Best Management Practices for Routine Roadway Maintenance Activities in New Hampshire
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Abstract:The New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT) and other state municipalities maintain approximately 16,853 miles of roadway in this state. An important component of the maintenance program is drainage control. This is principally conducted through the replacement of culverts, cleanout of the channels leading to the culverts and repair of stream banks abutting our roadways. NH Department of Transportation (NHDOT), in conjunction with the NH Department of Environmental Services (NHDES), has developed this manual of Best Management Practices (BMPs). The intent of this manual is to provide a menu of best management practices from which all roadway maintenance personnel may select practices appropriate to specific sites and conditions and employ the most responsive control measures for protecting the environment. It is important to note that this is NOT a technical engineering manual. The body of this manual was written August 2001. Throughout this manual are descriptions of, and references to a NHDES Administrative Rule allowing for a permit by notification process for certain activities conducted in accordance with the guidelines in the manual. A dredge and fill permit is not required for these activities. Effective March 21, 2003, NHDES has adopted this new Administrative Rule: Wt 303.05(q). Figures, tables, appendices. 54p.
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