ITSJPO Digital Library
This collection includes reports from the USDOT Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office (ITSJPO) research program. As of December 2016, USDOT's ITS research program is focused on two key priorities: Realizing Connected Vehicle Implementation and Advancing Automation. Research areas include Accelerating Deployment, Automation, Connected Vehicles, Emerging Capabilities, Enterprise Data, and Interoperability. For more information on past and current research areas or the ITSJPO Research Program overall, visit Bookmark this collection: or
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Narrow Results:
Publication Year
- 2024 23
- 2023 28
- 2022 103
- 2021 81
- 2020 46
- 2019 55
- 2018 78
- 2017 51
- 2016 47
- 2015 65
- 2014 70
- 2013 42
- 2012 86
- 2011 81
- 2010 46
- 2009 59
- 2008 77
- 2007 43
- 2006 49
- 2005 69
- 2004 69
- 2003 100
- 2002 81
- 2001 55
- 2000 257
- 1999 159
- 1998 197
- 1997 234
- 1996 249
- 1995 167
- 1994 104
- 1993 46
- 1992 23
- 1991 16
- 1990 6
- 1989 2
- 1988 3
- 1986 4
- 1985 1
- 1984 1
- 1981 2
- 1980 1
- 1979 1
- 1978 1
- 1975 1
- 1970 1
Resource Type
- Application 1
- Bibliography 3
- Book 1
- Booklet/Pamphlet 40
- Brief 123
- Data Management Plan 14
- Dataset 23
- In Book 2
- In Proceedings 1
- Journal 6
- Journal Article 6
- Manual 25
- Manuscript 1
- Memorandum 2
- Organization Info 4
- Other 107
- Policy Statement 2
- Presentations 33
- Press Release 6
- Proceedings 80
- Research Paper 253
- Tech Report 2245
- Web Document 2
- Aaron, Evelyn 4
- Abdel-Rahim, Ahmed Shawky 3
- Abdelghany, Khaled 8
- Abubakr, M. 3
- Abuelhiga, Ayeshah 5
- Adla, R. 7
- Ahmed, Mohamed 6
- Ahmed, Mohamed M. 3
- Alexiadis, Vassili 18
- Alfelor, Roemer 6
- Ali, Atizaz 7
- Anderson, Amanda 4
- Anderson, Chris 4
- Anderson, Justin 7
- Andrews, Scott 10
- Armstrong, Chris 5
- Asare, Sampson 8
- Ashqar, Huthaifa 3
- Auer, Ashley 3
- Bahram, Sina 6
- Bailey, Taylor 7
- Baker, Stephanie 4
- Balducci, Patrick 4
- Balke, K. 12
- Balke, Kevin 44
- Balke, Kevin N. 19
- Balse, Animesh 7
- Bare, Kelly 3
- Barhoum, Nader 3
- Barkley, Tiffany 4
- Barrios, J. 3
- Baumgardner, Greg 5
- Beal, Joe 4
- Beasley, Kari 4
- Bedsole, Elisabeth 3
- Beer, Pamela 3
- Belella, Paul 6
- Benevelli, David 17
- Berg, Ian 4
- Berg, Roger 4
- Bettisworth, Caitlin 8
- Biesecker, Keith 4
- Billheimer, John W. 3
- Bittner, A. 3
- Black, Chuckerin 4
- Blizzard, Katherine 3
- Bogard, S. 6
- Bogard, Scott 6
- Bogard, Scott E. 3
- Bolten, Nick 4
- Bondarenko, Dennis 4
- Boriboonsomsin, Kanok 4
- Boselly, Ed 3
- Bottom, Jon 3
- Bouattoura, Fairel 3
- Bouattoura, Fariel 3
- Boyapati, Rama Krishna 6
- Boyce, Brenda 3
- Bradley, Mark 4
- Bradley, Peg 3
- Brand, Daniel 4
- Bregman, Susan 3
- Bridgelall, Raj 3
- Brodesky, Robert 4
- Brown, Les 9
- Brown, V. J. 4
- Brown, Vincent J. 3
- Bunch, James 3
- Bunch, James A. 7
- Burgess, Lisa 4
- Burkom, Diane 6
- Burnier, Carolina 8
- Burns, Matthew 6
- Burris, Mark 11
- Burris, Mark W. 8
- Burt, M. 4
- Burt, Matt 17
- Butler, Carrie 4
- Cadzow, Scott 7
- Campbell, John L. 4
- Campbell, Jon 5
- Campbell, Robert 7
- Carroll, Anya A. 5
- Carter, M. 6
- Carter, Mark 5
- Carter, Mark (Mark R.) 6
- Casella, B. 5
- Casey, Robert F. 11
- Caspi, Anat 21
- Cassady, Jim 5
- Chachich, Alan 4
- Chajka-Cadin, Lora 10
- Chandra, A. 5
- Chang, Annie 5
- Chang, Edmond Chin-Ping 3
- Chang, James 11
- Chapman, Michael 4
- Charara, Hassan 8
- Chenzaie, Mujib 4
- Cheslow, Melvyn D. 5
- Chiu, Yi-Chang 4
- Chovan, John D. 4
- Chrzan, Sue 3
- Chupp, William 3
- Clark, Hugh 3
- Clark, Hugh M. 7
- Cluett, Chris 12
- Cluett, Christopher 12
- Cohen, Adam 5
- Coleman, Thomas G. 5
- Colman, Carol G. 3
- Concas, Sisinnio 5
- Conger, Steven M. 3
- Coogan, Tom 3
- Cops, Michael 3
- Cordahi, Gustave 14
- Costello, Pete 4
- Craig, John L. 5
- Craig, Thomas 12
- Crowder, Michelle 3
- Cuddy, Matthew 3
- Dagli, Rahul 6
- Daigle, John J. 4
- Danczyk, Adam 13
- Davies, Daniel K. 6
- Davila-Gonzalez, Emilio 3
- Davis, Alan 7
- Davis, Asean 3
- DeBlasio, Allan J. 33
- Deering, R. 8
- Deering, Richard K. 11
- Dhindsa, Albinder 3
- Dias, Bernardine 9
- Dingus, Thomas A. 6
- Dixit, Vinayak 3
- Dixon, Kelly 3
- Dorfman, Matthew 4
- Dowling, R. 3
- Dowling, Richard 3
- Dowling, Richard G. 12
- Doyle, Tim 3
- Drobot, Sheldon 5
- Duncan, Tammy 5
- Eichbrecht, Paul 3
- Eilbert, Andrew 4
- English, Tony 27
- Englisher, Larry S. 7
- Evensen, Knut 5
- Everson, Jeffrey H. 3
- Farber, Maurice 3
- Faust, Rudy 3
- Fayez, Sam 6
- Fekpe, Edward 3
- Fender, Katie 5
- Feng, Yiheng 3
- Fichter, Katherine S. 4
- Fincher, Scott 3
- Fischer, Hans-Joachim 5
- Fischer, Stephanie 3
- Fitzgerel, Sean 3
- Fitzpatrick, David 5
- Flanigan, Erin 16
- Flannery, Aimee 3
- Florence, D 4
- Florence, David H. 3
- Foster, Bennett 3
- Frank, Larry 5
- Frey, Bob 4
- Gabel, Randy 3
- Galgano, Steve 4
- Gao, Jingqin 3
- Garcia, Dominie 4
- Garcia, Vince 26
- Garrett, J. Kyle 3
- Gatiba, Adam 5
- Gay, Kevin 4
- Geisler, Scott 7
- Gentry, Lance 11
- Gettman, Douglas 5
- Gibbs, Williams 4
- Gilbert, Mark 3
- Glassco, Richard A. 3
- Glueckert, Tom 6
- Golembiewski, Gary 8
- Goodin, Ginger 7
- Gopalakrishna, Deepak 69
- Gordon, Steve 87
- Goudy, R. 13
- Grahn, Rick 4
- Green, P. 3
- Greenwood, Aaron T. 3
- Greer, Elizabeth 5
- Greer, Liz 3
- Grenzeback, Lance R. 3
- Guan, Adrian 9
- Guenin, Heidi 3
- Guensler, Randall 8
- Guenther, Hendrik-Joern 8
- Guin, Angshuman 8
- Guo, X 3
- Guspan, Kristina 5
- Haas, R. 4
- Haas, Robert 12
- Hadi, Mohammed 3
- Haefner, Lonnie E. 3
- Hagan, Michael 3
- Hailemariam, Margaret 7
- Hallenbeck, Mark 24
- Hallenbeck, Mark E. 6
- Hamann-Burney, Jamie 3
- Hardesty, Dawn 5
- Harding, J. 7
- Harper, Corey 3
- Hart, Robert 4
- Hartman, Kate 3
- Haselkorn, Mark 3
- Hassol, Josh 8
- Hassol, Joshua 4
- Hatcher, Greg 8
- Hatcher, S. Gregory 7
- Haugen, J. 3
- Heggedal, Kristina 3
- Hendricks, Donald L. 6
- Herman, Arielle 4
- Hicks, Brandy 3
- Hicks, Drennan 7
- Hill, Christopher J. 7
- Hilsenbeck, Jason 3
- Hintz, Rewa 3
- Hoefs, Wolfgang 10
- Hofelich, Alex 4
- Hoffman-Stapleton, Mikaela 3
- Hong, Zihan 3
