Regional ITS architecture development : a case study : Southern California ITS priority corridor : building a framework for regional ITS integration
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Abstract:This is one of seven studies exploring processes for developing Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) architectures for regional, statewide, or commercial vehicle applications. This study was prepared for a broad-based, non-technical audience. The Southern California Priority Corridor provides a rich example of how agencies can apply the National ITS Architecture and Standards to achieve regional ITS coordination among numerous traffic and transit management and traveler information centers. The Southern California case study illustrates the following: collaboration by multiple Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) and state and local transportation agencies in a complex, multi-jurisdictional setting; integration of extensive "legacy" ITS infrastructure using an open architecture and interface standards to enable unprecedented levels of data and control sharing among traffic management centers; the participation of "highlighted" stakeholders, including the California Highway Patrol, South Coast Air Quality Management District, California Trucking Association, border crossing agencies, and Mexico; and opportunities for private sector information service providers to acquire and provide value-added regional traveler information.
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