Infrared scan of concrete admixtures and structural steel paints.
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Edition:Final report; Jan. 1, 2010-June 30, 2011.
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Abstract:This study evaluates correlation coefficients for concrete admixtures and structural steel paints by
performing IR scans using ASTM C494-05a specifications. The intent of this study is to perform a
sufficient number of IR scans from different batches of the same sample as supplied by the
manufacturer. These scans are then analyzed and average correlation coefficients for each sample
are obtained. Each admixture and steel paint will have its own correlation coefficient as determined
by the corresponding scans. The correlation coefficients will be used to quantitatively evaluate and
interpret the IR scans of job samples. A total of 23 commonly used concrete admixtures by NJDOT
were tested. They include air-entraining agents, water-reducing agents, retarders, accelerating
agents, and combinations of these agents as well as corrosion inhibitors. In addition, a total of 28
structural steel paints used by NJDOT were tested. They include primary coats, secondary coats, thin
films, and resins. For concrete admixtures, the established correlation coefficients were the average
values of a total of 12 scans from three different batches. For steel paints, the established correlation
coefficients were the average values of a total of 6 scans from three different batches. Few field
samples of concrete admixtures were tested and their scans were compared with the established
correlations. The study also includes an investigation of the effect of KBr types on correlations
coefficients as well the effect of drying time of air- entraining admixtures on its correlation values. The
results of this study include methodology, test procedures, scan data, and correlation coefficients for
quantitative assessment of the most commonly used concrete admixtures and structural steel paints
on the qualified producer/supplier QPL NJDOT list.
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