Development of the ConnDOT Horizontal Curve Classification Software: Phase II: Final Report
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TRIS Online Accession Number:01597416
Edition:Final Report, 2014-2015
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Abstract:Horizontal curves are an integral part of roadway design; they provide a transition between tangents on a roadway. While many types of horizontal curves can be used in the geometric design of a roadway, simple circular curves are typically used. Other curve types that can be used include compound and spiral curves. The development of a quick, reliable, and efficient method for identification of horizontal curves and extraction of their geometric parameters from road inventory data is of immense benefit to transportation agencies and traffic safety. Efficient and reliable identification of horizontal curves and extraction of geometric parameters like radius, degree of curvature, point of curvature, and point of tangency can be used by transportation agencies to set advisory speeds, perform design and safety audits, select placement of curve warning signs, and evaluate vehicle crashes that occur at or near horizontal curve locations on the roadway. Phase II of this project attempts to create a software package that can automate the process of identifying the point of curvature and point of tangency of every curve on the state network in Connecticut. Using five designed curves and the reverse run of the same stretch of roadway a software package was developed. Each curve on the state system was identified and the roadway geometry for each curve was calculated.
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