Guidelines for State ITS/CVO Business Plans
Alternative Title:Guidelines for state intelligent transportation systems/commercial vehicle operations business plans;Final technical memorandum : guidelines for state ITS/CVO business plans;
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Edition:Technical memorandum
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Abstract:This technical memorandum was developed as part of the study, “Systems Planning for Automated Commercial Vehicle Licensing and Permitting Systems.” The objective of this study was to define the requirements and develop a plan for a national program to apply Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) to commercial vehicle operations (CVO). A primary recommendation of this project is that the FHWA should encourage each state to develop an ITS/CVO business plan. A state ITS/CVO business plan is a “roadmap” to a state’s ITS/CVO program that defines broad goals and objectives, as well as specific projects, milestones, responsibilities, and funding levels. The business plan emphasizes the application of ITS technologies to improve state CVO processes and procedures. The objectives of ITS/CVO business plans are to: provide a framework for identifying problems in current CVO processes and opportunities for applying ITS to address these problems; achieve consensus on the ITS/CVO projects and policies among state agencies and the motor carrier industry; allow ITS/CVO projects to be developed and deployed in a coordinated manner; and serve as a concise program summary that may be distributed to state agencies, legislators, the general public, and other states. This technical memorandum provides a guide to developing a state ITS/CVO business plan. It also reviews the status and results of state ITS/CVO business planning to date. The report is intended for a state department of transportation, or any other agency that has the overall responsibility for developing the state’s ITS/CVO program. It also will assist representatives from the FHWA Office of Motor Carriers who are assigned to support state agencies in developing the ITS/CVO business plans.
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