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Edition:Final report
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Abstract:A study of erosion processes in channel bends and methods of controlling channel bank erosion in bends is reported on. Flow and erosion processes in channel bends are categorized and discussed to aid in identifying the erosion mechanisms and processes active at a particular site. Knowledge of the active erosion processes is important to the selection of an appropriate streambank stabilization measure, as well as to considerations in the final design of the structure. Flow control and streambank stabilization structures are also identified and classified. The categories of streambank stabilization structures reported on include spurs, revetments, retardance structures, longitudinal dikes, and bulkheads. Numerous individual countermeasure types are identified within each of these countermeasure groups. The applicability of countermeasure groups, and individual countermeasure types are reviewed in terms of the countermeasures function or purpose, erosion mechanisms countered, river characteristics, geomorphic and other impacts of the erosion control system, vandalism and maintenance considerations, construction related considerations, and costs. This review provides guidelines for the selection of an individual countermeasure types is also included. This report is based on a thorough literature search, extensive review and evaluation of field installations, and numerous personal contacts with design engineers.
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