Subject specific white paper (SSWP) on UT/LS chemistry and transport [SSWP# I]
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Abstract:This SSWP summarizes important results in key areas since the last major aircraft impacts assessment [IPCC 1999]. Significant progress has been made in the areas of: Measurements of emissions of chemi-ions, NOx, and trace organic species from aircraft engines; Observations constraining the lightning and convective fluxes of NOx to the upper troposphere; Measurements of HOx, its precursors, and coupled NOx/HOx chemistries in the UT; Rates rate and extent of conversion of NOx to NOy in the UT; New observations of water vapor and particles that help to constrain important processes that determine stability of cirrus clouds and persistent contrails; Model studies of the impact of aircraft emissions of particles on ozone in the UT/LS; Model studies of the potential role for destruction of ozone in the UT by heterogeneous reactions involving halogen species. In addition to studies that can lead to improvements in our understanding of the impacts of aircraft emissions, there are longstanding issues and new observations that raise important new questions about our understanding of UT/LS chemistry that may have significant.
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