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Edition:Final Report
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Abstract:Many transit operators are very interested in improving their management practices. To assist these operators, UMTA has been funding, through the Section 8 Technical Studies Program, local studies to evaluate existing management practices and develop recommendations for improvements. This document is the third of three reports from an UMTA-funded study of risk management programs that was conducted for the Wisconsin Department of Transportation. The first report, Management Planning: Wisconsin Insurance Study, summarized the evaluation of the insurance programs of the 19 urban transit systems in Wisconsin and provided recommendations for improvement of these programs. The second report. Saving on Bus Insurance in Wisconsin, described the process used to implement one of these recommendations, the development of a group insurance program for the urban transit systems. This program saved almost $275,000 in the first year of operation, or about 47 percent over the costs of the expiring programs. This report is a safety manual that was prepared for use by the transit systems in Wisconsin. The focus of this manual is on actions that transit systems can take to safeguard their assets in a cost-effective manner. We believe that the recent increases in insurance costs makes this report "must-readinq" for all transit systems. Additional copies of this report are available from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), Springfield, Virginia, 22161 at cost.
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