- Hranac, Rob 4
- Hsu, Eva 7
- Huang, Zhitong 9
- Hubbard, Elliot 9
- Hussain, S 3
- Hussain, Shah 7
- Inman, V. 4
- Ishimaru, John M. (John Masashi) 3
- Jackson, David W. 3
- Jacobi, Amy 9
- Jacobson, Leslie 3
- Jasper, Keith 10
- Jayakrishnan, R. 3
- Jensen, M. 6
- Jensen, Mark 28
- Jia, A. 3
- Johnson, Christine M. 15
- Johnson, Steve 5
- Jones, Robert 12
- Joy, Barbara 5
- Jung, Soojung 4
- Kabir, Firoz 3
- Kailas, A. 4
- Kaiser, June L. 3
- Kaliski, John G. 3
- Kamalanathsharma, Raj 9
- Kamalanathsharma, Raj Kishore 16
- Kandarpa, Ram 9
- Kargl, Frank 6
- Karner, Kevin 3
- Kaufman, Matthew 3
- Kemp, Michael A. 3
- Kennedy, J. 3
- Kiefer, R. J. 3
- Kiger, S. 4
- Kim, Anita 5
- Kim, Jiwon 3
- Kitchener, Fred 19
- Klein, Lawrence A. 4
- Klein, R.A. 4
- Klein, Rachel 7
- Kniss, Valerie 3
- Knox, W.J. Jr 3
- Koenders, Eric 5
- Kolleda, Joshua 4
- Koopmann, Jonathan 3
- Kourtellis, Achilleas 3
- Koziol, J. S. 3
- Krechmer, Daniel 12
- Kuhn, Beverly 9
- Kuhn, Beverly T. 9
- Kumar, V. 5
- Labell, Lawrence N. 5
- Lam, Andy 4
- Lappin, Jane E. 17
- Larkin, James 5
- Larkin, James J. 7
- Leao, Guilherme 9
- LeBlanc, David 6
- Leslie, Ed 12
- Levine, Jonathan 18
- Li, Pengfei 5
- List, George F. 4
- Lovejoy, Kristin 4
- Lukasik, Dan 10
- Lukuc, Mike 10
- Luttrell, Timothy 8
- Lykkja, Ola Martin 5
- Lynch, Samuel 4
- Maccubbin, Robert P. (Robert Pearce) 5
- Macias, Roberto 4
- Mahmassani, Hani 5
- Mahmassani, Hani S. 13
- Maisel, Jordana L. 14
- Maloney, Cynthia 8
- Marecek, Alice 13
- Margiotta, Richard 5
- Marousek, Jim 12
- Marsters, Robert 8
- Martin, Elliot 9
- Martin, Elliot W. 6
- Mayhew, G. 5
- McCormack, Ed 4
- McGurrin, Michael 5
- Miller, Kevin 8
- Miller, Sheryl 8
- Mishra, Santosh 24
- Mitchell, C. 9
- Mitchell, Carol 7
- Moniz, Leisa 6
- Morgan, Abigail 11
- Moring, John 6
- Morrison, Geoff 9
- Murari, Sudeeksha 4
- Naes, Tyler 6
- Najm, Wassim 8
- Neelakantan, Radha 5
- Neudorff, Louis G. 8
- Nevers, B. 4
- Newton, Diane 10
- O'Reilly, Katy 4
- Okunieff, Paula 4
- Okunieff, Paula E. 5
- Okunieff, Polly 27
- Ong, Boon Teck 4
- Opie, Keir 6
- Orban, John E. 12
- Osborne, Leon 4
- Osborne, Leon F. 7
- Ostroff, Rachel 4
- Owens, Nicholas D. 6
- Ozbay, Kaan 7
- O’Sullivan, Katie 7
- Papayannoulis, Vassilis 4
- Paquet, Victor 14
- Paselsky, Ben 5
- Patel, Poonam 5
- Pecheux, Kelley Klaver 6
- Peck, Cindy 11
- Peirce, Sean 5
- Perlman, David 5
- Perry, Frank 6
- Pessaro, Brian 10
- Petrella, Margaret 14
- Pierce, Ben 5
- Pierce, Bennett K. 9
- Pisano, Paul 4
- Plotnick, Sarah 9
- Poling, Tyler 4
- Probert, Neal 9
- Proper, Allen T. 7
- Qiao, Chunming 10
- Radin, Sari 60
- Ragan, Ali 10
- Rakha, Hesham 10
- Rakoff, Hannah 5
- Raman, Mala 4
- Ramsey, Brooke 15
- Rausch, Robert 18
- Reed, Thomas B. 7
- Regan, Terrance J. 7
- Rephlo, J. 4
- Rephlo, Jennifer 8
- Richeson, Rebecca 4
- Rinelli, Paolo 7
- Robinson, Mark 5
- Rodier, Caroline 4
- Roell, Maria 14
- Rouphail, Nagui M. 4
- Roy, Richard 9
- Roycroft, Claire 8
- Rubinstein, Zachary B. 9
- Sadek, Adel 13
- Sallman, Doug 5
- Salwin, Arthur E. 4
- Sames, Christina 4
- Sanchez, Rebecca 8
- Sanchez, Robert 8
- Sanchez, Robert R. 6
- Sarkhili, Sara 10
- Saunoi-Sandgren, Emily 7
- Sayer, J. 5
- Schaefer, Ron 10
- Schiller, Roger 9
- Schneeberger, J.D. 12
- Schreffler, Eric 15
- Schroeder, J.L. 4
- Schroeder, Jeremy 14
- Schweiger, Carol 17
- Schweiger, Carol L. 5
- Schwenk, Judith C. 4
- Schworer, Ian 4
- Serulle, Nayel Urena 42
- Sethi, Sonika 5
- Shah, Vaishali 7
- Shah, Vaishali P. 6
- Shaheen, Susan 12
- Shaheen, Susan A. 7
- Shaw, Jingsi 4
- Sheridan, Amy 7
- Shippy, Weston 5
- Shirkey, K. 5
- Shuchman, Robert 5
- Shulman, Michael 6
- Sill, Steve 11
- Silverstein, Claire 5
- Sim, Samuel 16
- Simek, C 7
- Simek, Chris 8
- Singuluri, Sashank 8
- Skabardonis, Alexander 4
- Sloan, Suzanne 11
- Sloan, Suzanne M. 5
- Smith, Scott 5
- Smith, Stephen F. 8
- Smith, Theodore 9
- Smusz-Mengelkoch, Natalie 17
- Sommerwerk, Kay 4
- Songchitruksa, Praprut 4
- Stanfield, Edward 8
- Stanley, Chris 4
- Staples, Barbara 4
- Staples, Barbara L. 13
- Stephens, D.R. 4
- Stephens, Denny 17
- Still, Stephen 11
- Stock, D. 6
- Stock, Steven E 6
- Sumner, Roy 4
- Sunkari, Srinivasa 8
- Sussman, Joseph M. 4
- Szymkowski, Todd 8
- Talas, Mohamad 18
- Thomas, Edward L. 15
- Thompson, Kathy 7
- Tijerina, L. 4
- Tijerina, Louis 11
- Timcho, T.J. 4
- Timcho, Thomas 15
- Toppen, Alan 14
- Torng, Gwo-Wei 4
- Townsend, Haley 5
- Trombly, Jeffrey 92
- Tse, Hoki 4
- Tufte, Kristin 10
- Turksma, Siebe 5
- Turnbull, Katherine F. 11
- Turnbull, Katie 14
- Underwood, Steven E. 7
- Underwood, Steven Eugene 6
- Valentine, David 5
- Van Duren, Drew 4
- Vasudevan, Meenakshy 19
- Veile, Al 4
- Vijaya Kumar,Vivek 6
- Waisley, Michael 4
- Wakhisi, Kofi 17
- Wall, Daniel 4
- Wallace, Richard R. 8
- Wang, Peiwei 8
- Weil, Tim 4
- Wells, Bryan 4
- Whyte, William 8
- Williams, Richard 8
- Williamson, Michael 4
- Wu, Guoyuan 5
- Wunderlich, Karl 17
- Wunderlich, Karl E. 22
- Yamamoto, M. 4
- Yelchuru, Balaji 27
- Yoshida, Hiroyuki 8
- Young, Rhonda 9
- Yumak, Tuncer 9
- Zarean, M. 4
- Zarean, Mohsen 5
- Zavagnini, Fabio 5
- Zeilinger, Chris 5
- Zhou, Xuesong 8
- Zimmerman, Carol 11
- Zimmerman, Carol A. 14
- Zingalli, Joe 4
- Zink, Gregory 6
- Zirker, Margaret E. 12
- Zmud, Johanna 22
- Zohdy, Ismail 4
- Zohdy, Ismail H. 6
- Zumpf, Shane 16
- AA Publishing (Automobile Association (Great Britain)) 1
- AASHTO-AGC-ARTBA Joint Cooperation Committee 1
- Abacus Association 1
- AbleLink Smart Living Technologies, LLC 6
- ABO Architects 1
- Ada County Highway District (Idaho) 1
- Advanced Public Transportation Systems Program (U.S.) 1
- AECOM Consult, Inc. 4
- Aegis Transportation Information Systems, Inc. 1
- Alabama. Department of Transportation 1
- Alabama. Dept. of Public Health 1
- Alabama. Dept. of Transportation 1
- Alabama. Dept. of Transportation. Bridge Bureau 1
- Alaska. Department of Transportation and Public Facilities 3
- Alaska. Department of Transportation and Public Facilities. Division of Program Development 2
- Alaska. Dept. of Transportation and Public Facilities 4
