Mobility on Demand (MOD) Program
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Abstract:The U.S. Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT) uses the term Mobility on Demand (MOD) to represent its vision for future mobility. MOD envisions a safe, reliable, and carefree mobility ecosystem that supports complete trips for all, both personalized mobility and goods delivery. The U.S. DOT achieves this vision by leveraging innovative technologies and facilitating public-private partnerships to allow for a user-centric approach that improves mobility options for all travelers and delivery of goods and service. The U.S. DOT’s MOD Program is a multimodal program initiated by the Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Programs Office (ITS JPO), Federal Transit Administration (FTA), and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to study emerging mobility services; public transportation networks and operations; goods delivery services; real-time data services; and ITS that can enhance access to mobility, goods, and services for all.
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