Noise measurement flight test of five light helicopters
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Edition:Final report; July 1991 - May 1993
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Abstract:The U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, (U.S.DOT/FAA),
along with the U.S. DOT, Research and Special Programs Administration, Volpe National
Transportation Systems Center (RSPA/Volpe Center) conducted a helicopter noise
measurement flight test in Champaign, Illinois, during the period July 22 through 26,
1991. The primary objective of the study was to obtain the field data necessary to
examine the feasibility of a simplified helicopter-noise-certification procedure
(screening test). Acoustic data were measured by and stored on a hand-held sound level
meter (on-line processing) and recorded on digital tape for later off-line
processing. A comparison of the measured on-line acoustic data with the acoustic data
processed off-line provided the foundation necessary to evaluate the feasibility of
the proposed screening test. In addition to acoustic measurements, meteorological
data and helicopter tracking and performance data were also obtained.
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