- AlliedSignal Technical Services Corporation 3
- Altarum Institute 5
- American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials 2
- American Trade Initiatives, Inc. 1
- American Transportation Research Institute 6
- AMT Systems Engineering, Inc. 1
- Ankerbold International Ltd. 2
- Apogee Research, Inc. 5
- Applied Engineering Management Corporation 2
- Argonne National Laboratory 3
- ARINC Incorporated 1
- ARINC Research Corporation 2
- Arizona State University 2
- Arizona State University. School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment 1
- Arkansas State University. Transportation Management Program 2
- ATA Foundation 4
- ATD, Inc. 1
- Atlanta-Regional Transit Link Authority (ATL) 2
- Atlanta Regional Commission 14
- Austin (Tex.). Dept. of Public Works 1
- AZTech (Organization) 13
- Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corporation 2
- Balloffet and Associates, Inc. 5
- Barr Engineering Company 1
- Battelle 76
- Battelle Human Factors Transportation Center 5
- Battelle Memorial Institute 133
- Battelle Memorial Institute. Columbus Laboratories 1
- Battelle Seattle Research Center 15
- Beiswenger Hoch and Associates, Inc. 1
- Bell Atlantic NYNEX Mobile (Joint venture) 1
- Bellomo-McGee, Inc. 1
- Bionetics Corporation. Ketron Division 1
- Black & Veatch 1
- BNMC 13
- Booz Allen Hamilton 63
- Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc. 3
- Booz Allen Hamilton for 2001- 34
- Brazilian Association of Highway Concessionaires 1
- Breakthrough Technologies Institute 1
- BRW Inc. 11
- Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus 1
- Business Communications Integrators, Inc. 1
- C & S Consultants 1
- C. J. Olson Market Research, Inc. 1
- California. Department of Transportation 2
- California. Dept. of Transportation 1
- California. Dept. of Transportation. New Technology and Research Program 1
- California. Metropolitan Transportation Commission 1
- California Association for Coordinated Transportation [CALACT] 13
- California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. Dept. of Urban and Regional Planning 1
- Calspan Corporation 1
- Cambridge Systematics 97
- Cambridge Systematics, Inc. 7
- Canada. Transport Canada 1
- Capitol Region Council of Governments (Conn.) 2
- Carnegie-Mellon University 9
- Carnegie-Mellon University. Robotics Institute 2
- CASE Associates 1
- Castle Rock Consultants 20
- CDM Group, Inc. 1
- Centennial Engineering, Inc. 7
- Center for Open Data Enterprise (CODE) 1
- Central Michigan University 1
- CH2M Hill, inc. 1
- Charles River Associates 4
- City of Columbus 1
- CJI Research Corp. 6
- CLR Analytics Inc. 2
- Colorado. Dept. of Transportation 2
- Colorado Transportation Management Center 2
- ComCare (Firm) 1
- Commission European Union - DG XIII 1
- Compiler LA 1
- Complete Business Solutions Inc. 1
- Computer Sciences Corporation. Systems Engineering Division 1
- Comsis Corporation 6
- Connected Cities for Smart Mobility toward Accessible and Resilient Transportation Center (C2SMART) 2
- Connected Vehicle/Infrastructure University Transportation Center 1
- Connecticut. Dept. of Transportation 2
- ConRail 1
- Consensus Systems Technologies Corporation 1
- ConSysTecCorp 17
- Cornell University 1
- CRA International, Inc. 2
- Crash Avoidance Metrics Partners 20
- Crash Avoidance Metrics Partnership 9
- Crash Avoidance Metrics Partnership. Vehicle Safety Communications Consortium 1
- Dallas (Tex.) 2
- Dallas Area Rapid Transit 10
- Daniel Consultants 3
- David Evans and Associates 5
- Davidson-Peterson Associates 1
- DBH Consulting 1
- Delaware. Dept. of Transportation 3
- De Leuw, Cather & Company 14
- Deloitte Consulting LLP 3
- Delphi Delco Electronics Systems 3
- DENSO International America, Inc. 2
- Diyunu Consulting, LLC 1
- DKS Associates 1
- DKS Associates, Inc. 2
- Donald J. Bergmann and Associates 1
- Dowling Associates 3
- Dudek & Associates 2
- Dunn Engineering Associates 6
- Dye Management Group, Inc. 1
- E. J. Bromage LLC 2
- Earth Engineering & Sciences, Inc. 1
- Eaton Corporation 2
- Edwards & Associates, Inc. 1
- Edwards and Kelcey, Inc. 1
- EG & G Dynatrend 3
- EG&G Dynatrend Inc. 1
- EG&G Services 1
- EG & G Services (Firm) 3
- EG & G Technical Services, Inc. 1
- Enterprise Pooled Fund Program 14
- Environmental Defense Fund 1
- Environmental Research Institute of Michigan 3
- Essex Corporation 2
- Estolano Advisors 1
- ETCH 15
- European Commission 1
- European Commission. Road Transport Telematics High-Level Group 2
- European Conference of Ministers of Transport (ECMT) 1
- Federal Highway Administration Resource Center (U.S.) 1
- FHWA Traffic Safety Research Program 1
- Florida. Dept. of Transportation 1
- Florida. Dept. of Transportation. District 5 2
- Florida. Dept. of Transportation. District 6 2
- Florida International University 2
- Fort Collins (Colo.). Traffic Operations Dept. 1
- Frederic R. Harris, Inc. 1
- FreeAhead Inc. 3
- Freightliner LLC 1
- FTR Associates 1
- G.C.R. & Associates 1
- Gannett Fleming, Inc. 3
- Garnet Consulting LLC 5
- General Dynamics Corporation 1
- General Dynamics Corporation. Advanced Information Engineering Services 1
- General Dynamics Corporation. Advanced Information Systems 1
- General Motors Corporation 3
- General Motors Research and Development Center 1
- George Mason University 1
- George Mason University. Center for Transportation and Land Policy 1
- George Mason University. Center for Transportation Policy and Logistics 1
- George Mason University. Institute of Public Policy 3
- George Mason University. Institute of Public Policy. Transportation Policy Program 1
- Georgia. Dept. of Transportation 1
- Georgia. ITS/CVO Working Group 1
- Georgia Department of Transportation 7
- Georgia Institute of Technology 3
- Georgia Institute of Technology. Aerospace and Transportation Laboratory 1
- Georgia Tech Research Institute 3
- Georgia Tech Research Institute. Electronic Systems Laboratory 1
- Global-5 1
- Global Science & Technology, Inc. 1
- Gonzaga University 1
- Go Systems and Solutions 7
- Grayline Group 1
- Greater Buffalo-Niagara Regional Transportation Council 1
