National Transportation Library Annual Update 2024
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Abstract:At the final Transportation Librarians Roundtable (TLR) for 2024, librarians from the National Transportation Library (NTL) shared annual updates. Rosalyn Alleman provided an overview of Reference Team accomplishments, knowledge management, TLR activities, and social media and outreach efforts. Beth Burnett described ROSA P metrics, initiatives including a new technical services ticketing system and new metadata policy, and completing the project cataloging the TLR backlog. Jesse Long discussed NTL’s Core Trust Seal application, new guidance for SMART Grants data management plans, updated policies, and new tools developed to increase efficiency for data services. Eden Orelove gave an overview of archives projects including outreach activities, new acquisitions, creating a new website and collections catalog, and processing special collections.
Content Notes:Recording length: 58m 39s
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