Field Trial of Gravel Stabilization Methods: Route 1, Cyr - Van Buren, Maine
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Abstract:This experimental construction project was developed, designed, and inspected by personnel from the University of Maine, Civil Engineering Staff. The project was constructed on and as a part of Project Number 2586.00 in Cyr Plantation - Van Buren, Maine. This was a complete reconstruction project 2.2 miles (3.5 kilometers) in length. The experimental section contains 6 experimental base types and is 1020 feet (311 meters) in length. The experimental section began at Station 1028+00 and ended at Station 1038+20. The test section consisted of 200 foot (61 meter) segments of soil cement, asphalt, calcium chloride, modified, standard and one 20 foot (6 meter) untreated section. Construction on this project started in September 1990 and was completed in the summer of 1991. This report covers the period of time from December 2003 through September 2005 and is the final report for this experimental project. Having been in service for approximately 14 years, each of the experimental subsections within this project are performing quite well. One potential disadvantage to this Research feature was the limited length of each experimental section. Of the four criteria evaluated (Roughness, Rutting, Structural Strength and Cracking), only Structural Strength exhibited a significant statistical difference in the experimental sections. Cracking is the most prevalent in the Calcium Chloride section, while the Modified Subbase section had the fewest cracks present. The Standard Subbase section had the lowest International Roughness Index (IRI) value, while the Asphalt Stabilized and Modified Subbase sections had the roughest ride values. Rutting was considered minimal in each of the sections with depths ranging from 0.243 inches (6.2 mm) in the Calcium Chloride section, to 0.283 inches (7.2 mm) in the Soil Cement section. This one millimeter difference is considered insignificant and may be within the allowable margin of error for the ARAN vehicle, considering longitudinal alignment, etc. Structurally, the Soil Cement section had a significant statistical difference when compared to the other four sections. The Soil Cement section consistently “outperformed” the other sections throughout the evaluation period with respect to Structural Strength. This difference in strength has the potential to positively impact the performance of the Soil Cement section for follow-up treatments. A typical follow-up treatment for a reconstructed highway is an overlay. Considering the additional strength that the Soil Cement continues to provide, it is appropriate to assume that future overlays will be better supported by the Soil Cement treated base.
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