- Greater Portland Council of Governments 1
- Gwinnett County Department of Transportation (GCDOT) 3
- Hayden-Wegman, Inc. 1
- HDR Engineering 2
- Heartland Market Research LLC 10
- Heart of Iowa Regional Transit Agency (HIRTA) 15
- Highland Park (Tex.) 2
- HLB Decision Economics, Inc. 1
- HNTB Corporation 7
- Honeywell Inc. 3
- Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs 1
- Huffman Corridor Consulting 2
- Hughes Aircraft Company 6
- Human Factors Research Program (U.S.) 5
- Hyperdyne 1
- I-95 Corridor Coalition 1
- I-95 Northeast Consultants 1
- IBI Group 8
- ICF 5
- ICF Incorporated 1
- ICF International (Firm) 44
- Idaho. Dept. of Law Enforcement 1
- Idaho. State Tax Commission 1
- Idaho. Transportation Department 1
- Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory 1
- Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL) 2
- Idaho Public Utilities Commission 1
- Idaho State Police 1
- IEEE Vehicular Technology Group 1
- Illinois. Dept. of Transportation 1
- Illinois. Dept. of Transportation. Illinois Technology Transfer Center 1
- Illinois. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Planning and Programming 1
- Information Dynamics, Inc. 1
- Institute for Telecommunication Sciences 2
- Institute of Transportation Engineers 3
- InterScience America 1
- Iowa. Dept. of Transportation 4
- Iowa State University 2
- Iowa State University. Center for Transportation Research and Education 6
- Iteris, Inc. 17
- Iteris, Inc. Architecture Development Team 10
- Iteris/Berkeley Transportation Systems, Inc. 1
- ITS America 13
- ITS America. Advanced Vehicle Control and Safety Systems Committee 1
- ITS America. Safety and Human Factors Committee 1
- ITS America Advanced Rural Transportation Systems (ARTS) Committee 1
- ITS Council (Institute of Transportation Engineers). Committee on Management and Operations 1
- ITS Focus. Task Force on System Architecture 3
- ITS Mexico Committee 1
- ITT Industries 1
- IVHS America 1
- Japan. Keisatsucho 1
- JHK & Associates 8
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.) 151
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.). Economic Analysis Division 1
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.). Economic and Industry Analysis Division 8
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.). Office of System and Economic Assessment 1
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.). Operations Assessment Division 2
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.). Planning and Policy Analysis Division 4
- John D. Odegard School of Aerospace Sciences 1
- Johns Hopkins University. Applied Physics Laboratory 12
- Joint Transportation Research Program (Ind.) 1
- Juan Morales Associates 2
- K&J Safety and Security Consulting Services 1
- K.T. Analytics, Inc. 1
- KAI 1
- Kansas Motor Carrier Association 1
- Kansas Turnpike Authority 1
- Kentucky. Transportation Cabinet 1
- Kimley-Horn & Associates 7
- Kimley-Horn and Associates 32
- Kimley Horn and Associates 1
- Kittelson & Associates 9
- KLD Associates 1
- Kochi-shi (Japan) 1
- L.S. Gallegos & Associates 1
- Leidos 17
- Leidos, Inc. 17
- Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service 1
- Lockheed Martin 20
- Lockheed Martin. Architecture Development Team 11
- Lockheed Martin. Odetics Intelligent Transportation Systems Division 7
- Loral AeroSys 3
- Louis Berger, Inc. 2
- Louisiana. CVO/ITS Steering Committee 1
- Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, La.) 2
- Louisiana Transportation Research Center 1
- Loyola College in Maryland. Transportation Technology Evaluation Center, International Technology Research Institute 1
- Maine. Dept. of Transportation 1
- Management Analysts 1
- Manifest, Inc. 2
- MarketLine Research, Inc. 1
- Mark Wall Associates 1
- Martin R. Parker & Associates 1
- Maryland. Department of Transportation 1
- Maryland. Dept. of Transportation 1
- Maryland. State Highway Administration 4
- Maryland. State Highway Administration. CHART Program 1
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2
- Max Cybersecurity 1
- McFarland Management, LLC 8
- Meridian Environmental Technology, Inc. 3
- Metropolitan Planning Organization (Mass.). Central Transportation Planning Staff 1
- Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County 1
- Mexico. General Direction of Federal Motor Carriers 1
- Mexico. Secretaria de Comunicaciones y Transportes 1
- Meyer, Mohaddes Associates 3
- Michigan. Dept. of Transportation 1
- Michigan. Traffic and Safety Division 1
- Michigan Intelligent Transportation Systems Center 5
- Michigan State University 2
- Michigan Tech Research Institute 1
- Michigan Tech Transportation Institute 1
- Mid-Region Council of Governments (N.M.) 2
- Miller, Canfield, Paddock, and Stone (Firm) 4
- Mindhop, Inc. 1
- Minneapolis (Minn.). Pioneer Site Team 2
- Minnesota. Dept. of Transportation 5
- Minnesota. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Minnesota Road Research 1
- Missouri 1
- Missouri. Department of Economic Development 4
- Missouri. Department of Transportation 10
- Missouri. Dept. of Transportation 17
- Missouri Economic Research and Information Center 5
- Missouri Transportation Institute 2
- Mitre Corporation 8
- Mitretek Systems 3
- Mitretek Systems. Center for Telecommunications and Advanced Technology 59
- Mixon/Hill, Inc. 6
- MobilityData 1
- Montachusett Regional Transit Authority (Mass.) 1
- Montana. Dept. of Transportation 2
- Montgomery County (Md.). Pioneer Site Team 2
- MRIGlobal (Firm) 2
- MTA/EMCI (Firm) 4
- Multisystems, Inc. 8
- National Automated Highway System Consortium 1
- National Center for Advanced Transportation Technology (U.S.) 1
- National Center for Atmospheric Research (U.S.) 4
- National Center for Transit Research (U.S.) 1
- National Center for Vehicle Emissions Control and Safety (U.S.) 1
- National Cooperative Transit Research & Development Program (U.S.) 1
- National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) 2
- National Governors' Association. Economic Development and Commerce Policy Studies Division 3
