Human Factors Checklist for the Design and Evaluation of Air Traffic Control Systems
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Edition:Final Report
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Abstract:This document presents human factors issues that should bo considered in tho
design and evaluation of air traffic control (ATC! systoms and subsystems. Tho
checklist is a companion document to Human Factors in tho Design and Evaluation of
Air Traffic Control Systoms. Tho goal of this chocklist is to point air traffic
controllers and other operations specialists to quostions that thoy may wish to
consider in their evaluation of now systems or subsystems, or a now component of
an existing system. Some chocklist items may bo used as a rough filter for known
design flaws; othors are moro appropriate for group discussion.
The numbers in parenthesis at the and of each checklist item refer to the section
in Human Factors in the Design and Evaluation of Air Traffic Control Systems that
discusses the issue. This mapping allows the checklist user to learn about tho
basis for the item, why it is important, and the implications of compromise.
Checklist items marked with an 'I* indicate items that must be assossod with
equipment and/or by referring to tho specifications documentation.
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