolainen, Peter T. (8)
- Schonfeld, Paul M. (8)
- Schrank, David (10)
- Schrock, Steven D. (12)
- Schweitzer, Lisa (8)
- Shahabi, Cyrus (12)
- Shen, Qing (12)
- Sherry, Patrick (19)
- Shi, Xianming (26)
- Shilling, Fraser (11)
- Shin, Hyeon-Shic (11)
- Singleton, Patrick A. (14)
- Sisiopiku, Virginia (21)
- Sisiopiku, Virginia P. (28)
- Smith, Adam (8)
- Smith, Brian (8)
- Smith, Stephen F. (11)
- Sneed, Lesley (11)
- Sneed, Lesley H. (9)
- Song, Ziqi (9)
- Sorensen, Andrew D. (13)
- Sorour, Sameh (8)
- Srinivasan, Sivaramakrishnan (8)
- Steiner, Ruth (14)
- Stolle, Cody S. (12)
- Strathman, James G. (9)
- Sullivan, Andrew (8)
- Sullivan, Jim (8)
- Sun, Carlos (11)
- Sun, Wei (15)
- Tainter, Francis (9)
- Tal, Gil (19)
- Tanvir, Shams (11)
- Tazarv, Mostafa (14)
- Teng, Hualiang (Harry) (8)
- Thigpen, Calvin (8)
- Tolliver, Denver (23)
- Toutanji, Houssam (9)
- Toutanji, Houssam A. (8)
- Turkan, Yelda (8)
- Turner, Daniel S. (14)
- Turner, Shawn (8)
- Uddin, Nasim (8)
- Unnikrishnan, Avinash (9)
- Vachal, Kimberly (18)
- Vilela, Jean Paul Talledo (8)
- Volker, Jamey (11)
- Volz, Jeffery S. (15)
- Wachs, Martin (9)
- Walton, C. Michael (18)
- Wang, Bruce (10)
- Wang, Bruce X. (8)
- Wang, Feng (9)
- Wang, Haizhong (8)
- Wang, Hao (17)
- Wang, Yinhai (49)
- Wartman, Joseph (9)
- Watkins, Kari (17)
- Watkins, Kari E. (9)
- Wehbe, Nadim I. (15)
- Wei, Ran (8)
- Wei, Wenbin (15)
- Weldon, Brad D. (10)
- White, Elizabeth (12)
- Williams, Kristine M (8)
- Winters, Philip L. (9)
- Wittwer, Ernie (10)
- Wolshon, Brian (30)
- Wu, Guoyuan (27)
- Wu, Yao-Jan (10)
- Wu, Yina (9)
- Xie, Kun (10)
- Xu, Xiaodan (9)
- Xu, Yanzhi (9)
- Yang, Hong (8)
- Yang, Xianfeng (Terry) (8)
- Yi, Ping (9)
- Yin, Yafeng (18)
- Young, Rhonda (11)
- Yu, Lei (14)
- Zaman, Musharraf (13)
- Zhang, Guohui (10)
- Zhang, Lei (10)
- Zhang, Michael (17)
- Zhang, Ming (11)
- Zhang, Xiong (9)
- Zhang, Yu (17)
- Zhang, Yunlong (11)
- Zhao, Qun (9)
- Zlatkovic, Milan (16)
- AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety (8)
- Accelerated Bridge Construction University Transportation Center (ABC-UTC) (16)
- Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center (7)
- Alaska. Dept. of Transportation. Research, Development, and Technology Transfer (15)
- Alaska University Transportation Center (87)
- Arizona State University (22)
- Arizona State University. School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment (33)
- Arkansas State University (17)
- Auburn University (7)
- Benedict College (20)
- Bradley University (4)
- Brigham Young University (4)
- California. Department of Transportation (4)
- California. Dept. of Transportation. Division of Research and Innovation (5)
- California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo (5)
- California State University, Dominguez Hills (4)
- California State University, Fresno (4)
- California State University, Long Beach (28)
- California State University, Long Beach. Center for International Trade and Transportation (7)
- California State University, Long Beach. Department of Civil Engineering and Construction Engineering Management (5)
- California State University, Long Beach. Department of Computer Engineering and Computer Science (5)
- California State University, Los Angeles (9)
- Carnegie-Mellon University (15)
- Carnegie-Mellon University. Robotics Institute (8)
- Carnegie-Mellon University. Technologies for Safe and Efficient Transportation University Transportation Center (6)
- Carnegie Mellon University (20)
- Carnegie Mellon University's Traffic21 Institute and Mobility21 (National University Transportation Center) (18)
- Carnegie Mellon University. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (6)
- Carnegie Mellon University. Traffic21 Institute. Safety21 University Transportation Center (UTC) (19)
- Carnegie Mellon University. Traffic21 University Transportation Center (UTC) (8)
- Center for Advanced Transportation Mobility, North Carolina A&T State University (22)
- Center for Advancing Research in Transportation Emissions, Energy, and Health (CARTEEH) Tier-1 University Transportation Center (UTC) (14)
- Center for Advancing Research in Transportation Emissions, Energy, and Health. Texas A&M Transportation Institute (24)
- Center for Automated Vehicles Research with Multimodal Assured Navigation (CARMEN+) Tier-1 University Transportation Center (UTC) (6)
- Center for Connected and Automated Transportation (CCAT) (101)
- Center for Connected Multimodal Mobility, Clemson University (26)
- Center for Integrated Asset Management for Multimodal Transportation Infrastructure Systems (CIAMTIS) (8)
- Center for Integrated Asset Management for Multimodal Transportation Infrastructure Systems (CIAMTIS) (UTC) (37)
- Center for Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety (CPBS) Tier-1 University Transportation Center (UTC) (7)
- Center for Sustainable Transportation Infrastructure (U.S.) (6)
- Center for Teaching Old Models New Tricks (TOMNET) (34)
- Center for Transportation, Environment, and Community Health (11)
- Center for Transportation, Equity, Decisions & Dollars (CTEDD). University of Texas (64)
- Citadel, the Military College of South Carolina (8)
- City College of New York (10)
- City University of New York (4)
- City University of New York. City College. Dept. of Civil Engineering (4)
- City University of New York. University Transportation Research Center (7)
- Clemson University (24)
- Collaborative Sciences Center for Road Safety (38)
- Colorado School of Mines (13)
- Colorado State University (30)
- Colorado State University. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (26)
- Colorado State University. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering (16)
- Colorado State University. Dept. of Construction Management (6)
- Columbia University. Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics (6)
- Connected Cities for Smart Mobility toward Accessible and Resilient Transportation Center (C2SMART) (113)
- Connected Communities for Smart Mobility Toward Accessible and Resilient Transportation for Equitably Reducing Congestion (C2SMARTER) Tier-1 University Transportation Center (UTC) (6)
- Connected Vehicle/Infrastructure University Transportation Center (12)
- Cornell University (15)
- Cornell University. Center for Transportation, Environment, and Community Health (22)
- Cornell University. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (10)
- Cornell University. School of Civil and Environmental Engineering (5)
- Duke University (8)
- Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (22)
- Florida Atlantic University (30)
- Florida Atlantic University. Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatics Engineering (5)
- Florida Atlantic University. Freight Mobility Research Institute (23)
- Florida International University (18)
- Florida International University. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (24)
- Florida International University. Lehman Center for Transportation Research (5)
- Florida Solar Energy Center (4)
- George Mason University (10)
- Georgia Institute of Technology (47)
- Georgia Institute of Technology. School of Civil and Environmental Engineering (62)
- Georgia Institute of Technology. School of Civil Engineering (6)
- Georgia Transportation Institute (6)
- Gulf Coast Center for Evacuation and Transportation Resiliency (10)
- Hampton University. Eastern Seaboard Intermodal Transportation Applications Center (4)
- Harvard University (16)
- Hawaii Natural Energy Institute (10)
- Illinois Center for Transportation (21)
- Illinois Institute of Technology (4)
- Iowa State University (4)
- Iowa State University. Bridge Engineering Center (21)
- Iowa State University. Center for Transportation Research and Education (31)
- Iowa State University. Dept. of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering (4)
- Iowa State University. Institute for Transportation (40)
- Jackson State University (10)
- Jackson State University. Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering (6)
- Jackson State University. Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering (10)
- Kansas State University (5)
- Kansas State University. Department of Civil Engineering (4)
- Kansas State University. Dept. of Civil Engineering (5)
- Kansas State University. Transportation Center (59)
- Kansas State University Transportation Center. Department of Civil Engineering (4)
- King County Metro Transit (4)
- Lehigh University (5)
- Lehigh University. ATLSS Engineering Research Center (7)
- Leonard Transportation Center (4)
- Louisiana State University (14)
- Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, La.) (116)
- Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, La.). Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (7)
- Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, La.). Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering (6)
- Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, La.). University Transportation Center for Region 6 (41)
- Louisiana State University. Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (5)
- Louisiana State University. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering (5)
- Louisiana Tech University (5)
- Louisiana Transportation Research Center (11)
- Mack-Blackwell National Rural Transportation Study Center (U.S.) (41)
- Marine Engine Testing and Emissions Laboratory (METEL) (6)
- Maritime Transportation Research and Education Center (7)
- Maritime Transportation Research and Education Center (MarTREC) (71)
- Marshall University (4)
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (74)
- METRANS Transportation Center (Calif.) (254)
- Michigan Ohio University Transportation Center (20)
- Michigan State University. Center for Highway Pavement Preservation (8)
- Michigan Technological University (4)
- Mid-America Transportation Center (60)
- Mid-America Transportation Center for Transportation Safety and Equity (MATC-TSE) Region 7 University Transportation Center (UTC) (7)
- Mid-Atlantic Universities Transportation Center (6)
- Mid America Transportation Center (7)
- Midwest Regional University Transportation Center (11)
- Midwest Roadside Safety Facility (15)
- Midwest Transportation Center (8)
- Midwest Transportation Consortium (6)
- Mineta Consortium for Transportation Mobility (12)
- Mineta National Transit Research Consortium (41)
- Mineta Transportation Institute (269)
- Mississippi State University (6)
- Mississippi State University. Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems Extension (4)
- Mississippi State University. National Center for Intermodal Transportation for Economic Competitiveness (5)
- Missouri University of Science and Technology (31)
- Missouri University of Science and Technology. Center for Infrastructure Engineering Studies (46)
- Missouri University of Science and Technology. Center for Intelligent Infrastructure (5)
- Missouri University of Science and Technology. Center for Transportation Infrastructure and Safety (165)
- Missouri University of Science and Technology. Department of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering (8)
- Missouri University of Science and Technology. Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering (13)
- Missouri University of Science and Technology. Dept. of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering (9)
- Missouri University of Science and Technology. Dept. of Engineering Management and Systems Engineering (6)
- Mobility21, Carnegie Mellon University (102)
- Montana State University (7)
- Montana State University (Bozeman, Mont.). College of Engineering (16)
- Montana State University. Western Transportation Institute (40)
- Morgan State University (63)
- Morgan State University. Dept. of Transportation and Urban Infrastructure Studies (10)
- Morgan State University. Sustainable Mobility and Accessibility Regional Transportation Equity Research Center (SMARTER) Region 3 University Transportation Center (UTC) (13)
- Mountain-Plains Consortium (198)
- Mountain Plains Consortium (68)
- Multimodal Transportation and Infrastructure Consortium (4)
- National Center for Freight and Infrastructure Research and Education (U.S.) (91)
- National Center for Intermodal Transportation for Economic Competitiveness (25)
- National Center for Sustainable Transportation (21)
- National Center for Sustainable Transportation (NCST) (427)
- National Center for Transit Research (U.S.) (59)
- National Center for Transportation Systems Productivity and Management (U.S.) (6)
- National Institute for Advanced Transportation Technology (NIATT) (U.S.) (42)