- National Highway Institute (U.S.) 1
- National Institute for Advanced Transportation Technology (NIATT) (U.S.) 1
- National Institute for Advanced Transportation Technology (U.S.) 1
- National Institute of Standards and Technology (U.S.) 5
- National Institute of Statistical Sciences 1
- National ITS Architecture Team (U.S.) 9
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory (U.S.) 2
- National Research Council (U.S.). Transportation Research Board 1
- National Traffic Law Center 1
- National Transportation Center (U.S.) 1
- Neaera Consulting 10
- Neaera Consulting Group 1
- Nebraska. Dept. of Motor Vehicles 1
- Nebraska. Dept. of Roads 1
- Nebraska. Motor Carrier Association 1
- Nebraska. State Patrol Carrier Enforcement Division 1
- Netherlands. Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat 1
- New Jersey Institute of Technology. Institute for Transportation 1
- New Mexico. Dept. of Transportation 1
- New York (N.Y.). Bureau of Traffic Operations 3
- New York (N.Y.). Dept. of Transportation 5
- New York (N.Y.). Dept. of Transportation. Traffic Operation, ITS Management division 2
- New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT) 2
- New York City Department of Transportation. Bureau of Traffic Operations 10
- New York University 3
- NFTA 13
- Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority (NFTA) 2
- Noblis, Inc. 72
- North Carolina Department of Transportation 2
- North Carolina State University. Institute for Transportation Research & Education 4
- North Central Texas Council of Governments 2
- Northern Virginia Transportation Commission 2
- North River Consulting Group 2
- North Texas Tollway Authority 2
- Northwestern University (Evanston, Ill.) 3
- Northwestern University (Evanston, Ill.). Basic Industrial Research Laboratory 3
- Northwestern University (Evanston, Ill.). Infrastructure Technology Institute 3
- Northwestern University (Evanston, Ill.). Transportation Center 4
- Nossaman, Guthner, Knox & Elliott 2
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory 5
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Center for Transportation Analysis 5
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Engineering and Transportation Science Division 3
- Odetics. Intelligent Transportation Systems Division. Architecture Development Team 3
- Ohio. Dept. of Transportation 2
- Open Doors Organization 17
- Oregon State University. School of Civil and Construction Engineering 2
- Oscar Faber Ltd. 2
- Pace Suburban Bus 2
- Parsons, Brinckerhoff, Quade & Douglas 7
- Partners for Advanced Transit and Highways (Calif.) 7
- PB Farradyne Inc. 15
- PBS&J, Inc. 4
- Pennsylvania Transportation Institute 3
- Plano (Tex.) 2
- Productivity Apex, Inc 2
- Purdue University. Joint Transportation Research Program 3
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 4
- Richardson (Tex.) 2
- Road Weather Management Program (U.S.) 3
- Rockwell Automation (Firm) 3
- Rockwell International 2
- RSG, Inc. 15
- SAE International 5
- San Diego (Calif.). Pioneer Site Team 2
- San Diego Association of Governments 2
- San Diego State University 2
- Schweiger Consulting, LLC. 4
- Science Applications International Corporation 143
- Second Strategic Highway Research Program (U.S.) 24
- Shuman Consulting Group 2
- Siemens ITS 7
- Southern California Association of Governments 2
- Southwest Research Institute 7
- SRF Consulting Group 6
- Street Smarts, Inc. 2
- System Metrics Group, Inc. 2
- Tampa Hillsborough Expressway Authority 18
- Texas. Dept. of Transportation 8
- Texas A&M Transportation Institute 44
- Texas A&M University System 17
- Texas Transportation Institute 30
- The Intelligent Transportation Society of America 4
- TransCore (Firm) 16
- Transit Cooperative Research Program 2
- Transport Research Laboratory (Great Britain) 3
- TranSystems Corporation 9
- Trihydro Corporation 18
- Trillium 2
- TSS-Transport Simulation Systems, Inc. 3
- TTI 2
- Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center 5
- United States. Department of Transportation 21
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration 10
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Freight Management and Operations 2
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Research, Development, and Technology 2
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Research and Development 7
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration. Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center 20
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration 4
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration 2
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Transit Administration 31
- United States. Department of Transportation. Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office 96
- United States. Department of Transportation. Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office (ITSJPO) 3
- United States. Department of Transportation. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 12
- United States. Department of Transportation. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology 2
- United States. Department of Transportation. Research and Innovative Technology Administration 3
- United States. Department of Transportation. Research and Special Programs Administration 4
- United States. Department of Transportation. Road Weather Management 14
- United States. Dept. of Transportation 3
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. ITS Joint Program Office 4
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Road Weather Management 4
- United States. Federal Aviation Administration 2
- United States. Federal Highway Administration 180
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems Research Division 2
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. New Mexico Division 2
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Motor Carriers 4
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Operations 2
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Research and Development 4
