Data-Driven Methods to Assess Transportation System Resilience in Arkansas
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Edition:Final Report
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Abstract:The work described in this report proposes a foundational and repeatable resiliency assessment methodology to identify the most critical and vulnerable highway infrastructure assets. This study developed resiliency metrics that measure the overall network resiliency as a combination of the probability of disruptions in one or more of the network links (threats) and the importance of the link to mobility (criticality). The research team synthesized existing studies and practices to (a) define resiliency assessment methods, (b) define resiliency indices, and (c) evaluate the current state of practices within ARDOT. The method developed by the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) was adopted in this study. Briefly, the CDOT method estimates the criticality and vulnerability of each transportation network segment. Six criteria were used to estimate system criticality: traffic volume (annual average daily traffic [AADT]), roadway classification, freight output, tourism output, Social Vulnerability Index (SoVI), and redundancy. Three threat types were used to estimate system vulnerability: floods, landslides, and earthquakes. The criticality and vulnerability values were converted into intensity scores and then combined so that the highest-scoring links were considered the most critical and most vulnerable based on the underlying data and assumptions used. Crittenden, Mississippi, and Craighead counties ranked highest in terms of combined criticality and vulnerability. Across all roadway segments, five segments had the highest combined criticality and vulnerability score. For these segments, we performed a detailed benefit-cost analysis of the existing (baseline) asset conditions and possible mitigation alternatives.
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