Development of Instrumented Bikes: Toward Smart Cycling Infrastructure and Maintenance
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Edition:Final Report
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Abstract:This project is to develop an instrumented bike with a sensor logger, a video device (e.g., GoPro), a mobile app, and a cloud server/website to detect real-time quality of cycling infrastructure systems (bike trails, sidewalks, pedestrian pathways, etc), and immediately share the information with cyclists (road users) and governments/authorities (road managers) such that (1) cyclists (road users) will be aware of upcoming potential hazards prior to cycling and be able to adjust their cycling route accordingly, and (2) governments (road managers) will be able to effectively prioritize their maintenance needs. A computing algorithm using the sliding window method was developed in support of the development of instrumented bike. Based on field cycling test, the sliding window computing algorithm is capable of analyzing vibration patterns and identifying potential hazards (potholes, bumps, uneven surface, cracks, etc.) through multiple cyclists. The purpose of the project is to introduce an instrumented bike to the cycling community and agencies with a goal to provide “smart wheels” for day-to-day cycling operations, improve bike efficiency, safety, and mobility, promote cycling activities, and reduce emissions.
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