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Road Weather Management Program 6
- United States. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration 3
- United States. Federal Transit Administration 9
- United States. Government Accountability Office 5
- United States. Joint Program Office for Intelligent Transportation Systems 257
- United States. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 5
- United States. National Telecommunications and Information Administration 2
- University at Buffalo at Amherst 15
- University of Arizona 4
- University of California, Berkeley 2
- University of California, Berkeley. Institute of Transportation Studies 4
- University of California, Berkeley. Transportation Sustainability Research Center 15
- University of California, Riverside. Center for Environmental Research and Technology 2
- University of California PATH Program 4
- University of Colorado at Denver 3
- University of Illinois at Chicago. Urban Transportation Center 3
- University of Iowa 3
- University of Iowa. Center for Computer-aided Design 2
- University of Kentucky. Dept. of Civil Engineering 2
- University of Kentucky Transportation Center 3
- University of Maine at Orono 7
- University of Michigan 8
- University of Michigan. Information Systems Laboratory 2
- University of Michigan. Intelligent Transportation Systems Laboratory 2
- University of Michigan. Intelligent Transportation Systems Research Laboratory 9
- University of Michigan. Transportation Research Institute 18
- University of Michigan. Urban and Regional Research Collaborative 11
- University of Missouri--Columbia 2
- University of South Florida. Center for Urban Transportation Research 9
- University of Texas at Austin. Center for Transportation Research 2
- University of Utah 2
- University of Virginia. Department of Civil Engineering 2
- University of Washington 13
- University of Washington. Smart Transportation Applications and Research Laboratory 2
- University of Washington. Taskar Center for Accessible Technology 7
- University of Wisconsin--Madison 2
- University of Wyoming 7
- University Park (Tex.) 2
- Urban Institute 7
- Utah. Dept. of Transportation 2
- Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) Consortium 11
- Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Consortium 2
- Vehicle Infrastructure Integration Consortium 7
- Veridian (Firm) 2
- Virginia. Dept. of Transportation 5
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 3
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Transportation Institute 8
- Virginia Tech Transportation Institute 4
- Vital Assurance 5
- Washington (State). Department of Transportation 6
- Washington State Transportation Center 13
- Western Highway Institute 5
- Western Transportation Institute 5
- WHM Transportation Engineering Consultants, Inc. 2
- Wilbur Smith Associates 6
- Wisconsin. Dept. of Transportation. Social Media Peer Exchange Planning Team 6
- Wyoming. Department of Transportation 20
- Wyoming. Dept. of Transportation 4
- Ada County Highway District (Idaho) 1
- Alabama 1
- Alabama. Department of Transportation 1
- Alabama. Dept. of Transportation 2
- Alaska. Department of Transportation and Public Facilities 5
- Alaska. Dept. of Transportation and Public Facilities 2
- Allied-Signal Inc. 2
- Altarum 5
- Ames Research Center 1
- Anchorage (Alaska) 1
- Apogee Research, Inc. 1
- Argonne National Laboratory 1
- Arizona. Dept. of Transportation 2
- Arkansas State University. Transportation Management Program 2
- ATA Foundation 1
- Aurora-programmet 1
- Austin (Tex.). Dept. of Public Works and Transportation 1
- AZTech (Organization) 1
- Battelle Memorial Institute 21
- Booz Allen Hamilton 7
- BRW Inc. 4
- Cambridge Systematics 8
- Carnegie-Mellon University 1
- Castle Rock Consultants 1
- Center for Telecommunications and Advanced Technology 1
- Colorado. Dept. of Transportation 3
- Colorado. Dept. of Transportation. Intellegent Transportation Systems Branch 1
- Colorado. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Transportation Development 1
- ComCare (Firm) 1
- COMSIS Corporation 1
- Connected Vehicle/Infrastructure University Transportation Center 1
- Connecticut. Dept. of Transportation 2
- Daniel Consultants 2
- Davidson-Peterson Associates 1
- Delaware. Dept. of Transportation 2
- De Leuw, Cather & Company 1
- Donald J. Bergmann and Associates 1
- Dunn Engineering Associates 1
- Environmental Research Institute of Michigan 3
- European Commission 3
- European Conference of Ministers of Transport 1
- Federal Highway Administration (U.S.) 1
- Florida. Dept. of Transportation 2
- Florida Department of Transportation 1
- Frederic R. Harris, Inc. 1
- Freightliner LLC 2
- Gannett Fleming, Inc. 1
- General Dynamics Corporation. Advanced Information Engineering Services 1
- George Mason University 2
- Georgia. Dept. of Transportation 2
- Greater Portland Council of Governments 1
- HNTB Corporation 5
- Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs 1
- I-95 Corridor Coalition 5
- Idaho. Transportation Department 1
- Idaho State Police 1
- Illinois. Dept. of Transportation. ITS Project Office 1
- Indiana. Dept. of Transportation 1
- Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office 15
- Iowa. Dept. of Transportation 2
- Iowa State University 3
- Iowa State University. Center for Transportation Research and Education 2
- Iteris, Inc. 1
- ITS America 16
- ITS Focus 2
- ITT Systems (Firm) 1
- Japan. Keisatsucho¯ 1
- JHK & Associates 2
- John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.) 23
- Johns Hopkins University. Applied Physics Laboratory 6
- Kansas. Dept. of Transportation 2
- Kentucky. Transportation Cabinet 2
- Kimley-Horn and Associates 4
- Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service 1
- Lockheed Martin. Architecture Development Team 1
- Louisiana CVO/ITS Steering Committee 1
- Louisiana Transportation Research Center 1
- Luce. TV and Radio Transcripts 1
- Mack-Blackwell National Rural Transportation Study Center (U.S.) 1
- Maine. Dept. of Transportation 1
- Maritime Transportation Research and Education Center (MarTREC) 1
