Opioid Crisis and Transportation Investments in Tennessee
Alternative Title:RES2021-14: Opioid Crisis and Transportation Investments in Tennessee [Title from Cover]
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Abstract:The opioid epidemic is a pressing public health issue in the United States and globally, and disparities in access to treatment for opioid use disorder (OUD) persist across the US. One of the key challenges identified in treatment is access to treatment facilities; thus, transportation is a critical component to improving the situation. In this project, we investigated the current needs and limitations with regard to treatment accessibility across the state of Tennessee given current transportation mechanisms in place and performed a case study evaluation of three communities to demonstrate travel for treatment for individuals across urban, suburban and rural areas. Based upon the needs assessment for the state and the case study analysis, options to improve accessibility for residents in Tennessee are presented. Additionally, a small set of interviews of staff at treatment facilities was conducted to provide additional context on the issues at hand. The methodology utilized publicly available data for transferability to other locations that are attempting to mitigate the opioid epidemic.
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