- National Institute for Advanced Transportation Technology (U.S.) (44)
- National Institute for Congestion Reduction (5)
- National Institute for Transportation and Communities (NITC) (49)
- National Transportation Center (U.S.) (10)
- National Transportation Research Center, Incorporated, University Transportation Center (30)
- National University Rail Center (NURail) (11)
- National University Rail Center (U.S.) (19)
- National Urban Transit Institute (U.S.) (5)
- Nebraska Transportation Center (13)
- New England University Transportation Center (46)
- New Jersey. Dept. of Transportation (4)
- New Jersey Institute of Technology (12)
- New Jersey Institute of Technology. Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering (8)
- New Jersey Institute of Technology. Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering (8)
- New Jersey Institute of Technology. National Center for Transportation and Industrial Productivity (5)
- New Mexico State University (9)
- New York University (19)
- New York University. Department of Civil and Urban Engineering (4)
- New York University. Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service (4)
- New York University. Tandon School of Engineering (22)
- NEXTRANS Center (U.S.) (52)
- Nick J. Rahall, II Appalachian Transportation Institute (U.S.) (15)
- Norman Y. Mineta International Institute for Surface Transportation Policy Studies (18)
- North Carolina A&T Sate University. Transportation Institute. Center For Advanced Transportation Mobility (12)
- North Carolina A&T State University (4)
- North Carolina A&T State University. Transportation Institute. Center For Advanced Transportation Mobility (4)
- North Carolina State University (17)
- North Carolina State University. Department of Civil Engineering (4)
- North Carolina State University. Institute for Transportation Research & Education (4)
- North Dakota State University (110)
- Northern Arizona University (8)
- Northwestern University (Evanston, Ill.) (8)
- Northwestern University (Evanston, Ill.). Center for the Commercialization of Innovative Transportation Technology (6)
- Northwestern University (Evanston, Ill.). Infrastructure Technology Institute (11)
- Northwestern University (Evanston, Ill.) Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering (4)
- Ohio State University (17)
- Ohio State University. College of Engineering (5)
- Ohio State University. Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering (4)
- Oklahoma State University (12)
- Oklahoma State University. School of Civil & Environmental Engineering (26)
- Oklahoma State University. School of Industrial Engineering and Management (4)
- Old Dominion University (11)
- Old Dominion University. Transportation Research Institute (4)
- Oregon. Dept. of Transportation. Research Section (6)
- Oregon Institute of Technology (6)
- Oregon State University (50)
- Oregon State University. School of Civil and Construction Engineering (22)
- Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium (6)
- Pacific Northwest Transportation Consortium (46)
- Pacific Northwest Transportation Consortium (PacTrans) (UTC) (143)
- Pacific Southwest Region 9 UTC, University of Southern California (150)
- Pennsylvania State University (16)
- Pennsylvania State University. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (9)
- Pennsylvania State University. Thomas D. Larson Transportation Institute (12)
- Portland State University (61)
- Portland State University. Center for Urban Studies (12)
- Portland State University. Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering (18)
- Portland State University. Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering (25)
- Portland State University. Transportation Research and Education Center (7)
- Portland State University. Transportation Research and Education Center (TREC) (17)
- Princeton University (8)
- Purdue University (57)
- Purdue University. Institute for Safe, Quiet, and Durable Highways (7)
- Purdue University. Joint Transportation Research Program (4)
- Purdue University. Lyles Department of Civil Engineering (5)
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (11)
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Lighting Research Center (7)
- Research on Concrete Applications for Sustainable Transportation (4)
- Research on Concrete Applications for Sustainable Transportation (RE-CAST) (27)
- Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University (4)
- Rowan University (8)
- Rowan University, College of Engineering (5)
- Rudin Center for Transportation Policy & Management (5)
- Rural Transportation Safety and Security Center (U.S.) (7)
- Rutgers University (20)
- Rutgers University. Center for Advanced Infrastructure & Transportation (14)
- Rutgers University. Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation (96)
- Rutgers University. Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering (8)
- Safety Research Using Simulation (SAFER-SIM) University Transportation Center (31)
- Safety through Disruption (Safe-D) University Transportation Center (UTC) (168)
- San Diego State University (24)
- San Jose State University (15)
- San Jose State University. College of Business (95)
- San Jose State University. College of Business. Mineta Transportation Institute (189)
- San Jose State University. Mineta International Institute for Surface Transportation (19)
- Small Urban, Rural and Tribal Center on Mobility. Western Transportation Institute, Montana State University (6)
- Small Urban and Rural Center on Mobility (11)
- Small Urban and Rural Transit Center (4)
- Small Urban and Rural Transit Center, North Dakota State University (9)
- SOLARIS Consortium (5)
- South Carolina State University (8)
- South Dakota State University (17)
- South Dakota State University. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (20)
- South Dakota State University. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering (5)
- Southeastern Transportation Research, Innovation, Development and Education Center (STRIDE) (70)
- Southwest Region University Transportation Center (U.S.) (25)
- State University of New York at Albany (4)
- State University of New York at Buffalo. Department of Civil, Structural, and Environmental Engineering (7)
- Stevens Institute of Technology (4)
- Syracuse University. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering (4)
- Technologies for Safe and Efficient Transportation. University Transportation Center (27)
- Telemobility UTC [Teir-1 University Transportation Center on Telemobility] (4)
- Tennessee State University (4)
- Texas A&M Transportation Institute (153)
- Texas A&M University (38)
- Texas A & M University (25)
- Texas A&M University. College Station (5)
- Texas A&M University. Zachry Department of Civil Engineering (9)
- Texas Southern University. Center for Transportation Training and Research (53)
- Texas Southern University. Dept. of Transportation Studies (7)
- Texas Southern University. Innovative Transportation Research Institute (4)
- Texas Tech University. Center for Multidisciplinary Research in Transportation (8)
- Texas Transportation Institute (111)
- Texas Transportation Institute. University Transportation Center for Mobility (66)
- The City College of New York, CUNY (22)
- Thomas D. Larson Pennsylvania Transportation Institute (32)
- TranLIVE. University of Idaho (8)
- Transportation Consortium of South-Central States (Tran-SET) (18)
- Transportation Consortium of South-Central States (Tran-SET) University Transportation Center for Region 6 (197)
- Transportation Consortium of the South-Central States (34)
- Transportation Informatics University Transportation Center (7)
- Transportation Northwest (Organization) (28)
- Transportation Northwest Regional Center X (TransNow) (UTC) (34)
- United States. Department of Transportation (5)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Highway Policy Information (10)
- United States. Department of Transportation. University Transportation Centers (UTC) Program (59)
- United States. Federal Highway Administration (8)
- University at Buffalo, Buffalo (12)
- University at Buffalo, SUNY (12)
- University of Akron. Department of Civil Engineering (8)
- University of Alabama. Aging Infrastructure Systems Center of Excellence (7)
- University of Alabama. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (16)
- University of Alabama. Dept. of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering (29)
- University of Alabama at Birmingham (5)
- University of Alabama at Birmingham. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (7)
- University of Alabama at Birmingham. Dept. of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering (24)
- University of Alabama at Birmingham. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering (5)
- University of Alabama in Huntsville. Civil and Environmental Engineering Dept. (16)
- University of Alaska Anchorage (5)
- University of Alaska Fairbanks (34)
- University of Alaska Fairbanks. Center for Environmentally Sustainable Transportation in Cold Climates (12)
- University of Alaska Fairbanks. Center for Safety Equity in Transportation (CSET) (49)
- University of Alaska Fairbanks. Institute of Northern Engineering (10)
- University of Arizona (13)
- University of Arkansas (22)
- University of Arkansas, Fayetteville (36)
- University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. Department of Civil Engineering (10)
- University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. Department of Industrial Engineering (6)
- University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. Dept. of Industrial Engineering (5)
- University of Arkansas. Mack-Blackwell Transportation Center (5)
- University of California (System). Pavement Research Center (7)
- University of California, Berkeley (17)
- University of California, Berkeley. Institute of Transportation Studies (12)
- University of California, Berkeley. Safe Transportation Research and Education Center (16)
- University of California, Davis (43)
- University of California, Davis, Institute of Transportation Studies (266)
- University of California, Davis. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (18)
- University of California, Davis. Institute of Transportation Studies (79)
- University of California, Irvine (13)
- University of California, Los Angeles (6)
- University of California, Riverside (18)
- University of California, Riverside. Center for Environmental Research and Technology (40)
- University of California, Riverside. College of Engineering (6)
- University of California, Santa Barbara (7)
- University of California Institute of Transportation Studies (10)
- University of Central Florida (6)
- University of Central Florida. Center for Advanced Transportation Systems Simulation (22)
- University of Central Florida. Department of Civil, Environmental and Construction Engineering (10)
- University of Central Florida. Dept. of Civil, Environmental and Construction Engineering (7)
- University of Central Florida. Electric Vehicle Transportation Center (EVTC) (14)
- University of Colorado at Denver (20)
- University of Colorado at Denver. Department of Civil Engineering (10)
- University of Connecticut (22)
- University of Connecticut. Connecticut Transportation Institute (5)
- University of Connecticut. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (5)
- University of Delaware (16)
- University of Delaware. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (18)
- University of Delaware. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering (11)
- University of Detroit Mercy (9)
- University of Florida (20)
- University of Florida (Gainesville) (7)
- University of Florida. Dept. of Civil and Coastal Engineering (28)
- University of Florida. Dept. of Industrial & Systems Engineering (12)
- University of Florida. Dept. of Urban and Regional Planning (6)
- University of Florida. Transportation Institute (16)
- University of Hawaii at Manoa (13)
- University of Hawaii at Manoa. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (10)
- University of Idaho (66)
- University of Idaho. Dept. of Civil Engineering (6)
- University of Illinois at Chicago. Urban Transportation Center (9)
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (10)
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (18)
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering (9)
- University of Iowa (30)
- University of Iowa. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (9)
- University of Iowa. National Advanced Driving Simulator (7)
- University of Kansas (6)