- Maryland. Dept. of Transportation 1
- Maryland. State Highway Administration 2
- Maryland. State Highway Administration. CHART Program 1
- Meyer, Mohaddes Associates, Inc. 2
- Michigan. Dept. of Transportation 7
- Michigan State University 1
- Midwest Transportation Center 1
- Minnesota. Department of Transportation 3
- Minnesota. Dept. of Transportation 11
- Minnesota. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Minnesota Road Research 1
- Missouri 1
- Missouri. Department of Transportation 17
- Missouri. Dept. of Transportation 19
- Mitretek Systems 31
- Montachusett Regional Transit Authority (Mass.) 1
- Montana. Department of Transportation 3
- National Center for Transit Research (U.S.) 1
- National Governors' Association 1
- National Governors' Association. Center for Best Practices 2
- National Institute for Advanced Transportation Technology (NIATT) (U.S.) 1
- National Institute for Advanced Transportation Technology (U.S.) 1
- National ITS Architecture Team (U.S.) 1
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory (U.S.) 2
- National Research Council (U.S.). Transportation Research Board 13
- National Transportation Center (U.S.) 1
- National Transportation Research Center, Incorporated, University Transportation Center 1
- Nebraska. Dept. of Motor Vehicles 1
- Nebraska. Dept. of Roads 2
- Nebraska. Motor Carrier Association 1
- Nebraska State Patrol. Carrier Enforcement Division 1
- New Jersey Institute of Technology 1
- New Mexico. Dept. of Transportation 1
- New York (N.Y.). Dept. of City Planning 1
- New York (State). Dept. of Transportation 10
- New York (State). Passenger and Freight Safety Division 1
- North Carolina. Dept. of Transportation 1
- Northeast Transportation Institute 1
- Northwestern University (Evanston, Ill.). Infrastructure Technology Institute 6
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory 1
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Center for Transportation Analysis 3
- Ohio. Dept. of Transportation 2
- Ohio Research Institute for Transportation and the Environment 1
- Open Roads Consulting Inc. 1
- Oregon. Dept. of Transportation 1
- Oregon. Dept. of Transportation. Research Section 2
- Oregon State University 1
- Parker-Young 1
- Parsons, Brinckerhoff, Quade & Douglas 3
- Partners for Advanced Transit and Highways (Calif.) 8
- PB Farradyne, Inc. 3
- Pennsylvania. Dept. of Transportation 2
- Pennsylvania. Dept. of Transportation. Bureau of Maintenance and Operations 1
- Pennsylvania. Dept. of Transportation. Bureau of Planning and Research 1
- Pennsylvania State University. Applied Research Laboratory 1
- Pennsylvania Transportation Institute 1
- Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission 1
- Polytechnic University. Urban ITS Center 1
- Portland State University. Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering 1
- Public Technology, inc. 1
- Purdue University. Joint Transportation Research Program 3
- Road Weather Management Program (U.S.) 1
- Rutgers University. Intelligent Transportation Systems Laboratory 1
- San Diego Miramar College 1
- San Diego State University 2
- Sarah J. Siwek & Associates 1
- Science Applications International Corporation 28
- Sensor Technologies & Systems, Inc. 1
- Shared-Use Mobility Center 1
- Smart Travel Laboratory (Charlottesville, Va.) 1
- Society of Automotive Engineers 2
- South Dakota. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Research 2
- Southern California ITS Priority Corridor Steering Committee 1
- Southern Plains Transportation Center 1
- Southwest Research Institute 1
- SRF Consulting Group 1
- Tabler & Associates 1
- Tampa Hillsborough Expressway Authority 1
- Technology Sharing Program (U.S.) 1
- Texas. Department of Transportation 8
- Texas. Dept. of Transportation 13
- Texas Transportation Institute 8
- Texas Transportation Institute. TransLink Research Center 1
- TransCore (Firm) 2
- Transit Cooperative Research Program 1
- TranSmart Technologies, Inc. 1
- Transportation Northwest (Organization) 1
- Transportation Systems Center 1
- Transport Research Laboratory (Great Britain) 1
- TranSystems Corporation 1
- TRW Inc. Space & Electronics Group 1
- Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center 18
- U.S. Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration 2
- United States. Department of Commerce 1
- United States. Department of Transportation 72
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Aviation Administration 2
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration 98
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration, Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center 1
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Freight Management and Operations 3
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Operations 4
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration 2
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration 2
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Transit Administration 32
- United States. Department of Transportation. Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office 541
- United States. Department of Transportation. Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office (ITS JPO) 73
- United States. Department of Transportation. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 34
- United States. Department of Transportation. National Transportation Library [distributor] 1
- United States. Department of Transportation. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology 1
- United States. Dept. of Defense 1
- United States. Dept. of Transportation 20
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. ITS Joint Program Office 38
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology 4
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Office of the Inspector General 1
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Research and Innovative Technology Administration 44
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Research and Special Programs Administration 10
