Winter Pothole Treatments for Local Roads
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Edition:Final Report
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Abstract:This report summarizes the results of a study was conducted to identify efficient and cost-effective pothole patching treatments and provide recommendation for optimal methods and materials that various Local Public Agencies (LPAs) can use to enhance the performance and longevity of pothole patches installed during the winter season. To achieve these objectives, a survey of LPAs in Ohio and nationally and a comprehensive literature review were performed to identify the best methods and materials used for winter pothole patching. A comprehensive field-testing plan was developed to evaluate the identified methods and materials. The testing plan considered different factors pothole patching methods and/or materials combination, pothole size and depth, pavement structure type, type of road and traffic, and climate region and weather. A total of 686 patches were installed as part of the testing plan in different LPAs in Ohio using the considered method and materials and their combination. In addition, the patches performance and longevity were monitored. Data mining techniques were employed in order to identify the factors that dictates the patch performance. In addition, survival analysis was conducted to determine the expected lifetime of the different patching methods/materials combinations. Finally, cost analysis was conducted to determine the life cycle cost of the different patching methods/materials combinations The results of this study indicated that the overall performance of the patch was dependent on number of factors, including: patching materials, patching methods, pothole size, pothole depth as well as environmental factors such as number of freezing days below 26°F and number of days to experience first snow fall after patch installation. The results of survivability analysis indicated that both patching materials and method have significant effect on the longevity of the patch. The results of cost analysis indicated that the throw and roll with certain cold mixes types were the most cost effective when used for patching potholes on residential streets. In addition, for the arterial streets, certain cold mix types and hot recycled mix with throw and roll-tamper method were the most cost-effective combinations. Based on the results of this study, a decision tree was developed to select the optimal repair methods and materials combination for winter pothole patches on local roads. Furthermore, detailed procedures for performing repairs using different patching methods were also provided.
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