- University of Kansas. Dept. of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering (15)
- University of Kentucky (5)
- University of Kentucky. Dept. of Civil Engineering (5)
- University of Kentucky Transportation Center (6)
- University of Louisiana at Lafayette (10)
- University of Maine (6)
- University of Maryland (College Park, Md.) (27)
- University of Maryland (College Park, Md.). Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (11)
- University of Maryland (College Park, Md.). Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering (8)
- University of Massachusetts at Amherst (37)
- University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering (18)
- University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Dept. of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (10)
- University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Transportation Center (13)
- University of Memphis (5)
- University of Michigan (14)
- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (16)
- University of Michigan. Transportation Research Institute (45)
- University of Minnesota (8)
- University of Minnesota. Dept. of Civil Engineering (8)
- University of Minnesota. Humphrey School of Public Affairs (6)
- University of Mississippi. Center for Advanced Infrastructure Technology (5)
- University of Missouri--Columbia. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering (7)
- University of Missouri--Columbia. Dept. of Civil Engineering (5)
- University of Missouri--Rolla. Center for Infrastructure Engineering Studies (5)
- University of Missouri--St. Louis. Center for Transportation Studies (7)
- University of Nebraska--Lincoln (14)
- University of Nebraska--Lincoln. Dept. of Civil Engineering (19)
- University of Nebraska--Lincoln. Nebraska Transportation Center (7)
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln (10)
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (7)
- University of Nebraska. Mid-America Transportation Center (29)
- University of Nevada, Las Vegas (6)
- University of Nevada, Reno. Center for Advanced Transportation Education and Research (7)
- University of Nevada, Reno. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (7)
- University of Nevada, Reno. Solaris University Transportation Center (13)
- University of Nevada. University Transportation Center on Improving Rail Transportation Infrastructure Sustainability and Durability (8)
- University of New Mexico (17)
- University of New Orleans (5)
- University of New Orleans. Dept. of Planning and Urban Studies (8)
- University of New Orleans. Transportation Institute (17)
- University of North Carolina (System). Highway Safety Research Center (8)
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (50)
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Dept. of City and Regional Planning (6)
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Highway Safety Research Center (9)
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Injury Prevention Research Center (5)
- University of North Carolina at Charlotte (8)
- University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Center for Advanced Multimodal Mobility Solutions and Education (64)
- University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (15)
- University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Transportation Policy Studies (10)
- University of Oklahoma (12)
- University of Oklahoma. School of Civil Engineering and Environmental Science (18)
- University of Oklahoma. School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (8)
- University of Oregon (22)
- University of Oregon. School of Planning, Public Policy and Management (8)
- University of Pennsylvania (31)
- University of Pennsylvania. School of Design (7)
- University of Puerto Rico (Mayaguez Campus) (11)
- University of Puerto Rico (Mayaguez Campus). Dept. of Civil Engineering & Surveying (15)
- University of Rhode Island (7)
- University of Rhode Island. Transportation Center (18)
- University of South Carolina (12)
- University of South Carolina. Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering (10)
- University of Southern California (43)
- University of Southern California, Los Angeles (57)
- University of Southern California. Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering (7)
- University of Southern California. Dept. of Electrical Engineering (8)
- University of Southern California. Dept. of Industrial and Systems Engineering (7)
- University of Southern California. School of Policy, Planning, and Development (5)
- University of Southern California. School of Public Policy (16)
- University of Southern California. Sol Price School of Public Policy (27)
- University of South Florida (19)
- University of South Florida. Center for Urban Transportation Research (96)
- University of South Florida. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (18)
- University of South Florida. National Center for Transit Research (U.S.) (44)
- University of South Florida. School of Civil and Environmental Engineering (7)
- University of Tennessee, Knoxville (30)
- University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Center for Transportation Research (27)
- University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (7)
- University of Texas at Arlington (77)
- University of Texas at Arlington. Department of Civil Engineering (6)
- University of Texas at Austin (14)
- University of Texas at Austin. Center for Transportation Research (107)
- University of Texas at Austin. Cooperative Mobility for Competitive Megaregions (35)
- University of Texas at Austin. Data-Supported Transportation Operations & Planning Center (D-STOP) (50)
- University of Texas at Austin. Department of Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engineering (6)
- University of Texas at Austin. School of Architecture (16)
- University of Texas at Austin. School of Architecture. Urban Information Lab (16)
- University of Texas at El Paso (21)
- University of Texas at El Paso. Center for Transportation Infrastructure Systems (15)
- University of Texas at El Paso. Department of Civil Engineering (9)
- University of Texas at San Antonio (27)
- University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (13)
- University of Toledo (7)
- University of Toledo. University Transportation Center (9)
- University of Utah (49)
- University of Utah. Department of City and Metropolitan Planning (10)
- University of Utah. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (52)
- University of Utah. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering (5)
- University of Vermont (6)
- University of Vermont. Transportation Research Center (76)
- University of Virginia (18)
- University of Virginia. Center for Transportation Studies (25)
- University of Virginia. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering (7)
- University of Washington (92)
- University of Washington. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (20)
- University of Washington. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering (8)
- University of Washington. Dept. of Urban Design and Planning (6)
- University of Washington. University Transportation Center for Region 10 (56)
- University of Wisconsin--Madison (19)
- University of Wisconsin--Madison. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (8)
- University of Wisconsin--Madison. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering (13)
- University of Wisconsin--Madison. Traffic Operations and Safety Laboratory (10)
- University of Wyoming (23)
- University of Wyoming. Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering (24)
- University of Wyoming. Dept. of Civil and Architectural Engineering (11)
- University Transportation Center for Alabama (44)
- University Transportation Center for Federal Region 10 (17)
- University Transportation Center for Railway Safety (UTCRS) [UTC] (16)
- University Transportation Center for Underground Transportation Infrastructure (7)
- University Transportation Center on Improving Rail Transportation Infrastructure Sustainability and Durability. USDOT Tier 1 (6)
- University Transportation Centers Program (U.S.) (54)
- University Transportation Research Center (23)
- Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute (60)
- Urban Mobility & Equity Center (35)
- Utah State University (37)
- Utah State University. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (19)
- Utah Transportation Center (8)
- Vanderbilt University (6)
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (39)
- Virginia Tech (7)
- Virginia Tech. Center for Vehicle Systems and Safety Railway Technologies Laboratory (7)
- Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (149)
- Washington State Transportation Center (13)
- Washington State University (18)
- Washington State University. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (20)
- Washington State University. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering (7)
- Washington State University. National Center for Transportation Infrastructure Durability & Life Extension (TriDurLE) UTC (14)
- Western Michigan University (15)
- Western Michigan University. Transportation Research Center for Livable Communities (5)
- Western New England University (5)
- Western Transportation Institute (99)
- West Virginia University (11)
- West Virginia University. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering (5)
- Youngstown State University. Center for Transportation and Materials Engineering (5)
- Youngstown State University. Dept. of Chemistry (5)
- AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety (6)
- ABSS, Inc. (1)
- Accelerated Bridge Construction University Transportation Center (ABC-UTC) (20)
- ACCESS Magazine (1)
- Alabama. Department of Transportation (4)
- Alabama. Dept. of Transportation (2)
- Alaska. Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (23)
- Alaska. Department of Transportation and Public Facilities. Research, Development, and Technology Transfer (2)
- Alaska. Department of Transportation and Public Facilities. Research and Technology Transfer (4)
- Alaska. Dept. of Transportation and Public Facilities (36)
- Alaska. Dept. of Transportation and Public Facilities. Research, Development and Technology Transfer (17)
- Alaska Marine Highway System (1)
- Alaska University Transportation Center (37)
- Arizona. Dept. of Transportation (1)
- Arkansas. State Highway & Transportation Department (2)
- Arkansas. State Highway & Transportation Dept. (1)
- Arkansas. State Highway Dept. (1)
- Association for Computing Machinery (1)
- ATLAS Center (Mich.) (3)
- Auburn University. National Center for Asphalt Technology (1)
- Automated vehicle Services for People with disabilities–Involved Responsive Engineering (ASPIRE Center) [UTC] (1)
- Bowling Green State University. College of Business Administration (1)
- California. Department of Transportation (19)
- California. Department of Transportation. Department of Research, Innovation and System Information (7)
- California. Dept. of Transportation (9)
- California. Dept. of Transportation. Division of Research and Innovation (22)
- California Energy Commission (1)
- California State University, San Bernardino (2)
- California State University Transportation Consortium (CSUTC) (1)
- Cambridge Systematics (1)
- Carnegie-Mellon University (8)
- Carnegie-Mellon University. Technologies for Safe and Efficient Transportation University Transportation Center (7)
- Carnegie Mellon University. Remaking Cities Institute (1)
- Carnegie Mellon University. Traffic21 Institute. Safety21 University Transportation Center (UTC) (36)
- Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation (CAIT) (UTC) (5)
- Center for Advanced Transportation Mobility, North Carolina A&T State University (23)
- Center for Advancing Research in Transportation Emissions, Energy, and Health (CARTEEH) Tier-1 University Transportation Center (UTC) (16)
- Center for Advancing Research in Transportation Emissions, Energy, and Health. Texas A&M Transportation Institute (23)
- Center for Advancing Transportation Leadership and Safety (ATLAS Center) (18)
- Center for Assured & Resilient Navigation in Advanced Transportation Systems (CARNATIONS) Tier-1 University Transportation Center (UTC) (1)
- Center for Automated Vehicles Research with Multimodal Assured Navigation (CARMEN+) Tier-1 University Transportation Center (UTC) (10)
- Center for Climate Smart Transportation (CCST) Tier-1 University Transportation Center (UTC) (1)
- Center for Connected and Automated Transportation. Purdue University (19)
