Mobility on Demand (MOD) Program: Mobility Marketplace: MOD Marketplace Overview
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Abstract:Innovations in transportation such as ridesourcing services, bikeshare, automated vehicles, and other shared-use travel options are changing the way people travel and the way goods are delivered. These innovations also have the potential to fundamentally reshape and help create a more flexible, user-centric transportation system that allows for mode shifts based on convenience, accessibility, reliability, cost, and trip duration. An MOD Marketplace is a digital platform that integrates multimodal supply for personal mobility and goods delivery services into a trusted venue for consumers to plan, reserve, and purchase services in a maximally flexible manner. It matches consumer demand for these services with supply provided by transportation agencies and operations managers, as well as private mobility and goods delivery providers. By streamlining multimodal travel choices for users, an effective MOD Marketplace will support the U.S. Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT) MOD vision, which seeks to leverage innovative technologies and public-private partnerships to provide safe, reliable, equitable, and seamless mobility and goods delivery for all users. However, a true MOD Marketplace does not exist yet, and the ConOps describes how this full-fledged implementation will function.
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