Strategic Approaches at the Corridor and Network Level to Minimize Disruption from the Renewal Process [supporting datasets]
Alternative Title:SHRP 2 report S2-R11-RW-1. [supporting datasets]
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Abstract:Source: Provided by ITS DataHub ( through the National Transportation Library.
As our highway infrastructure continues to age, there is the imperative need to renew the entire network while keeping it operational. Moreover, many highway corridors and regional networks are becoming ever more congested. As a result there is an increasing need to (1) examine various construction alternatives within those corridors and networks to determine the potential disruption and/or benefit that alternative renewal activities may have over time, and (2) examine the effect of constructing multiple corridors concurrently or in sequence. Without an evaluation of the various construction alternatives during the program and project development process, negative impacts on the traveling public and the local communities may increase dramatically.
The research on Project R11 focused on answering the following related questions:
• How should highway reconstruction projects be set in space and time to minimize disruption to the traveling public, businesses, and adjacent communities?
• What is the traffic impact on the regional network when multiple corridors are being considered for renewal?
• Are there strategies that may minimize impacts on the corridor and/or regional network?
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