- Center for Connected Multimodal Mobility, Clemson University (52)
- Center for Equitable Transit Oriented Communities (CETOC) Tier-1 University Transportation Center (UTC) (1)
- Center for Freight Transportation for Efficient and Resilient Supply Chain (FERSC) Tier 1 University Transportation Center (UTC) (1)
- Center for Integrated Asset Management for Multimodal Transportation Infrastructure Systems (CIAMTIS) (8)
- Center for Integrated Asset Management for Multimodal Transportation Infrastructure Systems (CIAMTIS) (UTC) (45)
- Center for Intermodal Freight Transportation Studies (2)
- Center for Large Landscape Conservation (1)
- Center for Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety (CPBS) Tier-1 University Transportation Center (UTC) (6)
- Center for Regional and Rural Connected Communities (CR2C2) Region 4 University Transportation Center (UTC) (1)
- Center for Social and Economic Mobility for People And Communities through Transportation Center (SEMPACT) Region 2 University Transportation Center (UTC) (1)
- Center for Sustainable Transportation Infrastructure (U.S.) (1)
- Center for Teaching Old Models New Tricks (TOMNET) (56)
- Center for the Multi-Modal Mobility in Urban, Rural and Tribal Areas (CMMM) Tier-1 University Transportation Center (UTC) (1)
- Center for Transformative Infrastructure Preservation and Sustainability (CTIPS) Region 8 University Transportation Center (UTC) (1)
- Center for Transportation, Environment, and Community Health. (CTECH) (UTC) (14)
- Center for Transportation, Equity, Decisions and Dollars (CTEDD) (20)
- Center for Transportation, Equity, Decisions and Dollars (CTEDD) (UTC) (58)
- Center for Transportation and Livable Systems (4)
- Center for Understanding Future of Travel Behavior and Demand (TBD) National University Transportation Center (UTC) (1)
- Central Federal Lands Highway Division (2)
- Central State University (1)
- Charlotte Visualization Center (1)
- City College of New York. University Transportation Research Center (15)
- City University of New York. University Transportation Research Center (20)
- Clemson University (1)
- Cleveland State University. Transportation Center (1)
- Coastal Research and Education Actions for Transportation Equity (CREATE) Tier-1 University Transportation Center (UTC) (1)
- Collaborative Sciences Center for Road Safety (95)
- Colorado. Dept. of Transportation. Applied Research and Innovation Branch (2)
- Colorado. Dept. of Transportation. Research Branch (1)
- Colorado. DTD Applied Research and Innovation Branch (2)
- Colorado School of Mines (1)
- Colorado State University (4)
- Colorado State University. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering (1)
- Columbia University. Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics (1)
- Connected Cities for Smart Mobility toward Accessible and Resilient Transportation Center (C2SMART) (110)
- Connected Communities for Smart Mobility Toward Accessible and Resilient Transportation for Equitably Reducing Congestion (C2SMARTER) Tier-1 University Transportation Center (UTC) (6)
- Connected Vehicle/Infrastructure University Transportation Center (22)
- Connecticut. Dept. of Transportation (1)
- Cooperative Mobility for Competitive Megaregions (CM2) (UTC) (3)
- Cornell University (1)
- Cornell University. Center for Transportation, Environment, and Community Health. (CTECH) (47)
- Cornell University. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering (2)
- Cornell University. Dept. of Civil Environmental Engineering (1)
- CTE/NCDOT Joint Environmental Research Program (2)
- Delaware Center for Transportation (4)
- Dryad [dataset distributor] (1)
- Durable and Resilient Transportation Infrastructure (DuRe-Transp) Tier-1 University Transportation Center (UTC) (1)
- Electric Drive Transportation Association (1)
- Elsevier (9)
- Environmentally Responsible Transportation Center for Communities of Concern (ERTC3) Tier-1 University Transportation Center (UTC) (1)
- FAMU-FSU College of Engineering (Tallahassee, Fla.). Civil & Environmental Engineering (1)
- Federal Highway Administration (2)
- Findings Press (1)
- Florida. Department of Transportation (18)
- Florida. Department of Transportation. Public Transit Office (1)
- Florida. Department of Transportation. Research Center (2)
- Florida. Dept. of Transportation (21)
- Florida. Dept. of Transportation. Research Center (16)
- Florida Atlantic University (2)
- Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged (1)
- Florida Department of Transportation (10)
- Florida International University (3)
- Florida International University. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (9)
- Florida International University. Lehman Center for Transportation Research (2)
- Florida State University (1)
- Florida State University. College of Business (2)
- Florida State University. Institute for Science and Public Affairs (1)
- Freight Mobility Research Institute. Florida Atlantic University (26)
- Frontiers in Built Environment (1)
- George Mason University. Transportation and Economic Development Center (3)
- George Mason University Consortium (1)
- Georgia. Department of Transportation. Office of Performance-Based Management & Research (1)
- Georgia. Dept. of Transporation. Office of Performance-Based Management and Research (1)
- Georgia. Dept. of Transportation (6)
- Georgia. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Research (1)
- Georgia Institute of Technology (5)
- Georgia Institute of Technology. School of Civil and Environmental Engineering (5)
- Georgia Transportation Institute University Transportation Center (3)
- Gulf Coast Center for Evacuation and Transportation Resiliency (1)
- Gulf Coast Research Center for Evacuation and Transportation Resiliency (13)
- Hampton University. Eastern Seaboard Intermodal Transportation Applications Center (6)
- Hampton University. School of Business (1)
- Idaho. Transportation Department (11)
- Idaho. Transportation Dept. (2)
- IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society (1)
- Illinois Center for Transportation (15)
- Illinois Institute of Technology (1)
- Illinois Institute of Technology. Center for Assured and Resilient Navigation in Advanced Transportation Systems (2)
- Indiana Department of Transportation (1)
- Innovative Bridge Technologies/Accelerated Bridge Construction (IBT/ABC) Tier-1 University Transportation Center (UTC) (1)
- INRIX, Inc. (2)
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (1)
- Institute of Navigation (1)
- IOP Publishing (1)
- Iowa. Department of Transportation. Aurora Program (5)
- Iowa. Dept. of Transportation (6)
- Iowa Department of Transportation (1)
- Iowa Highway Research Board (1)
- Iowa State University. Bridge Engineering Center (7)
- Iowa State University. Center for Transportation Research and Education (7)
- Iowa State University. Center for Weather Impacts on Mobility and Safety (2)
- Iowa State University. Institute for Transportation (36)
- Jackson State University. Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering (1)
- Jackson State University. Institute for Multimodal Transportation (3)
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.) (1)
- John F. Kennedy School of Government (1)
- John Wiley & Sons Ltd. (1)
- K-TRAN (Research program) (2)
- Kansas. Dept. of Transportation (39)
- Kansas. Dept. of Transportation. Bureau of Materials & Research (24)
- Kansas. Dept. of Transportation. Bureau of Research (5)
- Kansas Department of Transportation. Bureau of Research (4)
- Kansas State University. Transportation Center (2)
- Leonard Transportation Center (14)
- Leonard Transportation Center. (2)
- Lewis Center for Regional Policy Studies (1)
- Louisiana. Department of Transportation and Development (2)
- Louisiana. Dept. of Transportation and Development (3)
- Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge (2)
- Louisiana Transportation Research Center (6)
- Mack-Blackwell National Rural Transportation Study Center (U.S.) (42)
- Maine Maritime Academy (6)
- Maritime Transportation Research and Education Center (20)
- Maritime Transportation Research and Education Center (MarTREC) (84)
- Marshall University. Nick J. Rahall, II Appalachian Transportation Institute (2)
- Maryland. Dept. of Transportation (1)
- Maryland. State Highway Administration (9)
- Maryland. State Highway Administration. Office of Policy & Research (9)
- Maryland. State Highway Administration. Research Division (6)
- Maryland Transportation Institute, University of Maryland (2)
- Massachusetts. Department of Transportation (2)
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (4)
- MDPI (2)
- METRANS Transportation Center (Calif.) (183)
- Michigan. Dept. of Transportation (1)
- Michigan. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Research Administration (3)
- Michigan. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Research and Best Practices (1)
- Michigan. Dept. of Transportation. Research Administration (2)
- Michigan Center for Advancing Safe Transportation Throughout the Lifespan (9)
- Michigan Ohio University Transportation Center (25)
- Michigan State University. Center for Highway Pavement Preservation (7)
- Michigan Technological University (2)
- Mid-America Freight Coalition (4)
- Mid-America Transportation Center (120)
- Mid-America Transportation Center for Transportation Safety and Equity (MATC-TSE) Region 7 University Transportation Center (UTC) (7)
- Mid-Atlantic Transportation Sustainability University Transportation Center (26)
- Mid-Atlantic Universities Transportation Center (79)
- Midwest Regional University Transportation Center (11)
- Midwest Roadside Safety Facility (1)
- Midwest States Regional Pooled Fund Program (3)
- Midwest Transportation Center (20)
- Midwest Transportation Consortium (13)
- Mineta National Transit Research Consortium (36)
- Mineta Transportation Institute (294)
- Minnesota. Dept. of Transportation (2)
- Minnesota. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Minnesota Road Research (1)
- Mississippi. Dept. of Transportation (2)
- Mississippi State University (1)
- Mississippi State University. National Center for Intermodal Transportation for Economic Competitiveness (46)
- Missouri. Department of Transportation (8)
- Missouri. Department of Transportation. Construction and Materials Division (2)
- Missouri. Department of Transportation. Research, Development and Technology (1)
- Missouri. Dept. of Transportation (6)
- Missouri. Dept. of Transportation. Division of Construction and Materials (7)
- Missouri. Dept. of Transportation. Organizational Results (1)
- Missouri. Dept. of Transportation. Research, Development and Technology Division (4)
- Missouri University of Science and Technology (7)
- Missouri University of Science and Technology. Center for Infrastructure Engineering Studies (41)
- Missouri University of Science and Technology. Center for Transportation Infrastructure and Safety (140)
- MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics (1)
- Mobility21 (UTC) (8)
- Mobility21, Carnegie Mellon University (109)
- Montana. Department of Transportation (9)
- Montana. Department of Transportation. Research Programs (5)
- Montana. Dept. of Transportation (1)
- Montana. Dept. of Transportation. Research Programs (38)
- Montana State University--Bozeman (2)
- Montana State University. Western Transportation Institute (33)
- Morgan State University (6)
- Morgan State University. National Transportation Center (11)
- Morgan State University. Sustainable Mobility and Accessibility Regional Transportation Equity Research Center (SMARTER) Region 3 University Transportation Center (UTC) (14)
- Morgan State University. Urban Mobility & Equity Center (2)
- Mountain-Plains Consortium (293)
- Mountain Plains Consortium (152)
- Multimodal Transportation and Infrastructure Consortium (4)
- National Center for Freight and Infrastructure Research and Education (U.S.) (93)
- National Center for Infrastructure Transformation (NCIT) National University Transportation Center (UTC) (1)
- National Center for Intermodal Transportation (32)
- National Center for Intermodal Transportation and Economic Development (U.S.) (1)
- National Center for Intermodal Transportation for Economic Competitiveness (1)
- National Center for Sustainable Transportation (93)
- National Center for Sustainable Transportation (NCST) (UTC) (408)
- National Center for Transit Research (U.S.) (86)
- National Center for Transportation Cybersecurity and Resiliency (TraCR) National University Transportation Center (UTC) (1)
- National Center for Transportation Research (1)
- National Center for Transportation Systems Productivity and Management (U.S.) (10)
