Artificial Intelligence (AI) For Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Program: Real-World AI Scenarios in Transportation for Possible Deployment
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Abstract:The Identifying Real-World Transportation Applications Using Artificial Intelligence (AI): Real-World AI Scenarios in Transportation for Possible Deployment report (July 2020, FHWA-JPO-20-810) identifies practical real-world scenarios where AI offers the potential to address specific transportation needs. These high-value scenarios serve as a template for potential deployments that demonstrate the transformational power of AI to address ITS operational challenges. The report identifies five real-world scenarios: Urban Arterial Network, Urban Multimodal Corridor, Regional System Management, Rural Freeway Corridor, and Underserved Communities. The report defines these scenarios by their unique operational challenges (e.g., coordinating multi-agency responses), principal facility types covered (e.g., urban arterial), and key user types served (e.g., underserved communities, long-haul truck driver). For each scenario, the report: (1) discusses how AI could potentially be used to address operational challenges relevant to that scenario, (2) illustrates a concept for the scenario where actors interact with the AI-enabled systems, and (3) summarizes potential benefits and value to the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) of investing in AI-powered solutions for the scenario.
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