Air Travel Consumer Report: May 2016
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Abstract:The Air Travel Consumer Report is a monthly product of the Department of Transportation’s Office of Aviation Consumer Protection (OACP). The report is designed to assist consumers with information on the quality of services provided by the airlines. The report is divided into sections (Flight Delays, Mishandled Baggage Wheelchairs and Scooters, Oversales, Consumer Complaints, Customer Service Reports to the Transportation Security Administration, and Airline Reports of the Loss, Injury, or Death of Animals During Air Transportation). The sections concerning flight delays, mishandled baggage, wheelchairs and scooters and oversales are based on data collected by the Department’s Bureau of Transportation Statistics. The section concerning consumer complaints is based on data compiled by the Office of Aviation Consumer Protection. The section concerning customer service reports to the Department of Homeland Security’s Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is based on data provided by TSA. The section that deals with animal incidents during air transport is based on reports airlines are required to submit to the OACP. Each section of the report is preceded by a brief explanation of how to read and understand the information provided. The report normally is released by the end of the second week of each month. The report is available on-line at:
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