Development of Crash Modification Factors (CMFs) for Utah Intersections
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Abstract:This research project aims at developing state-specific CMFs at intersections in Utah to quantify the safety impact of the countermeasures. Considering the research needs, data availability, and suggestions from the Technical Advisory Committee, the CMFs of four left-turn-phasing-related treatments, namely converting both-roadway permissive to one-roadway permissive-protected left-turn phasing, converting one-roadway to both-roadway permissive-protected left-turn phasing, converting both-roadway permissive-protected to one-roadway protected left-turn phasing, and converting one-roadway to both-roadway protected left-turn phasing are developed using the cross-sectional study. The results revealed that the conversion from permissive to permissive-protected left-turn signals showed no improvement in safety. However, converting permissive-protected signals to protected signals did result in a reduction of left-turn-related crashes. The CMF estimates for converting to protected left-turn phasing align with findings from other states, but CMFs for converting to permissive-protected phasing are higher than those seen in other states. A survey of other state DOT practices of permissive-protected left-turn phasing indicates that Utah typically uses a shorter protected portion of the permissive-protected phasing compared to other states which may be a possible reason for why Utah’s CMFs are higher.
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