- National Institute for Advanced Transportation Technology (NIATT) (U.S.) (25)
- National Institute for Advanced Transportation Technology (U.S.) (25)
- National Institute for Congestion Reduction (20)
- National Institute for Transportation and Communities (20)
- National Institute for Transportation and Communities (NITC) (121)
- National Research Council (U.S.). Transportation Research Board (2)
- National Science Foundation (U.S.) (1)
- National Transit Resource Center (1)
- National Transportation Center (U.S.) (11)
- National Transportation Research Center, Incorporated, University Transportation Center (30)
- National University Rail Center (NURail) (26)
- National University Rail Center (U.S.) (22)
- National Urban Transit Institute (U.S.) (3)
- Nebraska. Department of Transportation (1)
- Nebraska. Dept. of Roads (3)
- Nebraska Transportation Center (9)
- Nevada. Dept. of Transportation (5)
- Nevada Department of Transportation (1)
- New England Transportation Institute (2)
- New England University Transportation Center (166)
- New England University Transportation Center (NEUTC) Region 1 University Transportation Center (UTC) (1)
- New Jersey. Department of Transportation. Bureau of Research (1)
- New Jersey. Dept. of Transportation (33)
- New Jersey. Dept. of Transportation. Bureau of Research (6)
- New Jersey Institute of Technology (4)
- New York (N.Y.). Department of Transportation (1)
- New York (N.Y.). Dept. of Transportation (1)
- New York (State). Department of Transportation. Materials Bureau (1)
- New York (State). Dept. of Transportation (9)
- New York (State). Dept. of Transportation. Environmental Science Bureau (1)
- New York Metropolitan Transportation Council (1)
- New York State Department of Transportation (1)
- New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (2)
- New York University (1)
- New York University. Tandon School of Engineering (1)
- Nextrans (2)
- NEXTRANS Center (U.S.) (75)
- Nick J. Rahall, II Appalachian Transportation Institute (U.S.) (5)
- Norman Y. Mineta International Institute for Surface Transportation Policy Studies (4)
- North Carolina. Dept. of Transportation (2)
- North Carolina A&T Sate University (1)
- North Carolina A&T Sate University. Transportation Institute. Center For Advanced Transportation Mobility (14)
- North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University. Urban Transit Institute (2)
- North Carolina State University (1)
- North Dakota State University (16)
- Northeastern University. College of Engineering (1)
- Northwestern University (Evanston, Ill.). Center for the Commercialization of Innovative Transportation Technology (12)
- Northwestern University (Evanston, Ill.). Infrastructure Technology Institute (14)
- Northwestern University Transportation Center (1)
- Ohio. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Research and Development (1)
- Ohio State University (1)
- Ohio State University. Crash Imminent Safety (CrIS) University Transportation Center (4)
- Ohio Transportation Consortium (8)
- Ohio University. Dept. of Civil Engineering (1)
- Oklahoma State University. School of Civil & Environmental Engineering. Oklahoma Infrastructure Consortium (1)
- Oklahoma Transportation Center (63)
- Oregon. Dept. of Transportation (6)
- Oregon. Dept. of Transportation. Research Section (14)
- Oregon. Dept. of Transportation. Research Unit (17)
- Oregon Department of Transportation (1)
- Oregon State University (2)
- Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium (68)
- Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (1)
- Pacific Northwest Transportation Consortium (94)
- Pacific Northwest Transportation Consortium (PacTrans) (UTC) (153)
- Pacific Southwest Region 9 UTC, University of Southern California (55)
- Pacific Southwest Region University Transportation Center (UTC) (58)
- Pacific Southwest Region UTC (1)
- Penn State Marcellus Center for Outreach and Research (1)
- Pennsylvania. Department of Transportation. Office of Planning and Research (2)
- Pennsylvania. Dept. of Transportation (5)
- Pennsylvania. Dept. of Transportation. Bureau of Planning and Research (5)
- Pennsylvania State University (1)
- Pennsylvania Transportation Institute (4)
- Portland State University (7)
- Portland State University. National Institute for Transportation and Communities (11)
- Purdue University (21)
- Purdue University. Joint Transportation Research Program (5)
- Research on Concrete Applications for Sustainable Transportation (5)
- Research on Concrete Applications for Sustainable Transportation (RE-CAST) (19)
- Research on Concrete Applications for Sustainable Transportation (RE-CAST) (UTC) (6)
- Rhode Island. Dept. of Transportation (3)
- Roadway Safety Institute (2)
- Roadway Safety Institute (UTC) (6)
- Rocky Mountain National Park (2)
- Rudin Center for Transportation Policy & Management (2)
- Rutgers University (4)
- Rutgers University. Center for Advanced Infrastructure & Transportation (11)
- Rutgers University. Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation (153)
- Safety Research Using Simulation (SAFER-SIM) University Transportation Center (104)
- Safety through Disruption (Safe-D) University Transportation Center (UTC) (165)
- SAGE Publications (3)
- San Jose State University (27)
- San Jose State University. College of Business. Mineta Transportation Institute (191)
- San Jose State University. Mineta Consortium for Equitable, Efficient, and Sustainable Transportation (MCEEST) Tier 1 University Transportation Center (UTC) (5)
- Small Urban and Rural Transit Center. (2)
- Smart Work Zone Deployment Initiative (4)
- SOLARIS Consortium (7)
- South Dakota. Department of Transportation. Office of Research (4)
- Southeastern Transportation Center (U.S.) (5)
- Southeastern Transportation Research, Innovation, Development and Education Center (STRIDE) (117)
- Southern Plains Transportation Center (50)
- Southwest Region University Transportation Center (U.S.) (199)
- State of California. Trustees of the California State University. Sponsored Programs Administration (3)
- Taylor & Francis (6)
- Technologies for Safe and Efficient Transportation. University Transportation Center (29)
- Tennessee. Department of Transportation (12)
- Texas. Dept. of Transportation. Research and Technology Implementation Office (2)
- Texas A&M Transportation Institute (49)
- Texas A & M University (4)
- Texas A & M University. Institute for Science, Technology and Public Policy (2)
- Texas Southern University. Center for Transportation Training and Research (11)
- Texas Transportation Institute (74)
- Texas Transportation Institute. University Transportation Center for Mobility (39)
- Texas Transportation Institute. University Transportation Center for Railway Safety (5)
- Thomas D. Larson Pennsylvania Transportation Institute (2)
- Tier-1 University Transportation Center on Telemobility (Telemobility UTC) (5)
- TranLIVE. University of Idaho (27)
- Transit – Serving Communities Optimally, Responsively, and Efficiently (T-SCORE) Center [UTC] (8)
- Transportation Consortium of South-Central States (250)
- Transportation Informatics University Transportation Center (14)
- Transportation Infrastructure Precast Innovation Center (TRANS-IPIC) Tier-1 University Transportation Center (UTC) (12)
- Transportation Northwest (Organization) (30)
- Transportation Northwest (TransNow) UTC (34)
- Transportation Research and Education Center (TREC) (2)
- United States. Agricultural Marketing Service (2)
- United States. Department of Transportation (2)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration (2)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Highway Policy Information (10)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Transit Administration (10)
- United States. Department of Transportation. National Transportation Library [distributor] (4)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology (107)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Office of the Secretary of Transportation (2)
- United States. Department of Transportation. University Transportation Centers (UTC) Program (8)
- United States. Dept. of Transportation (5)
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Research and Special Programs (2)
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology (11)
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Research and Innovative Technology Administration (65)
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Research and Special Programs Administration (16)
- United States. Federal Highway Administration (21)
- United States. Federal Highway Administration (3)
- University at Buffalo, (2)
- University of Alabama at Birmingham. University Transportation Center (6)
- University of Alaska Fairbanks (2)
- University of Alaska Fairbanks. Center for Environmentally Sustainable Transportation in Cold Climates (22)
- University of Alaska Fairbanks. Center for Safety Equity in Transportation (CSET) (50)
- University of Alaska Fairbanks. Institute of Northern Engineering (2)
- University of Arkansas (6)
- University of Arkansas, Fayetteville (6)
- University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. Dept. of Civil Engineering (2)
- University of Arkansas. Mack-Blackwell Transportation Center (8)
- University of California (System). Pavement Research Center (2)
- University of California (System). Transportation Center (2)
- University of California, Berkeley. Institute of Transportation Studies (6)
- University of California, Berkeley. Safe Transportation Research and Education Center (7)
- University of California, Davis (20)
- University of California, Davis. Institute of Transportation Studies (55)
- University of California, Los Angeles. Institute of Transportation Studies (2)
- University of California, Riverside (7)
- University of California, Riverside. Center for Environmental Research and Technology (2)
- University of California Institute of Transportation Studies (4)
- University of California Transportation Center (2)
- University of Central Florida (3)
- University of Central Florida. Center for Advanced Transportation Systems Simulation (12)
- University of Central Florida. College of Engineering and Computer Science (2)
- University of Central Florida. Electric Vehicle Transportation Center (EVTC) (22)
- University of Denver (3)
- University of Florida. Center for Multimodal Solutions for Congestion Mitigation (33)
- University of Florida. Transportation Institute (3)
- University of Illinois at Chicago. Urban Transportation Center (2)
- University of Kansas. Transportation Research Institute (2)
- University of Kentucky Transportation Center (8)
- University of Maryland. National Transportation Center (UTC) (3)
- University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Transportation Center (4)
- University of Michigan (4)
- University of Michigan. Center for Connected and Automated Transportation (92)
- University of Michigan. Transportation Research Institute (7)
- University of Minnesota. Center for Transportation Studies (17)
- University of Minnesota. Center for Transportation Studies. Intelligent Transportation Systems Institute (3)
- University of Minnesota. Intelligent Transportation Systems Institute (10)
- University of Nebraska--Lincoln (5)
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Mid-America Transportation Center (34)
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln. University Transportation Center for Railway Safety (9)
- University of Nebraska. Mid-America Transportation Center (71)
- University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Transportation Research Center (3)
- University of Nevada, Reno. Center for Civil Engineering Earthquake Research (3)
- University of Nevada, Reno. Solaris University Transportation Center (16)
- University of Nevada. University Transportation Center on Improving Rail Transportation Infrastructure Sustainability and Durability (15)
- University of North Carolina (System). Highway Safety Research Center (4)
- University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (11)
- University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Center for Advanced Multimodal Mobility Solutions and Education (81)
- University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Transportation Policy Studies (10)
- University of Oklahoma (5)
- University of Pennsylvania (3)
- University of Rhode Island. Transportation Center (42)
- University of Southern California (7)
- University of South Florida (3)
- University of South Florida. Center for Urban Transportation Research (43)
