Right Turn on Red: Energy-Saving Measure or Unsafe Maneuver? [Research Brief]
Corporate Creators:
Corporate Contributors:State of California SB1 2017/2018, Trustees of the California State University Sponsored Programs Administration ; United States. Department of Transportation. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology ; United States. Department of Transportation. University Transportation Centers (UTC) Program
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Edition:Research Brief
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Abstract:Using existing literature, we explored the safety and emissions impacts of RTOR nationwide. Ten, we used data from California traffic collisions from 2011–2022 to better understand the prevalence of RTOR safety impacts. This review revealed that a higher proportion of RTOR collisions were occurring in low socioeconomic status (SES) areas. This led to a deeper set of analyses using linear regression models and a host of built environment, collision, and SES variables. We also conducted a case study in the City of Los Angeles to identify and analyze intersections where high numbers of RTOR collisions were occurring.
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