Non-Cementitious Repair Materials Study
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Edition:Final Report, Oct 2017-Jun 2019
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Abstract:The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) is continually looking for state-of the-art technologies, materials, and methodologies to cost-effectively preserve the condition of their pavements so as to extend the service life and delay the need for major rehabilitation or reconstruction. In a search for a more durable and sustainable concrete pavement repair strategy, WisDOT has used non-cementitious repair materials on concrete pavements around the State with varying levels of success. Where poor performance from these repairs has been observed, it has been attributed to either poor workmanship or inappropriate use of the repair material for the prevailing concrete pavement condition. These factors suggest that the non-cementitious materials may have been used as a “band-aid fix” to allow for early opening to traffic rather than selecting and implementing the most suitable repair strategy to effectively address the specific distresses in the existing pavement. This report presents a summary of an investigation into the use of non-cementitious repair materials. This includes the results of a literature review focused on the laboratory and field performance of non-cementitious repair materials as well as a review of state highway agency practices related to the application of non-cementitious repair materials. A field survey of five different non-cementitious repair materials used in partial-depth repair (PDR) applications throughout Wisconsin was performed and the results documented. Additionally, the findings from a limited laboratory testing program conducted to assess the bond and dimensional stability properties of three non-cementitious materials at different testing temperatures are also presented. The report concludes with guidance on the use of non-cementitious repair materials for concrete pavement PDR applications in Wisconsin.
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