- University of South Florida. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (2)
- University of South Florida. National Institute for Congestion Reduction (23)
- University of Tennessee, Knoxville (2)
- University of Texas at Arlington (2)
- University of Texas at Austin. Center for Transportation Research (21)
- University of Texas at Austin. Cooperative Mobility for Competitive Megaregions (42)
- University of Texas at Austin. Data-Supported Transportation Operations & Planning Center (D-STOP) (47)
- University of Texas at El Paso. Center for Transportation Infrastructure Systems (2)
- University of Texas at El Paso. Department of Civil Engineering (2)
- University of Toledo (5)
- University of Toledo. University Transportation Center (9)
- University of Utah. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering (6)
- University of Utah. Traffic Laboratory (2)
- University of Vermont. Transportation Research Center (56)
- University of Virginia. Center for Transportation Studies (8)
- University of Washington (12)
- University of Washington. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (2)
- University of Washington. Dept. of Civil Engineering (2)
- University of Washington. Transportation Northwest Regional Center X (TransNow) (5)
- University of Washington. University Transportation Center for Region 10 (39)
- University Transportation Center for Alabama (143)
- University Transportation Center for Railway Safety (UTCRS) Tier-1 University Transportation Center (UTC) (16)
- University Transportation Center for Underground Transportation Infrastructure (UTC) (7)
- University Transportation Center Program at the University of Missouri--Rolla (4)
- University Transportation Centers Program (U.S.) (133)
- University Transportation Research Center (100)
- University Transportation Research Center – Region 2 (5)
- Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute (45)
- Urban Mobility & Equity Center (36)
- Utah. Department of Transportation (3)
- Utah. Dept. of Transportation (3)
- Utah. Dept. of Transportation. Research Division (3)
- Utah Department of Transportation (2)
- Utah State University (5)
- Vermont. Agency of Transportation (6)
- Virginia. Dept. of Transportation (4)
- Virginia Center for Transportation Innovation and Research (6)
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (3)
- Virginia Tech (2)
- Virginia Tech. Center for Vehicle Systems and Safety Railway Technologies Laboratory (5)
- Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (8)
- Virginia Transportation Research Council (3)
- Virginia Transportation Research Council (VTRC) (3)
- Washington (State). Department of Transportation (3)
- Washington (State). Dept. of Transportation (2)
- Washington (State). Dept. of Transportation. Office of Research and Library Services (10)
- Washington (State). Dept. of Transportation. Research Office (3)
- Washington State Department of Transportation (2)
- Washington State Transportation Center (3)
- Washington State University. National Center for Transportation Infrastructure Durability & Life Extension (TriDurLE) UTC (15)
- Wayne State University (2)
- Western Michigan University (3)
- Western Michigan University. Transportation Research Center for Livable Communities (29)
- Western Transportation Institute (18)
- West Virginia. Dept. of Transportation (5)
- West Virginia Dept. of Transportation. Division of Highways (2)
- Wiley Periodicals LLC (2)
- Wisconsin. Department of Transportation (5)
- Wisconsin. Dept. of Transportation (11)
- Wisconsin. Dept. of Transportation. Research and Library Unit (2)
- Wyoming. Department of Transportation (2)
- Youngstown State University. Center for Transportation and Materials Engineering (10)
- Access (93)
- Accessibility (201)
- Accident data (45)
- Administration and Management (46)
- Admixtures (51)
- Advanced traffic management systems (47)
- Advanced traveler information systems (44)
- Aged (81)
- Aged drivers (75)
- Air pollution (81)
- Airports (36)
- Air quality (80)
- Air quality management (54)
- Algorithms (281)
- Alternate fuels (70)
- Alternatives analysis (112)
- Analysis (84)
- Arterial highways (46)
- Artificial intelligence (72)
- Asphalt mixtures (56)
- Asphalt pavements (72)
- Asset management (107)
- Attitudes (156)
- Automated vehicle control (43)
- Automatic data collection systems (76)
- Automation (57)
- Automobile ownership (55)
- Autonomous vehicles (392)
- Before and after studies (86)
- Behavior (236)
- Benefit cost analysis (135)
- Best practices (120)
- Bicycle facilities (55)
- Bicycle lanes (34)
- Bicycles (94)
- Bicycle travel (63)
- Bicycling (126)
- Bikeways (37)
- Binders (36)
- Bituminous binders (34)
- Bond strength (Materials) (38)
- Bridge construction (91)
- Bridge decks (127)
- Bridge design (121)
- Bridge management systems (59)
- Bridge piers (40)
- Bridges (274)
- Bridges and other structures (106)
- Built environment (70)
- Buses (50)
- Bus stops (35)
- Bus transit (78)
- Calibration (75)
- Cameras (69)
- Carbon dioxide (35)
- Carbon fibers (36)
- Case studies (374)
- Cement (37)
- Choice models (47)
- Cities (62)
- City planning (58)
- Climate change (116)
- College students (66)
- Collisions (47)
- Columns (51)
- Commercial vehicles (48)
- Commodity flow (38)
- Communicable diseases (53)
- Communication (42)
- Communities (82)
- Commuters (64)
- Commuting (85)
- Composite materials (40)
- Compressive strength (43)
- Computer models (55)
- Computer security (36)
- Computer vision (51)
- Concrete (113)
- Concrete bridges (86)
- Concrete pavements (62)
- Condition surveys (58)
- Congestion management systems (47)
- Congestion pricing (47)
- Connected vehicles (340)
- Construction (65)
- Construction projects (46)
- Consumer preferences (34)
- Cooperation (41)
- Corrosion (75)
- Cost effectiveness (98)
- Costs (181)
- Countermeasures (74)
- COVID-19 (167)
- Cracking (92)
- Crash analysis (51)
- Crash causes (43)
- Crash data (99)
- Crashes (58)
- Crash injuries (39)
- Crash rates (58)
- Crash risk forecasting (48)
- Crash severity (39)
- Crosswalks (46)
- Crowdsourcing (50)
- Curricula (53)
- Cyclists (134)
- Data (54)
- Data analysis (223)
- Data and Information Technology (96)
- Databases (85)
- Data collection (457)
- Data files (120)
- Data fusion (51)
- Data management (91)
- Data management plans (71)
- Data mining (52)
- Data sharing (39)
- Decision making (217)
- Decision support systems (99)
- Deformation (34)
- Deicing chemicals (36)
- Delivery service (58)
- Demand (50)
- Demand responsive transportation (78)
- Demographics (138)
- Design (154)
- Detection and identification systems (52)
- Deterioration (59)
- Disaster preparedness (73)
- Disaster resilience (94)
- Disasters and emergency operations (72)
- Distraction (61)
- Driver distraction (41)
- Driver performance (65)
- Drivers (208)
- Driver support systems (84)
- Driving (34)
- Driving simulators (163)
- Drones (73)
- Durability (109)
- Earthquake resistant design (79)
- Earthquakes (53)
- Economic analysis (36)
- Economic impacts (112)
- Economics (56)
- Education (122)
- Education and training (160)
- Education and Training (44)
- Electric vehicle charging (95)
- Electric vehicles (268)
- Electronic commerce (37)
- Emergency management (40)
- Emissions reduction (52)
- Employment (52)
- Energy (62)
- Energy consumption (75)
- Environment (116)
- Environmental impacts (237)
- Equity (Justice) (283)
- Estimating (43)
- Evacuation (89)
- Evaluation (150)
- Evaluation and assessment (202)
- Exhaust gases (133)
- Fatalities (104)
- Fatigue (Mechanics) (50)
- Fatigue cracking (35)
- Feasibility analysis (114)
- Fees (61)
- Females (39)
- Fiber reinforced concrete (41)
- Fiber reinforced polymers (67)
- Field studies (45)
- Field tests (129)
- Finance (68)
- Financing (128)
- Finite element method (153)
- Fleet management (49)
- Flexible pavements (38)
- Floods (97)
- Fly ash (62)
- Focus groups (36)
- Forecasting (223)
- Freeways (81)
- Freeze thaw durability (39)
- Freight service (34)
- Freight traffic (169)
- Freight transportation (222)
- Freight Transportation (61)
- Fuel consumption (104)
- Fuel taxes (84)
- Gender (41)
- Geographic information systems (158)
- Geotechnology (40)
- Girder bridges (42)
- Girders (50)
- Global Positioning System (118)
- Greenhouse gases (196)
- Guidelines (100)
- Health (73)
- High risk locations (38)
- High school students (51)
- High speed rail (50)
- Highway bridges (75)
- Highway capacity (72)
- Highway design (97)
- Highway maintenance (73)
- Highway operations (38)
- Highway planning (38)
- Highways (768)
- Highway safety (353)
- Highway traffic control (50)
- Highway user taxation (50)
- Households (57)
- Housing (45)
- Human factors (73)
- Hurricanes (65)
- Hybrid vehicles (39)
- I10: Economics and Administration (53)
- I15: Environment (36)
- I24: Design of Bridges and Retaining Walls (42)
- I72: Traffic and Transport Planning (111)
- I73: Traffic Control (62)
- Image analysis (46)
- Image processing (40)
- Impacts (128)
- Implementation (128)
- Improvements (35)
- Incentives (74)
- Incident management (36)
- Information infrastructure and data (39)
- Information processing (55)
- Infrastructure (352)
- Innovation (42)
- Inspection (147)
- Intelligent transportation systems (213)
- Intelligent vehicles (154)
- Intermodal transportation (99)
- Intersections (111)
- Investments (60)
- Laboratory tests (145)
- Labor force (65)
- Land use (150)
- Land use planning (87)
- Lane changing (39)
- Laser radar (128)
- Level of service (47)
- Life cycle analysis (89)
- Life cycle costing (64)
- Literature reviews (232)
- Load factor (35)
- Load tests (59)
- Location (81)
- Logistics (78)
- Low income groups (88)
- Machine learning (222)
- Maintenance (80)
- Maintenance and Preservation (69)
- Maintenance management (46)
- Mapping (49)
- Marketing (37)
- Market penetration (37)
- Materials (91)
- Mathematical models (185)
- Mathematical prediction (42)
- Mechanical properties (43)
- Methodology (149)
- Metrics (Quantitative assessment) (51)
- Metropolitan areas (62)
- Metropolitan planning organizations (56)
- Microsimulation (60)
- Mileage-based user fees (63)
- Minorities (46)
- Mix design (99)
- Mobile applications (94)
- Mobile communication systems (73)
- Mobility (392)
- Mode choice (195)
- Moisture content (38)
- Monitoring (84)
- Multimodal transportation (166)
- Neighborhoods (51)
- Network analysis (Planning) (53)
- Networks (44)
- Neural networks (76)
- Nondestructive tests (66)
- Nonmotorized transportation (64)
- Operations and Traffic Management (164)
- Optimization (271)
- Origin and destination (76)
- Outreach (68)
- Overlays (Pavements) (35)
- Overweight loads (49)
- Paratransit services (51)
- Parking (70)
- Particulates (41)
- Pavement cracking (34)
- Pavement design (58)
- Pavement distress (64)
- Pavement maintenance (100)
- Pavement management systems (56)
- Pavement performance (135)
- Pavements (141)
- Pedestrian movement (45)
- Pedestrians (154)
- Pedestrian safety (169)
- Pedestrians and Bicyclists (64)
- Perception (35)
- Performance (41)
- Performance measurement (158)
- Persons with disabilities (55)
- Pilot studies (52)
- Planning (73)
- Planning and Forecasting (221)
- Plug-in hybrid vehicles (39)
- Policy (170)
- Policy analysis (57)
- Pollutants (211)
- Portland cement concrete (34)
- Ports (53)
- Precast concrete (58)
- Predictive models (47)
- Pricing (36)
- Prototypes (50)
- Public health (70)
- Public opinion (84)
- Public private partnerships (54)
- Public transit (577)
- Public Transportation (112)
- Public transportation (38)
- Quality control (48)
- Quality of life (51)
- Railroad grade crossings (35)
- Railroads (98)
- Railroad safety (37)
- Railroad tracks (56)
- Railroad transportation (51)
- Rail transit (47)
- Ramp metering (39)
- Real time information (160)
- Recommendations (108)
- Recruiting (46)
- Recycled materials (69)
- Regional planning (71)
- Regional transportation (55)
- Regression analysis (78)
- Rehabilitation (Maintenance) (66)
- Reinforced concrete (50)
- Reinforced concrete bridges (64)
- Reinforcing bars (44)
- Reliability (42)
- Remote sensing (98)
- Renewable energy sources (45)
- Repairing (66)
- Research (129)
- Research Hub (948)
- Research projects (84)
- Retrofitting (54)
- Revenues (53)
- Ridership (134)
- Ridesharing (126)
- Ridesourcing (118)
- Risk analysis (35)
- Risk assessment (166)
- Risk management (42)
- Road construction (74)
- Roads (51)
- Route choice (70)
- Routes and routing (68)
- Routing (76)
- Runoff (55)
- Rural areas (152)
- Rural highways (78)
- Rural transportation (39)
- Rutting (58)
- Safety (231)
- Safety and Human Factors (171)