- United States. Dept. of Transportation. Road Weather Management 4
- United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Transportation Partners 1
- United States. Federal Aviation Administration 2
- United States. Federal Aviation Administration. Aircraft Certification Service 1
- United States. Federal Highway Administration 344
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. 1
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of International Programs 1
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Motor Carriers 2
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Operations 5
- United States. Federal HIghway Administration. Office of Research and Development 4
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Research and Development 4
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Safety and Operations Research and Development 1
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Safety and Traffic Operations 4
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Safety Research and Development 4
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Transportation Management 2
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Transportation Operations. 3
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Operations Office of Travel Management 2
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Road Weather Management Program 6
- United States. Federal Highway Administration. Saxton Transportation Operations Laboratory 3
- United States. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration 1
- United States. Federal Transit Administration 10
- United States. Federal Transit Administration. Office of Mobility Innovation 2
- United States. Federal Transit Administration. Office of Research, Demonstration, and Innovation 7
- United States. General Accounting Office 1
- United States. Government Accountability Office 3
- United States. Intelligent Transportation Systems Standards Program 2
- United States. Joint Program Office for Intelligent Transportation Systems 1103
- United States. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 5
- United States. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Office of Crash Avoidance Research 1
- United States. National Telecommunications and Information Administration 1
- United States. National Transportation Library [distributor] 12
- United States. Office of Motor Carriers. ITS/CVO Division 1
- United States. Urban Mass Transportation Administration 1
- University of Alabama at Birmingham. University Transportation Center 1
- University of Arizona. Dept. of Systems and Industrial Engineering 1
- University of California, Berkeley. Institute of Transportation Studies 2
- University of California, Berkeley. Robotics and Intelligent Machines Laboratory 1
- University of Denver 1
- University of Iowa. Public Policy Center 1
- University of Kentucky 2
- University of Michigan 7
- University of Michigan. Intelligent Transportation Systems Laboratory 4
- University of Michigan. Intelligent Transportation Systems Research Laboratory 9
- University of Michigan. Transportation Research Institute 3
- University of Michigan. Urban and Regional Research Collaborative 11
- University of Minnesota 1
- University of Minnesota. Intelligent Transportation Systems Institute 1
- University of North Dakota. Surface Transportation Weather Research Center 1
- University of South Florida. Center for Urban Transportation Research 1
- University of Texas at Austin. Center for Transportation Research 1
- University of Toledo 1
- University of Virginia. Center for Transportation Studies 1
- University Transportation Center for Alabama 1
- Urban Institute 1
- Utah. Department of Transportation 3
- Utah. Dept. of Transportation 1
- Vehicle Detector Clearinghouse (Southwest Technology Development Institute) 1
- Ventura County (Calif.). Transportation Commision 1
- Veridian (Firm) 1
- Virginia. Department of Transportation 1
- Virginia. Dept. of Transportation 1
- Virginia. Dept. of Transportation. Intelligent Transportation Systems Division 1
- Virginia Highway & Transportation Research Council 1
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 1
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Center for Transportation Research 1
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Transportation Institute 2
- Virginia Tech Transportation Institute 1
- Virginia Transportation Research Council (VTRC) 1
- Vollmer Associates 1
- Volvo Trucks North America, Inc. 1
- Washington (State). Department of Transportation 5
- Washington (State). Dept. of Transportation. Advanced Technology Branch 1
- Washington (State). Dept. of Transportation. Office of Research and Library Services 1
- Washington State Transportation Center 3
- Washington State Transportation Commission 2
- Western Highway Institute 4
- Western Transportation Institute 3
- West Virginia. Division of Motor Vehicles 1
- Wisconsin. Department of Transportation 3
- Wisconsin. Dept. of Transportation 1
- World Bank 1
- Youngstown State University. Center for Transportation and Materials Engineering 1
- 508 Compliant 24
- 508 Compliant HTML 13
- 508 Compliant PDF 23
- 508 Compliant Print 23
- 508 Compliant Web 13
- 511 13
- Acceptance 14
- Accessibility 46
- Adaptive/intelligent cruise control 9
- Adaptive control 18
- Administration and Management 9
- Advanced driver information systems 72
- Advanced metropolitan travel management systems or AMTMS 82
- Advanced public transportation systems 118
- Advanced public transportation systems or APTS 17
- Advanced rural transportation systems 76
- Advanced rural transportation systems or ARTS 18
- Advanced traffic management system or ATMS 8
- Advanced traffic management systems 179
- Advanced traffic management systems or ATMS 17
- Advanced traveler information system or ATIS 10
- Advanced traveler information systems 282
- Advanced traveler information systems (ATIS) 8
- Advanced traveler information systems or ATIS 31
- advanced traveler information systems or ATIS 11
- Advanced vehicle control systems 27