L&D On-ramps and Off-ramps for the Mobility Workforce: A Blueprint for Knowledge Ecosystem Formation in the Fourth Industrial Revolution
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Corporate Contributors:State of California SB1 2017/2018, Trustees of the California State University Sponsored Programs Administration ; United States. Department of Transportation. University Transportation Centers (UTC) Program ; United States. Department of Transportation. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology
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Abstract:After a yearlong consensus study, this report presents a blueprint with implementation tools and strategies for CSULB and other CSU campuses to adopt a knowledge ecosystem model in higher education. By conducting talent pipeline pilots for internship preparation activities and related survey and focus group research, the research team found near universal support for pursuing university-industry partnerships. Faculty identified extracurricular activities, experiential learning opportunities, and guidance on further education as their top three priorities when mentoring students in professional development. There was, however, a paradoxical perception among faculty about what universities provide in terms of knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) and what industry values in new employees. This paradox begs the solution of having university faculty and administrators collaborate with industry professionals in the planning and delivery of professional development activities for students. The California State University system has ready homes for such “third space” activities in their colleges of professional and continuing education (PaCE units) and in their centers and institutes.
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