- Scheduling (45)
- Scooters (52)
- Scour (35)
- Seismicity (49)
- Sensors (217)
- Service disruption (37)
- Service life (82)
- Shared mobility (109)
- Shear strength (46)
- Signalized intersections (120)
- Simulation (384)
- Smartphones (97)
- Social factors (41)
- Society (43)
- Socioeconomic factors (59)
- Software (113)
- Soils (35)
- Soil stabilization (48)
- Spatial analysis (143)
- Speed limits (48)
- Stakeholders (68)
- State departments of transportation (80)
- State of the practice (40)
- Statistical analysis (129)
- Steel bridges (41)
- Strategic planning (101)
- Structural analysis (74)
- Structural health monitoring (151)
- Students (35)
- Supply chain management (73)
- Surveys (532)
- Sustainable development (139)
- Sustainable transportation (168)
- Taxes (59)
- Technological innovations (82)
- Technology (57)
- Technology transfer (52)
- Teenage drivers (40)
- Testing (62)
- Test procedures (50)
- Tolls (36)
- Traffic (44)
- Traffic accidents (67)
- Traffic congestion (291)
- Traffic control (57)
- Traffic control devices (41)
- Traffic counts (41)
- Traffic crashes (116)
- Traffic data (87)
- Traffic delay (36)
- Traffic delays (62)
- Traffic estimation (37)
- Traffic flow (235)
- Traffic models (97)
- Traffic platooning (50)
- Traffic safety (370)
- Traffic signal control systems (66)
- Traffic signals (58)
- Traffic signal timing (60)
- Traffic signs (44)
- Traffic simulation (202)
- Traffic speed (66)
- Traffic surveillance (57)
- Traffic volume (98)
- Training (73)
- Transit buses (46)
- Transit operating agencies (75)
- Transit oriented development (87)
- Transit riders (50)
- Transportation (226)
- Transportation (General) (56)
- Transportation careers (104)
- Transportation corridors (40)
- Transportation disadvantaged persons (108)
- Transportation engineering (55)
- Transportation planning (344)
- Transportation policy (84)
- Transportation safety (84)
- Transportation system management (42)
- Travel behavior (342)
- Travel demand (225)
- Travel demand management (66)
- Travel patterns (76)
- Travel surveys (98)
- Travel time (233)
- Trend (Statistics) (35)
- Trucking (99)
- Trucking safety (38)
- Trucks (155)
- Truck traffic (82)
- Uncertainty (39)
- Universities and colleges (115)
- University Transportation Centers (69)
- Urban areas (205)
- Urban highways (39)
- Urban transit (49)
- Urban transportation (68)
- User charges (61)
- Validation (94)
- Vehicle fleets (44)
- Vehicle miles of travel (155)
- Vehicle mix (37)
- Vehicle safety (52)
- Vehicles and Equipment (84)
- Vehicle sharing (104)
- Vehicle to infrastructure communications (47)
- Vehicle to vehicle communications (53)
- Vehicle trajectories (44)
- Vibration (36)
- Video (53)
- Virtual reality (71)
- Visualization (46)
- Vulnerable road users (47)
- Walking (71)
- Warning systems (41)
- Weather conditions (70)
- Weigh in motion (35)
- Winter maintenance (58)
- Wireless communication systems (96)
- Work zones (51)
- Work zone safety (73)
- Work zone traffic control (48)
- Zero emission vehicles (40)
- #373 (2)
- 00-032 (2)
- 01-001 (2)
- 01-002 (2)
- 01-003 (3)
- 01-004 (2)
- 01-005 (2)
- 01-006 (2)
- 02-008 (2)
- 02-009 (2)
- 02-010 (2)
- 02-016 (2)
- 02-020 (3)
- 02-026 (2)
- 02-27 (2)
- 03-036 (2)
- 03-040 (3)
- 03-049 (2)
- 03-050 (2)
- 03-082 (2)
- 03-087 (2)
- 04-100 (2)
- 04-104 (2)
- 04-110 (2)
- 04-115 (2)
- 04-121 (2)
- 05-008 (2)
- 05-082 (2)
- 05-087 (2)
- 05-091 (2)
- 05-097 (2)
- 05-098 (2)
- 05-116 (2)
- 5-1121-0005-143-1, MATC-UI: 143-1 (2)
- 06-001 (3)
- 06-002 (2)
- 06-003 (2)
- 06-004 (2)
- 06-007 (2)
- 06-010 (2)
- 06-011 (3)
- 06-012 (2)
- 06-013 (2)
- 10-01 (2)
- 15-298 (2)
- 17BASU01 (2)
- 17BASU03 (2)
- 17BLSU01 (2)
- 17BLSU02 (2)
- 17BLSU06 (2)
- 17CASU02 (2)
- 17CLSU05 (2)
- 17CLSU08 (2)
- 17CNMS01 (2)
- 17CTAM01 (2)
- 17GTLSU04 (2)
- 17GTLSU12 (2)
- 17GTTAM02 (2)
- 17ITSLSU09 (2)
- 17ITSOKS02 (2)
- 17PPLSU13 (2)
- 17PPUNM01 (2)
- 17PUTA01 (2)
- 17PUTA02 (2)
- 17SALSU10 (2)
- 17STLSU03 (2)
- 17STLSU11 (2)
- 17STOKS01 (2)
- 17STTAM04 (2)
- 17TTNTU01 (2)
- 18CASU03 (2)
- 18CLSU02 (2)
- 18CLSU03 (2)
- 18CNMS01 (2)
- 18CTAM03 (3)
- 18GTASU01 (2)
- 18GTLSU06 (2)
- 18GTLSU10 (2)
- 18GTTSA02 (2)
- 18GTUNM01 (2)
- 18HSTSA01 (2)
- 18HSTSA02 (2)
- 18ITSLSU09 (2)
- 18ITSOKS01 (2)
- 18ITSTSA03 (2)
- 18PLSU08 (2)
- 18PLSU13 (2)
- 18POKS03 (2)
- 18PPLSU04 (2)
- 18PPPVU01 (2)
- 18SATSA05 (2)
- 18STOKS02 (2)
- 18STTAM02 (2)
- 18STTSA04 (2)
- 18STUNM03 (2)
- 18STUTA01 (2)
- 18TTNMS02 (2)
- 19-16 (3)
- 19-19, MTI Report CA-MTI-1715 (2)
- 19-20 (2)
- 19-30, CA-MTI-1801 (2)
- 19BASU02 (2)
- 19BLSU01 (2)
- 19BLSU02 (2)
- 19CASU03 (2)
- 19CLSU03 (2)
- 19CLSU04 (2)
- 19CTAM02 (2)
- 19GTASU01 (2)
- 19GTUTA01 (2)
- 19ITSLSU06 (2)
- 19ITSLSU07 (2)
- 19ITSOSU01 (2)
- 19ITSUTA02 (2)
- 19PITSLSU14 (2)
- 19PLSU09 (2)
- 19PLSU13 (2)
- 19PPLSU11 (2)
- 19PPLSU12 (2)
- 19PPPVU01 (2)
- 19PPUNM01 (2)
- 19SAUNM03 (2)
- 19SAUTA03 (2)
- 19SAUTA04 (2)
- 19STLSU10 (2)
- 19STUNM02 (2)
- 19STUNM04 (2)
- 19STUTSA02 (2)
- 19TTNTU03 (2)
- 20-09 (2)
- 20-16 (2)
- 20-26, CA-MTI-2007 (3)
- 20-30 (2)
- 20-36 (2)
- 20-36, CA-MTI-1811 (2)
- 20BLSU03 (2)
- 20BLSU19 (2)
- 20CLSU05 (2)
- 20CLSU08 (2)
- 20CNMSU40 (2)
- 20CTAMU22 (2)
- 20CUNM41 (2)
- 20GTLSU10 (2)
- 20GTLSU11 (2)
- 20GTTAMU21 (2)
- 20GTUNM31 (2)
- 20ITSLSU17 (2)
- 20ITSOSU38 (2)
- 20ITSUNM03 (2)
- 20ITSUTA27 (2)
- 20OPOSU037 (2)
- 20PLSU02 (2)
- 20PPLSU14 (2)
- 20PUTA28 (2)
- 20PUTSA34 (2)
- 20PUTSA42 (2)
- 20SALSU13 (2)
- 20SAOSU06 (2)
- 20SATAMU20 (2)
- 20SAUTSA35 (2)
- 20SAUTSA36 (2)
- 20STLSU01 (2)
- 20STLSU12 (2)
- 20STUNM30 (2)
- 20STUNM33 (2)
- 20STUTA25 (2)
- 20STUTA26 (2)
- 21-10 (2)
- 21-35, CA-MTI-1944 (2)
- 22-18 (2)
- 22-36 (2)
- 23-05 (2)
- 23-29 (2)
- 23-33 (2)
- 23-38 (2)
- 23-41 (2)
- 24-03 (2)
- 24-12 (2)
- 24-36 (2)
- 24-50 (2)
- 25-1121-0005-130-1, MATC-MS&T: 130-1 (2)
- 25-1121-0005-133-1 (2)
- 25-1121-0005-134-1, MATC-MS&T: 134-1 (2)
- 25-1121-0005-145-3 (3)
- 25-1121-0005-152-1, MATC-KU: 152-1 (2)
- 61-4027 (3)
- 69A3551747105 (2)
- 69A3551747111 (6)
- 69A3551747116 (2)
- 69A3551747119 (2)
- 69A3551747122 (2)
- 69A3551747129 (2)
- 69A3551747130 (2)
- 69A3551747133 (2)
- 930-722R (2)
- 2008-004 (2)
- 2008-005 (2)
- 2010-001 (2)
- 2011-009 (2)
- 2013-022S (2)
- 2013-S-WSU-0044 (2)
- 2017-S-OSU-4 (2)
- 2018-M-WSU-2 (2)
- 2018-S-UAF-2 (2)
- 2018-S-UI-1 (2)
- 2018-S-UI-3 (2)
- 2018-S-UW-1 (2)
- 2018-S-UW-2 (2)
- 2019-M-UI-1 (2)
- 2019-ME-UW-4 (2)
- 2019-S-OSU-2 (2)
- 2019-S-OSU-3 (2)
- 2019-S-UW-2 (2)
- 2019-S-WSU-2 (2)
- 2020-COV-OSU-4 (2)
- 2020-COV-UI-1 (2)
- 2020-COV-UW-1 (2)
- 2020-M-OSU-4 (2)
- 2020-M-UAF-2 (2)
- 2020-S-OSU-2 (2)
- 2020-S-UI-1 (2)
- 2020-S-UI-3 (2)
- 2020-S-UW-2 (2)
- 2020-S-UW-3 (2)
- 2020-S-WSU-1 (2)
- 2020-S-WSU-2 (2)
- 2020-UCD-01 (2)
- 2021-M-UAF-2 (2)
- 2021-S-OSU-2 (2)
- 2021-S-UI-3 (2)
- 2021-S-UW-2 (2)
- 2021-S-UW-3 (2)
- 2022-M-UAF-2 (2)
- 2022-S-OSU-1 (2)
- 2022-S-UAF-1 (2)
- 2022-S-UI-1 (2)
- 2022-S-WSU-3 (2)
- 2320 23-32 (2)
- 10404 (2)
- 13030 (2)
- 13041 (2)
- 00029576 (2)
- 107018 (2)
- ABC-UTC-2013-C1-FIU05-Final (2)
- ABC-UTC-2016-C1-ISU02-Final (2)
- AISCE Report 07001 (2)
- ALDOT #930-649 (2)
- BD-548-22 (4)
- BD 549 RPWO 28 (2)
- BDK85 977-31 (2)
- BDK85 977-33 (2)
- BDK85 TWO 977-13 (2)
- C-06-13 (2)
- C-06-15 (2)
- C-08-20 (2)
- C-10-08 (2)
- CA-MNTRC-14-1136 (7)
- CA-MNTRC-16-1250 (2)
- CA-MTI-10-2907 (2)
- CA-MTI-10-2928 (4)
- CA-MTI-11-1031 (2)
- CA-MTI-11-2604 (2)
- CA-MTI-11-2903 (2)
- CA-MTI-11-2904 (2)
- CA-MTI-12-1128 (2)
- CA-MTI-12-1228 (3)
- CA-MTI-12-2906 (2)
- CA-MTI-14-1328 (3)
- CA-MTI-15-1428 (3)
- CA-MTI-16-1528 (2)
- CA-MTI-17-1728 (2)
- CA-MTI-1828 (3)
- CA-MTI-2101 (3)
- CA-MTI-2318 (2)
- CA-MTI-2320 (2)
- CA-MTI-2321 (2)
- CA16-2815 (2)
- CAIT-UTC-006 (2)
- CAIT-UTC-NC7 (2)
- CAIT-UTC-NC55 (2)
- CAIT-UTC-REG11 (2)
- CAIT-UTC-REG16 (2)
- CAIT-UTC-REG28 (2)
- CAIT-UTC-REG 29 (2)
- CAIT-UTC-REG 32 (2)
- CAIT-UTC-REG 33 (2)
- CAIT-UTC-REG46 (2)
- CAIT-UTC-REG52 (2)
- CAIT-UTC-REG54 (2)
- CCAT Final Report #57 (2)
- CFDA 20.701 (3)
- CFIRE 02-03 (2)
- CFIRE 02-13 (2)
- CFIRE 03-08 (2)
- CFIRE 03-15 (3)
- CFIRE 03-17 (2)
- CFIRE 04-06 (2)
- CFIRE 05-10 (2)
- CFIRE 05-12 (2)
- CM2 – 7 (2)
- CM2-# 44 (2)
- CM2-17 (2)
- CM2-20 (2)
- cmr 16-004 (7)
- CSCRS-R-27 (3)
- CSCRS-R1 (4)
- CSCRS-R2 (4)
- CSCRS-R4 (3)
- CSCRS-R5 (3)
- CSCRS-R6 (2)
- CSCRS-R7 (2)
- CSCRS-R8 (3)
- CSCRS-R9 (2)
- CSCRS-R10 (2)
- CSCRS-R11 (2)
- CSCRS-R12 (2)
- CSCRS-R13 (2)
- CSCRS-R14 (2)
- CSCRS-R15 (2)
- CSCRS-R16 (3)
- CSCRS-R19 (2)
- CSCRS-R20 (2)
- CSCRS-R21 (2)
- CSCRS-R22 (5)
- CSCRS-R23 (2)
- CSCRS-R24 (2)
- CSCRS-R25.1 (2)
- CSCRS-R26 (2)
- CSCRS-R28 (2)
- CSCRS-R35 (2)
- CSCRS-R42 (2)
- CSCRS-R43 (3)
- CSCRS-R44 (2)
- CSCRS-RR1 (2)
- CSUTC-TR-09-02 (2)
- CT-23-015 (2)
- CTS 04-11 (2)
- CTS 04-12 (2)
- D-STOP/2020/159 (2)
- DTRT13-G-UTC37 (2)
- DTRT13-G-UTC59 (2)
- DUNS: 0031370150000 (2)
- EIN: 54-6001805 (3)
- FDOT-BD 549WO#33 (2)
- FDOT BC137-52 (2)
- FHWA-AK-RD-09-08 (2)
- FHWA-AK-RD-10-02 (2)
- FHWA-AK-RD-12-02 (2)
- FHWA-AK-RD-12-09 (2)
- FHWA-AK-RD-12-14 (2)
- FHWA-AK-RD-12-19 (2)
- FHWA-AK-RD-12-20 (2)
- FHWA-AK-RD-12-28 (2)
- FHWA-AK-RD-xx-xx (2)
- FHWA-ID-12-200 (2)
- FHWA-KS-12-6 (4)
- FHWA-KS-14-02 (2)
- FHWA-KS-14-14 (2)
- FHWA-NJ-2014-005 (2)
- FHWA-OR-RD-09-10 (11)
- FHWA-PA-2009-022-510401-015 (2)
- FHWA/CA/OR (8)
- FHWA/CA/OR- (15)
- FHWA/MT-08-011/6439-801 (2)
- FHWA/MT-09-003/8193 (2)
- FHWA/MT-23-006/9757-705 (3)
- GCCETR-11-05 (2)
- ICT-20-008, UILU-ENG-2020-2008 (2)
- ICT-23-014 (2)
- ICT-23-016 (2)
- ICT-23-017 (2)
- IHRB project TR-577 (2)
- IHRB Project TR-579 (2)
- INE #12.03 (2)
- INE/AUTC 11.24 (2)
- INE/AUTC 12.27 (2)
- INE/CESTiCC 101414 (2)
- InTrans project 07-304 (2)
- InTrans Project 10-386 (2)
- InTrans Project 11-400 (2)
- InTrans Project 12-370 (2)
- InTrans Project 12-435 (2)
- InTrans Project 13-456 (2)
- K-TRAN: KSU-09-2 (2)
- K-TRAN: KSU-10-1 (2)
- K-TRAN: KSU-10-5 (2)
- K-TRAN: KSU-10-7 (2)
- K-TRAN: KSU-10-8 (2)
- K-TRAN: KSU-10-9 (2)
- K-TRAN: KSU-11-3 (2)
- K-TRAN: KSU-11-6 (2)
- K-TRAN: KSU-12-1 (2)
- K-TRAN: KSU-13-3 (2)
- K-TRAN: KSU-14-4 (2)
- K-TRAN: KU-12-4 (2)
- KLK900-SB-001 (3)
- KLK900-SB-004 (2)
- KLK907 (2)
- KS-14-1 (2)
- KS-15-01 (2)
- KS-15-02 (2)
- LS-23-RP-01 (2)
- LS-23-RP-02 (3)
- MATC-UNL: 004-11 (2)
- MATC-UNL: 004-21, 25-1121-0005-004-21 (2)
- MAUTC-2008-01 (2)
- MAUTC-2010-02 (2)
- MAUTC-2011-02 (2)
- MAUTC 2012-02 (2)
- MD-11-SP708B4K (2)
- MD-13-SP209B4K (2)
- MPC-18-358 (2)
- MPC-18-361 (2)
- MPC-18-362 (2)
- MPC-19-377 (2)
- MPC-19-387 (2)
- MPC-19-391 (2)
- MPC-19-399.1 (3)
- MPC-23-495 (2)
- MPC-24-514 (2)
- MPC-24-518 (2)
- MPC-24-522 (2)
- MPC-24-525 (2)
- MPC-24-531 (2)
- MPC-24-534 (2)
- MPC-24-540 (2)
- MPC-24-542 (2)
- MPC-24-561 (2)
- MPC-559 (2)
- MPC-579 (2)
- MPC-612 (2)
- MPC-623 (2)
- MPC-637 (2)
- MPC-662 (2)
- MPC-663 (2)
- MPC-675 (2)
- MPC-692 (2)
- MPC-695 (2)
- MPC 15-289 (2)
- MPC 15-290 (2)
- MPC 15-292 (2)
- MPC 15-299 (2)
- MPC 15-301 (2)
- MPC 16-305 (2)
- MPC 16-308 (2)
- MPC 18-351 (2)
- MPC 18-366 (2)
- MPC 19-372 (2)
- MPC 19-380 (2)
- MPC 19-381 (2)
- MPC 19-382 (2)
- MPC 19-396 (2)
- MPC 22-457 (2)
- MPC 22-468 (2)
- MPC 22-487 (2)
- MPC 23-510 (2)
- MPC 23-511 (2)
- MPC 24-516 (2)
- MPC 24-519 (2)
- MPC 24-521 (2)
- MPC 24-523 (2)
- MT-12-1-5 (2)
- MTI Report 10-09 (3)
- MTI Report 11-05 (2)
- MTI Report 12-01 (2)
- MTI Report 12-07 (3)
- MTI Report 12-47 (2)
- MTI Report 12-51 (3)
- MTI Report 12-77 (2)
- N14-20 (2)
- NCST-20151000 (2)
- NCST-GT-RR-21-26 (2)
- NCST-GT-RR-22-11 (2)
- NCST-GT-RR-22-39 (2)
- NCST-GT-RR-22-40 (2)
- NCST-GT-RR-22-45 (2)
- NCST-GT-RR-24-07 (2)
- NCST-GT-RR-24-26 (2)
- NCST-GT-RR-24-27 (2)
- NCST-GT-RR-24-28 (2)
- NCST-GT-RR-24-29 (2)
- NCST-GT-RR-24-30 (2)
- NCST-GT-RR-24-40 (2)
- NCST-GT-RR-24-41 (2)
- NCST-UCD-RR-19-04 (2)
- NCST-UCD-RR-24-10 (4)
- NUTC R203 (8)
- NUTC R231 (3)
- Project #00016751 (5)
- Project J3 (3)
- PSR-18-SP90 (3)
- RC-1545 (3)
- RC-1599 (7)
- RES2019-07 (5)
- USDOT/RITA DT0S59-07-H-005 (6)
- USF 21177804 (3)
- UTC-R170 (8)
- UTCM 09-00-45 (3)
- #69A3551747110 (2)
- #69A3551747111 (1)
- #79075-00 SUB B (1)
- #79075-00-SUB A and #79075-28 (1)
- #79075-00-SUB B (1)
- #79075-00- SUB C (1)
- #79075-25 (1)
- #79075-27 (1)
- #79075-31 (1)
- #TRyy1141 (Task 4) (1)
- (230678-GT-10120) (1)
- (230681-GT10119) (1)
- 0-5339 (1)
- 0-5684 (1)
- 0-6727 (1)
- 0-6820 (2)
- 0-6977 (1)
- 0-7164 (1)
- 01-862 (1)
- 1-570968 / G10001773 (1)
- 02-9076 (1)
- 04-007 Task No 18 (1)
- 04-036 Task No 48 (1)
- 06-04 (1)
- 07-64 (1)
- 07-350808 (1)
- 08-108 (1)
- 08-116 (1)
- 08-154 (1)
- 09-224 (1)
- 09-PAF004425 (1)
- 19-8318 (2)
- 19PITSLSU14 (2)
- 20GTUNM31,69A3551747106 (2)
- 65A0047 (11)
- 65A0527 (2)
- 65A0527 TO 011 (2)
