Development of Physics-Based Deterioration Models for Reinforced Soil Retaining Structures [Research Brief]
Corporate Creators:
Corporate Contributors:State of California SB1 2017/2018, Trustees of the California State University Sponsored Programs Administration ; United States. Department of Transportation. University Transportation Centers (UTC) Program ; United States. Department of Transportation. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology
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Edition:Research Brief
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Abstract:This study used advanced numerical modeling approaches to offer valuable insights into the behavior and long-term performance of early-generation reinforced soil walls constructed in the 1970s for asset management purposes. An asset-scale, hydromechanical numerical model was developed for a reinforced soil wall constructed with metallic reinforcement and subject to weather conditions. A material-scale reinforcement model was added to the asset-scale model to account for moisture-driven corrosion, enabling reinforcements to corrode over time at varying rates based on moisture levels in the fill at each reinforcement location. Such a numerical model can predict long-term performance indicators necessary for vulnerability assessment of old, aging reinforced soil walls.
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