South Lake Tahoe Coordinated Transit System Project – Phase III Evaluation Report
Alternative Title:Evaluation of the Salt Lake Tahoe Coordinated Transit System (CTS) project : phase III evaluation report
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Abstract:This report presents the results of the national evaluation of the South Lake Tahoe coordinated Transit System (CTS) Project. The CTS Project involved combining transit services offered by private and public sector stakeholders in South Lake Tahoe into one centrally-dispatched operation that uses intelligent transportation system (ITS) technologies to improve transit efficiency and to create a more visitor-friendly transit system. The coordinated transit system spans the jurisdictions of two counties in two states as well as one city, and incorporates the private transit resources of five casinos and one ski resort. The evaluation consisted of a system impact study primarily focused on determining the impact of consolidating the services on ridership, customer satisfaction, and operating efficiency; and an institutional issues review focused on gathering and documenting the organizational and institutional challenges encountered by the project stakeholders. Lessons learned in deploying and operating the technologies and the system were also gathered from the stakeholders throughout the course of the evaluation. The evaluation approach involved conducting passenger intercept surveys on-board the demand-response casino shuttles both before and after consolidation of the services, gathering transit ridership data and operational cost data from the transit operator, and gathering tourism measures (hotel room-nights sold data, traffic count data, and gambling revenue data) to approximate seasonal changes and trends in visitation in the South Lake Tahoe area. The results of the customer satisfaction analysis showed that customers are as satisfied with the consolidated casino shuttle service as they were with the independent casino shuttles that operated pre-CTS. Customers were generally satisfied with the operation of the service (wait time, travel time, and number of stops to pick up and drop off other passengers), as well as with the cost of the service and with the trip-booking technologies. In terms of benefit to transit staff, interviews with shuttle drivers and dispatchers revealed that drivers saw the largest benefit in receiving automated trip changes through their Mobile Data Terminals while dispatchers saw the biggest benefit in having real-time vehicle location at their fingertips and in having some kiosk trip requests automatically assigned by the CAD system. In terms of operating efficiency, it was found that the consolidation of casino shuttle services allowed the transit operator to provide a similar level of service with less vehicles. Another efficiency gain noted was that the operator was able to share resources between the two demand-response services on occasion.
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