Measures to Alleviate Congestion at Rural intersections
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Abstract:Many rural highways experience a surge in traffic flow levels on certain “high-travel” days during national holidays. Due to the platooned nature of the high volume traffic on the main highway, vehicles on the minor approach attempting to turn to the major highway are subjected to excessive delays. Our research focuses on alternative intersection treatments to alleviate congestion at rural intersections during increased traffic volume on high-travel days. Specifically, the case study we investigated is the intersection of State Highway 55 (SH55), Banks-Lowman Road, and Banks-Grade Way. The high hourly traffic volume on SH55 during Memorial Day, Independence Day, and other summer weekends causes excessive delay for vehicles on the Banks-Lowman Road. Traffic flow trends for the intersection were obtained from data collected from several Automatic Traffic Recorders (ATR) continuously monitoring traffic near the intersection. In addition, field data was collected at the intersection during the 2014 Memorial Day and Independence Day weekends. The results of our study showed that signalization of the intersection along with some geometry alternation are the recommended treatments to alleviate the congestion and provide safe, efficient movement for both vehicular and pedestrian traffic at this intersection.
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