Planning for Multi-University Educational Activities Based on OSU’s Smart Bus Campus Transit Laboratory
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Abstract:In separate efforts, the project investigators have been working with the Ohio State
University (OSU) Transportation and Parking Services and Clever Devices, Inc. to implement a
“smart bus” system on OSU’s Campus Area Bus Service (CABS). This smart bus system will include, among other things, advanced automatic vehicle location (AVL) and automated passenger counting (APC) capabilities. CABS is one of the largest campus bus systems in the U.S., serving three to four million passengers annually, and Clever Devices is arguably the industry leader in equipping and operating advanced information technologies for large public
transportation agencies. This effort would be Clever Devices’ first implementation on a campus
transit system, and the combined effort offers an opportunity to develop a unique infrastructure for education and research – the OSU Campus Transit Lab (CTL).
The original intent of the project reported on here was to begin developing educational exercises based on the CTL that would be of interest to multiple programs in various OTC partner universities. Preliminary communications with the partner universities indicated that focusing on exercises of common interest would not be productive at this time. Therefore, it was decided to first concentrate on identifying and beginning to design educational demonstrations and exercises for use in OSU courses.
The CTL is expected to be operational in autumn 2008, but it was hoped that collection of
preliminary, “trial” data would begin in spring 2008. As is common when implementing large
projects, delays were encountered, and CTL data were not available during the conduct of this
project. Therefore, it was also decided to conceive of exercises that could be conducted with
CTL data and to manually collect some data emulating what CTL would generate, thus, allowing
experimentation with the ideas forming the basis of the eventual educational exercises and
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