Safe and Competent Intermodal Transportation Workers: The Interaction of Shift Work and Worker Resilience on Health & Safety of Intermodal Transportation Workers
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TRIS Online Accession Number:01625810
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Abstract:Workplace accidents have a devastating effect on the transportation industry. Recently, the United States Department of Transportation acknowledged that over 80% of transportation accidents are human factors caused. In an effort to develop a pre-employment screening tool for selecting individuals who will have a lower risk of being involved in an accident or incident, investigators administered a survey instrument to 459 intermodal shift workers in a large midwestern rail company. The survey instrument assessed attitudes, personality characteristics, work habits and practices, etc. related to safe and effective shift work. Data from work histories was then correlated with survey results to establish concurrent validity of the assessment instruments for predicting for workplace safety. Results of analyses indicated that Spatial Reasoning, Conscientiousness and Neuroticism were significantly correlated with the number of personal injuries sustained by persons in the sample. A number of significant correlations were obtained between scales on the Denver Lifestyle Inventory (DSI) and personal injuries. In addition, Derailments were significantly correlated with behavior and attitudinal predictors reflecting physical and mental distractibility and activity, possibly indicating a possible pattern or individual characteristic of distractibility or lack of concentration. Distractibility was also significantly correlated with Reaction Time and Digit Span Trials Correct from the Web Neuro Battery. Lastly, Absenteeism was significantly correlated with items related to comfort and satisfaction with shift work schedules. The data gathered in the study provide validity consistent with that of the Uniform Personnel Selection Guidelines (EEOC, 1964, 1978). Implications of these results suggest a higher probability for selecting and maintaining a work force with a low accident injury rate by using the pre-employment selection tools.
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