Develop an Improved SDDOT Construction Cost Index
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Edition:Final Report (Mar 2019 – Feb 2021)
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Abstract:A highway construction cost index (HCCI) is an indicator of the purchasing power of a highway agency. Highway agencies can monitor their construction market conditions using HCCIs to make various financial planning decisions. The main goal of this study is to modernize the HCCI system of South Dakota DOT by developing an enhanced HCCI calculation and forecasting methodologies and a software program by incorporating recent guidance from the Federal Highway Administration and adopting advanced theories on HCCI calculation. To achieve the goal, the study a) reviewed the current HCCI calculation methodology used by the agency, b) interviewed potential HCCI users from South Dakota, c) developed a proven multidimensional HCCI calculation methodology using the concept of the dynamic item basket, and d) developed two methods to forecast HCCIs, and e) developed a software program to automate the HCCI calculation and forecasting processes. In addition to the overall HCCI, more than a dozen sub-HCCIs were developed to show more granular market conditions across the state of South Dakota. The sub-HCCIs showed that specific construction market conditions, such as rural and urban market conditions, do not necessarily follow the trend of the overall statewide market condition. For HCCI forecasting, a linear regression model provided a better result than the weighted time series method. The methodologies and the software program developed for this research are expected to aid SDDOT in improving its ability to monitor the construction market trend closely and more accurately. The availability of more granular market conditions from sub-HCCIs are expected to increase the use of HCCIs at SDDOT.
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