Evaluating Economic Mobility and Resilience of Multimodal Freight Operations in a Connected Vehicle Environment
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Edition:Final Report-February 28, 2018
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Abstract:Connected Vehicle Technology (CVT) has the potential to become very relevant and crucial for multimodal transportation, which involves a synchronized operation of two or more modes of freight (such as trucks, rail, air cargo and ports) responsible for transfer of essential goods and commodities on a large scale. However, very little is known about the influence of reliability of CVT network on the freight industry. Therefore, this research will aim to understand the implications of CVT implementation for multimodal freight operations in determining efficient routes for mobility and resilience with connected vehicles’ network reliability. The influence of CVT using vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communications on routing of the freight vehicles in the multimodal operations becomes critical for commercial trucks, which, unlike freight rail, have some flexibility in detouring and deviating in order to access other links and nodes of the highway network to complete a trip. Thus, for trucks, reliability of communication network of CVT for proper route guidance becomes paramount. A perfectly reliable communication network would be a network in which all freight vehicles constituting the multimodal freight system exhibit CVT and communicate with each other during transport operations.
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