Test Results of Initial Installation DATAS/TCAS Monitor: DFW Airport
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NTL Classification:NTL-AVIATION-Air Traffic Control;NTL-AVIATION-Aviation Safety/Airworthiness;
Abstract:This document presents the results of initial tests with the Data Link Test and
Analysis System (DATAS)/Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS).
Since a significant amount of air carriers have recently been equipped with
Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance Systems (TCAS) there have been reports
from various airport terminals of a higher than expected amount of TCAS
Resolution Advisories (RA's). In some cases, the TCAS logic could project
possible conflicts which give advisories which could be contradictory to
clearances made by Air Traffic Control (ATC) personnel. These situations need
to be examined to determine if there is a problem with the existing air traffic
patterns or if the TCAS threat sensing logic needs to be modified for certain
situations. One of the objectives of the TCAS transition plan is to collect and
analyze TCAS data. The Data Link project design team modified the existing Data
Link Test and Analysis System (DATAS) to perform as the TCAS monitor to record
TCAS RA messages as they occurred. Along with such messages, the system stored
aircraft identification data, capability reports, and altitude histories. All
data transactions are "time tagged" so that it can be correlated with
independent surveillance data from systems such as the Automated Radar Terminal
Systems (ARTS) III, ARTS II, or Airport Surveillance Radar (ASR)-9. Given such
information, systems analysts could determine what types of advisories are
occurring and with what frequency, the altitudes at which they occur, and
whether or not the pilots are maneuvering in response to the advisories. The
TCAS monitor was deployed at the Dallas/Fort Worth (DFW) airport complex.
However, in 11 recorded cases two TCAS equipped aircraft were involved in an RA.
Each of these 11 RA's occurred between a DFW arrival and a DFW departure. This
report contains altitude plots for both aircraft in all 11 cases. This data is
the best available to examine the apparent conflicts, but the analysis process
emphasized the fact that azimuth data are required in order to completely
analyze the data. 61p.
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