C3RS: Midterm Accomplishments at Another Site and Success Factors Across Sites, Research Results
Alternative Title:C³RS: Midterm Accomplishments at Another Site and Success Factors Across Sites
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TRIS Online Accession Number:01592050
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Abstract:The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) has been implementing the Confidential Close Call Reporting System (C³RS). This reporting system includes: Confidential reporting; Root-cause-analysis problem solving by a Peer Review Team (PRT) comprising labor, management, and FRA; Implementation and review of corrective actions, some locally, and others system-wide with the help of a Support Team made up of senior managers; Tracking the results of change; and Reporting the results of change. Demonstration pilot sites for C³RS were set up at Union Pacific Railroad (UP); Canadian Pacific Railway (CP); New Jersey Transit (NJT); and Amtrak. FRA is sponsoring a rigorous evaluation of C³RS in order to answer three questions: (1) What conditions are necessary to implement C³RS successfully? (2) What is the impact of C³RS on safety and safety culture? (3) What factors help to sustain C³RS? This evaluation has been organized into baseline, midterm, and final time periods at each site. To protect company confidentiality, specific sites are not identified in the findings. This report is part of a series of Research Results that will provide the public with the evaluation’s findings. This paper contains 1) findings at one demonstration site (Site A), which are based on interviews with stakeholders and redacted C³RS program data, as well as 2) cross-site findings from several other sites.
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