Design of Urban Landscape and Road Networks to Accommodate CAVs
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Edition:Final report, Aug 1 2017 - Dec 31 2019
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Abstract:Autonomous vehicles (AVs) prospectively offer enhanced safety and mobility for travelers and increased efficiency of transportation system operations. AVs are likely to have significant impacts on the forms and functions of the built environment. In addition, the increasing urban air pollution, energy consumption, and climate change foster the need to promote adopting alternative fuel AVs such as all-electric AVs (EAVs) instead of gasoline-powered AVs (GAVs). This study seeks to comprehend the impacts of attitudinal factors and roadway designs on people’s intention to use AVs and buy EAVs and GAVs. Fourteen latent attitudinal factors related to people’s perceptions and attitudes towards AV and EV technologies, driving, the environment, and personal innovativeness were considered. Urban roadway designs for accommodating AVs were created to feature dedicated AV lanes equipped with wireless charging for EAVs and replacing roadside parking for AV pick-up/drop-off zones. Structural equation models were estimated using stated preference survey data collected from over 1,300 people across the United States. The model estimation results show the extent to which certain factors (the perceived advantages of AVs and EAVs, their potential to improve road safety, their compatibility with their users’ lifestyles and travel needs, and attitudes towards driving) prominently affect travelers intentions to use AVs and buy EAVs. The study results and insights can be used by transportation planners and policymakers to develop road network design guidelines and policies that target various attitudinal factors associated with AV adoption and promote EAVs over GAVs. Further, they can aid in preparing the built environment to facilitate AV adoption.
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