Automatic Updating of Traffic Volume Data for Signal Timing Plan Development
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Abstract:The purpose of this research was to test the validity of using automatically-collected traffic volumes from selected system detector sites to generate a full TRANSYT-7F data file for calculating signal network timing plans. Termed the 1.5 GC control concept, this approach assumes that volume shifts on selected links will accurately represent shifts throughout the network. Tests were run at two significantly different test sites and included several detector placement scenarios. The essential tasks included determining from a pre-existing data set the factors to be used to designate which volume data (locations) would serve as a surrogate to represent data collected by "system detectors." Site-specific algorithms were devised to synthesize TRANSYT data from the system detector data. New turning movement volume data were then collected at all signalized intersections at the same time link volume counts were manually collected at system detector sites. Applying the algorithms, TRANSYT-7F input files were created and signal settings were then generated using the estimated link volumes and link-to-link movement data. This TRANSYT run was then compared to the optimum settings generated using the new full TRANSYT data set. Results from multiple TRANSYT runs for both test sites strongly suggest that the 1.5 GC approach as simulated in this research is a viable alternative to the labor-intensive conventional field data collection currently used to develop TRANSYT-7F volume data files. This allows more frequent updates of timing plans to meet changing traffic conditions.
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