Evaluation of seismic testing for quality assurance of lime-stabilized soil.
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Abstract:This study sought to determine the technical feasibility of using seismic techniques to measure the
laboratory and field seismic modulus of lime-stabilized soils (LSS), and to compare/correlate test results
from bench-top (free-free resonance) seismic testing on LSS cylinders to in-situ (surface seismic) testing
performed on field-constructed LSS. In addition, this research sought to develop a pilot specification for
quality assurance of LSS using seismic test methods. The growth of modulus was found to vary as a nonlinear function of both temperature and curing time. Differences in modulus growth between free-free
resonance (LSS cylinders) and surface wave (field-constructed LSS) data can be attributed to constructionrelated issues, and are not the result of testing equipment/practice. The study supports the recommendations
of the CDOT specification for LSS (Section 307) in that grading should be performed immediately after
construction as grading conducted on later days (i.e., days 4-8) resulted in significant seismic modulus loss
on field-constructed LSS.
This study recommends the use of seismic testing for QA of LSS via the pilot specification developed in
Chapter 5 of this report. The specification allows for the use of either cylinder or surface wave testing to
determine the seismic modulus of field-constructed LSS. It is written in a manner that allows CDOT
personnel to implement the proposed approach.
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