- 65A0527 TO 012 (2)
- 65A0527 TO 021 (2)
- 65A0529 (2)
- 65A0533 (11)
- 65A0533 TO 006 (2)
- 65A0533 TO 008 (2)
- 65A0533 TO 015 (2)
- 65A0660 (19)
- 65A0674 (4)
- 65A0674 TO 032 (2)
- 65W136 (5)
- 69A3551741 (2)
- 69A355174110 (28)
- 69A355174710 (8)
- 69A355174711 (6)
- 69A3351747124 (4)
- 69A3551747104 (51)
- 69A3551747105 (102)
- 69A3551747106 (228)
- 69A3551747107 (109)
- 69A3551747108 (16)
- 69A3551747109 (41)
- 69A3551747109, 65A0674 (2)
- 69A3551747110 (109)
- 69A3551747111 (105)
- 69A3551747112 (17)
- 69A3551747113 (57)
- 69A3551747114 (67)
- 69A3551747115 (60)
- 69A3551747115/00-025 (2)
- 69A3551747115/02-027 (2)
- 69A3551747115/04-104 (2)
- 69A3551747115/05-008 (2)
- 69A3551747115/05-091 (2)
- 69A3551747115/06-001 (2)
- 69A3551747115/06-013 (2)
- 69A3551747115/Project 01-001 (2)
- 69A3551747115/Project 01-003 (2)
- 69A3551747115/Project 01-004 (2)
- 69A3551747115/Project 01-005 (2)
- 69A3551747115/Project 01-006 (2)
- 69A3551747115/Project 02-008 (2)
- 69A3551747115/Project 02-009 (2)
- 69A3551747115/Project 02-010 (2)
- 69A3551747115/Project 02-016 (2)
- 69A3551747115/Project 02-020 (2)
- 69A3551747115/Project 02-026 (2)
- 69A3551747115/Project 03-036 (2)
- 69A3551747115/Project 03-040 (2)
- 69A3551747115/Project 03-050 (2)
- 69A3551747115/Project 03-082 (2)
- 69A3551747115/Project 03-087 (2)
- 69A3551747115/ Project 04-115 (2)
- 69A3551747115/Project 05-086 (2)
- 69A3551747115/ Project 06-004 (2)
- 69A3551747115/Project 09-010 (2)
- 69A3551747115/Project TTI-01-01 (2)
- 69A3551747115/Project TTI-01-03 (2)
- 69A3551747115/Project TTI-01-04 (3)
- 69A3551747115/Project TTI-03-01 (2)
- 69A3551747115/Project TTI-Student-04 (2)
- 69A3551747115/Project VTTI-00-020 (2)
- 69A3551747115/ TTI-06-02 (2)
- 69A3551747115/TTI-Student-05 (2)
- 69A3551747115/VTTI-00-029 (2)
- 69A3551747115/[05-116] (2)
- 69A3551747115/[06-005] (2)
- 69A3551747115/[ Project 04-121] (2)
- 69A3551747116 (52)
- 69A3551747117 (43)
- 69A3551747119 (99)
- 69A3551747120 (14)
- 69A3551747121 (6)
- 69A3551747122 (12)
- 69A3551747122, WA098 (3)
- 69A3551747124 (38)
- 69A3551747125 (37)
- 69A3551747127 (103)
- 69A3551747127 & MTC (3)
- 69A3551747128 (37)
- 69A3551747128, NITC-1360 (2)
- 69A3551747128, NITC-1477 (2)
- 69A3551747128, NITC-1483 (2)
- 69A3551747129 (25)
- 69A3551747130 (72)
- 69A3551747131 (72)
- 69A3551747132 (24)
- 69A3551747133 (63)
- 69A3551747134 (17)
- 69A3551747135 (18)
- 69A3551847102 (61)
- 69A3551847103 (50)
- 69A3551947136 (9)
- 69A3551947136, 79075-00 SUB B (2)
- 69A3551947136, 79075-00-SUB A (2)
- 69A3551947136, 79075-00-SUB B (3)
- 69A3551947137 (5)
- 69A3552047138 (5)
- 69A3552047139 (5)
- 69A3552344811 (28)
- 69A3552344811/69A3552348316 (2)
- 69A3552344814 (4)
- 69A3552344814 / 69A3552348319 (2)
- 69A3552348301 (2)
- 69A3552348303 (14)
- 69A3552348305 (5)
- 69A3552348319 (2)
- 69A3552348324 (6)
- 69A3552348327 (4)
- 69A3552348328 (2)
- 69A3552348333 (12)
- 69A3552348336 (6)
- 69A3552348340 (15)
- 69A43551747123 (43)
- 69A34520501020620 (3)
- 0072-39-21 (1)
- 0079 (3)
- 091K814 (1)
- 0092-06-10 (1)
- 0092-06-11 (1)
- 0092-06-12 (1)
- 0092-06-30 (1)
- 0092-06-31 (1)
- 0092-07-24 (1)
- 0092-08-25 (1)
- 0092-08-26 (1)
- 0092-08-34 (1)
- 0092-09-22 (1)
- 0092-09-23 (1)
- 0092-10-14 (2)
- 0092-10-15 (1)
- 0092-10-21 (2)
- 0092-11-09 (1)
- 0092-12-09 (1)
- 0092-13-11 (1)
- 98-1783 (2)
- 344k304 (2)
- 0608-002 (1)
- 0655-12-00 (5)
- 669A3551747106 (2)
- 884 (2)
- 1005 (1)
- 1020 (1)
- 1318 (2)
- 2007-0538 (3)
- 2008-ST-061-TS0004 (2)
- 2013-0069 (3)
- 2013-022S (2)
- 2013-032s, 2015-002 (2)
- 2016-010 (2)
- 03419 (1)
- 08184 (1)
- 0009929 (2)
- 10727 (109)
- 0015283, 69A3551747116. (1)
- 39112 (6)
- 00039112 DTRT06-G-0014 (1)
- 49198-21-26 (2)
- 49997-28-25 (2)
- 49997-30-24 (3)
- 061201 (1)
- 089120 (1)
- 291166 (4)
- 0031370150000 (1)
- Alabama DOT Research Project No. 930-653 (2)
- ALDOT 930-722R (2)
- ALDOT Project #930-649 (2)
- AM200204, 69A3551747106 (2)
- AUTC#107004 (2)
- AUTC project # RR10.03/ S14017 (2)
- AUTC Project No. 510005 (2)
- AWD-003034 (2)
- AWD-003125, 69A3551747106 (2)
- BD549-28 (2)
- BDK85 977-29 (2)
- BDK85 TWO 977-12 (2)
- BDK85 TWO 977-13 (2)
- BDK85 TWO 977-14 (3)
- BDK85 TWO 977-20 (2)
- BDV31-977-67 (2)
- BDV31-977-135 (2)
- C1644 (3)
- Caltrans 65A0674 Task Order 007 (2)
- Caltrans 65A0674 Task Order 013USDOT Grant 69A3551747109 (2)
- Caltrans 65A0674 Task Order 051 USDOT Grant 69A3551747109 (2)
- Caltrans 65A0674 TO-020 (2)
- Caltrans 65A0674 TO-027 (2)
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 001 (2)
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 011USDOT Grant 69A3551747114 (2)
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 015, USDOT Grant 69A3551747114 (2)
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 016 USDOT Grant 69A3551747114 (2)
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 017USDOT Grant 69A3551747114 (2)
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 018USDOT Grant 69A3551747114 (2)
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 020 USDOT Grant 69A3551747114 (2)
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 022 USDOT Grant 69A3551747114 (2)
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 026 USDOT Grant 69A3551747114 (2)
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 032 USDOT Grant 69A3551747114 (2)
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 035 USDOT Grant 69A3551747114 (2)
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 036 (2)
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 043 (2)
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 045,USDOT Grant 69A3551747114 (2)
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 047 USDOT Grant 69A3551747114 (2)
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 048 USDOT Grant 69A3551747114 (2)
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 050 USDOT Grant 69A3551747114 (2)
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 053 USDOT Grant 69A3551747114 (2)
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 056 USDOT Grant 69A3551747114 (2)
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 058 (2)
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 065 (2)
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 066 (2)
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 067 USDOT Grant 69A3551747114 (2)
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 071 USDOT Grant 69A3551747114 (2)
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 076 (2)
- Caltrans 65A0686 Task Order 080 (2)
- Caltrans 65A0686, Task Order 010USDOT Grant 69A3551747114 (2)
- Caltrans 65A0696 Task Order 079 (2)
- Caltrans 65A1035, USDOT Grant 69A3552344814 (2)
- Caltrans Grant 65A0674 (3)
- CARB Agreement 16TTD004 (7)
- CE-PSU-0703-01 (2)
- CFIRE: DTRT06-G-0020 (2)
- Collaborative Sciences Center for Road Safety (Grant # 69A3551747113) (2)
- Collaborative Sciences Center for Road Safety (Grant #: 69A3551747113) (5)
- Collaborative Sciences Center for Road Safety (Grant: 69A3551747113) (3)
- Contract # 69A3551747111 (2)
- Contract # DTRT12GUTC12 (2)
- Contract No. 14-317 (2)
- Contract No. DTRT12GUTG11 (12)
- Contract Number: DTRT13-G-UTC51 (3)
- CTEDD 017-03 (2)
- CTEDD 018-13 (2)
- CTRS92-G-0013 (3)
- DOT 69A3551747114 (2)
- DOT Grant No. DTRT06-G-0044 (3)
- DRTR12-G-UTC03 (3)
- DRTS98-G-0028 (2)
- DT0S59-07-H-005 (5)
- DT0S59-09-H-0007 (3)
- DTFH61-07-P-00235 (2)
- DTFH68-07-E-00045 (2)
- DTR598-G-0028 (2)
- DTRS92-G-0010 (3)
- DTRS92-G-0013 (3)
- DTRS93-G-0018 (2)
- DTRS 93-G-0019 (5)
- DTRS93-G-0019 (4)
- DTRS95-G-0001 (5)
- DTRS95-G-0007 (2)
- DTRS95-G-0010 (2)
- DTRS95-G0006 (3)
- DTRS 98-9-0032 (4)
- DTRS98-G-0021 (48)
- DTRS98-G-0021 (Grant) (2)
- DTRS98-G-0027 (2)
- DTRS98-G-0028 (16)
- DTRS98-G-0032 (29)
- DTRS98-G-00329 (5)
- DTRS99-6-0006 (2)
- DTRS99-G-0001 (6)
- DTRS99-G-0006 (23)
- DTRS99-G-0006 (Grant) (2)
- DTRS99-G-0010 (25)
- DTRS99-G-003 (5)
- DTRS99-G0006 (3)
- DTRT-06-G-0016 (4)
- DTRT-13-G-UTC40 (4)
- DTRT-13-GUTC-26 (9)
- DTRT-13-UTC40 (2)
- DTRT06-0014 (2)
- DTRT06-G-0011 (35)
- DTRT06-G-0014 (158)
- DTRT06-G-0014 (Grant) (12)
- DTRT06-G-0016 (58)
- DTRT06-G-0020 (45)
- DTRT06-G-0044 (73)
- DTRT06-G-0048 (2)
- DTRT06-G0011 (2)
- DTRT06G-0043 (19)
- DTRT07-G-0003 (47)
- DTRT07-G-0005 (3)
- DTRT07-G-0006 (50)
- DTRT07-G-0010 (35)
- DTRT07-G-0021 (7)
- DTRT07-G-005 (32)
- DTRT07-G-0054 (44)
- DTRT 07-G-0054 (8)
- DTRT07-G-0056 (29)
- DTRT07-G-0056 (Grant) (4)
- DTRT07-G-0058 (3)
- DTRT07-G-0059 (6)
- DTRT07--G--005 (2)
- DTRT12-G-UT03 (2)
- DTRT12-G-UTC01 (33)
- DTRT12-G-UTC01 (Grant) (6)
- DTRT12-G-UTC03 (24)
- DTRT12-G-UTC05 (6)
- DTRT12-G-UTC06 (69)
- DTRT12-G-UTC07 (2)
- DTRT12-G-UTC10 (2)
- DTRT12-G-UTC14 (6)
- DTRT12-G-UTC16 (61)
- DTRT12-G-UTC17 (5)
- DTRT12-G-UTC18 (12)
- DTRT12-G-UTC18 (Grant 1) (4)
- DTRT12-G-UTC21 (82)
- DTRT12-G-UTC21 2010-0299 (7)
- DTRT12-UTC10 (35)
- DTRT12GUTC11 (3)
- DTRT12GUTC12 (8)
- DTRT12GUTC17 (22)
- DTRT12GUTC17/KLK900-SB- 003 (2)
- DTRT12GUTG11 (16)
- DTRT13-G-UTC (2)
- DTRT13-G-UTC4O (2)
- DTRT13-G-UTC28 (48)
- DTRT13-G-UTC29 (26)
- DTRT13-G-UTC31 (44)
- DTRT13-G-UTC33 (23)
- DTRT13-G-UTC35 (9)
- DTRT13-G-UTC36 (40)
- DTRT13-G-UTC37 (21)
- DTRT13-G-UTC38 (2)
- DTRT13-G-UTC40 (28)
- DTRT13-G-UTC41 (13)
- DTRT13-G-UTC41 (2013) (3)
- DTRT13-G-UTC43 (6)
- DTRT13-G-UTC45 (17)
- DTRT13-G-UTC47 (4)
- DTRT13-G-UTC48 (19)
- DTRT13-G-UTC50 (27)
- DTRT13-G-UTC51 (10)
- DTRT13-G-UTC52 (7)
- DTRT13-G-UTC52 (Grant 2) (12)
- DTRT13-G-UTC53 (4)
- DTRT13-G-UTC54 (24)
- DTRT13-G-UTC55 (4)
- DTRT13-G-UTC56 (2)
- DTRT13-G-UTC57 (5)
- DTRT13-G-UTC58 (50)
- DTRT13-G-UTC59 (11)
- DTRTO7-G-0054 (2)
- DTSR0023424 (24)
- DUNS: 0031370150000 (7)
- EIN: 54-6001805 (7)
- FDOT-BD 549WO#33 (2)
- GCB 1382 (2)
- GR23256 (2)
- Grant # DTRT06-G-0011 (2)
- Grant Number: DTRT12-G-UTC18 (7)
- Grant Number: DTRT12-G-UTC18 (Grant 1) (4)
- LTRC Project Number: 12-4SS (2)
- MATC TRB RiP No. 1250761 (2)
- MDT Project #6439-901 (3)
- MDT Project #8193 (2)
- METRANS Project 14-11 (2)
- METRANS Project 14-13 (2)
- MPC-23-501 (2)
- MPC-382 (2)
- MPC-412 (2)
- MPC-454 (3)
- MPC-455 (2)
- MPC-463 (2)
- MPC-465 (2)
- MPC-467 (2)
- MPC-471 (2)
- MPC-489 (2)
- MPC-495 (2)
- MPC-503 (2)
- MPC-508 (2)
- MPC-510 (2)
- MPC-512 (2)
- MPC-514 (2)
- MPC-519 (2)
- MPC-522 (2)
- MPC-533 (2)
- MPC-557 (2)
- MPC-562 (2)
- MPC-567 (2)
- MPC-601 (2)
- MPC-607 (2)
- MPC-622 (2)
- MPC-635 (2)
- MPC-644 (2)
- MPC-649 (2)
- MPC-657 (2)
- MPC-660 (2)
- MPC-661 (2)
- MPC-672 (2)
- MPC-682 (2)
- MPC-683 (2)
- MPC-694 (2)
- MPC 15-293 (2)
- MPC 16-315 (2)
- MPC 17-321 (2)
- MSU G&C #4W2012 (2)
- MSU G&C #4W2048 (2)
- MSU G&C #4W2592 (2)
- MSU G&C #4W2781 (2)
- NCITEC Project No. 2013-31 (2)
- NITC, Grant Number 1532 (3)
- NITC-1222 (2)
- NITC-1357 (2)
- NITC-1475, 69A3551747112 (2)
- NITC-RR-1268 (2)
- NITC 1299 (2)
- NITC 1304 (2)
- ORSO 135461 (2)
- OTREC RR-08-190 (11)
- PacTrans DTRT13-G-UTC40 (2)
- Part of DTRT13-G-UTC37 (7)
- Project 0-6658 (3)
- Project No. 8196 (2)
- R49/CE0042479 (4)
- RES2019-07 (4)
- Research Consortium Contract Number C030506 (2)
- RITA Grant-DTRT-06-G-0043 (4)
- RITA Grant-DTRT06G-0043 (2)
- RP200 (2)
- SCAQMD Contract # 17276 USDOT Grant 69A3551747114 (2)
- SP209B4K (2)
- SP309B4J (2)
- SP708B4K (2)
- SPR 645 (11)
- SPR 682 (2)
- State Project Number: 30000606 (2)
- T002688 (4)
- T2-07-05 (2)
- T2-11-06 (2)
- TO-014 (2)
- TO-033 (4)
- TPF-5(435) (5)
- TPF-5(438) (3)
- TRyy1141 (2)
- U.S. DOT DTRS98-G-0032 (4)
- U.S.DOT DTRS98-G-0032 (2)
- UAF130032POFP30329 (2)
- USDOT - 69A3551747134 (12)
- USDOT/69A3551747135 (2)
- USDOT 69A3551747135 (25)
- USDOT 69A3551947137 (3)
- USDOT: DTRT13-G-UTC45 (13)
- USDOT DTRS98-G-0032 (4)
- USDOT Grant 65A0674, TO-041 (2)
- USDOT Grant 69A35 (9)
- USDOT Grant 69A3551747109 (68)
- USDOT Grant 69A3551747109 Caltrans 65A0674 Task Order 52 (2)
- USDOT Grant 69A3551747109 Caltrans Grant 65A0674, (3)
- USDOT Grant 69A3551747109 Caltrans Grant 65A0674, Task Order 006 (2)
- USDOT Grant 69A3551747109,Caltrans Contract 65A0674 (2)
- USDOT Grant 69A3551747109, Caltrans Task Order TO 054 (2)
- USDOT Grant 69A3551747114 (130)
- USDOT Grant 69A3551747114 SCAQMD 17278 (2)
- USDOT Grant 69A3552047141 (6)
- USDOT Grants 69A3552348319 (2)
- USDOT – 69A3551747134 (3)
- UTCA Project #06403 (2)
- UTCM: DTRT06-G-0044 (2)
- WA231, 69A3551747122 (2)
- WA834 (2)
- WisDOT: 0657-45-11 (2)
- WSDOT T1461-20 (2)
- ZSB12017-SJAUX (110)
- ZSB12017-SJAUX8 (2)
- :Nahmens, Isabelina ;Ikuma, Laura2025-03-18Abstract:Precast concrete (PC) elements are used throughout construction, including transportation. PC is one of the most efficient, versatile, and reliable co...File Type:File Type:
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