Continuous prestressed concrete girder bridges volume 1 : literature review and preliminary designs.
Alternative Title:Project title: Continuous Prestressed Concrete Girder Bridges
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Edition:Technical report; Sept. 2010¿Sept. 2011.
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Abstract:The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is currently designing typical highway bridge structures as simply supported using standard precast, pretensioned girders. TxDOT is interested in developing additional economical design alternatives for longer span bridges, through the use of the continuous precast, pretensioned concrete bridge structures that use spliced girder technology. The objectives of this portion of the study are to evaluate the current state-of-the-art and practice relevant to continuous precast concrete girder bridges and recommend suitable continuity connections for use with typical Texas bridge girders.
A wide variety of design and construction approaches are possible when making these precast concrete bridges continuous with longer spans. Continuity connection details used for precast, prestressed concrete girder bridges across the United States were investigated. Several methods were reviewed that have been used in the past to provide continuity and increase the span length of slab-on-girder prestressed concrete bridges. Construction issues that should be considered during the concept development and design stage are highlighted. Splice connections are categorized into distinct types. Advantages and disadvantages of each approach are discussed with a focus on construction and long-term serviceability. A preliminary design study was conducted to explore potential span lengths for continuous bridges using the current TxDOT precast girder sections, standard girder spacings and material properties. The revised provisions for spliced precast girders in the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications (2010) were used in the study. The results obtained from the literature review and preliminary designs, along with precaster and contractor input, are summarized in this report.
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